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Relevant information on effectiveness of school-based drug prevention programmes is available. Despite this, there is still contradictory evidence that makes it necessary to continue to shed light on this issue. Based on a synthesis research method, the aim of this study was to determine the relevant variables that enhance the efficacy of these programmes and to determine the weight of their empirical evidence. Furthermore, several features of the evaluation designs whose variables had been proven effective were examined. A systematic review of periodical literature was conducted, which led us to extract 1,622 papers, of which 17 studies were analysed. An in-depth analysis of these publications led us to identify 29 key variables associated with the efficacy of the programme, which were ranked according to the weight of their empirical evidence. Moreover, the characteristics of the studies included in the review highlighted the need to improve the rigorousness and quality of the evaluation designs in this field.  相似文献   

This pedagogically-oriented study investigated cultural representations of Portugal held by 29 learners of Portuguese in a large public university in Malaysia. The main purpose of this study was to demonstrate how these representations could be employed for teaching the cultural component of the Portuguese language programme. During the content analysis, representations of Portugal provided by the respondents were divided into 11 categories. The study then assessed salience and favourability of each category of images. The findings revealed that the language learners’ representations of Portugal were for the most part positive. The images referring to Portuguese people formed the largest and most salient category. Overall, the students’ representations of Portugal tended to be simplistic and included ubiquitous stereotypes. A discussion of pedagogical implications arising from these findings concludes the article.  相似文献   

In this study, data from six focus groups with 30 Latina mothers in South Texas were analyzed utilizing a “funds of knowledge” approach to uncover their understandings of college readiness and their role in ensuring their children are college ready. Findings indicate that Latina mothers perceived college readiness in a holistic fashion, similar to the concept of educación, in that being college ready encompasses academic preparation and other particular personal attributes that ensure success in college. Mothers also believed they had a shared responsibility in college readiness efforts by providing emotional, financial, and moral support while school personnel and students were responsible for other aspects. Such findings are crucial given that current college readiness research does not explicitly consider the role of parents in college readiness efforts or how parents perceive this notion.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(23):91-107

Se propone un programa de aprendizaje de la lectura con el que se intentarán superar algunos inconvenientes planteados con otras metodologías. Este programa parte de conductas que la totalidad de los niños tienen desde los primeros años (discriminación visual) y disocia el aprendizaje de la lectura del de la escritura. El programa se divide en dos apartados: introducción a la discriminación visual e introducción a la fonética. Se hace una descripción del programa y de su aplicación en un centro escolar. Aunque es prematuro hablar de resultados definitivos, el programa se presenta como una alternativa válida para el inicio del aprendizaje de la lectura.  相似文献   

As a teaching method, tutorials are fundamental to university education, and are underpinned by the following goals: to accompany students; to help them establish a clear training pathway; and to promote their academic achievement. Our proposal aims to introduce psychological aspects into the Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) which, while often left unattended, are closely related to academic achievement. Our objective is to identify the relation between the academic commitment of pre-service teachers (preschool education, primary education and double degree students) at the UB and stress and coping skills, academic motivation, achievement and self-efficacy, as well as the opinions of students and tutors on the resources used during TAP and potential improvements to it. This is a transversal prospective exploratory study, applying the following questionnaires: Academic commitment (UWESS-9); Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); Self-efficacy (NGSE); Motivation (MSLQ); and two ad hoc online questionnaires. In conclusion, we hope that the results of this study will help us reformulate the TAP of said degree programmes, improving personalized attention and the quality of the student tutorial system, which is one of the standards used to assess universities.  相似文献   

Mathematics teaching in Burkina Faso is faced with major challenges (high illiteracy rates, students’ difficulties, and high failure rates in mathematics, which is a central topic in the curriculum). As evidenced in many of these studies, mathematics is reputed to be tough, inaccessible, and far from what students live daily. Students here look as though they are living in two seemingly distant worlds, school and everyday life. In order to better understand these difficulties and to contribute in the long run to a more adapted teaching of mathematics, we tried to document and elicit the “mathematical resources” mobilized in various daily life social practices. In this paper, we focus on one of them, the counting and selling of mangoes by unschooled peasants. An ethnographic approach draws on the observation of the situated activity of counting and selling mangoes (during harvesting) and on “eliciting interviews” of the involved actors. The analysis of results highlights a richness of structuring resources mobilized and distributed through this practice, related to what Lave (1988) call “the experienced lived-in-world” and “constitutive order.” The mathematical resources take the form of “knowledge in action” and “theorems in action” (Vergnaud, Rech Didact Math 10(23):133–170, 1990), embedded in the social, economic, and even cultural structures of actors.  相似文献   

