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《本爱安娜》是一部充满趣味的儿童小说,对于儿童的心理世界和外部的生活世界都有细腻的展现,而且作者对于社会生活中成人世界的问题也有所揭露。小说通过高超的叙事策略,把儿童的世界展现为表面文本,把成人世界以隐含的文本表现出来。这两种文本的结合,使得儿童的小世界中包含着成人的大世界,所以小说达到了趣味性和思想性的完美结合。  相似文献   

儿童小说具有两个鲜明的特点:其一,它是小说,与成人小说一样通过虚构、合理想象等手段来编织故事情节、塑造人物形象,同时运用多种艺术手法来广泛而多方面地反映与之相关的社会生活;其二,它是特殊小说,在读者对象和构成要素上都有自己独特的个性。故其涵义可描述为:儿童小说是符合儿童审美心理特征,有利于他们身心健康,为他们所喜闻乐见的一种叙事性作品。其中,人物形象刻画是中心,人物、主题和情节是其三要素。  相似文献   

儿童小说主要塑造儿童形象,但并不排斥对成人的表现,因为我们的世界是一个成人文化占主导地位的现实世界,每一个正常发展的儿童最终都得进入这个世界,因而儿童的发展本质上不可能摆脱成人的文化的影响;成人总是在儿童身上寄予了各种各样的愿望和要求,必不可少地在儿童身上烙下成人的印迹。儿童文学创作的主力军儿童文学作家,也无可避免地让思想观念里的自己同化到其文字形象中去。“成人形象”也因了儿童文学而独立形成儿童文学的理论对象,成人文学是没有这一名称的。成人文学只有典型形象、类型形象,而成人形象是“儿童文学创作中人物形象的一种,与儿童形象相对而言,成人形象随儿童形象而产生”。成人形象在儿童小说中,是一群很尴尬的形象,因为他们既无法家成人文学中的成人那样变化莫测,性格有丰富而深沉的内蕴,也无法像儿童小说中的儿童一样的天真浪漫、幼稚可爱,在这两者之间游离着的成熟与天真、严肃与活泼的矛盾统一体,成人文学的形象长廊将他们拒之门外,儿童文学的形象长廊也难有他们的立锥之地。究其根源,则是儿童小说中的“成人形象”,实在没有多少可以称之为“形象”的缘故。  相似文献   

《蝇王》、《珊瑚岛》和《鲁滨孙飘流记》这三部小说出自不同的时代,但作者都将主人公置于孤岛上。巴兰坦笔下的人物本性善良,而笛福和戈尔丁笔下的人物都知道邪恶生存于自身。《鲁滨孙飘流记》是一部现实主义小说,它颂扬了个人的创造力及其对上帝的信赖;《珊瑚岛》以一个传奇故事表现了大英帝国的社会精神风貌,旨在为儿童提供教育和娱乐;《蝇王》则是一部寓言,它将儿童世界作为成人世界的缩影给展示出来,从而打破了天真的神话,将人们带回到被巴兰坦置于"另类"和被笛福过分简单化的邪恶问题上。  相似文献   

小说《蝇王》从表面上看是一部描写小孩的小说,实际上它不仅仅是一部写给孩子们看的故事,更是一部反映现实成人生活的寓言故事。借孩子们的所作所为来警示现实中的人们,告诫人们注意人性的缺陷,呼唤人性的净化。本文试图挖掘小说对我们现代社会的启示,从人类对物质的疯狂追求,对自由的逃避以及战争三个方面来阐释小说中包含的现代警世意义。  相似文献   

班马曾在论著中多次探讨“叔叔”型成人形象的魅力及审美功能,在其儿童小说里也刻画了一批“叔叔”形象群。儿童文学不是只写儿童的文学,成人形象塑造理应成为儿童小说研究的重要课题。但成人的感受、体悟如何能为儿童读者所接受与喜爱?班马以“高蹈的游戏”姿态实践了成人经验的“戏作”式传递,创作出探讨哲思性主题的成人主人公,进而突破儿童文学就是写儿童或儿童式角色的文学的旧有观念,为我们把握成人形象塑造的尺度提供了独特经验。  相似文献   

