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Many small seed-eating rodents bury their food in an erratic manner called scatter-hoarding because they are unable to defend one large hoard. This process has a complicated influence on seed dispersal, as shown in the work by ZHANG Zhibin at the CAS Institute of Zoology and his co-workers.  相似文献   

Does gender matter in computer ethics?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Computer ethics is a relatively young discipline,hence it needs time both for reflection and forexploring alternative ethical standpoints in buildingup its own theoretical framework. Feminist ethics isoffered as one such alternative particularly to informissues of equality and power. We argue that feministethics is not narrowly confined to women's issues but is an approach with wider egalitarianapplications. The rise of feminist ethics in relationto feminist theory in general is described and withinthat the work of Gilligan and others on an ethic of care. We argue for the need to connect theory toempirical evidence. Empirical studies of gender andbusiness and computer ethics are reviewed. We noteconcerns with surveying a student audience, the issueof how far questionnaires and interviews can get tothe heart of ethical beliefs and problems ofperforming statistical analyses of quantitative data.Although we recognize them, our own small surveycannot avoid all these problems. Nevertheless byrefining our scenarios we are able to offer analternative reading of a hacking problem in terms ofan ethic of care thereby pointing a way forward forfuture research in computer ethics inspired byfeminist theory.  相似文献   

History of science has developed into a methodologically diverse discipline, adding greatly to our understanding of the interplay between science, society, and culture. Along the way, one original impetus for the then newly emerging discipline--what George Sarton called the perspective "from the point of view of the scientist"--dropped out of fashion. This essay shows, by means of several examples, that reclaiming this interaction between science and history of science yields interesting perspectives and new insights for both science and history of science. The authors consequently suggest that historians of science also adopt this perspective as part of their methodological repertoire.  相似文献   

“幸亏”“多亏”和“好在”作为常用的表示侥幸义的词在对外汉语教学中是一个重点也是一个难点。前人的几篇论文对这类词作了研究,但是对教学的实际指导却仍欠缺。本文将首先在前人研究的基础上探讨这三个词的词性,然后分析它们意义和用法的相同点与不同点,最后从教学的角度提出建议。  相似文献   

油脂加工专业是一个实践性很强的专业,“会做人、能做事”一直是我们追求的培养目标。会干、能干、能干好则是能做事的具体要求,通过实践教学具体培训过程我们总结出了“看”“听”“想”“问”“说”“做”“帮”“会”的八字口诀。  相似文献   

油脂加工专业是一个实践性很强的专业,“会做人、能做事”一直是我们追求的培养目标。会干、能干、能干好则是能做事的具体要求,通过实践教学具体培训过程我们总结出了“看”“听”“想”“问”“说”“做”“帮”“会”的八字口诀。  相似文献   

Social commerce (s-commerce) has become increasingly impactful to e-commerce and has generated potential economic benefits. With the rise of online privacy concerns, we have seen the need to explain how concerns about privacy affect consumers’ social interaction behavior and purchase decision-making on s-commerce sites. Synthesizing the privacy-trust-behavioral intention (PTB) and consumer decision-making models, this study proposes a comprehensive model by specifically refining its privacy and trust from an institutional perspective and investigating the influences of social interaction on purchase intention and actual purchase behaviors. Our results found that institutional privacy assurance positively influences institutional-based trust, which, in turn, affects online social interactions, and consequently increases the likelihood of product purchases on s-commerce sites. Theoretical development of this research contributes to both marketing and information systems disciplines in the social media era.  相似文献   

“中”是一个重要观念,它在中国传统文化中占有十分重要的地位,所谓“中”,是说凡事应有一个适当的“度”,超过这个“度”,就是“过”;没有达到一定的“度”,就是“不及”。处理事情,要合乎这个标准,就是“执中”。“中”这个概念中国由来已久,是尧舜禹时代就有的思想,经孔子“祖述”过来加以弘扬光大,成为中国传统文化的思想精华之一。  相似文献   

Forwarding negative information on microblogs, termed reposting negative information (RNI) in this study, refers to reposting negative, non-original information publicly on microblogs, causes large-scale bad news dissemination on microblogs, which in turn has detrimental consequences for organizations and the society. However, previous research concentrated on sharing of original content (such as knowledge sharing and word-of-mouth) or focused on general information forwarding on social media without distinguishing between positive and negative information. To address this issue, this study develops a model to investigate the predictors of RNI on microblogs (negative emotions and issue involvement in this study) and explores the contingency role of personality. A scenario-based online survey was conducted to test the proposed model and hypotheses. The empirical results confirmed (1) the direct and positive effects of negative emotions and issue involvement, (2) the negative moderation effect of extraversion on the relationship between negative emotions and RNI, and (3) the positive moderation effects of conscientiousness and agreeableness on the relationship between issue involvement and RNI. The study contributes to the literature by revealing the predictors of RNI on microblogs and by investigating the contingency role of personality.  相似文献   

