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色彩教学是美术专业的基础教学,也是美术教学中主要的组成部分,色彩教学能够帮助学生有效掌握运用色彩的能力,还能够提高学生的美术素养。本文对中学美术专业基础色彩教学的改革与实践进行探讨和分析,并且对其存在的问题,提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   

聋哑职业学校美术专业教学如何适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,符合素质教育要求,体现职业技术教育的规律,这是当前聋哑职业学校美术专业教学需要研究探讨的一个重要课题.本文拟从三个方面谈点粗浅的思考。一、加强美术专业基础课教学,为学习美术专业课打好坚实基础聋哑职业学校美术专业课程设置,按现行教学计划规定主要包括文化课、专业基础课和专业课三大门类,第一门类当中又包括一些具体课程.专业基础课主要包括素描、色彩等内容.学生能否切实掌握素描、色彩等美术专业由础知识和合本技能,对于以后学习美术专业知识和技能是至…  相似文献   

高师美术专业基础教学应注重培养学生色彩理论素养和色彩修养,培养学生色彩造型表现物象的能力,培养学生整体观察色彩与色彩创作能力。  相似文献   

色彩写生是高职高专美术专业的重要基础课程。目前,高职高专美术专业的色彩写生教学中还存在着一些不尽如人意之处,学生色彩写生的专业训练不够全面和科学,艺术赏析能力普遍不高,为了达到该课程的培养目标,应该在教学内容和学生技能的训练方法上进行多元化的教学,使教学效果得到提高。  相似文献   

纪敏 《林区教学》2012,(3):120-121
从分析师专美术专业欣赏课的主要问题入手,在阐述培养师范生审美能力意义的基础上,论述了高师美术专业欣赏课中培养师范生审美能力的主要途径:更新欣赏理念,增强学生的审美意识;掌握欣赏技巧,培养学生的审美能力;拓宽欣赏渠道,提升学生的审美气质。  相似文献   

王书颖 《考试周刊》2010,(24):223-224
色彩基础教学在美术专业中占有重要的地位。传统单一的色彩教学模式已不能满足幼教专业的发展需要。幼儿教育专业色彩教学应呈多元化表现与训练,应注重学生的主观表现能力和创造思维的培养,拓展学生的想象与表现空间,从而真正达到驾驭色彩的目的。  相似文献   

韦芳 《河池学院学报》2009,29(3):87-92,106
培养实施素质教育的高水平教师,服务基础教育,是高等师范院校的根本任务.而高师院校师范生毕业前的教育教学实习期仅4-5周,难以真正起到培养师范生教育教学实践能力的作用.基于师范生教育教学实践能力薄弱的现状与反思,旨在通过推进师范生实习支教工作,强化师范生培养实践环节,全面提高师范生综合素质,使其能适应新课程改革发展的需要.  相似文献   

文章通过对美术专业色彩课程基本教学理念的阐述,明确指出传统教学理念的弊端,论证了改变色彩观察方法、色彩思维样式的必要性,具体分析了色彩归纳能力的造就,色彩想象能力的培养是生成具有创造力作品的内在动力,是进入"用色彩去思维"的必由之路。  相似文献   

简笔画是作为未来小学教师的师范生应掌握的一种有效的教学手段,在对非美术专业的学生的课程设置中开设简笔画也是必须的。在对非美术专业学生的简笔画的教学中,要讲究方式方法,要对学生的情况进行深入的了解,根据学生的层次性要求,从而做到因材施教,发展学生的个性和创造思维。  相似文献   

美术高考跟随高等教育大众化步伐发展迅速,美术专业学生的基础开始出现参差不齐的现象。作为一名教师,针对当前学生色彩写生基础的现状,应该提倡科学训练的重要性,注重提高学生的美术鉴赏能力,以科学的知识作引导,加强对色彩知识的理解和色彩观察能力的训练,重视教学的示范性和直观性,重视教学的程序与方法的教学原则。  相似文献   

