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综合型人才成为新疆饭店业发展的瓶颈,新疆各高校为此专门开设了饭店管理专业或旅游管理专业中的饭店管理方向解决这一问题.文章就此从社会、学校、学生以及饭店自身四个角度分析毕业生潜流失现象的原因,并提出对策.  相似文献   

目的:本研究通过对2017年宁波卫生职业技术学院大学生康复治疗专业就业情况进行分析并提出对策建议。方法:收集2017年宁波卫生职业技术学院康复治疗学专业毕业生的就业率、就业区域分布、就业单位属性及就业签约质量数据,并对其进行整理分析。结果:2017年康复治疗学专业高职毕业生的就业率为93.53%;"3+2"班就业率为78.95%;嘉兴、宁波和杭州三个区域占就业总人数的66.40%;私立医院占就业总人数的57.89%。结论:学生毕业后2个月的就业率与国家2016届高职毕业生半年后就业率持平。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育迈入大众化教育阶段,高校毕业生就业出现了困难,一些专业的毕业生为及时实现就业,择业时所考虑的首要因素已不再是学以致用了,导致毕业生就业与专业关联性日渐减弱.为了解赤峰学院毕业生就业岗位与专业的相关性、适应性情况,为我院的专业设置、教学改革及毕业生就业工作提供一些理论依据,以进一步提高赤峰学院的人才培养质量,特进行以下调查、分析.  相似文献   

中等职业学校饭店服务专业的教学要适应饭店的发展和对员工的要求。文章通过对饭店服务专业教学现状的分析,提出了切实可行的教学改革新思路,并希望通过教学改革达到培养适应饭店需要的高素质综合人才的目的。  相似文献   

通过对湖南永州职业技术学院农业科学系园林技术和畜牧兽医两专业部分毕业生及其就业单位进行问卷调查,并对调查结果进行研究,分析了两个专业部分毕业生的就业情况,探讨了教育教学改革的对策。  相似文献   

论酒店管理专业学生潜流失影响因素与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酒店管理专业毕业生择业流失问题日益突出,而酒店实习满意度对其有重要影响。本文根据问卷调查,定量分析了酒店管理专业实习生潜流失的影响因素,并对如何降低酒店专业毕业生潜流失率提出了具体对策。  相似文献   

本文通过对广西机电职业技术学院2013届机械设计与制造专业毕业生进行的跟踪调查,分析了毕业生的就业状况和就业质量,并对高职院校相关专业建设和教学改革提出了一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

以机电专业毕业生为调查对象,采用访谈、座谈以及问卷调查等方法,掌握2012届机电专业毕业生的就业状况,分析毕业生的就业质量、就业满意度、人才培养满意度以及对学校就业指导与服务的满意度,并为推进高职学院校企合作高技能人才培养,促进教育教学改革提出对策与建议。  相似文献   

湖南科技职业学院尝试以某个专业为基础组织成立专业校友会。实践表明,专业校友会在学院教学改革、校企合作、服务社会、扩大专业影响以及在安排学生实习和毕业生就业等方面具有不可估量的作用。  相似文献   

高职旅游与饭店管理专业人文类课程教学改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职旅游与饭店管理专业人类课程的教学改革,应以素质教育为指导,通过内外兼修,强化学生的人素质和职业素质,从而增强本专业学生在未来就业市场上的竞争力。  相似文献   

香港理工大学在酒店管理人才培养和旅游教育理念的探索方面卓有成效,它独特的校企协作教育(Work Integrated Education)模式对高校旅游管理专业教学提供了有益的借鉴。通过结合在香港理工大学培训期间的调查分析,对香港理工大学旅游高等教育的校企协作教育模式进行相关论述以期达到相互借鉴的目的。  相似文献   

ABC学院作为跨境教育合作办学机构开创了内地与香港高校实施机构合作办学的先河。它采用国际惯用的"校董会制度",秉承"全人"教育理念,有着全新的教学模式和国际化的师资队伍,学院执行港校的管理制度、要求和标准,课程设计也沿用香港模式,力求做到国际化和本土化的结合,有着鲜明的办学特色。但创办近10年来,由于合作办学政策的缺失、早期筹办程序的特殊以及所签协议考虑不周全等导致ABC在办学过程中地位尴尬,在资金筹措、场地使用、师资管理、自主招生等方面面临困境,长远发展受限。鉴于此,建议政府相关部门放权给部分省份,制定和完善地方政策法规,允许先行先试,扩大港校到内地办学的自主权,引进原汁原味的港校教育模式以促进内地高等教育体制改革与创新。  相似文献   

