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PowerPoint课件设计制作中的问题分析及改进对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文分析了目前在课堂教学中广泛使用的PowerPoint课件在设计制作方面存在的问题,从PowerPoint基本特性分析、PowerPoint课件定位、PowerPoint课件设计制作中应该遵循的原则规律等方面入手,寻求改进PowerPoint课件设计制作中存在问题的方法及对策,从而提高PowerPoint课件设计制作水平,使PowerPoint课件真正成为广大教师教学工作中的得力助手.  相似文献   

利用VBA来提高PowerPoint制作的课件交互性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
PowerPoint可以说是现在各级教师使用的最广泛的一种课件制作工具,它具有使用简便、兼容性好的优点,深受广大教师的欢迎。但是在使用的过程中也有一些教师,特别是理科教师觉得功能太简单了,不能满足课件制作的需求,而不得不改用Authoware等课件制作工具。本文给大家介绍在微软公司的各种办公软件中应用的VBA来增强POwerPoint制作出来的课件交互性。  相似文献   

PowerPoint制作课件技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用PowerPoint制作课件进行教学是教师最基本、最常用的现代教育技术的应用.制作课件时常常会有一些教学构思无法在PowerPoint中实现,感到遗憾.其实PowerPoint中的许多强大功能,完全可以运用在实践中,使教学构思能更充分地体现在课件中.以下是我个人在物理科的教学过程中制作课件的一些实用技巧.  相似文献   

PowerPoint是一个易学易用的应用软件,大多数教师在制作课件时也比较倾向于这个软件,但在使用PowerPoint制作课件的同时,又总是觉得PowerPoint的动画效果过于简单。虽然使用Flash、Authware等软件可以  相似文献   

黄卫红  石超 《物理教师》2010,31(1):46-46
多媒体课件,特别是Flash动画的使用使我们的课堂教学增色不少.高中物理教师基本能使用PowerPoint制作多媒体课件,应用Flash制作动画的人却不多,但网络上有大量精致的flash动画,完全可以下载后整合到我们的PowerPoint课件中,笔者就如何在PowerPoint中整合、提取flash动画做一简单介绍.  相似文献   

PowerPoint是中小学各学科教师常用的多媒体制作软件,以其简单、容易操作的特点成为教师首选的课件工具。目前很多教师对PowerPoint的使用还仅仅停留在演示课件这一层面,对PowerPoint的交互功能认识不多。本文结合教学实例向读者介绍PowerPoint实现智能交互的两种方法。  相似文献   

PowerPoint已成为目前教师制作课件中使用最为普遍的软件工具,课堂演示教学中最常见的教学形式。然而,在深入中小学观摩调研的过程中,笔者了解到,教师利用PowerPoint制作的课件缺乏交互性、灵活性,从而导致利用课件实施教学的效  相似文献   

PowerPoint是学校教学中最常用、最尚洁的课件制作软件,但其在交互方面还是欠缺一些。本文旨在通过在PowerPoint中使用简短的VBA程序,设计制作单选、多选、判断和填空题型,帮助教师充分挖掘PowerPoint的功能,使其更好地服务于教学。  相似文献   

大家都知道,无论在大学、中学还是小学,真正进入课堂教学且使用最多的课件制作软件就是PowerPoint2003了。教师在使用PowerPoint2003备课的过程中积累了很多有关PowerPoint2003制作的基础知识技能和经验。那么,对于一些我们想要的动画效果,是不是可以经过巧妙构思之后,用PowerPoint2003就能够实现呢?  相似文献   

教师制作PPT课件存在的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
PowerPoint课件在各级各类学校多媒体课堂教学中使用率占90%以上。但由于许多教师自制的PowerPoint课件质量不高,运用方式不恰当,未能真正达到使用多媒体优化课堂教学的目的。本文对教师制作PowerPoint课件过程中存在的问题进行讨论,并提出了提高PowerPoint课件质量的方法与技巧。  相似文献   

Nowadays, with the rapid progress of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), the integration of ICTs in education has attracted more and more attention of educators and researchers. However, there are different situations between developed and less-developed nations both in ICT application and in ICT research. PowerPoint is a readily available and most popular tool for teaching in some less-developed countries. Under this particular circumstance, it is not an outdated issue to explore teachers’ use of PowerPoint in teaching. Thus, this paper systematically looked at teachers’ PowerPoint use in the setting of Chinese kindergartens. Specifically, four questions were explored: (i) the status of PowerPoint-related infrastructures in the kindergartens; (ii) teachers’ use of PowerPoint in teaching; (iii) teachers’ design, competences and training related to PowerPoint; (iv) teachers’ perceptions and attitudes toward PowerPoint in teaching. A sample of 62 kindergarten teachers was investigated with a self-created questionnaire. Finally, it was found that the kindergartens had been well equipped with PowerPoint-related equipments; teachers frequently implemented teaching activities with PowerPoint and in an intelligent manner; the majority of teachers had positive perceptions and attitudes toward PowerPoint’s general effects, but there was an imbalance of perceptions and attitudes toward children’ emotional-social aspects and children’s cognitive aspects. Besides, the influencing factors of the availability and access to PowerPoint equipments in kindergartens, PowerPoint’s location, teachers’ using years of PowerPoint, teachers’ knowledge and skills, teachers’ training were also emphasized by this study.  相似文献   

