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Do you know something about drinks in America? Please read the following and learn more. There are many kinds of beer in the USA. “Light”and “dark”are two kinds. It is normal to order beer by its brand name (牌子). It comes in bottles and cans. You can also get it “on top!”at bars, pubs, and discos. You will get it in a glass or a pitcher. You may take the pitcher and glasses to your table so you won’t need to go back to the bar often.Sometimes beer comes in bottles with tops that l…  相似文献   

A man always went to the same bar at the same time every day and asked for twoglasses of beer, He would drink them and then ask for two more. One day the barman asked him: “Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why don’t you order one bigglass instead?”“Because I don’t like to drink alone”, the man answered.“I drink with myfriend.” But a few days later the man came in and asked for only one beer. “Oh, has your friend died?”asked the barman.  相似文献   

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year ! Beautiful dream comes true .Bring you good wishes of happiness this Christmas and on the coming year . Greeting you warmly with a wish that ’s sincere for a healthy happy and wonderful day . Have a heartwarming holiday! Warmest wishes for a very merry Christmas ! Have a Wonderful Holiday Season ! Hope your holiday is great and your New Year a prosperous one . In our hearts , we ’llalways be near merry Christmas ! Joy to the world. Wishing you an extreme...  相似文献   

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year ! Beautiful dream comes true .Bring you good wishes of happiness this Christmas and on the coming year . Greeting you warmly with a wish that ’s sincere for a healthy happy and wonderful day . Have a heartwarming holiday! Warmest wishes for a very merry Christmas ! Have a Wonderful Holiday Season ! Hope your holiday is great and your New Year a prosperous one . In our hearts , we ’llalways be near merry Christmas ! Joy to the world…  相似文献   

Movies like "Animal House" and "Revenge Of The Nerds" illustrate the prettier parts of college life: The parties, the men, the women, the good times. But then there are the dark clouds surrounding the college experience: The bad food, the hangovers, the beer goggles, and—worst of all—the evil roommate. As horrible as mystery meat, mornings after and anonymous(无名的) hookups may be, there's nothing more damaging to your life at college than living with a nasty roommate.  相似文献   

Boys and girts,come out to Ptay.The moon does shine as bright as day!Leave your suPPer and teave your steeP,And eome with your PtayfeL乳ows into the street.Come with a whistte,ComeW让h a CsttCome with a goodwilt,or not at all.觅技女获.出莱婉。周觉旅洁奋加屏!刻耳咋饭期夏睡带蓄伙伴工大街。吹起口嘴快快莱蓝呼带唤一起莱并心就快莱.末脱就刻莱。男孩女孩,出来玩@佚名 @胡泽嘉…  相似文献   

Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes, when you don’t have the time to listen ... Life throws a brick at your head. It's your choice: Listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick!  相似文献   

1.Behave yourself!请自重!请注意你的行为!For example:—Tom,dont talk and laugh loudly with your desk-mate when the teacheris speaking in class.Its not polite.You are not a child any more.Please behaveyourself.—Im sorry,Miss Wang.I wont do it again.2.Music to my ears爱听的话,好听的话,听起来就像音乐一样动听  相似文献   

原文Colors For YouColor is one of the most influential and excitingthings in our lives.Few people are aware of the powerof color.For instance,studies have shown that thecolor red can increase your appetite.Have you everseen red carpets or furniture in an eating place?Thecolor was not chosen accidently.It was plannedbecause of the “increase-in-eating”factor related tored.Perhaps you will feel hungry and order morefood!  相似文献   

Your sister carelessly spills red wine on your brand-new, snow-white carpet. Your boyfriend makes a pass at your best friend. A driver accidentally knocks your kid off her bike, breaking her leg. For most of us, any one of these scenarios might be enough to fill us with frustration and rage. But while the 1970s pop psychotherapy movement focused on the importance of letting anger out, more recent research suggests that there's a smarter, healthier way to react to  相似文献   