由于内地没有一个严格意义上的职业教育阶段,所以笔者认为有必要将香港的法学职业教育对我们的启示进行一下阐述。文章介绍了香港的法学职业教育状况,并对内地法学职业教育现状进行反思,进而提出香港的法学职业教育方式对内地的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Universities in a capitalistic society have been expected to produce graduates for the labour market which in turn contributes to the economic development of the nation. In today's environment where the social spending on education grows faster than the economy, it becomes increasingly difficult for the education system to maintain an existing level of provision. Hence, institutions are required to legitimate themselves through the value they provide. The capitalistic process in Hong Kong has generated the demand for lifelong learning in the higher education system. The resulting evolution of the system has compelled the policy makers of higher education to redefine the purpose of higher education and re-evaluate the university management. This paper discusses Liu's (1997) holistic approach of evaluating and planning for the university academic programmes as well as building an ‘enterprise culture’ at the institutional level with a Hong Kong case analysis. When strategically planning for the future in a volatile and transient environment, university management plays an important role in integrating continuing professional education (CPE) and mainstream academic programmes and in cultivating a market-oriented ‘institutional enterprise-culture’ which responds to environmental changes more proactively.  相似文献   

张智 《凯里学院学报》2013,31(4):157-159
在对酒店服务人员或管理人员培养时,既要要传授专业知识,也要注重品德修养的教育。尤其是作为一名酒店管理专业教师,更要根据学科特点进行行之有效思想品德渗透。从酒店管理专业与思想品德的关系、酒店管理专业教学中思想品德的教育、酒店管理教学中思想品德教育的途径三个方面可知思想品德培养的重要性。  相似文献   

酒店从业人员的职业意识是决定顾客满意度和酒店服务质量及酒店品牌的主要因素,高职酒店管理专业学生职业意识的培养将关系到酒店业的发展。但目前学生中普遍存在职业意识淡薄的现象,因此高职酒店管理专业应从始业教育入手,增强学生的职业认同感,改革教学模式,改善师资及实训条件,全面提升学生职业素养。  相似文献   

This study examines the discrepancy between teachers’ beliefs and practices in Hong Kong kindergartens and the factors that influence this discrepancy. Three kindergartens, considered by the Hong Kong Education Bureau to be of varying quality, were chosen from different areas of Hong Kong. Questionnaires about teaching beliefs were administered to 35 teachers from these kindergartens. These quantitative data were supplemented with qualitative data gathered during individual interviews with five of the teachers and the three principals. In addition, a focus group of five early childhood education specialists commented on the videotaped observations of the classroom practices of the five interviewed teachers. The findings showed that all of the teachers endorsed the advocated teaching beliefs, but there was a discrepancy between their beliefs and practices. The most significant factors contributing to the discrepancy were teachers’ professional education and their attitudes towards personal teaching introspection. Teachers were also under pressure from parents’ curriculum requests, demands on the children’s academic abilities and expectations for a strong link to Primary One. Enhanced early childhood education training that helps teachers to be introspective about their own teaching practices and beliefs is recommended. Government support is also required to teach parents what constitutes a high-quality learning environment for young children.  相似文献   

Social diversity is now commonplace in many communities in today’s globalised world. This diversity can be seen in any classroom of learners, and international studies have shown the complex ways in which disabilities, race, ethnicity, gender and social class can determine a child’s opportunity to succeed or fail in the education system. In Hong Kong, like in many educational contexts around the world, teachers are grappling with increasing diversity amongst their students, including teaching students with special educational needs (SEN) and non-Chinese speaking students (NCS) living in Hong Kong. This paper examines how three primary TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teachers are constructing identities as inclusive practitioners as they grapple with enacting the inclusive education policy recently introduced into Hong Kong schools. The data are drawn from a small-scale collaborative reflective inquiry for teacher professional development. Drawing upon a sociocultural and critical framing of identity theory, we trace the three teachers’ identity construction as EFL teachers and inclusive education practitioners. We view the role of discourse, self-positioning and social context as key processes in teacher identity formation. Implications for furthering the development of inclusive education in EFL classrooms are offered.  相似文献   

香港西医书院的创办及其历史意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创办于1887年的香港西医书院,是香港的第一所高等教育机构,也是中国近代医学高等教育的发端。该书院的组织机构、课程设置、考试方法及师资建设等,全面引进近代西方教育体系,在中国高等教育近代化进程中发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

香港发生的非法“占领中环”和“反修例”风波,让我们不得不重新认识香港推行国民教育的必要性和紧迫性。香港的国民教育不仅要重视以文化为核心的中华民族认同教育,也要强调以宪法和基本法为核心的制度认同教育,还要加大国民教育中的历史认同比重,确保香港青少年能够对祖国的历史形成正确认知,增强国家责任感与民族归属感。通过对香港国民教育进行政策切入研究,梳理其发展脉络,辨析香港现行国民教育的缺失,并结合我国提出的“立德树人系统化落实机制”,从依法治教原则、中国特色社会主义教育督导体制机制、问责纠偏意识、特色“主题教育”、多元主体合力等多角度提出应对香港当前国民教育困境的建议。  相似文献   

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