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有人说:“教师像蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人。”但是蜡烛的光太微弱了,蜡烛的结局太悲壮了。教师固然要有蜡烛的奉献精神,但在奉献的同时更要成就自己、发展自己。育人是从育己开始的,没有教师自身的发展,教师的“光”只能是短暂的。有人说:“教师是人类灵魂的工程师。”它表明教师从事的是一个非常崇高的事业,目的是塑造人的灵魂。但是,将教师比喻为“工程师”,反映的是一种工业模式。学校被视为工厂,教师是工程师,学生则是等待被加工的产品。工业模式强调产品标准的整齐划一,在这样的思维模式主导下,学生鲜活的生命被遗忘了,学生多样的个…  相似文献   

“教师是人类灵魂的工程师”“教师是蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人”这些耳熟能详的佳句,不得不让人对教师产生敬意,可是,“工程师”要塑造“灵魂”不是一件易事。在当今以班级授课制为主的学校教育中,如果说班主任是班级的顶梁柱的话,那么科任老师则是他身边必不可少的支架。怎样作好科任老师这一角色呢?这就是要谈到的科任老师的“三心二力”。  相似文献   

引言长期以来教师一直被冠以“蜡烛”、“灵魂工程师”等不同称号,近来,在教育改革的背景下,对教师又提出了向“教育家”转变的口号。笔者在”蜡烛”与“灵魂工程师”的教育下长成,继而也成了“蜡烛”中的一根,“灵魂工程师”中的一员。曾几何时,我为“蜡烛”和“灵魂工程师”这两个称誉倍感自豪,对要做“教育家”神往已久。但回顾做教师的历程,反思其中感悟,渐感这些隐喻、口号令人困惑不安。在本文,笔者无意详究这些隐喻、口号的来龙去脉,只想从作为教师的我的体认出发,叙述教师的故事,解析在这些隐喻、口号冠名下我国教师(…  相似文献   

传统认为“教师是人类灵魂的工程师”,“教师是蜡烛”,“教师是园丁”,“要给学生一碗水,教师自己要有一桶水”等等。这些隐喻暗示了一种固定、统一的标准,忽视学生的差异性,把学生当成知识的容器,传递单一的内容,把“教”与“学”变成了简单的“倒给”,忽视了教学的创造成分。  相似文献   

英国哲学家弗兰西斯·培根说过,“教师是知识种子的传播者,文明之树的培育者,人类灵魂的设计者。”人们常说教师是人类灵魂的工程师,教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业。李商隐的诗里有“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”的句子,人们就常把教师比喻为蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人。我认为如果从蜡烛及其燃烧过程来看待教师职业,这种比喻十分贴切。  相似文献   

韦清 《山东教育》2008,(9):64-64
“教师是春蚕,是蜡烛”“教师是人类灵魂的工程师”……诸如此类的赞誉虽然不太确切,但至少说明教师的奉献精神是值得赞叹的。然而,教师不能仅停留在春蚕、蜡烛的层面,而应更多地学习现代教育理念,做新型的教师,创设平等、尊重、民主、合作的教育氛围,帮助每一个孩子更好地成长。  相似文献   

人们往往将“人类灵魂工程师”的桂冠献给两种人:教师与作家。然而,顶着同样的桂冠,二者的声望却天差地别。在世俗的眼睛里,教师不过是“照亮了别人,毁灭了自己”的蜡烛。  相似文献   

郑丽青 《甘肃教育》2007,(9S):15-15
从“教书匠”到“引导者” 面对新一轮课程改革,我们越来越意识到,教师的职责不仅仅是“传道、受业、解惑”。不只是承担“人类灵魂的工程师”、“园丁”和“蜡烛”的角色,更要成为学生发展的促进者、引导者、组织者和合作者,自身也需要不断地成长和发展。教师要对自己的教学行为、教学方法不断进行反思。  相似文献   

