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Talk radio has evolved into the town meeting of the 1990s. Talk radio's success comes from a combination of powerful personalities, audience involvement, and propagandistic appeals. Talk radio has become so powerful as to prompt the president of the United States to denounce many of its practitioners. Radio listeners need to understand how public figures use the media to manipulate the airwaves and their messages to influence the masses. This paper critically examines conservative talk radio figures using Father Charles Coughlin, the famous “radio priest” of the Shrine of the Little Flower, as the locus of comparison. The authors analyze the radio discourse of Coughlin, contemporary national figures such as Rush Limbaugh, and a Detroit‐area commentator, Mark Scott. Traditional propaganda analysis facilitates understanding of the rhetorical force of talk radio and enables the public to increase their awareness of and ability to deal with propaganda.  相似文献   

While useful in establishing U.S. public media, the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 is an imperfect instrument for moving public radio to a secure future. Policies governing public broadcasting are insufficient to address the economic, political, social, and technological changes upending media organizations, both commercial and non-commercial. The urgent need is for more flexible structural arrangements as public radio and public television stations merge, partner with non-profit media entities, and seek funding that builds on the strength of the local public radio network as well as responds to the demand for imaginative, on-demand content from national networks.  相似文献   

Rafi Mann 《Media History》2013,19(2):169-181
The article discusses the political and public debates in Israel over the appropriateness of a military radio station in a democratic state. The Israeli station was established in 1950 to assist the defense forces in absorbing and educating new Jewish immigrants, but later developed to become one of Israel's major media outlets. Previously unstudied documents reveal that the initiative to launch the station was met with criticism from its early stages; concerns about letting the army run a radio station without public oversight have been raised repeatedly ever since. This research project illustrates the benefits of media historiography as an effective prism for studying wider aspects of societies in which various media organizations operate. It adds, as well, to the historiography of military radio stations around the world.  相似文献   

1990年代以来,大众传媒和商业意识的崛起,彻底瓦解了传统的读者群,阅读成为一个分化的小部落行为,阅读趣味也发生了巨大的分裂。强大的大众传媒力量构建了一个权利的话语体系,读者的阅读行为也被纳入到这一强大的媒介话语的生产结构之中。在以电视传媒为代表的大众文化日益渗透的影响下,受众的阅读心理呈现出一种娱乐化的特征,读者的阶层呈现全面的分化。在电视的强大影响下,阅读开始以家庭或小群体为单位,随着电视的指针而选择同一种阅读类型。当影视文化建构起的消费主义意识形态深刻地引导着受众的消费——购买影视图书的时候,读者就成为马尔库塞所说的“单向度的人”.  相似文献   

The Degree in Library Science and Documentation of the University of León started during the 1990–1991 academic year. This first curriculum suffered from a strong presence of subjects from the humanities, with a low fraction of experimental work in many subjects because of its inclusion within the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. The first years attracted large numbers of students. However, the subsequent decrease in the number of students pursuing the degree drove us to initiate a change toward blended and online modalities.The Librarianship and Documentation Area of the University of León (ULe) already has a long history in blended teaching, starting with the Degree in Librarianship and Documentation, which has used the platform aul@unileon since the 2006–2007 academic year; the Degree of Information and Documentation has used the blended modality since the 2010–2011 academic year, and it has been offered in the distance learning modality since the 2014–2015 academic year.These new technologies have been fully introduced into university education and have facilitated the teaching–learning process through the use of interactive programs via the Internet.The main objective of this column is to determine and study the kind of multimedia tools used by professors of the Bachelor of Information and Documentation at the University of León during the teaching–learning process and in virtual teaching before the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to report which new tools were introduced by the university for this reason. We study the student–teacher and student–student interactions to help promote communication and participatory learning through chats, forums, email, hangouts, Skype, Meet, videoconferences, etc.To carry out this study, two types of methodology were applied: satisfaction surveys implemented by the Quality Office of the ULe to determine the degree of satisfaction of students and teachers, and a study of annual reports.  相似文献   

The abundance of political media outlets raises concerns that citizens isolate themselves to likeminded news, leaving the public with infrequent shared media experiences and little exposure to disagreeable information. Network analysis of 2008 National Annenberg Election Survey data (N = 57,967) indicates these worries are exaggerated, as general interest news outlets like local newspapers and non-partisan television news are central to the public’s media environment. Although there is some variation between the media diets of Republicans and Democrats (FOX News and conservative talk radio are central to Republicans’ information network), neither group appears to engage in active avoidance of disagreeable information. Individuals across the political spectrum are not creating partisan “echo chambers” but instead have political media repertoires that are remarkably similar.  相似文献   

Radio stations were organized in Europe during the 1920s as state‐regulated public service institutions. Contrary to the model in the U.S., radio thus was embedded in the cultural and political spheres and accordingly kept outside of the market forces, although some countries allowed limited advertising. Radio's role as a national service faced increasing legitimation problems, and in most Western European countries, local radio was introduced as a divergence measure to balance political and cultural convergence of national radio. Generally, local radio activities were initially an attempt to revitalize a vivid public sphere. This article describes the development in the Scandinavian countries, where local radio developed in different ways with a rather strong commercial component that filled the “commercial deficit”; resulting from public service policies and a rather fragile component of noncommercial community stations. Although the structural development in many ways showed a different pattern than expected and wanted, local radio will have an ever greater role to play in a globalized media and information society.  相似文献   