本文以评读儿童文学作家梅子涵新创作的儿童小说为引起,主要从儿童小说叙述方式中切入点和叙述视角的技术层面上,探讨典型儿童小说在创作上形成的、童年故事童年精神与成人创作理念相融合的一个无痕的二次元世界。即强调作品在贴近儿童心灵、附和儿童精神的同时,将成人作家所拥有的人生经验和思想积淀,潜藏在浅显朴拙的故事背后。并以此建构儿童小说的本体意义。  相似文献   

“儿童视角”是余华小说的一个重要叙事策略。借助于儿童视角,余华对成人世界、乡村记忆和人类生存境遇作了原生态的还原和真实的敞开。从叙事形态上看,成人视角制导下的“儿童世界一成人世界”、“儿童话语一成人话语”形成了儿童视角的“复调诗学”。从价值形态上看,儿童视角不仅有着对成人世界的理性审视、对儿童本体创伤性心理的关怀,而且也内含着作家的深层审美建构。  相似文献   

试析小说《安琪拉的灰烬》的主题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一部成长小说,《安琪拉的灰烬》成功地展现了主人公从童年到青少年时期的成长历程。小说以第一人称的方式叙述,幽默诙谐地把读者带入主人公弗兰基的自我世界里,使读者可以真切地感受到它与外部真实世界的冲突。试析了饥饿、天主教会、疾病死亡等贯穿于全篇小说的几个矛盾冲突,并由此得出,该小说称得上是一部典型的爱尔兰天主教儿童成长的辛酸史。  相似文献   

成人叙事中的儿童视角作为一种叙事策略,是值得关注的现象.它作为一种有意味的形式,其形成包含了人类文化心理中人类儿童情结、儿童的重新发现等因素.在儿童视角的关照下,不仅能反映成人世界对儿童世界的侵入,还能质疑以成人中心的理性和规范,还原历史本相.在儿童视角与成人视角的复合下,揭示出人类生存本相.  相似文献   

New technology poses new moral problems for children to consider. We examined whether children deem object tracking with a mobile GPS device to be a property right. In three experiments, 329 children (4–10 years) and adults were asked whether it is acceptable to track the location of either one's own or another person's possessions using a mobile GPS device. Young children, like adults, viewed object tracking as relatively more acceptable for owners than nonowners. However, whereas adults expressed negative evaluations of someone tracking another person's possessions, young children expressed positive evaluations of this behavior. These divergent moral judgments of digital tracking at different ages have profound implications for how concepts of digital privacy develop and for the digital security of children.  相似文献   

本文探讨了《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的成长经历,从阿克莱和斯特拉德莱塔为代表的同学伙伴,以考菲尔德夫妇、斯宾塞历史老师和安多里尼先生为代表的成年人和以菲比为代表的纯真儿童等角度,分析了霍尔顿对爱的种种呼唤,同时阐述了爱在人的成长过程中的重要性和影响力。  相似文献   

Just like adults, children of all ages need time and understanding in order to process the concept of death and dying. This process is much different for children than it is for adults. There are 4 components relative to children's understanding of death: (a) the irreversibility factor, (b) finality, (c) inevitability, and (d) causality. These 4 components relate directly to the developmental level of the child at the time the death occurs. Knowing how children's concept of death is constructed provides parents and caregivers important information and helps them respond more sensitively to what children might feel and experience. This article provides an overview of how children understand death, concrete strategies for talking to children about death, and suggestions for teachers about how to help children through grief and mourning.  相似文献   

Conversations about Visual Arts: Facilitating Oral Language   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Visual arts, such as drawings, are attractive to most young children. Marks left on paper by young children contain meaning. Although it is known that children’s oral language could be enhanced through communication with adults, rarely is there a series of dialogues between adults and young children about their drawings. Often heard instead are simple comments given by adults like “It is a neat picture!” “You did a great job painting!” Yet, dialogic communication between adults and young children could not only help facilitate children’s oral language, but also bring about many other merits. Regrettably, little literature addresses oral language facilitation about visual arts. This article describes the significance of facilitating children’s oral language via adults’ talking with young children about their visual arts based on Otto’s (Literacy development in early childhood: reflective teaching for birth to age eight, 3edn. Pearson Education Inc, Upper Saddle River, 2008) linguistic scaffolding strategies and Halliday’s (Language in a social perspective: explorations in the functions of language. Edward Arnold Model of Language Functions, London, 1973). Implications and suggestions for future research are given at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

