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教师作为潜在课程的主要因素之一 ,其重要作用已日益引起幼教界重视。我园在进行“促进幼儿个性和谐发展的研究”课题中认识到教师的个性对幼儿的个性发展起着非常大的影响作用。因此 ,我们把如何创设良好的教师环境作为幼儿园的一项重要工作来抓。在先进的儿童观、教师观和教育观的指导下 ,我们通过制度管理 ,规范教师行为 ;实行柔性管理 ,从而给教师创设良好心境 ;采取优势互补等管理 ,为幼儿的个性和谐发展创设良好的教师环境。具体做法是 :一、加强制度管理 ,完善教师个性 ,关注幼儿发展教师的素质高低 ,直接影响幼儿的发展。从关注幼儿…  相似文献   

情商是个体控制和调节自身情绪体验的能力.许多研究表明,幼儿阶段是情商发展的重要时期,这关系到他们以后的智力、意识和整个人格的发展.而游戏是幼儿最基本的活动,游戏本身的特决征定了它能够在幼儿情商培养中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

陈爱萍 《生活教育》2011,(20):42-43
教师素养是影响幼儿创造心理发展的关键要素。幼儿创造力发展需要一定的外部环境,其中教师的作用尤为重要。作为托幼机构教育活动的策划者、组织者和实施者,其素质高低更是直接影响幼儿各个方面的发展,包括幼儿创造心理的发展。我们的研究发现,教师美术教育理念的革新、教师在美术教育活动中角色和地位等因素,对幼儿创  相似文献   

益于幼儿心理健康发展的幼儿园环境创设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境创设成为当前幼教工作研究的热点。幼儿园环境对幼儿心理发展具有的重要作用,影响着幼儿身心健全发展并促进其身心的成长和变化。但目前我国幼儿园环境创设中存在着许多不利于幼儿心理健康成长的问题。幼儿园环境创设要符合幼儿的心理需要,能促进幼儿与环境的良性积极互动,能对幼儿的心理问题进行早期的干预和治疗。  相似文献   

保护和增强幼儿的自信心有重要意义。一方面,自信心的强弱对幼儿的性格具有重要的催化作用。作为重要的个性心理特征之一,性格对幼儿生活的方方面面都会产生不可估量的影响。而性格的发展则同幼儿自信心的状况关系密切。大量的研究表明,幼儿自信心强,其在性格上就容易显得比较外倾,较之其他人,他们通常更为合群、更善于交际,性格更为开朗和活泼;而幼儿自信心不足甚至缺乏,  相似文献   

艺术教育是幼儿全面发展教育的一个重要组成部分,艺术教育不但关系幼儿当前的学习与发展,对幼儿的长期发展也有着重要影响。音乐教育作为艺术教育的重要组成部分,它不仅在幼儿审美能力方面有着重要影响,在促进儿童认知、情感、社会性、肢体动作、美感、创造性方面的重要作用。在当今中国,越来越多的人关注到幼儿音乐教育,但同时也面临着巨大的挑战。本研究以江西省南昌市民办幼儿园音乐教育作为研究对象,通过问卷调查法、访谈法、搜集文献法、数理分析法等方式,对南昌市三县六区的二十余所民办幼儿园音乐教育开展情况进行了实地调查研究,力求通过本研究,深入了解南昌地区民办幼儿教育的发展现状。  相似文献   

徐晓蓉 《家教世界》2014,(5X):13-14
<正>亲子阅读是早期阅读的重要组成部分,它是在一个和谐自然的环境下,父母和幼儿通过各种方式开展的阅读活动。亲子阅读活动不仅能让幼儿获得到各种知识,同时也满足了幼儿代际沟通的情感需要,它对于幼儿的身心成长具有特殊的意义。研究表明家长参加到幼儿早期的阅读活动中,能对幼儿阅读能力的发展起到不可替代的作用。目前许多家庭在进行亲子阅读活动中存在着  相似文献   

对幼儿在成长过程中心理理论影响的原因进行深入研究具有重要意义:一是通过研究能够丰富对幼儿心理理论情况的掌握,特别是能够加深对幼儿心理理论层次发展的认识;二是通过研究能够总结出相应的教育措施,不断促进幼儿心理的健康发展,具有一定的实践意义。一、幼儿心理理论影响因素分析(一)家庭因素幼儿的生活经验主要是通过其所在的家庭得到的。家庭在社会系统中的重要作用,能够促使幼儿不断地社  相似文献   

师幼互动与幼儿的主体性发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师幼互动对幼儿主体性的建构和发展具有重要影响.作为师幼互动的两个主体,教师和幼儿在师幼互动过程中起着不同的作用.教师和幼儿对师幼互动的发生、发展以及互动内容连续性方面所起的作用都不相同.教师要努力提高师幼互动质量,促进幼儿的主体性建构与发展.  相似文献   

游戏是人类发展中不断创新的活动,而且人类在游戏中也能取得收获,对人的个性发展有着重要的作用。游戏作为幼儿非常喜欢的活动,在游戏中培养幼儿个性发展是非常重要的。因此,教师应积极研究如何在游戏中促进幼儿个性发展。  相似文献   

Socialization and Temperament in the Development of Guilt and Conscience   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Toddlerhood antecedents of conscience were examined in 58 8-10-year-old children. The measures of conscience, such as general affective/moral orientation, the extent of reparation, and the intensity of guilt feelings, were assessed from children's narratives produced in response to semiprojective stories involving transgressions, distress, and conflict. Maternal endorsed socialization orientations and observed rearing behaviors that deemphasized the use of power were associated with the children's internalized conscience 6 years later. However, these findings were significant only for children who were relatively prone to fearful arousal. The capacity for self-regulation, indexed by early compliance and noncompliance to maternal socialization, predicted children's internalized conscience 6 years later. There was preliminary evidence that compliance obtained in a rearing context that deemphasized power assertion was most conducive to the development of conscience. The findings are discussed in view of the interplay of socialization and temperament in moral development.  相似文献   

