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Only one sports-talk radio station has ever been subject to an indecency enforcement action, WGR in Buffalo, NY. However, the Federal Communications Commission did not impose disciplinary penalties. This article compares that incident with the termination of Don Imus from WFAN in New York City following racially motivated comments that could not have been considered indecent. Both of these incidents occurred when “guy talk” became offensive to the larger public. While indecency regulations have helped to place some general limits on the sports-talk format, this article argues that economic and normative pressures constrain the content more than legal sanctions.  相似文献   

This study examines the frequency and types of offensive language spoken on prime-time television in 2001, particularly on programs rated acceptable for children and teenagers, and the use of profane language by characters under the age of 21. The findings are compared to similar studies conducted in 1990, 1994, and 1997 to determine whether the use of profanity by child and young adult characters has increased over an 11-year period. Age and content warnings inadequately protect children from profanity. TV-PG programs contain as much off-color language as TV-14 programs, and more coarse language could be found in programs not given an L warning. Further, the earliest hour of prime time, when children are more likely to be viewing, contains significantly more instances of profanity than the time period of 10 to 11 p.m. However, characters under the age of 21 rarely utter profane words, and they are just as infrequently spoken to with such language.  相似文献   

Who are We?     
This article scrutinises the usage of the words “we”, “us” and “our” by BBC radio journalists when reporting and discussing news and current affairs. By analysing reports and discussions on the “flagship” Radio 4 Today, a daily news programme whose centrality to political and public debate is widely recognised, the article raises substantive questions about clarity, accuracy and impartiality in senior broadcast journalists’ choice of language. In exploring the assumptions which may underlie the invocation, via such language choices, of an implied community, and against the backdrop of the BBC's commitment to impartiality in its Editorial Guidelines, the article identifies numerous recent examples where the choice of words and identifiers can be seen as undermining the BBC's impartiality and which show several of its senior journalists adopting the first-person plural “we” when reporting on matters of public policy. The findings therefore indicate a general need to codify norms which are seen to integrate the need for accuracy as well as impartiality, and for these norms to take into account issues which might at first glance seem to be inconsequential, micro-level features of the journalists’ language. The evidence suggests that more fine-grained guidelines on permissible circumstances for BBC journalists’ usage of “we” and “our” need revising and disseminating in the light of these findings.  相似文献   


The “topless radio”; phenomenon was briefly widespread— and controversy about such formats continues to appear. This article reviews two important FCC decisions, Sonderling (WGLD‐FM), and Pacifica (WBAI‐FM), to discern and describe FCC policy trends and attempts to define just what obscenity and indecency is and what standards for broadcasting should exist. Dr. Feldman is on the speech faculty at Denison University (Ohio), while Dr. Tickton teaches mass communication and speech at, respectively, Norfolk State College and Old Dominion University, both in Virginia.  相似文献   

Between 1990 and 1995, a substantive reconfiguration took place within the publishing, communications, and mass media industries in the United States. These changes were triggered primarily by five pivotal developments: (1) the direct impact of strategic planning theories and practices on a relatively small number of U.S. and foreign media executives; (2) a dramatic technological convergence within the entire communications industry; (3) a quest to gain hegemony over the creation, production, and distribution of electronic and print information and entertainment products and services in the United States and the global marketplace; (4) a sharp increase in media usage and expenditures in the United States; and (5) the impending passage of a massive, revolutionary telecommunications bill. This legislation (the Telecommunications Act of 1996) changed drastically the ground rules created by the Communications Act of 1934, lifted restrictions on the ownership of media properties, allowed media companies to enter formerly forbidden markets, and reduced or eliminated governmental controls over the burgeoning communications business. The deeply etched lines separating “newspapers” from “books” and “magazines”, or “television” from “telephone”, “radio”, “film”, and “video” became hazy, and, in some instances, disappeared. Media scholars and industry experts realized that the communications landscape had to be viewed as a totally interconnected industry, albeit a rather diverse one.  相似文献   

Renewed attention to the use of expletives on television has been spurred by several recent high-profile on-air incidents. This study investigates which words television viewers find most offensive in varying contexts: broadcast TV, cable, and premium channels. Results show significant differences in perceived offensiveness of words depending on the context in which words are heard. Male and female respondents, liberals and conservatives, and religious and nonreligious respondents also differ in their perceptions of the offensiveness of words spoken in prime time.  相似文献   

During a 1937 appearance on NBC's top-rated Chase & Sanborn Hour, Hollywood icon Mae West starred in a comedy skit based on the Garden of Eden that drew complaints of indecency from offended listeners. Much of the reaction came from Catholic reformers seeking to expand the Legion of Decency's influence to radio. The sponsor and network apologized, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a letter of reprimand to NBC and its affiliates. This action spurred a backlash among critics, who charged the FCC with censorship. The incident was an important landmark in the prewar debate over government's role in regulating radio.  相似文献   