Bank: Hello, you have reached the Mainstay Bank. For enquiries regarding your bank account please dial 1. For information on our pension scheme, dial 2. For all other enquiries, please hold the line. [music playing] Please hold the line. A member of our banking team will attend to you in just a minute. You are about to be connected to a member of our customer services team. Please note that for the purposes of stafftraining and quality control this call may be recorded.  相似文献   

1.small beer small beer是“小啤酒”的意思吗?难道啤酒还分大小?其实,在英国small beer指的是口味比较淡的啤酒,但是在美语中则是“少量啤酒”的意思。比如说夏天有客人来访,问他要喝些什么:A nything to drink?客人就可能回答说:“I’llhave a sm all beer(给我一点儿啤酒).”比喻用法中说的sm all beer,指规模或者格局不大的事物,自以为了不起,不是小人物的人。例如:H e thinks no sm all beer of him self.口语中常用sm all beer作形容词,因此开快餐店的朋友可以说:O urs is a sm all-beer fast-food joint besideM cD onald.2.a be…  相似文献   

Interview Tip 1; Plan Ahead面试秘诀1:预先计划Do a little homework! Research the company and the position if possible, as well as the people you will meet at the interview. Review your work experience. Be ready to support past career accomplishments with specific information targeted toward the company's needs. Have your facts ready!  相似文献   

队一hat一,a、。fork。,,(lm。、,th,,,utc云n而t 画 A river. A fork 15 the pointe(It,,1 you uso to(a叮依记腼m your Plate to your mouth. But a fork 15 also the plaee wherea石ver or a road splits and goes in tWO different 。lireetio一5.The幻口outh of a river 15 where the river ente玛the优ean. Fork(叉子)是我们用来吃饭的东西,但是也是指河流或者道路分叉的地方。 河流的Mouth就是河口。 A:l众〕k uP ahead!There’5 a fork in the river.Whieh dlrection should we take了 B:Stay to the right.That’…  相似文献   

1An old lady went shop last Wednesday. She came to a bank and saw a car near the door. The man got out and went into the bank. She saw into the car. The keys were on the lock. The old lady took the keys and following the man into the bank. The man took a gun out of the pocket and said to the clerk. "Give me all money!"And the old lady did not see this. She went out to the man, put the keys in his hand and said,"Young man,you' re stupid! Never you leave your keys in your car:some is going t…  相似文献   

Bob and Readers     
Hello! Bob!I am not sure if you still remember me, a reader of O-verseas English and a member of the Foreign Language Fac-ulty of Ningbo University. I really like reading your articles.I am writing to ask for your help. I am doing research on the “Chinese Traditional Culture.”I would like to get some  相似文献   

常用的新年贺辞1.Good luck in the comingNew Year! 新年大吉! 2.Wish you a merry Christmas and a New Year filled withall your favourite theings! 祝你圣诞快乐,新年万事如意!  相似文献   

Close your left eye,Keep your right eye looking at the dog and move the bookback and forth[来回地]in front of you.At one point the cat disappears!You have justfound your blind spot.Everyone has one.It is the spot where the optic nerve[视神经]cord[索状组织,神经]leaves your eye,and there are no nerve cells to see the image.If youuse both eyes as you look as the dog,you won’t have a blind spot.The image fromyour left eye will make up for[弥补]the blank[空白] in your right eye.  相似文献   

Imagine yourself as an astronaut flying high above the Earth.The most important thing in your spaceship is not your camera or your radio.The most important thing you have is your garden,where you grow food to eat and air to breathe.Growing air?Well,that isn't exactly what happens.But plants do take carbon dioxide from the air and use the light and water that help them grow to make oxygen.Take a deep breath. That came from a plant!It took 1.5 billion years of plants making oxygen before there was enough oxy- gen for us to breathe.  相似文献   

Below is a copy of the full letter author Margaret Trimer-Hartley and her husband sent in the fall to her son’s new teacher. Dear Mrs.Emmons, First,let me tell you we are thrilled that our son Nikolas Hartley has been chosen to be in your class and in the looping program! I believe your background and the consis- tency of looping will give Nikolas the stimulation and stability he so desperately  相似文献   

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