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Based on Halliday and Hasan’s taxonomy of cohesive devices,the author investigates the deficiency of cohesive awareness of subjects through the analysis of questionnaires,interviews and problems existed in writing samples,and then the efficiency of applying cohesion theory to English teaching is examined through the data analysis of the results of the pre-test and post-test by SPSS Statistics 17.0.At last,the author draws the conclusion that applying cohesion theory to English teaching can,to a great extent,foster students’awareness of textual cohesion,develop their writing strategies,and improve their abilities of reading comprehension.  相似文献   


This experimental study directly compared the effects of two prevalent forms of classroom writing instruction, interactive writing and writing workshop, on kindergarten students’ acquisition of early reading skills. Repeated measures data was collected at four points over 16 weeks to monitor growth of 151 kindergarten students in phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, and word reading. Results of this study showed students in both the interactive writing group and the writing workshop group demonstrated significant growth over time for each of the three outcome measures, with no statistically significant difference between groups for any of the outcome measures at any of the time points. This study provides evidence that, when consistently implemented during the first 16 weeks of kindergarten, interactive writing and writing workshop are equally effective in promoting acquisition of early reading skills.  相似文献   

Interchange - This explanatory sequential quasi-experimental study investigated the impact of differentiated instruction on reading comprehension attainment in mixed-ability classrooms. Fifty-four...  相似文献   

Previous research has documented a substantial decline of standardized test scores of children from low-income backgrounds, relative to more advantaged peers, in later elementary grades, the so-called “fourth-grade slump.” This article examines changes in reading achievement from first to fifth grade for students in a large urban school system with a high proportion of students from economically deprived backgrounds. Students received first-grade reading instruction from Direct Instruction (DI), Open Court, or a mixture of reading curricula. Results indicate that students in schools using DI had significantly greater gains in both reading vocabulary and comprehension than students in the two other settings and that their average levels of achievement in fifth grade were above the national norms, thus countering the fourth-grade slump.  相似文献   


Numerous studies have identified isolated elements for successfully teaching early reading. However, very few studies have examined the effect of early reading programs that use a combination of multiple research-based practices. A 4-year longitudinal study starting with 243 students was conducted to determine the effects of the Reading in Motion reading program on standardized measures of students’ reading skills. The program provided students from kindergarten through Grade 3 arts-based instruction in reading that teaches phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, and oral reading fluency using small groups and peer-assisted instruction with frequent, corrective feedback. Although the two groups were nearly identical upon entering kindergarten, the at-risk treatment students (N = 57) significantly outperformed control students (N = 48) at the end of kindergarten and Grades 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Introduction Depending on the perspectives of different fields of study, it is possible, broadly speaking, to see reading as practice, product or process. The first has been the interest of anthropologists and social psychologists whose concern is with reading and writing practices as linked to their uses in everyday life, not merely within schooling. The second orientation focuses on the form and meaning of written texts and their constituent parts. The third perspective pays relatively greater attention to the role of the reader in the ongoing processing of written language and the strategies that she or he draws on in constructing meaning from text.  相似文献   

I like to do different kinds ofthings,but I like reading best.R eading is very good.It isgood for im proving our w riting.Itcan w iden our eyes.It can m ake you be a bright person.“Tim e is m oney”.Absolutely,I read hard,I try to catch everym inute to do som e reading.R eading m akes m y life so beautiful.M ost of girls likeshopping,but I prefer to read books rather than go shopping.Shopping can’t w iden our know ledge,but reading can.I like being friend w ith books,and books are m y be…  相似文献   

Mother:Whatareyouread鄄ing,Tom?Tom:Idon’tknow.Mother:Youdon’tknow?Youwerereadingaloud.soyoumustknow.Tom:Iwasreadingaloud,butIwasnotlistening.妈妈:汤姆,你正在读什么?汤姆:我不知道。妈妈:你不知道?你刚才一直在大声朗读,你肯定知道。汤姆:我是在大声朗读,可我没有在听呀。(忠东)Reading@忠东  相似文献   

“Knowledge is power.“Reading can bring us a lot of knowledge. It canalso help open our eyes and mind. If you give your mind to reading, you’ll  相似文献   

Journal of Shanghai University is a comprehensive academic journal of science and technology sponsored by Shanghai University. The goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of research findings and academic.views in basic and applied sciences and technological disciplines. Contributions from members of Shanghai University as well as researchers of other institutions are sincerely welcome.  相似文献   

Journal of Shanghai University is a comprehensive academic journal of science and technology sponsored by Shanghai University. The goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of research findings and academic views in basic and applied sciences and technological disciplines. Contributions from members of Shanghai University as well as researchers of other institutions are sincerely welcome.  相似文献   

1.The Story of Sandwich三明治是上班族的最爱。这不仅是因为它味道鲜美,营养丰富,而且还因为它食用方便,节省时间,人们可以一边干活,一边享用。那么当初发明人是怎样突发灵感,做出了这种风靡全球的美味呢?请看“趣谈三明治”。In English there are som e interesting words.These words have som e interesting stories behindthem.The word“sandwich”,for exam ple,is verycom m on in English,but it has a good story.If wewant to know the story behind it,w e m ust knowsom ething about an E nglish noblem an.H is nam e…  相似文献   

Who talk more,then,women or men?The seemingly contradictory evidence isshown by the difference between what Icall public and private speaking.More menfeel comfortable doing“public speaking”,  相似文献   

Pepper5s Wonderful Use胡椒味道辛辣,宜脾胃,通七窍,是调味之佳品。令人称奇的是,胡椒粉除了能做调味品外,有时还有其他意想不到的妙用!邻居阿姨仅用  相似文献   

Ways to Fall Asleep看过《神雕侠侣》的人都记得,小龙女睡法奇特,她练就了在绳上入睡的功夫。无独有偶,为了尽快进入自己的梦乡,历史上许多名人绞尽脑汁,寻找入睡的方法,有的人终于找到了自己独特的入眠方法,而有的人却还是好梦难圆。你想探个究竟吗?请看“睡眠趣闻”。  相似文献   

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