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练习题1 选择题( 1)绝对高程是由(  )起算的地面点高度。 A .任意水准面 B .大地水准面 C .水平面 D .竖直面( 2 )测量工作对精度的要求是(  )。 A .没有误差最好 B .越精确越好 C .根据需要,适当精确 D .仪器能达到什么精度就尽量达到( 3)若将原地形改造成同一坡度的倾斜平面,则该平面上的设计等高线的特点为(  )。 A .等高线平距相等,且互相平行 B .等高线平距不等,且互相平行 C .等高距相等,且互相平行 D .等高距不等,且互相平行( 4 )先在A、B两点中间C安置水准仪,对A、B两水准尺进行读数,然后再将仪器安置于…  相似文献   

我们知道,命题是由条件和结论两个部分构成,通常表述为:“如果A,那么B”的形式.其中A是命题的条件,B是命题的结论.譬如:两条直线被第三条直线所截,如果内错角相等,那么两条直线平行.其中“内错角相等”是条件,“两条直线平行”是结论.若将一个命题的条件和结论互相交换,那么所得的命题就是原命题的逆命题.即“如果A,那么B”的逆命题是“如果B,那么A”.  相似文献   

平行研究可划分为三种基本的功能模式:一、连类比物、相类相从的类同研究;二、相映成趣、相得益彰的互衬式的平行研究;三、相生相克、相反相成的对比式、反比式研究。其中的类同研究模式被使用最多,但不少文章流于生硬比附,结论平庸。主要原因在于目前流行的A与B两项式的平行比较,不能容纳尽可能多的同类的和相关的事项,不能在多个事项中进行分析、比较和归纳,有价值的结论也就无从得出。为此,在方平先生总结并提倡的A∶B→C的公式的启发下,提出了X1∶X2∶X3∶X4……→Y的新模式,主张突破A与B的两项比较,变A与B两极两项的比较为多极多项、平行交叉、上下贯通的比较。  相似文献   

一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.下列条件中,不能判定为平行四边形的是().A.一组对边平行且相等B.两组对边分别平行C.两组对角分别相等D.一条对角线平分另一条对角线2.将一张平行四边形纸片折叠一次,使得折痕能平分这个平行四边形的面积,则这样的折纸方法有().A.一种B.二种C.三  相似文献   

测量等值是将不同标尺的测验分数转换到同一标尺的测量技术.具体地说,测验等值是将测量同一性质的知识或心理品质的多个测验形式的测验分数转换成相同标尺的分数,进而使得这些不同测验形式的分数之间具有可比性.例如,有A、B、C三种测验,都是测量英语水平的.如果同一个学生在这三种测验上发挥状态相同,A测验得60分,B测验得65分,C测验得55分,说明C测验最难,A测验次之,B测验最容易.这三种测验分数要等值,都可以转换到某一测验的分数系统.若转换到A测验分数系统,那么B测验的65分,C测验的55分,都对应于A测验的60分.  相似文献   

在心理与教育研究中经常需要对同一测量编制A、B卷.例如。在教育实践中为了应付紧急情况或防止考生作弊等需要对同一测量编制A、B两种型式.在重要考试中。如高考,每门学科的考卷都要编制A、B卷。以防不测。在心理或教育研究中,为了计算测验的复本信度,毫无疑问也需要A、B两种型式;除了确定测验的信度外。出于其他原因也需要问卷的A、B两种型式。例如,在追踪研究或研究某种实验干预因素对测验成绩的影响方面.复本也十分有用。使用复本还可以减少辅导或欺骗的可能性。  相似文献   

两块金属板A、B组成平行板电容器,当给A板带上正电荷Q时,在图一所示的甲、乙两种情况下,两极板间的电压关系是什么?(答案应1∶2)  相似文献   

比较句“A跟B—样(X)”的否定形式一直是国际汉语教学中的难点。通过对大量语料的统计分析,将“A跟B一样(X)”句式的否定形式分为常用的标准否定式“A跟B不一样(X)”和非常用的特殊否定式“A不跟B一样(X)”两种具体类型,并从句法、语义和语用三个方面对这两种否定形式特征的差异进行探讨,提出在实际的国际汉语教学中,不应简单地用推导方式来讲授这两种否定形式,而应以“实用”为出发点,从“感知”到“理解”进行分级教学,以提升教学效果。  相似文献   

1 测量平面内不可直接到达的两点之间的距离 问题1图1为公园内的人工湖,现要测量此人工湖两旁A,B两点的距离(A,B两点不能直接到达),请你根据所学知识,以卷尺和测角仪为工具设计一种测量方案.  相似文献   

1.在空间,下列命题正确的是()(A)平行直线的平行投影重合.(B)平行于同一直线的两个平面平行.(C)垂直于同一平面的两个平面平行.(D)垂直于同一平面的两条直线平行.  相似文献   

In this ITEMS module, we provide a two‐part introduction to the topic of reliability from the perspective of classical test theory (CTT). In the first part, which is directed primarily at beginning learners, we review and build on the content presented in the original didactic ITEMS article by Traub and Rowley (1991). Specifically, we discuss the notion of reliability as an intuitive everyday concept to lay the foundation for its formalization as a reliability coefficient via the basic CTT model. We then walk through the step‐by‐step computation of key reliability indices and discuss the data collection conditions under which each is most suitable. In the second part, which is directed primarily at intermediary learners, we present a distribution‐centered perspective on the same content. We discuss the associated assumptions of various CTT models ranging from parallel to congeneric, and review how these affect the choice of reliability statistics. Throughout the module, we use a customized Excel workbook with sample data and basic data manipulation functionalities to illustrate the computation of individual statistics and to allow for structured independent exploration. In addition, we provide quiz questions with diagnostic feedback as well as short videos that walk through sample exercises within the workbook.  相似文献   

