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某数字产品的广告语是:“随时随地都可以工作”,实在不能想象怎么会有人梦想随时随地都要工作,这种广告台词是怎么出现的又是说给谁听的?笔认为,数字工具是用以提升工作效率,让人可以早早下班,提升生活品质的,而不是数字化PK人的生活。  相似文献   

中国古代的言说术王德民一、中国古代言说术的发展梗概言说的历史与人类的历史可以说是伴生同步的。我国古人认为:“人之所以为人者,言也。人而不能言,何以为人?”①就是对人类这一基本属性的正确认识。每个民族都有自己的语言、自己的言说特征、自己的言说传统。各民...  相似文献   

张宝明 《寻根》2015,(2):4-9
本次论坛在具有"天地之中"美誉的嵩山举行,不能不说是一次文化盛宴。这让我想起了历史长河中的华山论剑、少林比武等美轮美奂的中国故事。今天群贤毕至,在这里我们将再次展开"铁肩担道义、妙手著文章"的对话与对弈,一定会呈现出云蒸霞蔚的非凡气象。这里,我与其说是发表演讲,毋宁说是"抛砖"。这里的抛砖有两层含义,一是家喻户晓的"引玉",二是妇孺皆知的"打擂"。从第二层意义上说,尽管这个"打擂"是对话中的  相似文献   

阮镇 《大理文化》2009,(2):11-13
格苗问评升:"评升兄弟,你们几时到乔后去驮盐?"评升说:"明天就上路了.怎么?想全瓜大哥了?"格苗低头不语.评升又说:"才去了十天半月,就这么牵肠挂肚的,唉,当赶马人的老婆,就得活守寡."格苗说:"不许你胡说,什么守寡不守寡,不吉利."评升说:"好好好,不说就不说.……  相似文献   

张港 《世界文化》2002,(2):13-13,18
英国人不全是说英语,英国的威尔士人、苏格兰人、爱尔兰人说的是克尔特语,这些经常不说英语的英国人占英国人的1/5,他们家里一套外头一套,在家用自己的克尔特语,出门才用英语。美国人也不全说英语。美国人中有1/7不说英语,其中有1700万人说西班牙语,170万人说法语,150万人说德语,120万人说汉语,有40%的人不能说流利的英语,这些人只是在不得已的时候才讲英语,而且有许多人说得很糟。  相似文献   

“先立乎其大者”钱逊人生途中,有多方面的需求,有种种问题,区分其轻重大小,摆对其位置,是建立健全人生的一大问题。中国古人对此十分重视,有许多好意见,可资借鉴。孟子曾说:"先立乎其大者,则其小者不能夺也。"他所说的"大者",是指道德心性修养和高尚的人格...  相似文献   

苏州评弹源于江苏省的苏州地区,是用苏州方言讲故事的一种说唱艺术,流行于江苏南部、浙江北部和上海等地区,被称为艺术百花园中的江南奇葩。苏州评弹俗称说书,包括弹词和评话两个曲种。弹词有说有唱,又称小书;评话只说不唱,又称大书。苏州评弹的演出,一人者称单档,两人者称双档,三人者称三个档。通常,评话一人演出.弹词两人演出。_用~桌~情或一桌两椅,使用醒目一块,折扇一柄,手帕一方。苏州评弹在兴起初期曾经历过露天说唱、沿街卖艺的阶段,后随着评弹艺人表演水平的提高和社会的发展,逐渐进入茶馆书场。苏州评弹有开篇…  相似文献   

“听其言,观其行”这是孔子的话,看一个人,不要只是听他说什么,而要看他的实际行动。这可谓至理名言。有这样一种人,说得好,做得差,言行不一。还有一种人为了达到他个人的某种目的,说得天花乱坠,然而所说都是假话。因此看一个人,不能光看他说了什么,主要要看他...  相似文献   

孙淑蓉 《世界文化》2008,(12):36-37
七月,“流火”的日子,不是天上,是在心里。南美的热浪四溢,让人无处可逃。先生说:“去墨西哥看海吧。”  相似文献   

淮茗 《寻根》2009,(5):94-97
对现在的读者来说,沈复和他的《浮生六记》应该不算是一个陌生的名字,虽然还不能像《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》、《红楼梦》等经典文学名著那样达到家喻户晓、妇孺皆知的程度,但喜欢它的人也是相当多的,甚至有“浮迷”之说。之所以要提到这些,是因为这本书能流传到现在,不能不说是一个奇迹。  相似文献   

As multicultural education continues to evolve, better assessments are necessary to provide a holistic measure of the effectiveness of multicultural education in the academy. Unfortunately, as multicultural scholars champion the cause for social justice, equity, and access for school children they remain vulnerable to negative promotion and tenure determinations due to misaligned measures of teaching effectiveness in the academy. In this article, a Black female teacher educator at a Predominately White Institution describes how she utilized a Multicultural Education Teaching Portfolio (METP) as a means to inform the measurement of her instructional quality and effectiveness. This discussion provides an overview of current challenges to assessing quality within Multicultural Education courses and provides an outline of possible components of the METP for further consideration.  相似文献   

Given changes in the U.S. school-age population, it is crucial that colleges of education prepare teacher candidates to work effectively with students from diverse backgrounds. Because diversity constitutes such a small portion of the curriculum in many teacher education programs, it is crucial that teacher educators find creative ways to incorporate diversity into the courses they teach. In this article a teacher educator at a predominantly White institution in the American Southeast describes how she introduces culturally relevant pedagogy and connects it to the content, activities, and assessments included in the remainder of a course.  相似文献   

