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新加坡是一个十分注重发展信息技术的国家,尤其注重在教育领域使用信息科技等现代化的技术手段。2007年,新加坡政府决定实施"未来学校"项目,以进一步推动信息技术在教学领域的运用。最新的应用软件、3D仿真学习情境、创新课程体系等在未来学校中的完美结合,旨在让学生学会学习的同时开发他们的创造性思维和互助协作的能力,最终成为世纪型人才。  相似文献   

"未来学校"并非未来某年以后诞生的学校,它在今天有特定的内涵,即"信息文明学校"。"未来学校"追求的基本理念是教育的人性化、创新化与国际化,其教育目标是"21世纪素养"与健全人格,其具体内涵是倡导新技术、新课程、新教学、新学习、新评价与新管理。"未来学校"并不遥远,它渗透于今日每一所学校的具体实践之中。  相似文献   

2006年刚刚面世的"未来学校",以学习方式、学习环境及管理方式的三大创新对传统学校模式做了几近全面的解构。"未来学校"激进作为的背后,潜藏着未来教育改革的四个预示:企业支教的可持续性将凸现出来;大学将不再是知识生产的唯一原点;教师发展和学生成长的时差将越来越短;围绕学校硬件的研究将再次受到重视。  相似文献   

<正>《江苏教育》(教育管理)2017年第12期《论"未来学校"》一文指出,所谓"未来学校"是体现时代特征和社会发展趋势的学校,"未来学校"让教育走向人性化、创新化和国际化;"未来学校"的教育目标是发展"21世纪素养",培养健全人格。与此同时,"未来学校"也需要基于信息时代学生发展的特点和需求对课程、教学、评价、管理诸方面的教育实践进行重建。作  相似文献   

程琳 《上海教育》2013,(6):28-29
这种学习方法使学生可以深度投入到自己的学习过程中,远远超越了单纯记忆而强调对含义的理解,从而使持各种学习风格、来自各种学习背景的学生都受益匪浅。安妮·吉恩老师的10年级生物班里形形色色的学生有幸在这样一所学校就读:该校一直致力于帮助学生成为成熟的问题解决者和终身学习者。这些学生全部是某个事业蒸蒸日上的21世纪学习组织的成员,这个位于纽约市的组织名叫"未来学校"。  相似文献   

新加坡《联合早报》报道,"未来学校"是新加坡教育部提出的新概念。教育部政务部长吕德耀解释:"这些‘未来学校’没有黑板和粉笔,将在各年级和各  相似文献   

<正>"未来学校"是近两年教育界的热词。郑州市教育局在2016年提出"做有未来的教育",引发了大家对"未来学校"的思考和探索。目前,诸多学校都尝试通过变革以求与"未来学校"接轨。我认为,以"有人性、有温度、有故事、有美感"为特征的"新样态学校",可以作为"未来学校"的一种建构模式,值得我们关注、思考、研究和实践。  相似文献   

到2014年,新加坡的师生能在学校多处无线上网,更多学生将能每人单独使用一台笔记本电脑,也可以利用电脑进行学业测验。教育资讯科技总蓝图2008年8月5日,新加坡教育部部长黄永宏在首届“利用科技教学和学习国际研讨会”上宣布了新加坡2009年至2014年的教育资讯科技总蓝图,旨在进一步优化新加坡学生的学习环境,使他们具有在知识经济中取得成功的能力。  相似文献   

“家校通”使用的人文元素融入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"家校通"系统作为一个沟通平台,从一定程度上消除了家校之间的相对隔阂,使学生的两大学习环境"家"与"校"成了一个和谐整体;它又是教师与家长交流沟通的现代化工具,实现了家校"零距离"。但有部分教师在使用过程中信息过于透明化,使它成了延伸家长之眼的工具;有的报忧不报喜,把它作为一个问题反映  相似文献   

