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This article explores how Ireland’s first LGBT radio station, Open FM, attempted to offer LGBT radio in a heteronormative media landscape. It uses semi-structured interviews with two of the stations founders as well as posts from online LGBT message bulletin boards to argue how Open FM ultimately became ambivalent about its LGBT status and adopted a dualcasting strategy. Despite its ambitions to be a community-led radio station for Ireland's LGBT community, the dualcasting strategy of the station framed many of its endeavors between the mainstream standards of radio broadcasting and the community of interest that their licence claimed to serve.  相似文献   

The lead article in this issue of the Journal mentions the various punitive powers of the Federal Communications Commission. These powers, are often misunderstood or misjudged by station licensees who have violated either the Communications Act of 1934 or the rules and regulations issued by the FCC persuant to that act. Until relatively recently, the only weapon available to the FCC itself, in broadcast matters, was the power to revoke the offending station's license. Except in the most flagrant cases, this “big stick’ was rarely used, and thus lost much credibility as a deterrent. Although violators of Federal law have always been liable for prosecution, the highly technical nature of many violations, the lack of a spectrum of “punishments” available to the FCC, and the ready access to lengthy court proceedings all combined to severely hamper the Commission in its efforts to apply sanctions to the few “bad apples” who, in the FCCs opinion, deserved them. This situation was radically changed in 1960, when Congress gave the FCC the power to issue short‐term licenses and impose fines as well as continue to utilize the suasion of its power to revoke licenses for cause.

The following lists of revocation, denial of license renewal, and fines and forfeiture proceedings before the FCC give a good picture of how the FCC has used its powers in the four years since the Communications Act was amended along these lines. Mr. Earl R. Stanley, a partner in the Washington law firm of Dow, Lohnes and Albertson, originally prepared these lists as appendices to a September 1964 speech before the Nebraska Broadcasters Association.  相似文献   

With this Report &; Order, we authorize the licensing of two new classes of FM radio stations-one operating at a maximum power of 100 watts and one at a maximum power of 10 watts. Both types of stations, known as lowpower FM stations (LPFM), will be authorized in a manner that protects existing FM service. They will be operated on a non- commercial educational basis by entities that do not hold an attributable interest in any other broadcast station or other media subject to our ownership rules. Initially, only entities located in the communities the stations serve will be eligible to participate in this service. Even once this eligibility criterion is relaxed, we will grant a significant selection preference to locally based applicants. We believe that the LPFM service authorized in this proceeding will provide opportunities for new voices to be heard and will ensure that we fulfill our statutory obligation to authorize facilities in a manner that best serves the public interest.-Report &; Order, MM Docket 99-25 Creation of Low Power FM Radio Service, January 20,2000,  相似文献   

This historical account examines the Federal Communications Commission's investigation and hearings into newspaper ownership of radio stations. The hearing, which lasted from 1941 to 1944, were the opening round in what has proved to be a long‐term concern of the commission—cross‐media ownership in local markets. In the years since the newspaper hearings, the FCC has held to its decision to police cross‐media ownership case‐by‐case with the goal to avoid local monopolies. FCC ridings blocking cross ownership have been argued repeatedly, but the commission's authority has been upheld. Thus the hearings had an important result: The FCC reasserted its responsibility to ensure ownership diversification of broadcast stations. The hearings set the stage for future action by the FCC to police cross ownership, action that has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.  相似文献   

In May 1992, the FCC issued a ruling prohibiting pranks that cause immediate “public harm”; or divert resources from law enforcement. This paper documents the incidence of broadcast hoaxes and government response to them from 1938 to 1992, and includes a case study of a broadcast hoax at KSHE‐FM in St. Louis, Missouri, that helped precipitate the 1992 FCC ruling. This paper will analyze the commission's move toward content regulation in the nineties, by examining recent actions taken against broadcasters for airing hoaxes and to a lesser extent indecent material.  相似文献   

Between 2010 and 2015, more than 30 college radio stations either went off air, transferred their licenses, or entered into programming or shared-time agreements. Among these are Vanderbilt University’s KRVU 91.1 FM, University of San Francisco’s KUSF 90.3 FM, Rice University’s KTRU 96.1 FM, and Georgia State University’s WRAS 88.5 FM. In what seems to be a shrinking presence of college radio on the FM dial, this study examines national and local news coverage of recent college radio shutdowns, transfers, and agreements to understand how these events are being presented in the news media. Findings suggest themes in news coverage includes a great deal of attention to the student, alumni, and community responses to station closures and transfers, but limited attention to reasons for the closures and transfers. University administrators were the most commonly quoted or referenced sources in the sample; students, alumni, community, faculty, and staff held significantly smaller shares of voice. Questions about the coverage of college radio closures and transfers as well as college radio’s future viability are discussed.  相似文献   