A brief review of the history of pedagogical content knowledge reveals various definitions and conceptualizations of the construct, as well as some conceptual problems. A new conceptualization—teacher pedagogical constructions—is offered to address some of the problems associated with PCK. Seven assertions that comprise the new conceptualization are presented, explained and defended. These are: (1) PCK represents personal and private knowledge; (2) PCK is a collection of basic units called teacher pedagogical constructions; (3) teacher pedagogical constructions result mainly from planning, but also from the interactive and post‐active phases of teaching; (4) pedagogical constructions result from an inventive process that is influenced by the interaction of knowledge and beliefs from different categories; (5) pedagogical constructions constitute both a generalized event‐based and a story‐based kind of memory; (6) pedagogical constructions are topic specific; and (7) pedagogical constructions are (or should ideally be) labeled in multiple interesting ways that connect them to other categories and subcategories of teacher knowledge and beliefs. The proposed definition results from a reconceptualization of the nature of PCK as originally proposed, taking the results of major later studies and conceptualizations of PCK into consideration, appropriating new ideas about the structure of memory, and undertaking a reanalysis and presentation of data from a previous study. The article calls for viewing PCK as neither a subcategory of subject matter (subject matter knowledge for teaching) nor as a general generic form of knowledge. It presents a view of PCK as a collection of teacher professional constructions, as a form of knowledge that preserves the planning and wisdom of practice that the teacher acquires when repeatedly teaching a certain topic. Viewing PCK as a collection of TPCs, more precisely defining it, clarifying its relations to other knowledge and beliefs entities, and speculating about its development should facilitate future investigations of PCK.  相似文献   


This paper concludes the Special Issue (SI) ‘Probing the Amalgam: the relationship between science teachers’ content, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge’. We review the five papers (Sorge et al; Gess-Newsome et al; Kind; Pitjeng-Mosabala and Rollnick; and Liepertz and Bronowski) by discussing evidence these present regarding the relationships between content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK); the development of CK, PK and PCK in novice and experienced secondary science teachers and how CK, PK and/or PCK impact students’ learning. In conclusion, we draw these findings together in offering proposals for future research via reconsideration of Shulman’s amalgam. This includes post-hoc examination of a PCK model known as ‘the Consensus Model’ (Gess-Newsome, [2015]. A model of teacher professional knowledge and skill including PCK: Results of the thinking from the PCK Summit. In A. Berry, P. J. Friedrichsen, & J. Loughran (Eds.), Re-examining Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science Education (pp. 28–42). New York, NY: Routledge; Neumann, Kind, & Harms [2018]. Probing the amalgam: The relationship between science teachers’ content, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge. International Journal of Science Education, 1–15) and presentation of a novel PCK structure based on evidence from the SI studies.  相似文献   

理论性教学知识和实践性教学知识是教学知识领域中的核心概念。研究者常在意识或潜意识层面将二者对立、分割甚至孤立,表现出"显-隐"式、"公-个"式、"研-教"式与"真-善"式等四种分离形态。这四种分离形态实际上是由理论性教学知识与实践性教学知识认识上的机械性、虚假性、人为性和遮蔽性造成的。回归教学知识的本真状态,应以其基本属性———理论性和实践性为向度,建构教学知识统一体结构模型,为现代教学理论与实践的发展奠定知识论基础。  相似文献   


This Special Issue aims to present evidence about the relationships between content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK); the development of these types of knowledge in novice and experienced secondary science teachers; and how CK, PK and/or PCK impact students’ learning. Since Shulman’s introduction of PCK as the feature that distinguishes the teacher from the content expert, researchers have attempted to understand, delineate, assess and/or develop the construct in pre- and in-service teachers. Accordingly, empirical findings are presented that permit further discussion. Outcomes permit post-hoc examination of a recent, collectively described, ‘consensus’ model of PCK, identifying strengths and potential issues. As we will illustrate, the relationship between CK, PK and PCK is central to this; that is, probing the hypothesis of pedagogical content knowledge as an ‘amalgam’ of content and pedagogical knowledge.  相似文献   