Extensive research has explored the ability of young children to learn about the causal structure of the world from patterns of evidence. These studies, however, have been conducted with middle-class samples from North America and Europe. In the present study, low-income Peruvian 4- and 5-year-olds and adults, low-income U.S. 4- and 5-year-olds in Head Start programs, and middle-class children from the United States participated in a causal learning task (N = 435). Consistent with previous studies, children learned both specific causal relations and more abstract causal principles across culture and socioeconomic status (SES). The Peruvian children and adults generally performed like middle-class U.S. children and adults, but the low-SES U.S. children showed some differences.  相似文献   

《幼儿园工作规程》明确指出:"幼儿园是对三周岁以上学龄前幼儿实施保育和教育的机构",而幼儿就像刚出土的嫩苗需要成人的呵护和关爱,健康快乐成长。本文就教师如何为幼儿营造爱的环境作以浅谈。  相似文献   

4 experiments explored adult and grade school children's beliefs about inheritability of identity, particularly the "one-drop rule" that defines children of mixed-race parents as belonging to the racial category of the minority parent. In Study 1, 8- and 12-year-olds ( N = 32) and adults ( N = 43) were asked the category membership of mixed-race children and the degree to which they resembled each parent. Study 2 investigated whether the same-aged children ( N = 36) and adults ( N = 18) expected mixed-race children to have white, black, or intermediate features. Study 3 explored children's ( N = 46) expectations about the inheritability of the same properties in animals. Older children, like adults, were found to believe that mixed-race children have black racial features. Adults additionally believe that such children inherit the categorical identity of the minority parent. Study 4 repeated the same tasks with black and white children ( N = 39) attending an integrated school. Unlike children attending a predominantly white school, children in the integrated school (regardless of race) expect mixed-race children to have intermediate racial features.  相似文献   

On belief-desire reasoning tasks, children first pass tasks involving true belief before those involving false belief, and tasks involving positive desire before those involving negative desire. The current study examined belief-desire reasoning in participants old enough to pass all such tasks. Eighty-three 6- to 11-year-olds and 20 adult participants completed simple, computer-based tests of belief-desire reasoning, which recorded response times as well as error rates. Both measures suggested that, like young children, older children and adults find it more difficult to reason about false belief and negative desires than true beliefs and positive desires. It is argued that this developmental continuity is most consistent with either executive competence or executive performance accounts of the development of belief-desire reasoning.  相似文献   

Power differences are observed in children's early relationships, yet little is known about how children conceptualize social power. Study 1 recruited adults (= 35) to assess the validity of a series of vignettes to measure five dimensions of social power. Using these vignettes, Study 2 (149 three‐ to nine‐year‐olds, 42 adults) and Study 3 (86 three‐ to nine‐year‐olds, 22 adults) showed that children visiting a science museum at a middle class university town are sensitive to several dimensions of social power from a young age; however, an adult‐like breadth of power concepts does not develop until 7–9 years. Children understand social power whether the powerful character is malevolent or benevolent, though malevolent power is easier to detect for children and adults.  相似文献   

This study examined age-group differences in eye movements among third-grade, fifth-grade, and adult Japanese readers. In Experiment 1, Japanese children, but not adults, showed a longer fixation time on logographic kanji words than on phonologically transparent hiragana words. Further, an age-group difference was found in the first fixation duration on hiragana words but not on kanji words, suggesting character-type-dependent reading development in Japanese children. Examination of the distributions of saccade landing positions revealed that, like adults, both third and fifth graders fixated more on kanji than on hiragana characters, which suggests that even young children utilize the same oculomotor control strategy (the kanji targeting strategy) as Japanese adults. In Experiment 2, we examined whether the proportion of kanji characters in a text affected adult reading performance. Japanese adults made more refixations and regressions in texts with a high proportion of hiragana characters. The results of both experiments suggest that differences between kanji and kana affect the reading efficiency of school-age children and that maturation of reading skills allows adults to optimize their strategy in reading kanji and kana mixed texts.  相似文献   

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