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异性交往是中学生生理成熟的表现,正常的异性交往是他们社会化的重要途径。家庭、学校、社会的不正确态度常常成为中学生异性交往不正常发展的催化剂。对中学生异性交往常常存在以下一些误解:一、学生主要任务是读书,与异性交往是长大以后的事情。其实,读书只是学生发展  相似文献   

用自编的中学生心理健康状况问卷对贵州省 818名中学生进行调查 ,结果表明 ,影响中学生心理健康较明显的因素有 :家庭结构、家长期望、亲子关系等家庭因素 ,师生关系等学校因素 ,学习问题和与异性交往状况等自身因素。根据研究结果 ,提出了相应的教育对策 :(1)发挥家庭的心理健康教育功能 ;(2 )开展心理健康教育 ,帮助学生建立良好的师生关系和同伴关系 ;(3)营造有助于心理健康发展的社会环境  相似文献   

高校师德建设现状与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中学生的异性交往是最令家长和教师棘手的问题,也是学生最感困惑的问题。但同时学会同异性的交往是青少年时期心理素质教育的一个重要环节,本文在分析中学生异性交往现状和心理特点的基础上,提出了正确引导中学生异性交往的对策和建议.  相似文献   

随着中学生生理和心理的发展,异性之间交往的愿望日益强烈,但由于其既缺乏异性交往的心理准备,又缺乏相应的经验和技巧,导致了各种心理、行为困扰,影响了正常的学习和生活,甚至导致不同程度的心理障碍。为此如何指导中学生异性正常交往已成为学校、家庭、社会共同关心、配合教育的重要问题。根据中学生生理、心理的发展特征,对青少年学生异性交往的认识和行为进行正确的教育和引导,使他们适应自身的生理和心理变化,调整自己与环境及他人的关系,保持身心的平衡与健康,顺利实现向成年期的过渡。  相似文献   

中学生的异性交往是最令家长和教师棘手的问题,也是学生最感困惑的问题.但同时学会同异性的交往是青少年时期心理素质教育的一个重要环节,本文在分析中学生异性交往现状和心理特点的基础上,提出了正确引导中学生异性交往的对策和建议.  相似文献   

黄琦 《学子》2014,(11)
正一、中学生异性交往的现状一些中学生对正常的异性交往存在一些错误的看法和观念,他们将异性交往狭隘化为恋爱与性。而身体和心理的成熟使他们对异性交往有一种渴望,在外力与渴望之间有的中学生选择了妥协,有的选择了反抗,使有些本有着纯洁的友谊的双方走向"恋爱"或偷食禁果,导致了有的学生出现了对异性交往的恐惧,怕交往;对异性存有偏见,厌恶异性,拒绝交往;或认为异性之间不会产生真正的友谊。这可  相似文献   

正常的异性交往是青少年心理发展的正常需要,是中学生走向成熟的必然历程,是中学生社会化的重要途径.社会、学校和家庭应积极鼓励和引导中学生进行正常的异性交往,使他们吸取对方的长处,习染异性的个性特征,克服各自的缺点,有助于他们塑造健康、完美、优良的个性品质.作为德育工作者的教师,应承担起引导学生进行正确的异性交往的责任.  相似文献   

中学生青春期教育问题早已引起学校、家庭、社会的关注。为了避免中学生过早地陷入青春期情感的旋涡,应引导中学生正确认识青春期心理特点,培养中学生正确的兴趣爱好,学会如何与异性交往,健康、快乐地渡过青春期。  相似文献   

中学生的异性交往是一个敏感的、容易被误解的问题,也是班主任工作中最棘手、最难办的问题。中学生对异性的兴趣,与异性交往的需求,是随着身体的发育和成熟自然产生的。老师和家长往往忽视这个自然性,将异性交往看成是不正常的,看到男女生在一起就仿佛如临大敌,采取的教育方式往往是强行制止,美其名曰“对你的前途负责”。  相似文献   

正目前,中学生群体存在学习压力过大、青春期异性交往过密、人际关系紧张、网络游戏"中毒"、自信心不足、自我怀疑等心理问题;究其根源,既有学校、教师对中学生心理健康教育重视力度不够,方式方法陈旧的原因,也有家长过度溺爱以及多元文化的冲击影响等原因。如何开展卓有成效的心理健康教育,为学生的健康成长保驾护航?福建  相似文献   

Girls’ vulnerability to sexual violence and harassment is a recurrent theme in much of the literature on schooling in sub‐Saharan Africa. Within this research, girls are often framed as passive victims of violence. By drawing on a case study, this paper focuses on 12 to 13‐year‐old South African school girls as they mediate and participate in heterosexual cultures that are simultaneously privileging and damaging. Set against the wider social context where violent gender relations are key to the building blocks of patriarchy, the paper examines how heterosexuality underscores the formation of femininity as girls engage with and participate with each other and boys in informal school relations. To this end, Butler's concept of the ‘heterosexual matrix’ is deployed to examine how girls navigate the wall of male power, where the ‘real’ expression of femininity is embedded within heterosexuality. The paper explores girls’ investment in heterosexual cultures in the school playground and on ‘dress‐up Friday’ to examine how gender power inequalities and violent relations manifest. In expanding the analysis of heterosexuality to primary school contexts, the paper broadens the focus of school‐based gender and sexualities research in sub‐Saharan Africa to address a neglected area of younger girls’ femininity and their active agency. The paper argues for the importance of addressing primary school girls, femininity and the power of heterosexuality through which relations of inequalities operate.  相似文献   