王鸣迪 《教育学报》2002,(11):10-15
加拿大阿尔伯塔大学教授马克思·范梅南认为 ,“教育学理解”是一种敏感的聆听和观察 ,具有情境性、应用性、规范性的特点 ,其结构包括非判断性理解、发展性理解、分析性理解、教育性理解和形成性理解 ,是“信任的同情心”促成了“教育学理解”。据此反思可以发现 ,当今学校日常教育实践中存在着的许多问题都与“教育学理解”的结构性缺失有关。给予学生全方位的、真正的“教育学理解”,应该是我们努力的方向。而只有指向学生主体性形成的理解 ,才是真正的“教育学理解”。从某种意义上说 ,教育就是对成长历程的一种守望。  相似文献   

Sustained discourse is critical to the learning potential of online courses. And, while research has surfaced many factors that mediate interaction, it further suggests that sustained interaction remains elusive. In this paper, I propose that student facilitation may have an impact on the quality of facilitators' interactions following a week of moderating a course discussion. Through a survey of students in two post-secondary online courses, the results suggest that moderation fosters understanding of online learning processes and enhances interaction with others and content. I therefore suggest that moderation acts to inculcate students into the social fabric of an online course, prior to which their role and performance is ill-defined.  相似文献   

Autonomy through pedagogical research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This qualitative study describes a new professional stance, teacher as pedagogical researcher, provides a rationale for its emergence, demonstrates connections of pedagogical research to autonomy in teaching through the words and lived experiences of teacher researchers, and presents implications for teacher professional development and for teacher education programs in promoting autonomy through pedagogical research. A hermeneutic phenomenological theme analysis of interviews with three teacher researchers revealed seven themes of autonomy through pedagogical research.  相似文献   

This article interrogates a key feature of anarchist education; focusing on a problem with implications not only for anarchist conceptions of education, but for anarchist philosophy and practice more broadly. The problem is this: if anarchism consists in the principled opposition to all forms of coercive authority, then how is this to be reconciled with situations where justice demands the use of coercion in order to protect some particular good? It seems that anarchist educators are forced to deny coercive authority in principle, whilst at the same time affirming it in practice. This is the paradox of pedagogical authority in anarchist education. Coercive authority is simultaneously impossible and indispensable. Exploring this paradox through a reading of Jacques Derrida’s later work, and, in particular, his conception of justice as requiring openness to the singular situation, I argue that in exercising their authority anarchist educators encounter the aporetic moment in anarchism, experiencing what Derrida calls ‘the ordeal of the undecidable’. Understood this way, the paradox becomes less an indication of anarchism’s limitations than it does its value. For it is here that the problem of pedagogical authority is treated with the gravity that all questions of justice deserve.  相似文献   

Fundamental for mentoring a preservice teacher is the mentor’s articulation of pedagogical knowledge, which in this research draws upon specific practices, viz.: planning, timetabling lessons, preparation, teaching strategies, content knowledge, problem solving, questioning, classroom management, implementation, assessment and viewpoints for teaching. Mentoring is haphazard; consequently, mentors need a pedagogical knowledge framework and a repertoire of pedagogical knowledge strategies to guide a preservice teacher’s development. Yet, what are strategies for mentoring pedagogical knowledge practices? This qualitative research investigates mentoring strategies assigned to pedagogical knowledge from 27 experienced mentor teachers. Findings showed that there were multiple strategies that can be linked to specific pedagogical knowledge practices. For example, mentoring strategies associated with planning for teaching can include co-planning, verbally reflecting on planning with the mentee and showing examples of the mentor teacher’s planning (e.g. teacher’s plans, school plans, district and state plans). This article provides a bank of practical strategies for mentoring pedagogical knowledge practices to assist a preservice teacher’s development.  相似文献   

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