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主题:广告法整理:刘云峰一、广开言路,大学风范丁俊杰(北京广播学院广告学系副主任、《国际广告》编委):在沙龙开始之前,我想说几句开场白。首先我认为我们这次活动选择的时机是很合适的。广告法出台后曾引起了很多议论。但其中许多议论大都态度模糊,不能反映作者...  相似文献   

多年来,广告收入已成为新闻媒体开展经营活动的主要来源,随着广告经营的不断增长,围广告引起的官司也越来越多,因此,新闻工作者应该认真学一学《中华人民共和国广告法》(简称《广告法》)。现在我国涉及广告的法律文件(包括行政法规)至少有100多种,其中最重要者当数《广告法》(中华人民共和国第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议于1994年10月27日通过,自1995年2月1日起施行)。这个法律文件乍看起来文字不长,好读易懂,但是内容十分丰富深刻,应该认真研读。笔者认为,对于我们新闻工作者来说.在学习《广告法》时应该…  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国广告法》已经正式颁布和施行。《广告法》,在我们国家的史册上,第一次以法的形式确立了广告业的地位。它的出台,科学地总结了我们国家广告业的发展历程,从完善和加强法制建设的高度,明确了当前及今后广告业的发展方向,必将有利于规范广告活动,保障合法经营,取缔非法经营,发挥广告在社会主义市场经济中的积极作用。蓬勃发展的广播电视广告业,是我国广告业的重要组成部分;广播电视系统广告从业队伍,是广告业中的一支生力军。肩负着广告经营和广告发布重任的广播电视广告工作者,理应带头模范遵守《广告法》,加强自律。  相似文献   

广播电视广告如何依法治理是政府和社会各界比较关注的问题,说到依法,当然要依《中华人民共和国广告法》。工商和广播电视主管部门发布的一系列有关广播电视广告管理的规章和规范性文件中,都明确要求“广播电视广告应当遵守《广告法》”或“按《广告法》的规定执行”等等。《广告法》在  相似文献   

我国现行的<广告法>自正式实施以来,在很大程度上保证、促进了整个广告行业的规范运作.但<广告法>历经十余载后,其部分内容已无法服务新时期、新形势对市场秩序、市场公正及经济发展的需要.<广告法>亟需修订和完善,制定更为明细的法规条款、弥补法律漏洞,提高其执行力,从而更好地维护公众利益、促进行业健康发展.  相似文献   

吴瑛 《新闻记者》2007,(10):79-81
今年6月,海飞丝、玉兰油等多个知名化妆品广告被上海工商局认定属夸大宣传,宝洁公司于是修改并在上海停播广告。然而当记者问及"为何不是全国市场停播或修改"时,该公司相关负责人的回答是,"政府部门有可能对不同的艺术表现有不同的理解,界定某条广告是否符合广告法也有不同的评判标准"①。也就是说,同一条广告,在一地接受处罚,在另一地可能安然无恙。我们又联想到陆续曝光的郭德纲代言"藏秘排油"减肥茶、牙防组违规认证"佳洁士"等事件层出不穷,广告违规事件为何屡禁不止?其中,广告法本身是否存在法律漏洞呢?  相似文献   

广告本身就是信息,是有偿、有责任的信息。大多数踢广告又是通过新闻媒介发布的。这就注定它与新闻结下了不解之缘,也就要求新闻战线上的记者、编辑必须认真学习广告法規,才能避免在新闻采访、编辑、发布过程中,违反《广告法》与新闻纪律。某县一乡办小厂,将氮磷钾三种化肥混合,美其名目:“配方配料”。到某新闻单位做广告。由于没有三证(生产许可证、质检证与合格证)。广告部未予办理;转  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,随着我国广告业的兴起,公益广告的发展愈加蓬勃,发挥着倡导精神文明、宣传传统文化和构建和谐社会的作用。但对这样一种内容和作用都十分重要的广告形式,我国的广告法中却没  相似文献   

新修订的《广告法》把保护消费者合法权益放在首位,立法目的更加人性化,核心是维护广告真实性,制裁失信行为。特别明确了虚假广告的定义,新增了广告代言人的法律义务,强化了对大众传播媒介广告发布行为的监管力度和法律责任。  相似文献   

张燕 《新闻传播》2023,(3):47-50
围绕传媒学院的办学定位和广告法专业的培养目标,确立《广告法》课程思政目标,培养品德与专业全面发展的新闻传播类专业人才。挖掘专业课程中的各类文化资源,提升学生对本专业和学科文化的自豪感。增强学生的法律认知和守法意识,促使学生形成健全的现代公民意识,实现人的全面发展。通过深入挖掘课程思政元素、二度开发教学内容、采用翻转课堂等多元化教学方法开展实践教学,确立新的课程评价模式等,促使课程教育目标的达成。  相似文献   

陈小燕 《新闻界》2008,(6):181-182
本文在参酌先进国家或地区的立法条例的基础上,结合中国的具体国情,从政府监管和行业自律两方面来探讨虚假广告的治理与管制问题。具体而言,本文从行政资源的利用、扩大权限给其他机关以及加大立法体系的整体平衡等三部分阐述了治理虚假广告的对策。  相似文献   