Early school leaving has been identified as a key policy priority across Europe. In this article, we critically discuss the underpinning assumptions and rationale for this policy focus, challenging the association that is made between early school leaving, economic growth and employment. We suggest that ESL is important, not because it is inhibiting growth or that it is responsible for high levels of youth unemployment, but because it helps to sustain and reproduce inequalities. We problematise the utilitarian conceptualisation of education and linear models of educational pathways that are embedded in this policy framework and critically discuss strategies that are proposed to address early school leaving. We argue that the key criteria for assessing such strategies should be the extent to which they meet social equity and social inclusion goals.  相似文献   

Louisa Allen 《Sex education》2013,13(6):661-674

Homophobia is an enduring issue within schooling contexts internationally. This paper attempts to rethink homophobia from the perspective of heterosexual students’ accounts of bearing witness to it. Within the existing literature it has been LGBTQ students who have held the responsibility for naming and recounting homophobia. This paper re-orients this conventional account by positioning heterosexual students as its narrators to see what this might reveal about homophobia’s operation at school. While this strategy does not disrupt the ‘othering’ and ‘victimization’ of LGBT youth in these stories, it has other effects. When heterosexual students name homophobia as unjust, it is possible to see the instability of the victim/perpetrator binary that typically structures these accounts. Narratives of participants in this study did not fit neatly into this binary, revealing its inability to capture the complexity of homophobia’s operation. To have any hope of effectively addressing homophobia at school, we need to move beyond the victim/perpetrator binary. This is because it masks some of homophobia’s more nuanced moves, such as targeting difference, rather than sexual identity exclusively.  相似文献   

关于学校德育若干问题的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建立新型德育关系以适应发生重大变迁的学校德育环境。为此目的,首先,抛弃旧的德育观念,建立新的德育教育模式;第二,继承优秀传统化中的人道德精神,并赋予其时代含义;第三,以学校德育系统为核心,重新整合学校、家庭、社会三大德育系统,建立新的德育机制;第四,立足社会道德现实,培养学生的道德理想。  相似文献   


Using data from 2002 to 2013 collections of the National Survey of Family Growth, we explored how exposure and timing of sex education were associated with sexual health outcomes of 5,141 women between the ages of 15 and 20 years. Consistent with previous literature, sexual minority (e.g., lesbian and bisexual) women reported engaging in sexual intercourse with a male partner earlier than their heterosexual peers. Sexual minority women were also more likely to receive sex education after already engaging in sexual intercourse. Exposure to sex education was associated with poorer outcomes—such as an increased number of male sexual partners and higher reports of pregnancy—for sexual minority women but not for their heterosexual peers. Receiving sex education before engaging in intercourse was associated with an increase in birth control use among bisexual participants. Therefore, school psychologists and counselors should promote inclusive sex education programs that fully address the needs of sexual minority youth.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on a project funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council considering how people position themselves in relation to popular representations of mathematics and mathematicians, we explore constructions of mathematicians in popular culture and the ways learners make meanings from these. Drawing on an analysis of popular cultural texts, we argue that popular discourses overwhelmingly construct mathematicians as white, heterosexual, middle‐class men, yet also construct them as ‘other’ through systems of binary oppositions between those doing and those not doing mathematics. Turning to the analysis of a corpus of 27 focus groups with school and university students in England and Wales, we explore how such images are deployed by learners. We argue that while learners’ views of mathematicians parallel in key ways popular discourses, they are not passively absorbing these as they are simultaneously aware of the clichéd nature of popular cultural images.  相似文献   


It is generally accepted that hearing homophobic language can be detrimental to the well-being of same-sex attracted young people. Writing Themselves In 3, a survey of Australian same-sex attracted young people, found that almost half of the respondents reported hearing such language on a regular basis, and considered it offensive. Less is known however about heterosexual young people’s experiences. Homophobic language use is often assumed to be motivated by prejudice, but this topic has not been well studied. Using interviews and an online discussion with young people aged 16–21 years, this study explored heterosexual young people’s perspectives on homophobic language use at school. Contrary to the framing often used in anti-homophobia education, the meaning of this form of language was seen to largely depend on the context in which it was employed, frequently functioning to reinforce masculine gender norms, particularly for popular male students. Furthermore, while many heterosexual participants in this study used homophobic language regularly, they did not see themselves as homophobic and viewed school policies against the use of homophobic language as largely ineffective. Findings suggest that heterosexual young people may respond more favourably to anti-homophobia education if these programmes acknowledge the variety of meanings and functions of language commonly understood to be homophobic in character.  相似文献   

This literature review presents insights from existing research on how teachers view their role in creating safe schools for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, and intersex (LGBTQI) students. Analysis of the literature shows that there are concerns for LGBTQI students’ safety in schools, that educational settings operate from a position of heteronormativity, and that heterosexual teachers are uniquely positioned as part of the dominant group in which they help to define what is normal and what is deviant in school culture. Research findings on the ways heterosexual teachers respond to institutional heteronormativity are summarized and compared. This review of research provides considerations for and recommendations to school administrators and teacher educators to address needs of teachers. Areas for future research also are identified.  相似文献   

要提高学校德育工作的实效性,就要用教师的人格去塑造学生的人格,用情感教育作为主要实施手段,以课堂教学作为实施的主渠道,发挥家庭教育在学校德育工作中的重要作用,使这几个方面形成合力,从而提高学校德育工作的实效。  相似文献   

价值中立或价值参与是心理咨询中一个不可回避的问题。文章阐述了两者的内涵、价值问题的本质,说明两者是一对矛盾统一体,心理咨询中应将价值问题与本土化、个体的特性结合起来,辩证地对待价值中立,并把它与价值参与有机地结合起来,在价值中立基础上恰当地价值参与,才能促进咨访双方共同成长。  相似文献   

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