This essay aims to enhance our conceptual understanding of students with intersectional identities, specifically gay Latino men in college. We first explain how ethnic, gender, and sexual identities can act as compounding influences. Second, we review two distinct but complementary developmental theories. Conocimiento captures the disruptive, challenging path experienced by marginalized Latino youth. Self-authorship situates the broader developmental process in and beyond college. Our modified framework—conociéndose y escribiéndose—conceptualizes how college students navigate multiple marginalized identities. Finally, we discuss the implications of this intersectional framework for LGBTQ+ students and institutions seeking to enhance diversity, inclusion, and student success.  相似文献   

This study examines if and how the presence of an adult as a receptive agent of children’s drawings has an effect on the early production of pictorial symbols by emphasizing the children’s referential intention as drawers. To this end, we compared three-year-old children’s representational drawings with a model in four experimental conditions, three conditions with an adult as a receptive agent and one condition without a receiver. In the conditions with a receiver (Linguistic Feedback, Graphic Demonstration and Graphic Product) children were explicitly asked to draw for an adult, who had to use the children’s pictures to find hidden objects in identical boxes; the conditions differed in the adult’s actions with non-representational drawings. The results indicate that the presence of the receiver had an impact on representational production only when the adult demonstrated how to create the drawings with the intent of communicating the identity of the objects (Graphic Demonstration). Although drawing is typically viewed as a solitary activity, these results suggest that representational drawings may emerge in communicative contexts between drawers and receivers.  相似文献   


The introduction of the European Higher Education Area means that undergraduate dissertations (UD) are now compulsory, which represents an important change for the Spanish university system due to the important consequences this will have on academic functioning. This study provides key information on the processes of supervising and assessing UDs, from the perspective of students, as well as consequent proposals to improve them. The results obtained indicate that initiatives need to be put in place, at least in the participating institutions where the study has been developed, focused on the improvement of the time periods, means and resources needed to develop the UD, the introduction of more adequate criteria than those currently used for assessment, better training for the tutors involved, more appropriate and precise prior information for students in relation to the UD, and more preparation for students to enable them to carry out the UD.  相似文献   

Personal initiative refers to the behaviours that characterize people as being proactive, persistent and self-starting when tackling obstacles that arise as they try to achieve goals. Given the relevance of personal initiative to the educational field, the main aim of this study was to design, implement and evaluate a programme for developing personal initiative in this field. A further objective was to improve a set of variables closely linked to personal initiative. Participants included 160 students aged between 16 and 30 years and enrolled in six centres offering initial vocational training. Of the total sample, 119 students were assigned to the experimental condition and 41 to the control condition. The study’s design was quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group. The results indicated that the programme improved the self-starting component of personal initiative and raised the participants’ academic achievement and entrepreneurial attitude. It also had some effect on self-efficacy and on two dimensions of emotional intelligence, namely clarity and regulation.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(3):319-332

En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo test de evaluación de la comprensión lectora llamado Test de Procesos de Comprensión (TPC) que, a diferencia de la mayoría de los test en español actuales, está basado en un análisis de procesos de comprensión contemplados en la mayoría de los modelos cognitivos actuales. El test es aplicable a escolares entre 11 y 16 años, de fácil aplicación y corrección. Los resultados empíricos muestran que el test cumple con los requisitos psicométricos estándar de homogeneidad, validez y fiabilidad, y muestra un alto poder para discriminar entre estudiantes de diferentes niveles escolares. Supone un avance metodológico en la elaboración de pruebas de evaluación fundamentadas en modelos cognitivos ampliamente aceptados.  相似文献   


