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This essay argues that science education can gain from close engagement with the history of science both in the training of prospective vocational scientists and in educating the broader public about the nature of science. First it shows how historicizing science in the classroom can improve the pedagogical experience of science students and might even help them turn into more effective professional practitioners of science. Then it examines how historians of science can support the scientific education of the general public at a time when debates over "intelligent design" are raising major questions over the kind of science that ought to be available to children in their school curricula. It concludes by considering further work that might be undertaken to show how history of science could be of more general educational interest and utility, well beyond the closed academic domains in which historians of science typically operate.  相似文献   

只有与科学知识本身和科学家所用的方法相结合,科学史研究的目标才能实现。这种结合应该是批判性的,带有历史学家独特的认识判断,而独立于当前科学家的认识判断。这些结论同样应该来自于对历史的一般功能,以及当科学成为我们研究对象时,历史如何发挥这些功能的思考。科学史应该将科学严肃地看成一种社会文化现象以及一种认识实践。  相似文献   

Paylor S 《Endeavour》2005,29(2):66-71
By the late-19th century, evolutionary theory, known by most people as Darwinism, had earned a reputation as an atheistic theory that challenged religious orthodoxy. From recent historical work we now know a great deal about how those with religious convictions received Darwinian ideas, and the role that professional scientists played in styling and communicating 'Darwinism' to the wider public and between themselves. However, relatively little is known about how Darwinian ideas were received and used by avowedly irreligious groups, and how these groups set about communicating their own version of Darwinism to a public hungry for cheap and accessible science. The activities of the Secularist Edward Bibbins Aveling, a prolific popularizer of Darwinian ideas in the late-19th century, offer a unique insight into this relatively uncharted territory. His work helped to develop the polemic of popular irreligious groups and imbue Darwinism with overtly atheistic connotations; it also engendered unprecedented support for atheism from the general public, and challenged the monopoly that some professional scientists enjoyed over imparting serious scientific knowledge to them.  相似文献   

History of biomedicine is a hybrid domain, intersecting with many other scholarly disciplines. From the 1970s, historians who investigated recent developments in medicine increasingly shared the approaches, presuppositions, and methods of inquiry of historians and sociologists of science and technology. One reason is that the increasing reliance of medicine on technologies, instruments, and drugs makes the demarcation between "medicine," "science," and "industry" more difficult. Another is the "practice turn" in the history of science, which gave greater attention to the ways scientists and physicians work. The impressive achievements of historians who applied these new approaches came, however, at a cost. The neglect of an earlier generation of historians of medicine may have limited more recent ambitions for understanding health and disease in society. Closer links with historians of science and technology and sociologists of science may have blurred the specificity of medicine as a domain grounded in the distinction between the normal and the pathological and lessened scholars' interest in "the clinic" as a unique site of the production of knowledge.  相似文献   

A recently released documentary on life in a protein crystallography laboratory offers an exemplary opportunity to examine how a popular account of scientific training models narrowly defined norms of masculinity and mentorship and simultaneously sets these as the tacit conditions for success in science. Rather than treating this documentary as a good or bad representation of what life in the lab is actually like, this analysis draws attention to how the scientists featured in the film perform for the camera and how the filmmakers splice together the action to animate an engaging story. This essay shows how this popular and widely circulating documentary frames science as a game to be won and stages scientific success on an agonistic playing field. Those who can "make it" are those who are tough enough and those who are willing and able to get entangled in the taunting, jesting, and jostling relationships that appear to be required for mentorship in this lab. The essay argues that this documentary tethers this model of success in science to restrictive norms of masculinity and in so doing promotes a pedagogical culture that fosters competition, rivalry, and ritualized shame. Feminist theories of performativity are engaged to consider the iterative processes through which narrowly circumscribed masculinities and styles of pedagogy are sedimented and naturalized. This essay aims to spur renewed attention to the care historians and anthropologists might take to examine the often hidden tropes that are lurking inside the stories about science that we find so salient.  相似文献   

