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神经精神分析学是一个将神经科学与精神分析学的理论和方法相结合以实现精神分析科学化的新学科领域,被认为是21世纪精神分析研究的新范式,问世于20世纪末,以《神经精神分析学》杂志的创办和国际神经精神分析协会的成立为标志。神经精神分析学体现了科学精神与人文精神的融合统一,对当代心理学研究具有积极的意义。它为心理学研究中存在的突出问题提供了一种独特的解决思路,为心理学研究的未来提供了一种有发展前途的研究方向。  相似文献   

鲁淑兰 《考试周刊》2009,(50):34-35
精神分析学是由奥地利心理医生西格蒙德.弗洛伊德创立的。此理论最初运用于精神病的治疗方面,后因为涉及潜意识和意识方面的问题,且与文学创造有密切的关系,被广泛运用于文学评论。经过一个世纪的传承和发展,精神分析学已经自成一个完备的体系,并被广泛运用于心理学、社会学、文学艺术乃至哲学等广泛领域等。本文主要运用精神分析学中的"情结"理论及力比多理论来对《伤心咖啡馆之歌》中的人物形象作大致的分析。  相似文献   

特里·伊格尔顿是英国当代著名的马克思主义文艺理论家、批评家.在其<文学理论导论>一书中,对弗洛伊德创立的精神分析学说以及与之共生的精神分析文论进行了批判性阐述,较为客观地分析了精神分析学的兴起、发展和成败得失,并以一个新马克思主义者的立场揭示了其背后深层的意识形态原因.  相似文献   

学习是人类永恒的主题,自古以来,一直受到人们的关注.心理学、教育学、认知神经科学、人工智能等领域有关学习的聚合研究,正在催生一门新型的交叉学科——学习神经科学.学习神经科学主要研究不同场合、不同时间点、不同人群、不同领域学习的神经机制、规律以及可能的优化方法,具有典型的跨学科的研究范式和方法.建立学习神经科学有助于更好地探讨学习的机制和规律,有助于促进科学的教与学,有助于学习科学群及学习科学共同体的形成和发展.建议加强跨领域的合作,促进学习神经科学学术共同体的形成和发展,积极争取将学习神经科学纳入我国的学科体系建设,加大学习神经科学人才培养的力度,加强学习神经科学的宣传和普及工作,提升学习神经科学的社会服务功能.  相似文献   

周加仙 《上海教育》2023,(26):20-23
<正>教育神经科学是将神经科学、心理学、教育学整合起来,研究人类教育现象及其一般规律的、横跨文理的新兴交叉学科。教育神经科学不同于神经科学领域以及教育学门类下面其他学科的研究,是一门独立的学科与专业,其发展得到了国际组织和各国政府的高度重视与大力支持。  相似文献   

精神分析学对我国现当代文学的影响主要表现在两个方面:一是在艺术的表现手法上,重视了对人物心理,尤其是性心理乃至于变态心理的揭示;二是在作品的思想内容上,强调了对性爱自由与妇女解放问题的探讨,从而不仅促进了我国现当代文学的形成与发展.同时也是区剐于古代文学的一个重要标志.  相似文献   

马雅菊 《文教资料》2008,(33):85-87
解释学对西方心理学尤其是精神分析心理学有着巨大的影响,从而奠定了它在西方心理学方法论上的重要位置.解释学的历史发展可以分为三个阶段,不同时期解释学的哲学假设对弗洛伊德的精神分析学都从不同方面有一定的影响.解释学对精神分析学具有重要的心理学方法论意义.  相似文献   

恋母情结又称"俄狄浦斯情结",是由精神分析学的创始人、奥地利精神病医生弗洛伊德提出的.本文试从精神分析学的角度来探讨美国19世纪颇具争议的作家爱伦·坡作品当中所流露出的恋母情结.并结合他的生平,从一个全新的角度来探究他的作品.  相似文献   

安娜·弗洛伊德对精神分析的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安娜·弗洛伊德是西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的女儿,她对精神分析的贡献具有独立性与原创性。《自我与防御机制》一书扩展和深化了防御机制的概念与功能,为自我心理学的发展奠定了基础,开创了儿童精神分析学领域,提出了精神分析的儿童发展观与教育观以及诊断图、发展线索等理论,并将儿童精神分析思想应用于教育、法律、儿科学等领域,为儿童精神分析的理论建构与应用实践作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

19世纪末由弗洛伊德创立的精神分析学说在人类文化史上矗立起了一块划时代的丰碑,它的巨大而深刻的影响不仅仅是在心理学的领域,而且波及到了人类文化的各个方面。尤其是文学,几乎在精神分析学刚刚问世之时,文学就成了精神分析这一心理科学的最好的盟友,文学既是精神分析学的主要对象,  相似文献   

