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地质教育是新时期地质工作发展的重要基础,从"十二五"到2020年,经济社会发展给地质工作提出了更高的要求,中央十七届五中全会对于加强能源和重要矿产资源地质勘查,对地质环境保护特别是地质灾害的调查评价、监测评估、综合治理和应急体系等建设提出了前所未有的新要求。在此新的形势下,地质教育研究分会召开的"我国地质教育改革发展研讨会"对于贯彻十七届五中全会精神、全国人才工作会议和全国教育工作会议精神,推进地质教育改革发展大计,意义重大。  相似文献   

一、高校党风建设的重要性 在我们党内,毛泽东同志最先提出了党风这个名词,并对其作了比较系统的论述。1942年,他在中共中央党校开学典礼上所作的题为《整顿党的作风》的演说中指出:"反对主观主义以整顿学风,反对宗派主义以整顿党风,反对党八股以整顿文风,这就是我们的任务。"在《论联合政府》一文中,他又精辟地论述了我党长期在革命实践中形成的"三大作风"。  相似文献   

2011年是"十二五"开局之年。在自治区党委、政府的坚强领导下,全区教育系统以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,认真贯彻落实中央第五次西藏工作座谈会、全国教育工作会议、自治区教育工作会议精神,以科学发展观统领教育工作全局,开拓创新、锐意进取、扎实工作,教育改革发展取得显著成就,年度目标任务圆满完成,实现了"十二五"开门红,为实现"十二五"发展目标任务打下了坚实基础。  相似文献   

第二次全国人才工作会议的胜利召开,迎来了人才工作的又一个春天。全国人才工作会议的召开以及《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要》的发布,其重大意义不言而喻。胡锦涛主席在讲话中用了四个"是":人才工作是推动经济社会又好又快发展,实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的重要保证;是确立国家人才竞争比较优势,增强国家核心竞争力的战略选择;  相似文献   

中国的教育技术又叫"电化教育"、"现代教育技术"、"信息化教育"。改革开放以来,我国教育技术迅猛发展1978年,中国揭开了改革开放的序幕。邓小平在全国教育工作会议上指出:"要制定加速发展广播、电视等现代教育手段的措施,这是多、快、好、省发展教育事业的主要途径,必须引起充分的重视”。同年,经邓小平同志亲自批准,中国正式成立了中央电化教育馆,指导全国电化教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

2011年全国教育工作会议:落实纲要 2011年全国教育工作会议1月24日至25日在京举行。中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东出席会议并发表重要讲话。教育部党组书记、部长袁贵仁在会上强调,刘延东国务委员关于坚持改革创新,狠抓工作落实,努力开创教育事业科学发展新局面的重要讲话,对于做好2011年以及"十二五"时期的教育工作,深入推进教育事业科学发展、办好人民满意的教育具有十分重要的指导意义。讲话明确要求把握大好机遇,勇于承担历史使命;围绕中心、服务大局,推动教育改革发展再上新台阶;坚持改革创新,创造性地抓好落实工作。"落实"是2011年全国教育工作的关键词、核心词。能不能抓好纲要的落实,既是教育系统面临的紧迫任务,也是对教育系统的重大考验。  相似文献   

如何制定本单位的"十二五"规划是当前面临的重大课题.全国〈"十二五"规划纲要〉的颁发及国家和省〈中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)〉的制定,为教育事业的发展指明了方向.本文从指导思想、发展目标、发展思路、发展战略、发展任务、重点工作等六个方面阐述了对本单位"十二五"规划的思考.  相似文献   

目的:改善手术室工作环境,简化护理操作程序,减少护理安全隐患。方法:培训护士,将"五常法"(常组织;常清洁;常整顿;常规范;常自律)的理念融入到护士日常工作中,使护士自觉执行"五常法"的管理。讨论结果:完善手术室的管理,减少护理安全隐患,"五常法"是最简便,有效的方法之一。  相似文献   

国民政府成立之初,全国高等教育正处在所谓"大学热"时期。为改变高等学校"数量增加,质量低下"的状况,国民政府对高等教育进行了整顿。其中取消单科大学、限制滥设大学,加强对私立院校以及教会学校的控制与管理是整顿的重点。为此出台了一系列的法规政策,目的是全面加强政府对高等教育的控制以"限制数量、提升质量"。规范和控制相结合是国民政府初期整顿高等教育政策的主要特征。此次整顿还呈现以下特点:第一,整理方式以"裁、并、改、停"为主;第二,整顿内容始终围绕限制大学滥设、加强对私立院校的控制和管理展开;第三,政府整顿高等教育的法规和政策具有一定的灵活性。通过这次整顿,改变了20世纪20年代以来高等教育发展中的无序状况,在一定程度上提高了高等教育的整体水平。当然,在这一过程中也确立和加强了国民党在全国高等院校中的渗透和影响。  相似文献   

国务院学位委员会、国家教育委员会最近下发关于整顿普通高等学校授予成人本科毕业生学士学位工作的通知(以下简称整顿通知),对全国普通高等学校授予成人本科毕业生学士学位的工作作了具体部署。这是维护我国学位声誉的需要,也是严格学位管理工作、保证学位授予质量的需要。学位授予工作是一件学术性、政策性都很强的工作。在国际上,它关系到一个国家的学术水平和教育质量,也关系到一所学  相似文献   

Many educational theoretical approaches to cosmopolitanism tend towards an unconditional appreciation of mobility, diversity and rootlessness. The recent interest of educational philosophy in the rhizome, de-territorialization and diversity contributes to this understanding of cosmopolitanism as movement across a borderless and imperfect world. Without downplaying such insights (and related political education), this article displaces and de-temporalizes them. It takes the form of a parody of the rhizome to view those insights from a different perspective and make them strike a different pedagogical note.  相似文献   