Neuroscience, psychology, and education are disciplines with different philosophies and methods. Although an interdisciplinary approach is an opportunity to explore the educational implications of neuropsychological research, a good model for this dialogue does not exist yet. To promote the integration of these disciplines, which investigate human learning, the present work analyzes a hemispherectomy case study of a high-functioning young boy. Our goal is to present a neuropsychological vision about learning, the mind, and the influence of the context. This case is extremely rare, as not many individuals have been treated with this technique, and must be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, the presented case study, and other similar cases that we will mention, afford a unique angle from which we can explore neuroscientific principles such as: the brain is highly plastic, the brain is changed by experience and learning, and human brains are as unique as faces. The goal is to promote the integration of neuroscience, psychology and education with a note of attention to misconceptions and myths in a science not completely known yet.  相似文献   

This paper endeavours to make a contribution to the debate concerning early years practitioners' identity as a professional group and does so through the use of data from semi-structured interviews conducted in England and Finland with early years teachers. During these interviews, early years teachers working in Finland expressed different understandings of their professional role than early years teachers working in England. It is suggested that the educators working in Finland had adopted understandings of professionality that were based more closely on notions of complexity and democracy. In contrast, responses made by early years educators working in England indicated a more limited conception of professionality. In the paper the evidence is analysed and suggestions made about why these distinctions have occurred and suggests that extensions to professionality for early years teachers in both countries to include 'criticality' need to occur. Cet article tente d'apporter une contribution au débat concernant l'identité des éducateurs préscolaires en tant que groupe professionnel, par le biais de données recueillies lors d'entretiens semi-structurés avec des enseignants préscolaires en Finlande et en Angleterre. Pendant ces entretiens, les éducateurs préscolaires travaillant en Finlande ont exprimé une compréhension différente de leur rôle professionnel de ceux qui travaillent en Angleterre. Il est suggéré que les éducateurs travaillant en Finlande ont développé une compréhension de la professionnalité basée davantage sur des notions de complexité et de démocratie. Au contraire, les réponses des éducateurs préscolaires travaillant en Angleterre ont dénoté une conception plus limitée de la professionnalité. L'article analyse les résultats et présente des suggestions sur les raisons de ces différences, et suggère qu'il devrait se produire des extensions à la professionnalité des enseignants préscolaires dans les deux pays pour lui faire comprendre la 'criticalité'. Este artículo espera hacer una aportación al debate relacionado con la identidad de los profesionales de edades jóvenes como un grupo profesional y lo hace con el uso de datos obtenidos en entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas en Inglaterra y en Finlandia con profesores de menores. Durante estas entrevistas, los profesores de menores que trabajan en Finlandia expresaron diferentes interpretaciones de su papel profesional que aquellas expresadas por profesores de menores que trabajan en Inglaterra. Se sugiere que los educadores que trabajan en Finlandia han adoptado interpretaciones de profesionalidad basadas más estrechamente en nociones de complejidad y democracia. Por el contrario, las respuestas aportadas por educadores de menores que trabajan en Inglaterra indican un concepto de profesionalidad más limitado. En el artículo se analiza la evidencia y se presentan sugerencias sobre el por qué han ocurrido estas distinciones y sugiere que deben producirse extensiones a esa profesionalidad para profesores de menores de ambos países a fin de que incluyan 'criticalidad'.  相似文献   

教育是塑造人类灵魂的伟大工程。有人说,在教育中,播种一种思想,就收获一种性格;播种一种行为,就收获一种习惯。在深入开展创新教育的今天,如何发展学生的个性是一项重要的工作。班主任在此项工作中应首当其冲。 一、抓住教育契机进行引导 班主任的威信和尊严不  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(4):349-360