Neuroscience is a rapidly expanding scientific field, and its influence on our perceptions of fundamental aspects of human life is becoming widespread, particularly in the social and behavioral sciences. This influence has many philosophical implications, only one of which will be addressed in this article. For many centuries, philosophers have grappled with the myriad problems presented by consciousness, not the least of which is the so-called “mind–body problem”; now, the gains made in the field of neuroscience promise to answer questions that have been traditionally unanswerable. The richness of neuroscientific data notwithstanding, there are still fundamental philosophical problems in play. This article seeks to answer the question: How do neuroscientists and articles drawing primarily on neuroscience use language to characterize the brain and the mind? Is the same terminology and language used interchangeably, suggesting that the mind and the brain are inherently the same, or does this influential field draw distinctions between the two? We argue that neuroscientific research uses language in a way that does not acknowledge the potential philosophical objections to a mind–brain identity thesis. By doing this, neuroscientific research does not acknowledge the historically problematic discourse about consciousness.  相似文献   

在教育神经科学领域,我们需要可靠的脑科学知识为学与教奠定坚实的基础。在教学实践中,应该尊重学生的兴趣以及他们独特的学习通路。在教育神经科学中,我们已经创建了一种通用的量表来评估孩子们的认知发展以及他们在校学习,这种评价重视对学生学习的支持与促进。在教育神经科学的研究中,重要的是,科学家与教育工作者相互合作,建立研究型学校,将心智、脑与教育领域的知识联系起来,以支持并促进学生的学习。  相似文献   

关于认知或心智机制的探讨,自古希腊以来就没有停止过,因为这个问题实质上是心身问题的深化。针对此问题的观点有多种,认知涌现论是认知科学产生后出现的一种新观点。然而,涌现(emergence)一词有多种含义,不同学科对它的理解也不尽相同。而且,涌现论本身与不同时期的科学主题的结合,形成了各种类型的涌现论——进化涌现论、机体涌现论、系统生成涌现论、社会涌现论等。随着复杂科学、心灵哲学、神经科学和认知科学的发展,涌现论进入到认知或心智领域,形成了认知涌现论,一种具有交互性、生成性、整体适应性特征的本体论唯物主义。事实上,认知涌现论是基于神经科学对心智或意识机制进行解释的意识整体论。  相似文献   

Much educational neuroscience research investigates connections between cognition, neuroscience, and educational theory and practice without reference to the body. In contrast, proponents of embodied cognition posit that the bodily action and perception play a central role in cognitive development. Some researchers within the field of Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) explore this theory by researching the impact of sensorimotor activity on academic competencies such as language comprehension, mathematics, and scientific thinking. In this article, I call for this work to be highlighted more centrally in MBE training programs. Toward this end, I model an investigation of the concept of embodied cognition that can be used in MBE curricula with a dual purpose: to train future practitioners in the seminal metaphor of mind as an embodied system, and to demonstrate effective interdisciplinary research, which is critical to advancing the field of Mind, Brain, and Education.  相似文献   

Neuroscience has the potential to make some very exciting contributions to education and pedagogy. However, it is important to ask whether the insights from neuroscience studies can provide "usable knowledge" for educators. With respect to literacy, for example, current neuroimaging methods allow us to ask research questions about how the brain develops networks of neurons specialized for the act of reading and how literacy is organized in the brain of a reader with developmental dyslexia. Yet quite how these findings can translate to the classroom remains unclear. One of the most exciting possibilities is that neuroscience could deliver "biomarkers" that could identify children with learning difficulties very early in development. In this review, I will illustrate how the field of mind, brain, and education might develop biomarkers by combining educational, cognitive, and neuroscience research paradigms. I will argue that all three kinds of research are necessary to provide usable knowledge for education.  相似文献   

The term “neuromyth” is becoming part of discourse in the field of mind, brain, and education. In this article, I review some problematic aspects of the practice, critique specific examples, and propose an alternative way of communicating with the public about findings in psychology and neuroscience.  相似文献   

This article considers the appeal of cognitive neuroscience research to the general public within the context of the deep puzzles involved in using our minds to understand how our minds work. It offers a few promising examples of findings that illuminate the ways of the mind and reveal these workings to be counter‐intuitive with our subjective experience. However, this promise is tempered by the powerful role that perception, attention, and cognition play in how we reason about evidence. It argues that the interplay between what we believe about the nature of our minds and what the findings suggest constitutes a primary challenge in encouraging public understanding of cognitive neuroscience findings.  相似文献   

茨威格及其小说的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茨威格是奥地利著名的作家,他擅长心理分析,巧妙地揭示人的心灵这一“黑暗大陆”;同时对作品精益求精,使他的小说享誉全球。  相似文献   

Momentum is continuing to grow in the circulation of neuroscientific discourse, informing aspects of how we live but affecting too how we think about education and learning. Neurologically informed intrusions into education frequently align with psychology which has until now largely adopted a ‘medical model’, supporting policies and practices which ultimately invoke psychopathology and arguably render individual young people more vulnerable to various forms of social and educational exclusion. This paper urges caution in respect of understandings of educational neuroscience that focus on individual deficits and diagnoses. Rather it holds in mind the broader historical context for neuroscience and its implications for our understandings of what it is to be human in the twenty first century and thereafter for education and learning. Theoretical resources from critical and affective neuroscience but also critical educational psychology are brought together specifically to support the principles of inclusionist policies and practices in education.  相似文献   

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