美国国立实验室和实验基地承担着国防、能源、航空航天、卫生健康,农业等领域的重要研发任务。长 期以来,美国联邦政府对这些实验室的管理形成了一套规范的办法,特别是在其经费管理方面具有独到的方法,从而 保障了国立实验室的有效运行。美国的这些方法对我国的研发经费管理很有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new measure of television advertising avoidance, the Passive/Active Zap (PAZ), as an occurrence of a set-top box switching channels during a commercial break after at least 5 min of inactivity prior to the break. Twenty-seven percent of eligible commercial breaks are interrupted by a PAZ. A proportional hazards model is applied to a unique dataset to estimate the impact of advertising content and commercial break characteristics on PAZ behavior. The results show that advertising avoidance is negatively associated with movie ads and positively associated with advertising for websites, auto insurance and women’s clothing. Ad avoidance also tends to rise with repeated exposures to the same ad creative, advertising aired on general-interest television networks, later hours of the evening, and rainfall.  相似文献   

A content analysis examined how well alcohol ads from televised sporting events adhered to self-regulatory advertising guidelines. Although nearly every ad followed the guidelines literally, there were numerous instances of strategically ambiguous content that could be interpreted as violating the guidelines' spirit. For example, a joke about designated drivers hinted at drunkenness without explicitly showing it, and many ads showed drinking as well as risky activities like driving or swimming, although not necessarily occurring simultaneously. The study also confirmed that alcohol ads are common in televised sporting events, and that the most frequent themes are humor, friendship, sex, and romance, a potentially troubling finding given that beliefs about the social benefits of alcohol predict drinking in young people. These findings suggest that alcohol advertising might contribute to the formation of expectancies in young people, and that current self-regulation may not be an effective way to prevent alcohol advertising from appealing to people under the age of 21.  相似文献   

Francesco M. Nicosia (ed.) Advertising, Management, and Society: A Business Point of View (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974—available in hardback and paper but prices not given)

W.A. Evans' Advertising Today and Tomorrow (London: Allen & Unwin, 1974—about $15.00)

Robin Wright's The Day the Pigs Refused to Be Driven to Market: Advertising and the Counter Revolution (New York: Random House, 1974—$7.95)  相似文献   

How it Was in Advertising: 1776-1976 ($6.95, paper, 110 pp.)

Vernon Fryburger, The New World of Advertising ($6.95, paper, 129 pp.)

William A. Robinson, 100 Best Sales Promotions (annual, $19.95, about 140 pp. each)

Herbert S. Gardner Jr. The Advertising Agency Business ($19.95, 211 pp.)

Jack Z. Sissors and E.R. Petray Advertising Media Planning ($12.95, 341 pp.)

Arthur Bellaire Controlling Your TV Commercial Costs ($19.95, 166 pp.)

Julie M. Moss '77 Ayer Public Relations and Publicity Style Book (Ayer Press, 210 West Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 19106—$9.95)  相似文献   


A nationwide online survey of advertising agency executives was conducted to investigate attitudes toward high-definition television (HDTV) diffusion. The survey was completed by 70 practitioners. The majority of respondents (85.9%) had viewed HDTV, but only 18.6% owned an HDTV set. Among non-owners of HDTV sets, 50% said they would not be acquiring 1 for at least 24 months. More than one half of the respondents believed that HDTV would not become the norm for 5 or more years. Respondents recognized the benefits of HDTV, but were not yet comfortable recommending HD advertising to clients. Factors inhibiting greater support of HDTV advertising include perceptions of insufficient HDTV programming, low HDTV diffusion among viewers, and greater cost of producing HD ads. Agency executives feel under-informed about HDTV, and would like to learn more about it. Industry groups interested in promoting greater acceptance of HDTV among advertising practitioners need to educate executives about the actual rate of HDTV diffusion to convince them that the medium is capable of attaining critical mass.  相似文献   

Richard W. Pollay, ed. Information Sources in Advertising History (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979---$22.50)

James H. Leigh and Claude R. Martin Jr., eds. Current Issues and Research in Advertising 1979 (Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.---$5.00, paper)

Charles H. Patti's Advertising Management: Cases and Concepts (Columbus, Ohio: Grid, 1978---$14.95)  相似文献   


This knowledge path is divided into five sections covering basic patent questions, the U.S. patents database, patent law (statutes, regulations, treaties and court cases), statistics and general information patent Web sites. The U.S. patent database file, the text of patent laws and regulations, and statistics are available from the USPTO Web site. Since USPTO does not compile a complete list of court cases pertaining to patents, better resources for this kind of information exist outside of the Patent Office. Web sites included in the general information section either bring together and organize a large number of patent information resources or provide easy to understand explanations of patent law.  相似文献   

This section presents techniques, practices, and specific strategies by which documents collections can be made more effective. It also highlights individual documents collections and addresses issues pertinent to forthcoming government policies and regulations. The second article in this series presents a brief overview of new printing regulations proposed by the Joint Committee on Printing, U.S. Congress, in November 1983.This opinion essay discusses selected regulations, evaluates their importance, and considers their possible impacts. It also identifies a number of difficulties yet to be resolved by these regulations and suggests that improved access to government information will not result, by itself, from simply creating an additional set of patchwork regulations.  相似文献   

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