The rapid development of mobile technologies enables more patients to adopt mobile consultations for health services. Mobile health consultations allow voice consultation, a unique feature differentiating it from general online health consultations. However, how patients derive satisfaction in this context has yet to be well explained. This study draws on the social support theory to examine the relative effects of informational support and emotional support on patient satisfaction and the moderating role of consultation channels (voice vs. textual). Two hundred nineteen valid responses from mobile experiments were collected to test the research model and hypotheses. The results revealed that informational support had a more substantial effect on medical quality satisfaction than emotional support, while the impact of the former on service attitude satisfaction was weaker than that of the latter. Meanwhile, using a voice channel strengthened the positive relationship between informational support and medical quality satisfaction and the positive relationship between emotional support and service attitude satisfaction. This study reasonably explains previously conflicting conclusions and adds brand-new knowledge to patient satisfaction in the mobile-based context. Managers are advised to provide targeted social support and voice channel accessibility to improve mobile consultation.  相似文献   

高中生物学的实验中常通过某些特定的颜色反应来确定细胞中某些化学成分或结构的存在,为便于教师和学生能获得颜色反应的系统知识,并进行比较记忆,现对中学生物课堂教学中的各种常规颜色反应进行类比归纳,并阐述各种颜色反应依据的原理。  相似文献   

International knowledge spillovers, especially through multinational companies (MNCs), have recently been a major topic of academic and management debate. However, most studies treat MNC subsidiaries as relatively passive actors. We challenge this assumption by investigating the drivers of knowledge protection intensity of MNC subsidiaries. We argue that knowledge protection intensity is determined by MNC subsidiary mandates and by opportunities and risks originating from the host region. We hypothesize that not just competence-creating but also competence-exploiting mandates increase knowledge protection intensity. In addition, technological cluster regions in the host country can be expected to provide opportunities for knowledge sourcing and MNC subsidiaries may be willing to protect knowledge less intensively to participate in cluster networks. We test our hypotheses using a dataset of 694 observations of 631 MNC subsidiaries in Germany and develop recommendations for research, managers and policy makers.  相似文献   

预设是一种课前精心周密的安排,生成是由预设演奏出的华丽乐章。有了课前精心、周密的预设,教师就能用自己的激情去催生华彩。但课堂教学千变万化,教师只有及时调整灵活处理,课堂教学才会成为动态生成的生命历程。  相似文献   

<正>招商引资大事记2012年2月2日市委六届三次全会召开第一次全体会议,作出了实施"扩大开放"战略,打好引进央企、外企、民企"三大战役"的决策部署。2012年6月20日我市与中国建材集团举行签约仪式,资中高新玻璃产业园项目正式落户。2012年7月10日世界500强企业惠普公司与内江签约,共建IT软件人才能力基地。2012年7月26日  相似文献   

恒山白酒早在唐朝开元年间就闻名于世,多年来一直享有“圣酒”、“状元酒”的美誉。多少历史名人饮罢恒山美酒,写下了脍炙人口的诗篇,留下了美丽动人的传说。民谚“吸水烟下兰州,喝烧酒浑源州”也在华夏大地广为流传。浑源百里平川盛产的红高粱,纯净甘爽的“北岳甘泉”水和千百年来形成的独特的酿酒工艺,已创出恒山白酒清香纯正、绵软甘爽、回味悠长的特点,今天的恒山白酒,这朵酒苑中的古老奇葩,再次脱颖而出,以其“酒色冰清玉洁、香气清雅协调、口味醇和绵长”的独特风格,蜚声中外。  相似文献   

“满意”优于“最优”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

罗斯蒙特公司(Rosemount Inc.)创建於P956年,是世界500强企业艾默生电气公司的过程控制业务分部成员之一,产品涵盖了整个压力、温度、流量和液位系列测量领域。该公司於1982年3月30日在中国注册了“ROSEMOUN了”商标,核定使用的商品为第9类的压力敏感仪、温度敏感仪等,并於1993年4月在上海建立一家合资经营企业—上海罗斯蒙特有限公司,该合资公司於2002年9月变更企业名称为艾默生过程控制有限公司。  相似文献   

在人类的发明史上,有些发明纯属偶然。然而善于发现稍纵即逝的偶然,并且牢牢地加以捕捉.并非任何人都能够做到,它是发明家的一大才能。  相似文献   

一枚以每秒2200米速度飞行的导弹,在快要落地爆炸的瞬间,突然窜出一枚导弹将其拦截。这是科幻故书还是真实情景?还是让我们回到1991年海湾战争的精彩场面上看一看吧。1月18日凌晨,伊拉克向沙特首都利亚得的宰  相似文献   

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