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定点跳伞要求运动员在一定的高度跳高飞行器,操纵降落伞在预定的区域内着陆。定点跳伞是勇气与技巧的结合,它给人以美的享受。图为跳伞运动员在土耳其的一座古迹神殿遗址进行定点跳伞表演,而观众只是尊尊或静卧或坍倒的神像、石柱。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析等研究方法对飞机定点跳伞项目的本质特征进行研究。结果表明,飞机定点跳伞项目是体能全面、技术复杂、心理过硬和智力较高的技能准确类项目。定点跳伞项目特征之间的相互关系是:体能是基础,技术是关键,心智是核心。同时,揭示了当前世界定点跳伞运动发展现状及特点,试图把握世界定点跳伞运动训练的发展趋势,不断提高我国定点跳伞运动水平。  相似文献   

美国一位跳伞老手麦圭尔(35岁),在3月2日的一次跳伞中,从3.200公尺的高空跌下惨死观看了他在出事时所拍的影片后,警方说,麦圭尔显然是顾着拍摄其他跳伞员,自己忘记带降落伞而送命。当时,麦圭尔正在拍其他跳伞员跳下的镜头。装置在他的头盔上的声音驱动摄影机拍到的影片,使查  相似文献   

我国飞机跳伞运动从六十年代以来,曾多次打破世界纪录和夺取世界大赛的金牌,但是几乎所以的金牌都是出自女子定点项目。本文对我国飞机跳伞项目竞技水平的现状和目前世界最高水平的对比和分析,重点阐述了我国跳伞项目在世界大赛夺金点突破的问题。  相似文献   

美国堪萨斯州有个名叫特鲁斯达尔史密斯的人,今年八十八岁,是个画广告牌的退休工人。前不久,他与美国世界跳伞冠军队队员一起在洛杉矶东南约七十五哩处的佩里斯谷机场上做定点跳伞表演。据称他是世界上最年老的跳伞运动员。图为他安全着陆后高兴地举起双手向为他叫好的人群表示致意,愉快地接受人们要他签名的情景。这是他第二百一十六次跳  相似文献   

1986年,跳伞运动员首次使用了能够控制飞行方向的新式军用降落伞。这种降落伞的另一优势是,跳伞不需要飞机。跳伞者登上高山,找到向阳的  相似文献   

勇敢者的运动跳伞运动是指跳伞员乘飞机、气球等航空器或其他器械升至高空后跳下,或者从陡峭的山顶、高地上跳下,并借助空气动力和降落伞在张开降落伞之前和开伞后完成各种规定动作,并利用降落伞减缓下降速度在指定区域安全着陆的一项体育运动。它以自身的惊险和挑战性,被世人誉为“勇敢者的运动”。  相似文献   

跳伞运动 20世纪初,第一只降落伞出现在蓝天上,随后跳伞运动发展起来。1951年8月,在荷兰海牙举行了第一届世界跳伞锦标赛,有六个国家的17名运动员参加了这届比赛。1954年,第二届跳伞锦标赛在法国举行。从此以后,世界跳伞锦标赛每两年举办一次。  相似文献   

降落伞又称保险伞,是一种凭借空气阻力使人或物体从空中缓慢下降着陆的伞状器具。降落伞最初主要用作飞行人员的救生器具,后来逐渐用于空降军事人员、空投物资、收回靶机或探空仪器以至航天飞机的减速。世界各国发行的跳伞专题邮票总数在200种左  相似文献   

运用对比分析等方法,对滑翔伞定点的航线和着陆方式进行了分析。结果表明:(1)滑翔伞定点中航线的设计和飞机定点跳伞的航线设计有所区别,由于客观条件滑翔伞不能执行正常的5边航线,迂回点的选择在第3边航线处为宜;(2)通过对两个项目的着陆方式及比赛规则进行比较,发现滑翔伞的下滑观察角度相对飞机定点跳伞要略小,而且着陆时伞速大于风速为宜。研究提示,要想安全飞行和快速发展滑翔伞项目,应当注意训练的正规化,熟知滑翔伞的飞行性能,把握滑翔伞的比赛规则,才能帮助更多的人们实现飞行梦想,更好地普及和推动这个项目的发展。  相似文献   