胡乐乐 《上海教育》2008,(20):44-44
教育资讯科技总蓝图2008年8月5日,新加坡教育部部长黄永宏在首届“利用科技教学和学习国际研讨会”上宣布了新加坡2009年至2014年的教育资讯科技总蓝图,旨在进一步优化新加坡学生的学习环境,使他们具有在知识经济中取得成功的能力。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship among ICT infrastructure (i.e., computing devices and Internet), one-to-one computing program and student ICT activities in school. It also looks into the differences of how ICT is being used in the teaching of English, mathematics and science at the elementary school level in relation to the availability of computing devices, Internet connection and one-to-one program. A total of 360 Grade 5 students from three schools (120 students from each school) in the western part of Singapore participated in a questionnaire adapted from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) ICT Familiarity Component for Student Questionnaire regarding students’ ICT use. One of the participating schools has implemented a school-based one-to-one computing program for all its students for the past nine years, with the school providing the necessary computing devices for all its Grade 1 to 3 students and a student computer ownership program to encourage all its Grade 4 students to procure their own computing devices to be used till completion of elementary education at Grade 6. The regression analyses suggest that how ICT is being used plays a more significant role in predicting the frequency of ICT use for the various subject areas than ICT infrastructure and one-to-one computing program. Further analysis also reveals that one-to-one computing program and availability of computing devices have a significant interaction effect on the frequency of ICT usage for English but not for mathematics and science—the presence of computing devices seem to have an impact for the usage of ICT for English but not the other two subject areas. The findings concur with earlier studies that there are differences in frequency and how ICT is being used in the teaching of English, mathematics and science.  相似文献   

信息素养是学生生存和发展的基本素养,对信息通信技术(ICT)的胜任力是反映学生信息素养的重要指标。基于PISA 2015中的ICT精熟度问卷数据,对中国四省市学生的ICT胜任力表现进行分析,考查中国学生的ICT资源、ICT使用情况以及ICT兴趣对其ICT胜任力的影响。结果发现:中国四省市学生的ICT胜任力在参测的48个国家和地区中排名靠后;不同性别、不同年级学生的ICT胜任力存在显著差异;家庭ICT资源对学生ICT胜任力有显著的正向预测作用;学生在学校使用ICT越多、在家使用ICT做作业越多,学生的ICT胜任力越高;学生的ICT兴趣越高,他们的ICT胜任力越高,学生的ICT兴趣对他们的ICT胜任力影响最大。为了提高我国学生的ICT胜任力,教育行政部门、学校、教师应充分重视ICT教育,完善ICT素养测评体系;扩大对ICT资源的投入,为学生更多地接触电子设备提供条件;加大ICT和电子设备的使用频率,在教育实践中逐步融入信息素养教育;着力培养学生对信息技术的兴趣,提高他们的ICT胜任力。  相似文献   

By means of an international comparison, the research presented in the article aims to identify supporting and hindering school level factors for the use of ICT in secondary school mathematics lessons. The relationship between ICT use and the performance of Grade 9 students in mathematics is examined and further integrated into a multi-level model including school level factors. Against the background of a theoretical allocation (1) the IT equipment of schools, (2) school leadership, (3) aspects of school goals and educational strategies as well as (4) teachers’ attitudes will be analyzed by means of a multi-level regression model as well as a multi-level path model including the mathematics achievement of students as measured in the context of PISA 2012. Representative school and student data from five countries, namely Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Singapore are taken into consideration, as the integration of ICT in teaching and learning is firmly emphasized in these countries (overall 24,579 students in 1263 schools). By modeling the complex structure, school characteristics are examined with respect to their effect on the use of ICT for mathematics teaching. Moreover, the relation between different factors and students’ mathematics achievement will be synchronously assessed in the different educational systems. The results show that characteristics at school level do play a major role in the integration of ICT into teaching and learning and turn out to be relevant across the educational systems. In addition to further in-depth country-specific findings, the results point to cross-national future challenges in the field of using technologies to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This article argues that whatever the 2015 OECD report says about the value of ICT in relation to PISA results, our research has shown that using ICT in the education of students with Learning Difficulties has great value in interesting, enthusing and inspiring these students, so leading to better educational outcomes. The term ‘Learning Difficulties’ (LD) is used to refer to a condition of a large group of children who need extra assistance with schooling and arises from a vast range of cognitive and physical impairments. The reported research was conducted in two Special Schools in metropolitan Melbourne with the goal of investigating whether, and if so how, ICT could be used to support school communities involving students with learning difficulties, and whether it could help these students with their learning. This research found that ICT certainly does improve LD students’ attitude to learning and equips them with adequate skills to allow them to enter the workforce or continue with further study through various pathways. It provides evidence that for LD students, a significant attainment in skills and academic knowledge is facilitated by the adoption of ICT in the classroom.  相似文献   