El presente trabajo describe la evolución de diferentes habilidades vinculadas con la composición escrita en un grupo de niños de Nivel Socioeconómico bajo que participó de un taller escolar de escritura. Dicho taller incluyó tanto actividades relacionadas con los procesos de trascripción, como con los de generación del texto. El objetivo central que perseguía el programa era instalar un proceso progresivo de transferencia de responsabilidades desde la maestra hacia los niños en la tarea global de composición escrita. El taller se propuso establecer un sistema de mediaciones sociales e instrumentales que ayudara a que los niños progresivamente dominaran los distintos subprocesos involucrados en la escritura de textos. La experiencia se extendió a lo largo de veinticinco semanas entre los meses de Abril y Noviembre. Participaron del estudio veintiún niños de 7 a 9 años y su maestra. La escuela a la que asistían los niños estaba ubicada en un barrio periférico de Corrientes Capital en la República Argentina. Los datos censales de esta zona en el momento en que se realizó el estudio, indicaban que la mayoría de los niños procedían de familias que vivían en condiciones de pobreza extrema. Los niños fueron evaluados antes y después de haber participado en el taller. Los datos incluyeron medidas de escritura de palabras y de reescritura de cuento. Se registró un aumento de la precisión y la velocidad en la escritura de palabras, así como un incremento de la longitud de los textos. Por otra parte se constató una evolución en el uso de recursos propios del discurso escrito como los conectores y los signos de puntuación. Los resultados obtenidos por los niños luego de haber participado en el taller permiten sostener que la implementación escolar de programas de este tipo podría contribuir al desarrollo de distintas habilidades de composición escrita por parte de niños de Nivel Socioeconómico bajo que están aprendiendo a escribir.  相似文献   


En este artículo se estudia la especificidad de los procesos de construcción de la representación de la figura de apego en el bebé y la naturaleza y función de este modelo interno en la adaptación al universo físico y social. Para ello, en primer lugar se analizan las teorías tradicionales, fundamentadas en la propuesta piagetiana sobre el desarrollo de la permanencia y la representación. A continuación se abordan los componentes sensomotores y emocionales de las unidades de interacción a partir de las cuales se construye el modelo interno de la figura de apego. La evolución de este proceso de construcción, partiendo del mero reconocimiento de recurrencia a la evocación de la representación de la figura materna, constituyente el objeto del tercer apartado. Por último, se presenta la noción de «modelos internos activos» propuesta por Bowlby, para conceptualizar este tipo especial de representación socio- afectiva y su papel en la relación del niño con el entorno humano y físico.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(1):113-132

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar mediante path análisis el efecto que ejerce el estilo de interacción madre-hijo durante el primer año de vida del niño sobre las conductas de apego de resistencia y evitación. Un total de 112 díadas madre-hijo fueron evaluadas a los 5, 6, 9, 12 y 15 meses de vida del niño. En las 4 primeras evaluaciones se recogió información sobre el estilo de interacción diádico mediante el Care-Index (Crittenden, 1988) y a los 15 meses se evaluó la calidad del apego mediante la Situación Extraña de Ainsworth. Los resultados señalaron que la sensibilidad materna incide negativamente sobre las conductas características de un apego inseguro, mientras que distintas manifestaciones de insensibilidad se relacionan positivamente con estas conductas. En concreto, el control materno y la falta de expresividad emocional se relacionan con la conduct a de evitación infantil, mientras que la indiferencia materna y la dificultad infantil se relacionan con la conducta de resistencia. Los resultados nos permiten concluir que la interacción madre-hijo durante los primeros meses de vida del niño afecta, a las conductas de apego que el niño manifiesta en la Situación Extraña y consecuentemente, a la calidad del vínculo que desarrolla.  相似文献   


Se plantee el problema de la interiorización de las acciones materiales en los niños de edad preescolar. Los autores conciben el pensamiento como el componente ideal de la actividad real del hombre en cuanto ser social. El objetivo de la investigación, que emplea como ejemplo las operaciones implicadas en la adn matemática, es el de identificar algunas de las condiciones psicológicas del origen de las acciones mentales reducidas. Los datos demostraron que una de las condiciones significativas para la transformación de la acción real de adición orientada a los objetos en una acción mental es el cambio del modo en que ésta se ejecuta. Este cambio se basa en la diferente relación o proporción entre los real-material y los simbólico-verbal empleados en la fijación de los objetos. La investigación intenta precisar, por tanto, algunos de los aspectos relacionados con los mecanismos de interiorización de las acciones.  相似文献   


The creation of a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) process. The research project Dipro 2.0 had different objectives, one of which was the creation of a learning environment using Web 2.0 architecture. This was done in three stages: the design of a prototype, an analysis by members of the research team and its evaluation by experts and students. The first environment is a PLE and the second environment contains the learning materials distributed in 14 units. Fifty-seven educational technology experts from different Latin American countries participated in the evaluation of both environments; they were selected from the criterion of expert competence and 284 students from different Spanish universities. The instrument used was created ad hoc, and results confirmed that both environments are positively valued; it is recommended for teacher training.  相似文献   

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