In this article the author shares a critical reflection of his work as a teacher educator over the last five years teaching in both public and private universities in the U.S. Midwest. The author reflects on his work in a class called “Diversity in Education” over the course of two semesters as a way to trace the genealogy of a course that has emancipatory intent. The implications (tensions and contradictions) for this type of course in teacher education are discussed as are why critical pedagogical approaches and liberatory ways of thinking and knowing are fundamentally essential to and ethically necessary in teacher preparation. The author concludes by offering a pedagogy of resilience and radical hope that is fundamentally premised on the idea that intellectual work is meant to be liberationist, and the desire to connect teacher education to a larger political struggle.  相似文献   

In 1876, an educator of the deaf and a ‘deaf-mute’ publicly clashed over topics ranging from the nature of deafness and the identity of those who are ‘deaf-mute’ to the best methods to be used in deaf education and what deaf children following those methods might be expected to achieve. The debate occurred at a point in the nineteenth century when expert authority ‘about’ deaf people was beginning to sweep away deaf people’s own right to self-representation. Although richly nuanced and highly personal, the debate’s occurrence at a period that studies of the history of the deaf community have identified as pivotal to deaf people’s categorisation as ‘disabled’ means that much of its complexity has been lost in subsequent historical over-writing. This article explores the debate in depth. It provides a valuable glimpse into the mechanisms of expertise, and the ways that both non-deaf and deaf experts understood who deaf people were, what they could do, and what their place within society should be at that pivotal time. It also highlights the rich complexity of a much more complex history available to those prepared to dig beneath the surface to expose historical texture.  相似文献   

Egocentrism and ethnocentrism are considered as cognitive biases which foster violence at both individual and group levels. Each is characterized as a lack of empathy or an inability to see reality as it appears to others. Altrocentrism is conceptualized as a more mature, socialized form of perceiving in which the individual can understand another person because he sees the facts as they appear to the other. Adolescents tend to see policemen and teachers as hostile and threatening because they cannot empathize with the roles of these authority figures. Evidence indicates that violent behavior is associated with egocentric and ethnocentric thinking. Devices such as role-playing, stating the case of the other, fantasy, and the culture-assimilator foster altrocentric thinking, and some evidence indicates that they reduce the frequency of resort to violence. Cross-cultural education must begin use of such procedures if we are to minimize domestic and international violence.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the results of a questionnaire study involving 296 sub-Saharan African students from a representative set of nine American campuses. Some of the results suggest that African students in this country in the middle 70s: are predominantly Christian and middle-class in origin. coming mostly from cities of over 10,000; Nigerians vastly outnumber those from any other country; are two-thirds undergraduates and one-third graduate students, with at least a third having started their American education in a community college; are mostly supported by their families or themselves. Their major problems at first are in the areas of climate, communication with Americans, discrimination, homesickness, depression, irritability, and tiredness. Only a minority feel comfortable with the basic elements of American culture, though the vast majority are pleased with the education they arc receiving. It was possible to identify several correlates of adjustment, defined as happiness and freedom from various problems. Students have a more positive attitude toward American values if they are from more prominent families, have attended an orientation to American education, and spend time with Americans rather than other Africans. Contact with the foreign-student office on campus seems to he an effective bridge to American culture and also engenders positive attitudes toward American education.  相似文献   

This essay outlines an intellectual portrait of Chua Beng Huat and offers a critical appreciation of his contributions as an academic, a scholar, and an intellectual. I highlight key biographical details: his family upbringing in Bukit Ho Swee, schooling in the Chinese and English mediums, higher education and academic experience in Canada, his return to Singapore, and serving as a sociology faculty at the National University of Singapore, which he made a home base for inter-Asia studies. I discuss his pedagogical approach, which extends to his research and public engagement. In reviewing his works, I focus on the theme of communitarianism as a basis of political legitimacy in East Asia, with housing provision in Singapore as a prime example. His project presents an alternative to Western liberal democracy taken as the universal bedrock of political modernity. I characterize it as the recuperation of the social in the face of capitalist modernity, which is conducive to atomization and corrosive of solidarity. Yet, he projects the possibilities of a more politically liberalized communitarianism. What he offers is not a set of ready answers that reconcile Marx’s “realm of necessity” and “realm of freedom,” but a lucid exposition of the tensions between the two realms under contemporary conditions.  相似文献   

Reflecting on the current status of multicultural education in higher education institutions, we examine Grow Your Own Teachers, a progressive, innovative program that not only embodies and enacts major principles of multicultural education, but also represents an ongoing effort to redefine and revitalize multicultural education within teacher preparation.  相似文献   

In an effort to humanize students of color in teacher education research, this study shifts away from the question, “How can we add students of color?” and instead asks, “How might teacher education programs be transformed to make space for students of color?” To begin, we articulate an ethnic studies critique for teacher education based on the demands for ethnic studies in the late 1960s. We then apply this critique in an analysis of the experiences of twelve preservice teachers of color. We argue that teacher education may be structured—institutionally and ideologically—to hinder the success of preservice teachers of color. We conclude with three suggestions for teacher education grounded in the ethnic studies critique, which offers an alternative paradigm for thinking of students of color beyond numbers and statistics.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined preservice teacher perception on the modeling of principles of multicultural education at a university of predominantly White students. Preservice teachers (N = 79) at the end of a multicultural education course responded to a survey based on the principles of multiculturalism. The students conducted an 8-week evaluation of the modeling or integration of multiculturalism in their teacher education classes. Statistical analysis indicated that 95.4% of preservice teachers perceived an integration of instructional principles of multicultural education, whereas 69% perceived integration of curricular principles of multicultural education. Findings suggested that diversity is a critical element of multiculturalism in the teacher education program needing attention.  相似文献   

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