教师是在学校中专门从事教育教学活动的角色,人们常常把教师隐喻为“蜡烛”,而实际上蜡烛的光是十分有限的,只能照亮学生的一部分;有的甚至还会限制学生的发展,因为它的光太微弱了。蜡烛一味燃烧,会越烧越短,不能加能,终有熄灭的一天。还有人把教师隐喻为“人类灵魂的工程师”,从教育质量观看,工程师论似乎暗示了一种固定的、统一的质量标准。教育被作为一个大工厂,  相似文献   

教师形象之变迁—从教师的隐喻性陈述谈起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁炜 《教书育人》2001,(23):32-34
按照著名分析教育哲学家谢弗勒的见解,人们往往使用三类语言讨论教育问题,即定义性陈述,口号性陈述与隐喻性陈述。对于学校教育活动积极参与者的教师,人们同样以隐喻的方式给予了他们极大的关注。“教师是蜡烛”“教师是人类灵魂的工程师”“教师是园丁”“教师是导航者”等等,都是其中较为著名和典型的陈述。这些隐喻性陈述背后隐藏着怎样深刻的含义,本文尝试着对此作一番剖析。一、古代社会教师形象隐喻———蜡烛论蜡烛论这个隐喻由来已久,古人有诗云:“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”教师是那无私奉献,甘于牺牲的蜡烛,燃…  相似文献   

We investigated the collaborative writing actions carried out by 60 Open University of Israel graduate students as they built a wiki glossary of key course concepts. These actions were analysed using a taxonomy of collaborative writing actions (i.e. adding, editing and deleting information) in order to find out what students do and what they do not do when writing collaboratively. Two main findings were reported: in accord with previous research, students most frequently add content to a wiki rather than delete existing text; and contrary to previous research, students modify existing texts to a greater extent than previously reported. These findings may help teachers design collaborative learning activities. Teachers should be aware of the difficulties faced by students when writing collaboratively and should design collaborative learning activities in ways that overcome or circumvent these difficulties.  相似文献   

I do     
正You know,many people will have their idol,maybe singer,dancer,artist,scientist,sport player and so on.My idol is the sport player and I like Liu Xiang best.He's from China.He's a very tall man.He's good at sports and he's good at running.He can run very fast.When he have a running competition,  相似文献   


This study explores factors that predict students’ self-assessment intentions and practices using a framework based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). A total of 1425 Hong Kong students (Primary 4 to Secondary 3) participated in this study. Students’ intentions and practices pertaining to self-assessment and the predictors of their intentions and practices were assessed with 11 self-report scales aligned to the TPB constructs. The psychometric properties of scales were examined with Rasch analysis and the relations among the variables were investigated with path analysis based on Rasch-calibrated person measures. The results showed that attitude, subjective norms, self-efficacy, and perceived controllability were statistically significant predictors on intention to self-assess, while self-efficacy and intention had significant influence on self-assessment practice. Psychological safety was also found to have relatively weak but significant impact on both self-assessment intention and practice. This study lays a foundation for future investigations on how to promote meaningful self-assessment behaviour which is crucial for self-regulated and life-long learning.  相似文献   

She teaches coures in child development and has a special interest in literature and early childhood education  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(2):61-68
In this article, Elizabeth Cowne presents the results of research which began as an investigation into the organisational contexts in which special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs) work, and continued as an evaluation of the outreach SENCO training accredited with the London Institute of Education. Questionnaire data was collected from course members over a three‐year period. Further research used focus groups in four London boroughs to explore SENCOs' views of their constant and emerging roles. Interviews with local education authority (LEA) officers from the same London boroughs enquired how SENCOs and their schools were supported. Findings confirmed earlier research showing the importance of management support. Where SENCOs had sufficient non‐contact time and status, they felt efficient. Taking part in the long courses enhanced confidence, skills and knowledge. The focus groups uncovered the wide variety and expanding roles held by SENCOs: the majority requiring work with pupils, parents, teachers, teaching assistants (TAs) and outside agencies. LEA support was seen as essential in maintaining this ever‐changing development.  相似文献   

诸立忠 《初中生》2006,(1):60-60
一、意义的区别: “How are you?”为问句,意为“你好吗”,而“How do you do?”形式上是问句,实际上为问候语,意为“你好”。  相似文献   

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