Since our first studies of information and communications technology (ICT) skills and ICT use at universities in 2004, ICT and its use by students has changed greatly. In order to obtain a more detailed picture of ICT skills, we first construct a new instrument to measure the self-perception of ICT skills (49 items) and of ICT use (53 items) by students. This allows us to find some patterns for ICT skills and ICT use. In order to explain these patterns, two basic hypotheses are formulated. The first suggests that positive ICT learning experiences at home, in school, and with peers could contribute to mastering a higher level of ICT skills and more frequent use of ICT among bachelor’s students, a hypothesis that aligns with Dewey’s learning theory. The second hypothesis suggests that there is a similarity between the characteristics of information systems and scientific research, and that students who identify more with scientific research would be more likely to have greater ICT skills and a higher frequency of ICT use. Both hypotheses are tested among bachelor’s students, using some important contextual variables (gender, domain of study, ICT course in secondary school or at university, and education level of parents). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the ICT learning experience and the research-oriented identity commitment of bachelor’s students on the one hand, and their command of ICT skills and the frequency of use of computers, ICT instruments, and ICT programs on the other.  相似文献   

The use of ICT (information and communication technology) in homes is growing faster than its use in schools and colleges—and there are already more systems in homes than in educational settings. This article argues that we should attempt to enter the area which most research on ICT in education tends to ignore: the secret garden of the learner at home. It is based partly on two pilot case-studies of secondary schools and a small sample of their students. Given the paucity of research in this area the article poses more questions than it answers. What are the implications of ICT use at home for teachers in schools? Do home systems interfere with school education or can they be used to enhance it? How should teachers respond to, and assess, work done using home ICT? Is the home situation widening the gap between one set of pupils (the "haves" of ICT) and another? Suggestions for school policies and action research for the future are put forward.  相似文献   


This study examined how six Singapore teachers approached the design and implementation of a unit of work (topic) to demonstrate exemplary classroom practices that engage learners and use ICT in knowledge-generative rather than presentational activities. After a reflection and feedback session on the first lesson observation involving the researcher and the teacher, the teacher redesigned the lesson to enhance ICT use and involve students more actively in their learning. Our study revealed that there is a difference between students' physical engagement and cognitive engagement in a task and that the teacher, as a designer of the learning environment, needs to make explicit the cognitive processes involved in using the tool to ensure students' effective use of ICT. The teachers' understanding of what constitutes effective learning and their roles in students' learning determine how they design the learning environment. In essence, it is the teacher's skill in managing the “tripartite” partnership of IT tool, learning task, and teacher support that brings about higher levels of student engagement.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a qualitative study carried out on perceptions of high school students on the use of ICT in learning in a secondary school in Mombasa, Kenya. The study involved 18 students in the 11th grade (form three). The students took part in three focus group discussions and six one-on-one interviews over a period of 2 weeks. Several themes on the learners’ understanding of and reaction to ICT were identified. It was revealed that learners had a sound understanding of the various types of ICT and could even define them while explaining the uses of these ICT tools. Findings showed that the learners were generally motivated about using ICT and that ICT encouraged student-centered learning leading to better understanding and performance in their studies. All in all, the findings from this study indicate that learners are aware of the importance of ICT in their learning and feel that at the moment the use of ICT in school is no longer a luxury but a necessity that has taken too long to materialize.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the factor structure of and measurement invariance in the information and communication technology (ICT) engagement construct, and the relationship between ICT engagement and students’ performance on science, mathematics and reading in China and Germany. Samples were derived from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 survey. Configural, metric and scalar equivalence were found in a multigroup exploratory structural equation model. In the regression model, a significantly positive association between interest in ICT and student achievement was found in China, in contrast to a significantly negative association in Germany. All achievement scores were negatively and significantly correlated with perceived ICT competence scores in China, whereas science and mathematics achievement scores were not predicted by scores on ICT competence in Germany. Similar patterns were found in China and Germany in terms of perceived autonomy in using ICT and social relatedness in using ICT to predict students’ achievement. The implications of all the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

教育大数据的发展离不开信息与通信技术(ICT)的广泛应用。基于PISA 2015学生ICT问卷和科学素养得分,通过对基础教育阶段学生个体科学素养表现的综合测评,可以详细探究包含中国在内的10个发展中国家的学生ICT水平与其科学素养得分之间的潜在关系。研究发现,以上发展中国家的学生如果在6岁及以前第一次接触电脑从一定程度上将对学生的科学素养产生积极影响;学生在学校或校外使用网络的时间如果超过4个小时或继续增加,科学素养则会出现显著下降趋势;允许学生在可控的时间范围内(如1~2小时)高效合理地使用网络,能在一定程度上提高学生的科学素养。对于中国学生,家校首先应鼓励并倡导其在"6岁及以前"接触诸如电脑等ICT设备,从而促进学生科学素养的形塑与提升;其次,工作日期间,无论是校内还是校外,家校都应严格监督并限制学生ICT电子产品以及网络的使用;再者,周末期间,家校应倡导学生在可控的时间范围内高效合理使用网络,"一刀切"或者肆无忌惮的放纵都将产生难以估量的恶性影响。  相似文献   

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