This article refines the appreciation of a bitter undercurrent in Garrison Keillor's radio monologues, “The News from Lake Wobegon.”; It contends that Keillor's depiction of the dark side of Lake Wobegon should be considered of equal importance to the light side. The essay describes how Keillor creates a somber mood through a variety of vocal techniques such as his tone of voice, his rate of speech, his use of pauses, and the words that he leaves unspoken. Keillor is a writer whose finest artistic medium is radio, and whose art resonates with satiric criticisms of intolerance, selfishness, and inadequacy. The pervasiveness of this harsh undercurrent aligns Keillor's stories with a tradition of small town Midwestern literature begun by Mark Twain and including Sherwood Anderson, Willa Cather, Ray Bradbury, and Sinclair Lewis. Keillor makes a unique contribution to this literary tradition when he utilizes the power of radio to evoke emotions and to bestow meaning through the sound of the spoken word. His monologues also affirm the psychic journey of listeners who have moved away from small towns to large cities and who feel estranged from their populist roots.  相似文献   

Kazakhstan became independent after the fall of the Soviet Union and began the process of recovering Kazakh traditions and establishing a unique identity as a country. Key to this effort is establishing the Kazakh language as a titular or state language. At the time of independence an overwhelming majority of Kazakhstan’s population spoke Russian, which remains strong today. The state requires that Kazakh is spoken in at least 50% of all radio broadcasts, and state-sponsored radio takes the lead in this effort. Interviews were conducted with key members of Kazakhstan’s radio industry to learn the role of radio in establishing a state language and the challenges they face doing so. Interviewees were passionate about their role in re-establishing Kazakh culture through language, but the dominance of Russian language radio and a shifting media and language environment continue to present roadblocks.  相似文献   

Using data for 320 radio stations operating in the 50 largest Arbitron metro radio markets during 2004 that offered at least some programming in 1 or more of 19 different foreign languages, strongly positive statistical relations were found between the size of foreign language populations in the radio market and the amount, or variety, of radio programming in their respective language that is available. A preference externality effect was also found: consistently negative relations between the variety of foreign language programming available and size of the English language population. Similar results were found for a measure of programming quality: the percentage of news and talk programming that is locally produced. Conventional wisdom that minority populations tend to be “underserved” by media is generally supported.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the dimensions of profane language use in a college student sample. Two hundred and eighty‐three responses to a questionnaire on personal use of “sexual vernacular” were submitted to factor analysis. Results of the factor analysis yielded five dimensions of profane language based upon predispositions to use such words.  相似文献   

The possibility that one mass medium might be used to stimulate another has been only imperfectly explored. For instance, a campaign by radio personality Jean Shepherd some years ago led to the birth of the monumental spoof that was the novel I, Libertine by “Frederick R. Ewing.” The delight of Shepherd's “night people” at being able to demonstrate their numbers was matched by the consternation of booksellers all over the city who impotently thumbed through their catalogs . . . until Shepherd took pity on them and arranged for the book to be written and published. In another instance, a participant on a late‐evening network program casually commented on a book that had caught his eye—and it was a national best‐seller within 24 hours.

The research reported in the following article attempts to discover whether this “touting” function of the broadcast media can be used systematically. A number of informal observations following “book review” or “library” programs on both radio and television would tend to support this idea. However, the following study was specifically designed to generate data that would demonstrate to broadcaster and librarian alike whether radio programs could be used by librarians (and presumably booksellers as well) to promote selection by the audience of pre‐determined books.  相似文献   

This investigation of offensive language on prime-time broadcast and cable programs found that 9 out of 10 programs contained at least one incident of profanity, and viewers were exposed to 12.58 cuss words per hour in 2005. Viewers of broadcast programs were exposed to slightly less than 10 objectionable words per-hour compared to 15 words-per-hour on cable programs.  相似文献   