纵跳摸高能力是优秀篮球运动员比赛争抢板球和原地起跳投篮的重要专项素质之一,纵向摸高素质的提高与多种跳跃素质(如助跑摸高、五级蛙跳、连续快速起跳等)可能具有密切的相关关系(假说)。男子篮球运动员纵向摸高素质与跳跃素质的相关关系和科学训练的研究是很有必要的。文章以山西省体育职业学院20名男子篮球专项学生为研究对象,运用测试法测出:原地纵跳摸高、助跑摸高、立定跳远、30秒单摇跳绳、五级蛙跳、立定三级跳各项数据并得出相应的研究结果,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Previous data have indicated relative stability over time of paediatric jumping performance, but few data exist since the early 2000s. This study quantified the 30-year secular changes in jumping performance of Australian children aged 11?12-years using data from the Australian Schools Health and Fitness Survey (1985, n = 1967) and Growing Up in Australia’s Child Health CheckPoint (2015, n = 1765). Both cohorts measured jumping performance (standing long jump distance), anthropometric and demographic data. Secular changes in jumping performance means and quantiles were examined using multivariable linear and quantile regression. Between 1985 and 2015, jumping performance declined by 16.4 cm or by 11.2% (standardised change 0.66 SD, 95%CI 0.60 to 0.73). Adjustment for body mass reduced the effect by 32%, although the decline remained (absolute change – 11.1 cm, 95%CI ?12.5 to ?9.7; percent change 7.7%, 95%CI 6.7 to 8.6; standardised change 0.51 SD, 95%CI 0.44 to 0.57). This decline was evident across all quantiles. The jumping performance of Australian children aged 11?12-years has declined between 1985 and 2015, with body mass changes accounting for only part of the decline. Efforts should continue to promote paediatric muscular fitness, reduce adiposity, and aim to reverse this decline in jumping performance.  相似文献   

在以往武术套路比赛中,运动员因种种原因导致跳跃动作落地不稳定,造成附加支撑或倒地是极为常见的事情.而改革后新型场地的出台使得竞技武术套路跳跃动作落地的稳定性成为了目前许多教练员、运动员高度重视的一个技术环节.文章以四川省武术队5位现役武英级运动员在竞技武术场地改革后完成“旋风脚720度——跌叉”的技术为例,进行较为系统的观察、调查、分析和研究,可为竞技武术套路运动员更好的明确和掌握新场地跳跃动作落地的稳定性程度提供一些技术参考,有利于进一步提高武术套路竞技的整体水平,对促进竞技武术套路训练科学化发展具有一定的现实意义和指导意义.  相似文献   

With recent controversies surrounding the eligibility of athletes with disorders of sex development (DSD) and hyperandrogenism, as well as continued discussion of the conditions transgender athletes must meet to compete in high-performance sport, a wide array of scholars representing a diverse range of disciplines have weighed in on both the appropriateness of classifying athletes into the female and male categories and the best practices of doing so. In response to cases of high-profile athletes’ sex (and gender) being called into question, the International Olympic Committee, the International Association of Athletics Federations, and the National Collegiate Athletics Association, among others, published or updated policies addressing who is eligible to compete in the women’s sport category and under what conditions. This paper addresses the areas in which philosophical reasoning and ethical analysis can contribute to reopened debates about the surveillance of the women’s category in sport. Emphasis is placed on determining where the onus of responsibility should fall for ensuring the new policies are followed.  相似文献   