网络课程是以互联网络为主要交流平台而建设的教学内容及教学活动的总和。积件思想是一种以人为本的教育思想,它将教学信息资源与教学思想、教学方法、学习理论相结合的主动权交还给了师生。基于积件思想的化学网络课程是在积件基础之上生成的,它的开发理念与运行环境都不同于常规的课件,它的设计既注重教师“教”的过程,又重视学生“学”的过程,可以实现更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

教学积件库为高校"学前卫生学"课程改革提供知识信息素材的支撑,在教学实践中可以促进CAI的广泛应用,促使教师教学方式的转变。本文以积件理论为支撑,重点探讨了"学前卫生学"教学积件库的整体架构、内容结构及功能,旨为构建"学前卫生学"教学资源库提供一条新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

与其他多媒体制作软件相比,PowerPoint制作周期短、修改方便、便于呈现,在日常教学中被普遍使用。为增强PowerPoint多媒体课件的交互性和灵活性,掌握PowerPoint制作多媒体课件过程中一些超链接的使用及Flash插入技巧,有利于增强多媒体课件的交互性和灵活性。  相似文献   

Slideware applications (e.g., PowerPoint) have become more prevalent in instruction across disciplines. This is especially true at post secondary institutions where many instructors are using slideware as a sole instructional tool. This study evaluated the relative effectiveness of scientific visualization in two PowerPoint delivery strategies on science learning for preservice teachers. Twenty-five preservice teachers enrolled in an undergraduate introduction to science education class were stratified into two PowerPoint delivery strategies. The strategies were: PowerPoint with instructor voiceover narration and PowerPoint without voiceover. Post-test Mann-Whitney U suggested no differences (p > 0.05) in science learning across the two strategies. Further, eye tracking analysis suggests voiceover guides the PowerPoint user to graphics and text, but voiceover does not significantly affect learning. Results suggest immediacy with technology doesn't necessarily produce meaningful learning. Good teaching still is the key component of meaningful learning.  相似文献   

技校学生在学习VB语言时,找不到简单而实用的例子,其实在计算机附件中有一个“计算器”,通过用VB语言设计一个计算器,加深对VB语言的认识。  相似文献   

为帮助教师快速、准确批改PowerPoint操作题,提出基于AutoIt3和VBA的PowerPoint操作题自动批量批改程序.通过对PowerPoint操作题划分评分点和对应分值,采用VBA编写自动批改代码,运用AutoIt3编写自动批量批改代码,实现PowerPoint操作题自动批量批改.通过比较表明,相较于教师人工批量批改,机器自动批量批改大大提高了批改效率和批改质量.  相似文献   

We have conducted an experiment to discover how we can co-teach the course 'Engineering Design Problem Formulation' simultaneously at the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU, Pittsburgh, USA). We have formed teams that involved students from both countries, and we have experimented with long distance collaboration. In doing so, students would learn to co-operate with people at another (time zone) location with a different cultural background and, in addition, they would help the teachers of the course to develop insights into long distance collaboration. CMU lectures have been recorded with a digital video camera, and a set of PowerPoint slides accompanied each of these lectures. The movies were used by the Delft teachers by running them in class along with the PowerPoint slides and stopping often to discuss the material as the movie progressed. We also made fourperson international student groups. The entire international group met once at the start of the course using video-conferencing. During the course, the groups communicated through phone calls, e-mails and chatting. In addition, everyone in the course used the web-accessible document management system LIRE' (developed at the Institute for Complex Engineered Systems, CMU) to capture, organize and share all documents anyone produced throughout the course. The tools used in the course and the collaboration experiences were evaluated through a questionnaire distributed among the students. The results are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

在利用PowerPoint教学课件进行讲课时,为了更好的指引学生或者强调所讲内容,教师们往往会使用PowerPoint的实时圈点功能。但是,PowerPoint的实时圈点功能有一个较大的局限和不足:没有提供如直线、方框、圆圈、椭圆等规则图形的圈点功能,而只提供了涂鸦式画线圈点的功能。为此,该文设计并利用VB实现了一个规则圈点工具,有效的弥补了PowerPoint的这一不足。该规则圈点工具的使用,将能大大的提高教师利用PowerPoint课件进行多媒体辅助教学的效率和学生听课的效果,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

PowerPoint2000是教师制作课件最常见的软件之一。Flash电影在PowerPoint中得到了广泛的应用,本文着重介绍了FlashActiveX控件的安装步骤,以及在其安装后,Flash电影在PowerPoint中如何进行嵌入操作。  相似文献   

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