In educational measurement, the construction of parallel test forms is often a combinatorial optimization problem that involves the time-consuming selection of items to construct tests having approximately the same test information functions (TIFs) and constraints. This article proposes a novel method, genetic algorithm (GA), to construct parallel test forms effectively. The sum of squared errors of the generated TIFs produced by GA were compared with those of the Swanson and Stocking method, and the Wang and Ackerman method. Experimental results show that tests constructed using GA yielded lower error, and an average improvement ratio above 90%.  相似文献   

Reliability has a long history as one of the key psychometric properties of a test. However, a given test might not measure people equally reliably. Test scores from some individuals might have considerably greater error than others. This study proposed two approaches using intraindividual variation to estimate test reliability for each person. A simulation study suggested that the parallel tests approach and the structural equation modeling approach recovered the simulated reliability coefficients. Then in an empirical study, where 45 females were measured daily on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) for 45 consecutive days, separate estimates of reliability were generated for each person. Results showed that reliability estimates of the PANAS varied substantially from person to person. The methods provided in this article apply to tests measuring changeable attributes and require repeated measures across time on each individual. This article also provides a set of parallel forms of PANAS.  相似文献   

In Woodruff (1990), I derived estimates for the conditional standard error of measurement in prediction (CSEMP), the conditional standard error of estimation (CSEE), and the conditional standard error of prediction (CSEP). My original estimates assume that the conditional residual error score variances and the conditional residual true score variances, obtained from the regression of an observed score onto a parallel observed score, obey the same step-up rules as do the marginal error score variance and the marginal true score variance. The present article derives alternative estimates for the various test score conditional variances that do not depend on these assumptions.  相似文献   

在线考试系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用ASP(Active Server Page)技术开发的基于B/S模式的多用户在线考试系统。它具有用户注册、多用户同时在线考试、动态随机出题、考试时间控制、自动判卷、题库维护、用户管理、分数管理等功能。本系统主要由管理模块、在线考试模块、用户注册模块组成。随机选题及自动评分的实现是本系统的关键。  相似文献   

An important assumption of item response theory is item parameter invariance. Sometimes, however, item parameters are not invariant across different test administrations due to factors other than sampling error; this phenomenon is termed item parameter drift. Several methods have been developed to detect drifted items. However, most of the existing methods were designed to detect drifts in individual items, which may not be adequate for test characteristic curve–based linking or equating. One example is the item response theory–based true score equating, whose goal is to generate a conversion table to relate number‐correct scores on two forms based on their test characteristic curves. This article introduces a stepwise test characteristic curve method to detect item parameter drift iteratively based on test characteristic curves without needing to set any predetermined critical values. Comparisons are made between the proposed method and two existing methods under the three‐parameter logistic item response model through simulation and real data analysis. Results show that the proposed method produces a small difference in test characteristic curves between administrations, an accurate conversion table, and a good classification of drifted and nondrifted items and at the same time keeps a large amount of linking items.  相似文献   

In typical differential item functioning (DIF) assessments, an item's DIF status is not influenced by its status in previous test administrations. An item that has shown DIF at multiple administrations may be treated the same way as an item that has shown DIF in only the most recent administration. Therefore, much useful information about the item's functioning is ignored. In earlier work, we developed the Bayesian updating (BU) DIF procedure for dichotomous items and showed how it could be used to formally aggregate DIF results over administrations. More recently, we extended the BU method to the case of polytomously scored items. We conducted an extensive simulation study that included four “administrations” of a test. For the single‐administration case, we compared the Bayesian approach to an existing polytomous‐DIF procedure. For the multiple‐administration case, we compared BU to two non‐Bayesian methods of aggregating the polytomous‐DIF results over administrations. We concluded that both the BU approach and a simple non‐Bayesian method show promise as methods of aggregating polytomous DIF results over administrations.  相似文献   

从广东高考科目设置改革的实践看高考与基础教育的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高考改革与基础教育密不可分,应充分发挥高考对基础教育的积极导向作用。本文从广东省高考改革的实践,论述了高考改革与基础教育相辅相成的关系。在推进素质教育实施方面,高考改革的价值取向与基础教育课程改革理念一致;在基础教育尚未建立完善的自身评价的制度前提下,高考不能是单纯的选拔性考试;基础教育课程的多样性和选择性与统一的高考须在保证公平性的前提下实现;高考科目设置、考试内容的改革受制于高中课程改革但不等同于高中课程改革;高考自身的局限性对基础教育改革的制约。最后提出高考改革应与基础教育评价制度改革并行。  相似文献   

针对目前高校外语考试中所存在的问题,提出对知识和能力同时进行考核的必要性和重要意义;通过对两张典型卷子进行分析的基础上阐述了扣分和加分的对比效果。  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect of test mode anticipation on performance in the anticipated and the unanticipated mode in four sections (same instructor) of a first-year college algebra course. To build up anticipation, students in two sections received recall tests, and students in the other two sections received recognition tests over 6 successive weeks. Following this, the test mode was changed without warning for half the students in each section. Results showed that performance suffered when the test mode was changed for students anticipating a recognition test. Students anticipating a recall test did equally well in both test modes.  相似文献   

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