Seven computer applications to science assessment are reviewed. Conventional test administration includes record keeping, grading, and managing test banks. Multiple-choice testing involves forced selection of an answer from a menu, whereas constructed-response testing involves options for students to present their answers within a set standard deviation. Adaptive testing attempts to individualize the test to minimize the number of items and time needed to assess a student's knowledge. Figurai response testing assesses science proficiency in pictorial or graphic mode and requires the student to construct a mental image rather than selecting a response from a multiple choice menu. Simulations have been found useful for performance assessment on a large-scale basis in part because they make it possible to independently specify different aspects of a real experiment. An emerging approach to performance assessment is solution pathway analysis, which permits the analysis of the steps a student takes in solving a problem. Virtually all computer-based testing systems improve the quality and efficiency of record keeping and data analysis.  相似文献   

The transformation of higher education systems under the pressure of new needs required by the “society of knowledge” in France and Italy has had a deep effect on the relationship between state and university, and therefore a direct impact on university governance. This article sums up the main results of a research carried out on university Présidents in France and Rettori in Italy, with the aim of understanding their views about the changing process in higher education systems and the related impact on their leading role. There emerges a picture of systems transiting from a traditional centralised Napoleonic structure to a new one where the growing autonomy requires a different kind of governance not previously experienced, and thus not easy to implement mostly because of the resistance coming from universities themselves. The majority of Presidents and Rectors seem aware of the changing process and the related problems even if they do not all agree upon feasible trends to follow. Such a disagreement appears to be an understandable consequence of the unstable and unpredictable direction of the changing situation in the two systems.  相似文献   

This analysis of recent developments and trends in education in Singapore attempts to show how a government through a pragmatic approach to education and nation-building has tried to resolve, within the framework of a number of unchanging parameters, some of the problems posed by constant social change and a rapidly changing national and global economy. The parameters are the multiracial and multilingual nature of Singapore society, the maximisation of the potential in all its young citizens through the provision of educational opportunities, and the maintenance of equality of treatment and opportunity for all, irrespective of ethnicity, religion and language. In the final analysis, the central tenets of an ideology underpinning the education system are identified.  相似文献   

This paper aims to research practices of resistance as an important part of agency in primary school classrooms. By combining a post-structural theoretical frame with a critical ethnographic research approach, it understands children’s resistance as an ordinary practice, as a necessary response to structures and practices of the classroom setting. It argues that agency needs to be resistant to some extent, because otherwise it would be merely submission or adaptation. How agency can emerge depends on the social position of the student, which influences the way in which she or he is able to anticipate (more or less implicitly) spaces for resistant agency and also how he or she is addressed in the classroom and beyond. An ethnographic case study of German lessons in a third-grade primary class in a German school shows how resistant agency manifests and how it might be restricted when it comes to racialised subject-positions in the classroom.  相似文献   

我国的珍珠研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述中国珍珠科学技术和生产的发展历史。总结20世纪以来我国在珍珠贝类生态生理、人工育苗、病害防治和珍珠加工等方面的研究进展状况,指出已取得的具有国际先进水平的研究领域和当前存在的问题,并展望我国珍珠科学的发展方向。  相似文献   

突破收费"瓶颈"实现高校的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校收费的问题已成为我国高等教育实现“大众化”以及可持续发展的“瓶颈”。为探讨这一问题,本研究了发达国家高校学费收费的经验,并结合我国的实际,提出了三条措施:建立银行助学贷款体系;恢复高校学费收费的“双轨制”;降低教育成本,调整经费支出比例结构。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have become a part of daily preparation technologies in many laboratories. Attempts have been made to apply monoclonal antibodies to open a new train of thought for clinical treatments of autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, cancer, and other immune-associated diseases. This paper is a prospective review to anticipate that monoclonal antibody application in the treatment of myocarditis, an inflammatory disease of the heart, could be a novel approach in the future. In order to better understand the current state of the art in monoclonal antibody techniques and advance applications in myocarditis, we, through a significant amount of literature research both domestic and abroad, developed a systematic elaboration of monoclonal antibodies, pathogenesis of myocarditis, and application of monoclonal antibodies in myocarditis. This paper presents review of the literature of some therapeutic aspects of monoclonal antibodies in myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy to demonstrate the advance of monoclonal antibody application in myocarditis and a strong anticipation that monoclonal antibody application may supply an effective therapeutic approach to relieve the severity of myocarditis in the future. Under conventional therapy, myocarditis is typically associated with congestive heart failure as a progressive outcome, indicating the need for alternative therapeutic strategies to improve long-term results. Reviewing some therapeutic aspects of monoclonal antibodies in myocarditis, we recently found that monoclonal antibodies with high purity and strong specificity can accurately act on target and achieve definite progress in the treatment of viral myocarditis in rat model and may meet the need above. However, several issues remain. The technology on how to make a higher homologous and weak immunogenic humanized or human source antibody and the treatment mechanism of monoclonal antibodies may provide solutions for these open issues. If we are to further stimulate progress in the area of clinical decision support, we must continue to develop and refine our understanding and use of monoclonal antibodies in myocarditis.  相似文献   

西方后现代思潮的传入对史学产生了巨大的冲击。近年来,国内翻译介绍了大量的后现代理论、后现代与社会科学的关系、后现代与史学的关系、后现代史学批评、后现代史学实践等方面的经典著作。这些工作使学界对后现代史学有了相对深入的了解,并为付诸实践奠定了基础。目前,思想史、区域史、口述史领域都零星出现了一些具有后现代意味的作品。后现代史学的批判能量及在拓展史料范围、拓宽研究视野等方面的有益启示都已初现端倪。  相似文献   

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