To a certain extent, the position of radio in Botswana since the colonial period has benefited significantly from recent developments in the media. The potency of radio as a mobile medium; its usefulness for public dialogue and entertainment; and its effectiveness as a less sophisticated technology that is easily accessible and adaptable in remote communities, have ensured that radio remains the most preferred and dominant medium of mass communication in Botswana. The recent introduction of the Internet and digital communication technologies also meant that in Botswana, radio is appropriately situated in the World Wide Web and mobile phones.  相似文献   


This article details the various forces that shaped public radio station KEXP’s evolution from the 70s to today. It addresses the ways that Seattle’s specific cultural, economic, and technological advantages enabled it to take on its current form as a key presence in global pop music curation and discovery. It argues that the station’s progression thus represents a potential model for other legacy public radio stations in an era of diminishing public and institutional funding. However, this approach’s viability will depend upon how effectively stations are able to leverage their local communities to compete in the networked digital media paradigm.  相似文献   

Educational, state, cultural, and university radio stations have already developed over more than 70 years of history in Brazilian radio broadcasting. Currently, there are hundreds of stations transmitting across the country, from the North to the South. Some of them—that in the 1990s included 100 broadcasting stations and among these, the oldest and nationally referenced—up to this decade operated and were referenced as a component of the educational radio system. Mainly from this period on, most of these stations began to call themselves public. And, especially due to their programming, they have been attempting to define themselves within the profile of public radio stations. The purpose of this article is to uncover the historical construction of this group of radio broadcasting stations, by means of a timeframe, from the advent of the non-commercial segment in the 1930s until today. It reconstructs referential models and presents main threads and features of the programming of these stations throughout these seven decades. In this way, it will also evince how Brazil is constructing its model of public radio.  相似文献   


Diversidad, tecnología, y communicación: Una mirada a nuestra América/DIVERSITY, TECHNOLOGY, AND COMMUNICATION: A LOOK AT OUR AMERICA edited by Serio Inestrosa (Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana and Felfacts/Federción Latinoamericana de Facultades de Communicación Social. 1997—price not available, ISBN 968–859–276–5, 248 pp., tables charts)

La batalla de la comunicación: El desafío de la identidad en la Argentina privatizada / THE BATTLE FOR COMMUNICATION: THE CHALLENGE OF IDENTITY IN PRIVATIZED ARGENTINA by Luis Lázzaro, Daniel Rosso, and Adrián Scalise (Buenos Aires: Instituto de Estudios sobre Estado y Participación, 1997—price and ISBN not available [OCLC 38304494], 48 pp., charts)

Pasquim: Gargalhantes pelejas / PASQUIM: FIGHTING FUNNIES by Norma Pereira Rego (Rio de Janeiro: Relume‐Dumará, 1996—price not available, ISBN 85–7316–093–4, 127 pp., illustrations, reproductions, bibliography)

Qué hacer con la televisión: Problemas y soluciones / WHAT TO DO ABOUT TELEVISION: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS by Jorge Yarce (Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Planeta, 1997—price not available, ISBN 958–614–571–9, 247 pp., bibliography)  相似文献   

In 1959 Wilbur Schramm collected data on the media use behavior of children in what he believed was the last remaining town in North America to have radio as its only electronic mass media, and he concluded the primary impact of new media was the displacement of incumbent media. This research returns to Schramm's “Radiotown” for two follow-up studies to assess the validity of displacement as a mechanism for understanding long-term changes in media use. The first study is a qualitative data collection among a convenience sample (n = 28) of the now-adult participants of the 1959 study. The second study quantitatively tests the conclusions of the first study among the youth of Radiotown (n = 263). Among both adults and youth, radio remains a primary mass media device, with adults using more radio now than in 1959. Three principles of media use are proposed: the ubiquity of mass media devices in the household, the proximity of media devices, and the constancy of media use. Implications for the displacement hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores Judith Waller’s radio programming philosophy over her career that began in 1922 at WMAQ Chicago. In the 1940s, representing the interests of her employer NBC, Waller began to use the phrase “public service” as a way to break free of the “stigma” of educational radio. The concept of public service programming shifted during the 1930s and 1940s in the US, redefined and negotiated in response to assumptions about radio listeners, the financial motivations of commercial radio, and Federal Communications Commission rulings. This paper brings renewed attention to the past and present political economy of media in the US, providing a window into the historically complex relationship between commercial and noncommercial media that continues to this day.  相似文献   

The new competitive environment of radio broadcasting in the Nordic countries consists of three sectors: (1) public service radio channels, (2) commercial radio stations and networks, and (3) community radio. Commercial radio represents the latest phase in a long process of transformation that started with decentralization inside the national broadcasting corporations in the 1960s and continued with introduction of noncommercial forms of local and community radio since the late 1970s. In the 1990s, commercial radio represents a hegemonic cultural form whose values and meanings penetrate to all sectors of radio. As a response to commercialization, the public service broadcasting tradition is undergoing a serious rearticulation. In contrast with the radical liberalism of the 1980s, there seems to be a growing political will to safeguard a balanced dualism of noncommercial and commercial forms of broadcasting.  相似文献   


Brasil em tempo de TV / BRAZIL IN THE ERA OF TV by Eugênio Bucci (São Paulo, Brazil: Boitempo Editorial, 1996—price not available, ISBN 85–85934–08–5, 183 pp.)