Forbidden to censor, and saddled with an undefined (and perhaps undefinable) criterion of the “public interest, convenience and necessity”; for deciding among otherwise‐qualified applicants for a broadcast facility, it is little wonder that the FCC has relied upon a patchwork of precedents and rule‐of‐thumb standards. Possibly because of the uncertainty of these standards, and partly because the staff has not increased in size as greatly as has the workload, the Commission has avoided whenever possible the enlargement of license application hearings to include anyone other than the applicants themselves. Sometimes, however, the courts haven't allowed the FCC to so restrict the number of participants in a hearing, and sometimes the courts have had to remind the Commission that the laboriously accumulated body of administrative practice and precedent is not always the same as the language or purpose of the Communications Act of 1934.

“Economic injury”; is a station owner's concept. It is at the interface of theory and marketplace reality. It is the almost impossible‐to‐prove claim that the establishment of a new station in one's market will so split the available revenues that both stations will fail—or, at least, that both stations will have to operate with substandard (e.g., cheaper) programming, and thus will not serve the public interest. At first, the FCC listened to some of these claims, but soon evolved a policy of avoiding them, by whatever means and reasoning that it could. Over the years, and despite substantial prodding from the courts, the FCC's policy of avoiding this claim has become rigid . . . thus providing us with an excellent and fascinating case study of administrative policy formulation.  相似文献   

An analysis of the studies used by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in its media ownership proceedings from 2002–2007 found a disproportionate use of economic research to support the agency's rule changes. The use of this research in policymaking is important because the FCC's reliance on economic literature may have helped justify a “procedural” definition of what constitutes the public interest, and a “neoliberal” faith in the wisdom of market forces to ensure that the public interest is being served. The findings suggest that the inclusion of a broader range of scholarship, especially media research, would not have supported the FCC's decision to further relax media ownership rules.  相似文献   


This conceptual paper is based on two propositions: 1.) An efficient flexibility management is a critical success factor for media companies. 2.) The concept of real options theory (ROT) aims at improving a company's flexibility management. As a consequence, it is analysed how ROT can contribute to the flexibility management in media companies. In this context, two research issues are investigated. First, it is shown that real options as substantiations of flexibility are of great importance for media companies: In doing so, it is outlined that options which focus on a company's fixed costs management and options which aim at improving a company's sales situation are of high relevance for all segments in the media industry. Contrarily, options which focus on a company's variable costs are only relevant for media companies engaged in the print segment. Second, it is illustrated how ROT can contribute to the reactive and proactive management of flexibility in media companies.  相似文献   

Rafi Mann 《Media History》2013,19(2):169-181
The article discusses the political and public debates in Israel over the appropriateness of a military radio station in a democratic state. The Israeli station was established in 1950 to assist the defense forces in absorbing and educating new Jewish immigrants, but later developed to become one of Israel's major media outlets. Previously unstudied documents reveal that the initiative to launch the station was met with criticism from its early stages; concerns about letting the army run a radio station without public oversight have been raised repeatedly ever since. This research project illustrates the benefits of media historiography as an effective prism for studying wider aspects of societies in which various media organizations operate. It adds, as well, to the historiography of military radio stations around the world.  相似文献   

During a 1937 appearance on NBC's top-rated Chase & Sanborn Hour, Hollywood icon Mae West starred in a comedy skit based on the Garden of Eden that drew complaints of indecency from offended listeners. Much of the reaction came from Catholic reformers seeking to expand the Legion of Decency's influence to radio. The sponsor and network apologized, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a letter of reprimand to NBC and its affiliates. This action spurred a backlash among critics, who charged the FCC with censorship. The incident was an important landmark in the prewar debate over government's role in regulating radio.  相似文献   

In 1959 Wilbur Schramm collected data on the media use behavior of children in what he believed was the last remaining town in North America to have radio as its only electronic mass media, and he concluded the primary impact of new media was the displacement of incumbent media. This research returns to Schramm's “Radiotown” for two follow-up studies to assess the validity of displacement as a mechanism for understanding long-term changes in media use. The first study is a qualitative data collection among a convenience sample (n = 28) of the now-adult participants of the 1959 study. The second study quantitatively tests the conclusions of the first study among the youth of Radiotown (n = 263). Among both adults and youth, radio remains a primary mass media device, with adults using more radio now than in 1959. Three principles of media use are proposed: the ubiquity of mass media devices in the household, the proximity of media devices, and the constancy of media use. Implications for the displacement hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