Maternal parenting and children's conscience: early security as moderator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Socialization research is shifting from direct links between parenting and children's outcomes toward models that consider parenting in the context of other factors. This study proposed that the effects of maternal responsive, gentle parenting on child conscience are moderated by the quality of their relationship, specifically, early security. A 2-process model of early conscience development was proposed and confirmed in this longitudinal study. The child's security and trust in the caregiver, assessed at 14 months in the Strange Situation, rendered him or her receptive and eager to accept the caregiver's socialization agenda. That early security then enhanced the effectiveness of parental adaptive parenting style, observed from 14 to 45 months, in terms of promoting conscience at 56 months, which encompassed moral conduct, moral cognition, and moral self.  相似文献   

It is argued that, while research on conscience development has emphasized the contribution of parental socialization, the influence of children's temperament has been largely neglected. Two developmental processes that result in the formation of two respective components of conscience are proposed: (1) development of the tendency to experience affective discomfort, guilt, and anxiety associated with wrongdoing; and (2) development of behavioral control—the ability to inhibit a prohibited action, to suppress an antisocial or destructive impulse, and to perform a more prosocial/desirable behavior. Individual differences among children and qualities of parental socialization in relation to both processes are considered as they contribute to conscience development. Relevant evidence from neopsychoanalytic, attributional, social-learning, and temperament models is reviewed. New avenues of research that integrate socialization and temperament perspectives in a developmental framework are proposed. The importance of the study of early developmental periods is emphasized.  相似文献   

The separate literatures on parental discipline, maternal discourse about emotion, and autobiographical memory support the idea that parent-child discourse in the context of a supportive relationship plays a role in a child's early conscience development, and this study was designed to examine this issue. Forty-two preschool children and their mothers took part in a 45-min structured laboratory session, and at their homes, mothers completed the Attachment Q-Set. As part of the laboratory session, each mother was asked to discuss with her child one incident that occurred within the last week in which her child behaved well and one in which her child misbehaved. These conversations were transcribed verbatim and coded for maternal references to feelings, rules, consequences of the child's actions, and moral evaluatives. Each child also took part in a behavioral measure of internalization and several compliance tasks, and mothers completed a maternal report of the child's early conscience development. Consistent with attachment theory, attachment security predicted maternal and child references to feelings and moral evaluatives. Attachment security, shared positive affect between the mother and child, and maternal references to feelings and moral evaluatives also predicted specific aspects of early conscience development.  相似文献   

群体社会化理论认为,从个体的整体社会化发展过程来看,对个体的发展起决定性影响的是群体,而不是家庭(父母)。该理论为我们理解儿童社会化过程提供了一个新的思考角度,也为学前教育提供了一定的启示。  相似文献   

We examined whether positive implications of mother-child mutually responsive orientation, demonstrated earlier at toddler and preschool age, extend longitudinally into early school age. The focus of the present study was on the long-term consequences of mutually responsive orientation for the development of conscience. Mutually responsive orientation encompassed shared cooperation and shared positive affect between mother and child. It was measured as a composite of those qualities observed in dyadic naturalistic interactions and reported by mothers, at toddler and preschool age. Children's conscience was assessed at early school age (N = 83) using multiple measures, including observations of moral behavior, alone and in the peer context, and moral cognition. Mother-child mutually responsive orientation at toddler and preschool ages predicted children's future conscience, even after controlling for the developmental continuity of conscience. Model-fitting analyses revealed that mutually responsive orientation at toddler age had a direct effect on future conscience, not mediated by such orientation at preschool age. The findings extend those of earlier work that revealed the importance of mother-child mutually responsive orientation for socialization, and they confirm the value of the relationship approach to social development, including long-term outcomes.  相似文献   

一个自闭症儿童辅导的行动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用行动研究的方法对一名自闭症儿童进行了研究。作者根据该儿童的情况,设定了干预计划,通过两个月的实施,结果表明:所制定的干预计划能够有效地缓解其不良症状,促进其语言能力的发展,但对其社会性发展方面作用不大。  相似文献   

中国学前教育由家庭化向社会化的转变过程是中国学前教育由个体依自愿对学前儿童进行教育到依照国家颁布的教育法规,有组织、有目的、有计划地对儿童进行教育的演进历程。细究历史,这一历程是与“西学东渐”紧密相联的。西方(包括日本)制度化的传入,促进中国从体制上开始由家庭化向社会化转变并逐步深入。中国近代学前教育的转型为老解放区和新中国成立后的学前教育发展奠定了基础,积累了经验。其间产生的许多教育思想和实验成果对我们今日幼教研究仍有积极影响与借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The importance of supporting the young child's socialization process is presented from the perspecitive of a teacher educator/researcher, a parent, and a caregiver. The article describes four stages of socialization and offers recommendations for corresponding spacial needs, play levels, adult's role, group size, and activities/materials for each stage.  相似文献   

论良心的意义与养成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在目前这个人类欲望得到空前释放的世界,善或德如何起作用是一个需要认真思考的问题。良心的养成或可成为解决方式之一。在回顾东西方关于良心思想史的基础上,分析了现代人良心缺失的表现及原因,指出良心可以在我们寻找摆脱精神危机、价值危机困境出路时,提供一份可资吸收借鉴的文化资源。对现代人的良心养成提出了一些建议:养成自我反省的习惯,体悟“畏”的观念,在道德践履中磨练良心,提升良心层次,发挥职业组织的作用,营造有利于良心养成的社会文化环境等。  相似文献   

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