“Black Radio Listeners in America’s “Golden Age’” argues that U.S. black listenership has been all but ignored in radio scholarship regarding the 1930s-1950s, as has the context of America’s racial segregation and radio’s active role in affirming and propagating it. The essay argues for an expanded understanding of archive and archival methodology in order to gain a more complex, accurate, and varied understanding of historical black listenership, and, toward that end, performs culturally contextualized close textual analysis across media: a 1937 Lead Belly song (“Turn Yo’ Radio On”), Joe Bostic’s column for The People’s Voice in the 1940s, Frederic Wakeman’s 1946 novel The Hucksters, a 1949 feature on black listeners in Sponsor magazine, a 1934 Vitaphone Short featuring Cab Calloway, and Ann Petry’s 1946 novel The Street. Through engaging with widely-varied representations of black radio listenership, Stoever argues that black listening practices from this period not only challenge the periodization of this era as the “Golden Age” of American radio, but also upend traditional categories of active, passive, and “resistant” listening that scholars have employed to understand media reception, revealing that active listening can look and sound different for black listeners, particularly in a period when listening “actively” to segregated media in ways prescribed by the dominant culture often proved to be deleterious. The act of “turning one’s radio on” was a complicated act of agency for black listeners, not simply a passive form of ignorance, escape, and/or anesthetization as popularly represented.  相似文献   

This paper explores Judith Waller’s radio programming philosophy over her career that began in 1922 at WMAQ Chicago. In the 1940s, representing the interests of her employer NBC, Waller began to use the phrase “public service” as a way to break free of the “stigma” of educational radio. The concept of public service programming shifted during the 1930s and 1940s in the US, redefined and negotiated in response to assumptions about radio listeners, the financial motivations of commercial radio, and Federal Communications Commission rulings. This paper brings renewed attention to the past and present political economy of media in the US, providing a window into the historically complex relationship between commercial and noncommercial media that continues to this day.  相似文献   

Unlike a telephone or telgraph cable, a broadcast, once sent out over the air, can only be “stopped” at the receiving end. If the potential listeners have radio receiving sets able to pick up the broadcast, it can only be stopped by causing such radio interference as to make it difficult or impossible to listen to the original broadcast. Over the years, several nations have assumed the large cost of producing such interference, or “jamming,” so as to prevent their citizens from listening to the broadcasts of other nations. An expensive and often inefficient technique, jamming was then believed preferable to allowing unrestricted and uncensored international communication by radio. Mr. Ranjan Borra, who was associated with All India Radio and with the Voice of America for several years and is currently on the staff of the Library of Congress describes both the background and some of the encouraging recent developments in the field of jamming and other impediments to international broadcasting.  相似文献   


In this article we argue that an important landmark in the revival of spoken Hebrew has been overlooked by historians, linguists, and culture scholars: The launching of Kol Yerushalayim, the Hebrew Service of British Mandatory Radio, on 30 March 1936. Between 1936 and 1948 the Hebrew Hour became the shared public space in which spoken Hebrew – dynamic, updated, meticulously pronounced – was realized. The important role of the Hebrew radio in the Yishuv can be attributed to five factors that were responsible for the spread of spoken Hebrew among both veterans and newcomers: (1) its ability to reach into listeners’ homes, which served as a metonym for the yet-absent Zionist sovereignty, creating a shared, exclusive Hebrew space; (2) its contribution to the standardization of Hebrew by adopting the Sephardic accent; (3) its enrichment and updating of the language by inventing and suggesting vital neologisms; (4) its institutionalization of regular time-slots for teaching the language; (5) its innovative ways of addressing audiences, who were simultaneously far away and very close, in accordance with the characteristics of the new medium.  相似文献   

Ever since the introduction of new technologies such as satellite, Internet and cable radio, the concept of “local” has been at the center of a debate in the radio industry. Ownership consolidation has led to concerns about the loss of “local identity.” Broadcast radio news providers are operating under the assumption that the geographical location of the origin of news plays an increasingly smaller role. Through an Internet survey of 485 radio listeners nationwide, this study re-defines the concept of “local” as applied to broadcast radio and confirms the value of each station's physical connection to the area it serves.  相似文献   

Although his works were almost ignored for many years, on William Shakespeare's 400th birthday he is considered to have been the greatest wordsmith using the English language. Although Shakespeare's plays are fun, and are eagerly attended by the general population when presented as “entertainment” and not as “culture,” television, if the frequency of presentation is any guide, has not considered them in the mainstream of popular entertainment. This is a mistake, as the ratings and the popular accpetance of such romps as the 1956 production of “Taming of the Shrew” should prove. The following article reviews some of the major productions of Shakespearean plays over American television. This list includes most of the network presentations although many more productions have been aired over local stations. In addition, many people may have had their interest in Shakespeare aroused by other programs (such as Dr. Frank Baxter's “Shakespeare on TV”) that discussed these works, or by filmic presentations seen on the “Late Show” or its equivalent. One particularly interesting non‐network series was the BBC presentation of “An Age of Kings,” a weaving into chronological order of Shakespearean historical plays that dealt with the story of the English throne during the 14th and 15th centuries. This series of 15 television programs was seen on a number of educational and commercial television stations in the United States, and afforded the extensive audience an opportunity to witness and appreciate both the history of England and the genius of its most famous author.  相似文献   

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