Medios de comunicación y democracia en El Salvador / COMMUNICATION MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY IN EL SALVADOR edited by Ricardo Bracamonte and Stefan Roggenbuck (San Salvador: Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Universidad Centroamericana, 1996—price and ISBN not available, 127 pp., bibliography)

Los procesos electorates en los medios de comunicación: Guía para el análysis de contenido electoral en Mexico / THE ELECTORAL PROCESS IN MEDIATED COMMUNICATION: A GUIDE FOR ELECTORAL CONTENT ANALYSIS IN MEXICO by Miguel Acosta Valverde and Luz Paula Parra Rosales (Mexico City: Academia Mexicana de Derechos Humanos, A.C. and Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C., 1995—no price available, ISBN 968–859–187–4, 270 pp., tables, charts, glossary, bibliography)

Al rescate de los medios: Desafío democrático para los comunicadores / RESCUING THE MEDIA: THE DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGE FOR COMMUNICATORS by Guillermo Orozco Gómez (Mexico City: Fundación Manuel Buendía and Universidad Iberoamericana, 1994—ISBN 968–6348–10–7, 160 pp., notes, bibliographies)

La industria de la telenovela: La productión de fictión en América latina / THE SOAP OPERA INDUSTRY: THE PRODUCTION OF FICTION IN LATIN AMERICA by Nora Maziotti (Buenos Aires: Editorial Paidós, 1996—price not available, ISBN 950–12–2707–3, 177 pp., notes bibliography)  相似文献   

实证表明新冠肺炎疫情下公众选择不同传播渠道产生的"自我卷入"程度不一:短视频、微博(或微信)、新闻类APP等移动新传播渠道给公众造成的恐惧感更为显著;电视(或广播)等传统渠道更能影响公众的应急反应,让公众主动采取防护措施,积极进行自我保护和积极应对;但公众在权威信息、疫情进展上对电视(或广播)等传统渠道的期望值更高。主流媒体应从把控信息源头、创新表达形式、布局好舆情监测机制、做好媒体议程设置等四个方面来提高自身公信力,提高公众对主流信息的"自我卷入"程度,以防范可能出现的"信息疫情",维护社会秩序健康稳定。  相似文献   

This article examines the distinctiveness of the public broadcaster offer in the roll-out of digital terrestrial radio across 25 European markets. Distinctiveness was measured through the number of services and the diversity of genres provided by the same broadcaster on analogue-only, simulcast and digital-only stations. The results illustrate which public broadcasters have made an effort to provide exclusive digital services and which genres are being preferred in digital. As a whole, the research provides useful insights into the role of public media as drivers of digital radio and technological innovation.  相似文献   

This narrative case study examines the news and information role played by WWL Radio and the United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans during the real life drama of Hurricane Katrina. The performance of United demonstrates that media consolidation, deregulation and the threat of emerging technologies do not justify abandoning the idea that broadcasters still have a moral and ethical responsibility to serve the public interests of audiences; that traditional radio should stop looking over its shoulder at threats posed by other media, and instead should make use of the medium's greatest strength—taking care of the communities it serves on the local level. This study provides further proof that traditional radio is still vital, especially in times of disaster and catastrophe; that radio's attention to the local community, and its ability to collaborate among other broadcast outlets in that community, may be two of many distinct factors that keep the public tuned in to the medium.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):178-195
One of the characteristics of convergence journalism is the prominence of repurposing of content. This article analyses news production processes at the Norwegian public service broadcaster, NRK, through the concepts of genre and adaptation. Convergent, or cross-media, news journalism involves media content travelling across media boundaries. As different media platforms use different sets of sign systems (audio, video, writing, images and graphics), this requires some form of translation or adaptation. This article analyses some examples of audiovisual content that travels across media platforms; mainly from television and radio to the Web, but also between radio and television. News content made for a specific programme on a specific platform, with a characteristic rhetoric, is adapted in part or as a whole to be republished on a different platform with a different rhetoric. In conclusion, the article outlines a typology of different forms of repurposing in cross-media news journalism, expanding on those found in Dailey et al.'s (2003) “convergence continuum”.  相似文献   

网络媒介的发展重构了社会传播生态。在泛众传播语境下,作为共识性仪式的传统媒介事件让位于作为冲突性实践的网络公共事件,探索新的共识凝聚方式被提上议程。本文认为,网络公共事件的常态化并不代表共识基础的完全丧失,原本由传统媒介事件提供的仪式整合功能可以在公众一致性的话语实践中重新实现。为了实现网络公共事件中的社会认同重构,应当从话语争夺、多方协作、培育"公共理性"等思路出发对公众展开话语引导。  相似文献   

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