Science historian Ronald Numbers once remarked that the two most influential historians of science of the 20th century were Thomas Kuhn and Stephen Jay Gould. All historians are deeply familiar with Kuhn's work and influence, and most know of the remarkable impact Gould has had on evolutionary theory through both his professional and popular works. But little attention has been paid to the depth, scope, and importance of Gould's r?le as historian and philosopher of science, and his use of popular science exposition to reinforce old knowledge and generate new. This paper presents the results of an extensive quantitative content analysis of Gould's 22 books, 101 book reviews, 479 scientific papers, and 300 Natural History essays, in terms of their subject matter (Evolutionary Theory, History and Philosophy of Science, Natural History, Paleontology/Geology, Social Science/Commentary), and thematic dichotomies (Theory-Data, Time's Arrow-Time's Cycle, Adaptationism- Nonadaptationalism, Punctuationism-Gradualism, Contingency-Necessity). Special emphasis is placed on the interaction between the subjects and themata, how Gould has used the history of science to reinforce his evolutionary theory (and vice versa), and how his philosophy of science has influenced both his evolutionary theory and his historiography. That philosophy can best be summed up in a quotation from Charles Darwin, frequently cited by Gould: 'All observation must be for or against some view if it is to be of any service'. Gould followed Darwin's advice throughout his career, including his extensive writings on the history and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

As a field of study, literature and science has gradually expanded to encompass both the impact of science on literary culture and the literary-linguistic practices intrinsic to the production of scientific knowledge. Such transformations both reinforce and fundamentally recalibrate the detailed attention focused on scientific practice by historians of science since the 1980s. As a result, this essay and the Focus section it introduces suggest that history of science and literature and science are, in fact, interdependent fields. Attention to their convergences will yield better understanding of the performative dimensions of scientific practices and thence of science itself as a form of making of knowledge of things and events in the world of nature. Science as a form of making involves the convergence of things, material practices, and a panoply of meaningful artifacts-instruments of thought and action-that refuse any simple dichotomy between "text" and "action."  相似文献   

Textbooks have a low status in the history of science because they have been seen as mere repositories for scientific knowledge. But historians have recently shown how they play a number of roles that can illuminate different aspects of the history of science, from priority disputes to pedagogical practices. The essays in this Focus section aim to expand our vision of textbooks further by showing how they perform various hybrid functions in scientific development.  相似文献   

尹雪慧  李正风 《科学学研究》2012,30(10):1449-1453
随着社会知识化进程的不断推进,公共政策制定越来越需要科学和技术专业知识的支持,科学发现和技术发展对政策的影响已经形成一个独特的问题域,科学顾问成为当代政策制定过程中有重要影响的社会角色。然而,随着科学的客观性和知识的确定性被打破,专业知识和科学顾问对决策的指导作用也受到了质疑和挑战。本文认为,决策情境中事实判断和价值判断的相互纠缠和相互冲突,科学探究中认知真理性与政治决策中价值合理性可能出现的摩擦,导致了科学顾问的身份困境。本文将分析这一困境出现的原因,探讨科学顾问角色的新内涵,以进一步理解专业知识和科学家在决策中的独特作用及其限度。  相似文献   

UK scientific advice on the possible health risks of mobile phones has embraced (or seems to be embracing) broader engagement with interested non-experts. This paper explains the context of lost credibility that made such a development necessary, and the implications of greater engagement for the construction (and expert control) of "public concern." I narrate how scientific advice matured from an approach based on compliance with guidelines to a style of "public science" in which issues such as trust and democracy were intertwined with scientific risk assessment. This paper develops existing conceptions of the "public understanding of science" with an explanation based around the co-production of scientific and social order. Using a narrative drawn from a series of in-depth interviews with scientists and policymakers, I explain how expert reformulation of the state of scientific uncertainty within a public controversy reveals constructions of "The Public," and the desired extent of their engagement. Constructions of the public changed at the same time as a construction of uncertainty as solely an expert concern was molded into a state of politically workable public uncertainty. This paper demonstrates how publics can be constructed as instruments of credible policymaking, and suggests the potential for public alienation if nonexperts feel they have not been fairly represented.  相似文献   