This content analysis of home pages from 365 randomly selected FM station Web sites examined how the industry is using the Web to deliver content. Results show three types of information are most prevalent: details about station events, disk jockey biographies, and contact information for the station. This is significantly different from the type of content listeners have said they desire in previous survey research. However, differences in the presence of station promotional content can be predicted based on expected differences in the demographics and psychographics of the station's target audience.  相似文献   

This study compares the radio industry's use of interactivity to that of other traditional media on the Web such as newspapers and television stations, along the dimensions of audience-oriented interactivity and source-oriented interactivity. A content analysis of 112 traditional radio station Web sites, 282 traditional newspaper Web sites, and 128 traditional television station Web sites found that traditional radio station Web sites provided more audience-oriented interactivity compared to other traditional media Web sites, and traditional newspaper Web sites offered the most source-oriented interactivity. A general conclusion of this study is that although traditional radio stations were more likely to transmit live and archived sound than other media, all traditional media Web sites have held back from developing interactivity beyond e-mail, and have limited the transmission of streaming media, as well as archived audio and video content.  相似文献   

Media may serve as important sexual socialization agents for lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) adolescents who often have limited interpersonal resources from which to garner sexual information. A content analysis was conducted on a sample of television programs, films, magazines, and music popular with LGB youth to quantify the sexual messages LGB youth encounter in the media. Results suggest that heterosexuality is overrepresented and LGB sexualities are underrepresented in media popular with LGB adolescents. When depicted, LGB sexual talk was often talk about stereotypes or insults/jokes related to sexuality and rarely about relationships or sex. LGB sexual behaviors were nearly nonexistent. LGB sexual talk seems to be increasing in entertainment television, but LGB sexual behaviors have remained relatively rare over time. Findings are discussed in terms of the possible effects of exposure on LGB youth relying on media for information about sex and sexuality during sexual socialization.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, public relations has developed significantly in the West into a sophisticated management function which is recognized as an integral part of any organization's attempt to communicate with various persons, both within and outside the organization, in order to achieve its goals and objectives. However, this is not the case in the Arab world where public relations remains underdeveloped and, even when practised, is relatively unsophisticated. This paper deals with the public relations function in a prominent though controversial Arab media organization: Al Jazeera Satellite Channel. It explores how Al Jazeera has been dealing with internal and external communication issues impelled initially by its role as a satellite broadcaster spearheading changes in a vibrant Arab mediascape and subsequently by its expansion into a global broadcaster. Drawing on James Grunig's four models of communication to analyze Al Jazeera's public relations practices, the case study at hand outlines some of the communication challenges and opportunities the organization has been facing during its 10 years of existence. The case of an indigenous organization like Al Jazeera operating in a culturally distinct environment puts into perspective communications issues and complicates our understanding of how public relations is understood and practised outside the normative Western public relations paradigm.  相似文献   


Over the years, the publishing industry has packaged single works of printed resources with accompanying media such as 3.5″ disks, CD-ROMs, videocassettes, audiocassettes, or web sites. Recognizing the importance of the information provided in the accompanying media and the library clients' access to them, the Library of Rush University (LRU) at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center developed and implemented “mixed media” policies and procedures. This paper discusses issues and Rush Library responses to the issues surrounding the management of “mixed media” titles in selection, cataloging, labeling, housing, circulation, loading data files, and the publicity that puts them in the client's hands.  相似文献   

An assessment of the extent of public involvement in the FCC's media ownership hearings in 2006–07 was conducted through an analysis of the hearings' structure, the 732 public comments made in them, and the FCC's ensuing Report & Order (R&O). In light of the rising call for pluralism, direct democracy and public involvement in policy deliberations, the results reveal that the FCC consistently hindered public participation in the hearing process it initiated and managed through limited advance notice, inconvenient timing, a hearing structure that subordinated the public to experts and stakeholders, and scarce mention of public comment in the final report.  相似文献   

This article presents a qualitative content analysis of Metro FM, a commercial music station owned by the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC). Metro FM has the second largest audience in the country and was the first SABC station to intentionally target a black audience. While fostering black pride, the station attempts to create a narrative of responsibility while simultaneously negotiating the cultural imperative to interpellate listeners as consumers. The narrative of black identity assumes a homogenous black audience located in urban areas, and while broadcasts are in English, a great degree of codeswitching allows for in-group identification.  相似文献   

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