The special wind compensation system recently adopted by Fédération Internationale de Ski (FIS; International Ski Federation) to consider the effects of changing wind conditions has caused some controversy. Here, the effect of wind on jumping distance in ski jumping was studied by means of computer simulation and compared with the wind compensation factors used by FIS during the World Cup season 2009/2010. The results showed clearly that the effect of increasing head/tail wind on jumping distance is not linear: +17.4 m/ ? 29.1 m, respectively, for a wind speed of 3 m/s. The linear formula used in the trial period of the wind compensation system was found to be appropriate only for a limited range of jumping distances as the gradient of the landing slope slows down the rate of distance change in long jumps.  相似文献   

Advances in computer technologies have made it easier than ever before for historians to access a wealth of sources made available in the digital era. This article investigates one way that historians have engaged with the challenges and opportunities of this ‘infinite archive’: distant reading. We define distant reading as an umbrella term that embraces many practices, including data mining, aggregation, text analysis, and the visual representations of these practices. This paper investigates the utility of distant reading as a research tool via three newspaper case studies concerning Muhammad Ali, women’s surfing in Australia, and homophobic language and Australian sport. The research reveals that the usefulness, effectiveness, and success of distant reading is dependent on numerous factors. While valuable in many instances, distant reading is rarely an end in itself and can be most powerful when paired with the traditional historical skills of close reading.  相似文献   

The mean of the top 25 performances in 8 men’s and 5 women’s field events since the 1890s showed that performances increased dramatically after the Second World War II and subsequently plateaued during the late twentieth century. A performance improvement index, developed on the basis of work done, was set to 100% in 1948. The underlying rise found in all events was modelled using an exponential function with a superposition of steps and linear changes to account for the introduction of rule changes, drugs testing and the introduction of new technologies. The performance improvement index in throwing events increased to 140.9% compared with 125.8% in jumping events, and women’s performance improvement always exceeded that of men’s. Around half of all events were shown to have reached 99.9% of their predicted limit with a majority reaching it within the next 25 years. It was concluded that performance will only change in the future if an intervention takes place: this could be the emergence of a new technology, a rule change or a new athlete population.  相似文献   

以2届女子跳马决赛运动员为研究对象,采用文献资料、录像观察与统计等方法,分析2009年规则下世界女子跳马技术发展的新趋向。"踺子后手翻"类分别与"踺子后手翻转体180°"类及"前手翻"类的动作组合,将会是世界优秀女选手2跳动作搭配的主要形式;掌握"不同组别不同类型"的2个6.5分乃至更高D分价值的动作和难度创新动作将是众多优秀选手发展的重点;E分的主导因素趋于增强;"原"类动作的消失将引起密切关注。  相似文献   

A critical analysis of the existing ranking systems of German and international horse sports could identify weak points with regard to their implicit evaluations of the horses’ performances. This study is aimed at developing a feasible and more performance-related valuation method and comparing it with the existing cumulative ranking systems of the German and international equestrian umbrella organizations. On the one hand, the modeling is based on a method using average points per competition; on the other hand, by considering additional points and drawbacks. We investigated a sample of 50 top-ranked jumping horses and monitored the differences towards the existing ranking systems. The modification proposed results in significant implications on the rankings. The validity in relation to the horses’ performance evaluation could be improved. As a consequence, the interests of different stakeholder groups are better served than before. It is recommended to further develop the existing ranking system accordingly and to analyze a more differentiated placing of points.  相似文献   


In sports, nostalgic views on ‘the beauty of the game’ often clash with commercial interventions to make it fit the global sport media complex. This phenomenon also known as ‘the paradox of commercialism’, presents a unique challenge. This paper, which is based on a larger study of the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC), introduces a method on how to investigate this paradox. By discussing narrative inquiry and trans-local ethnography, as well as highlighting specific techniques used in the WRC study, the paper provides valuable methodological input into a special category of sports struggling with the relationship between commerce and tradition, namely those that are transnational and itinerant by nature, like the America’s Cup, the Champions League, world motoring championships, golf and pro cycling.  相似文献   

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