The "new philosophy" of the seventeenth century has continued to be explained mainly on its own terms: as a major philosophical turn. Twentieth-century modernism gave pride of place to big ideas and reinforced the tendency to explain the rise of science in light of new ideas. Such orientations subordinated medicine (and technology) to sciences that appeared to be more theoretical. In attempts to persuade historians of science of the importance of medicine, then, many authors took an approach arguing that the major changes in the history of medicine during the so-called scientific revolution arose from philosophical commitments. Yet because medicine is also intimately connected to other aspects of life, its histories proved to be recalcitrant to such reductions and so continue to offer many possibilities for those who seek fresh means to address histories of body and mind united rather than divided.  相似文献   

顾昕  郭凤林 《科学学研究》2020,38(7):1153-1160
突发公共卫生危机的社会治理离不开有效的科学传播。传统的科学传播是“赤字模式”,旨在通过科普以填补公众在科学知识上的赤字。这种模式割裂了科学知识的生产与传播过程,对所传播知识的准确性要求高而时效性要求低,缺少科学界与公众的对话。这种传播模式的缺陷在中国新冠肺炎疫情的治理中显露出来:科学家对知识生产的高度重视和对科学传播的相对忽视,影响了科学界对政府和大众决策所需知识的供给;在有限的科学传播中,科学用语与社会语言的隔阂,引发了大众对疫情风险的误解。因此,社会治理体系建设需要科学传播从赤字模式向对话模式和知识共同生产模式转型,融合科学知识的生产与传播过程,在传播中充分考虑社会情境与科学情境的差异,实现及时和有效的科学传播。  相似文献   

科学家是科学信息的重要来源,是科学知识、科学方法和科学精神的发现者和创建者,在传播准确信息、避免科学谬误方面起到了至关重要的作用,因此,其参与科学传播的情况具有重要的研究价值。然而无论是从行动还是从效果而言,科学家参与科学传播一直存在着多方面的障碍和问题。本文以科学传播领域近年国际研究进展为参照,对比我国科学家的现实状况,从科学家参与科学传播的驱动因素、与公众和社交媒体的互动关系以及科学传播能力培训情况这三个方面出发,对科学家参与科学传播的研究图景展开分析与评述。结果显示,在驱动价值层面,社会责任感、乐趣驱动等内在因素以及社会认可度、群体归属意义等外部激励因素共同作用于科学家参与科学传播活动的结果,但总体看来,时间和经费有限、缺乏同事支持以及科学传播评估体系的不健全等因素都是不可忽视的阻碍,科学家参与科学传播还需要强有力的科技管理体制予以支持;在互动关系层面,科学家通过与公众和社交媒体的互动来传播科学,科学家的知名度、可信任度、权威性、传播风格、公众感知关系等是影响公众对科学认知的重要因素,然而,尽管科学家主动尝试改善与公众的互动关系并取得一定成效,但与媒体的分歧和缺乏默契配合也让他们的科学传播努力显得势单力薄;在能力提升层面,相关科学培训项目特别是源自于美洲的培训推动着科学家来提升自身进行科学传播技能,但是一方面,这些项目的效果评估缺乏统一有效的标准,因而争议不断;另一方面,学者多是将项目培训师的观点、背景及培训方法联系起来进行定性分析讨论,未来有待于在参与动机、影响因素以及培训效果方面进行更多的实证研究。在此背景下,我国的科学传播工作更显艰难、相关的研究进展也更为滞后。因此,建立详细可行的支持政策、划分科学传播实践对科研事业的贡献比重、打造系统化的科学能力培训项目都是助力我国科学家提升科学传播能力和效率的重要途径。总之,立足国际视野下科学家参与科学传播的整体面貌,找寻其面临的阻碍和存在的短板,将为改善我国的科学传播现状提供现实启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

Over the past few years there has been an increasing acknowledgment that all knowledge is "sited knowledge." While place, mobility, and travel have become central issues in the history (and geography) of science, much of the discussion has nevertheless revolved around "formal scientific knowledge." This essay focuses on a specific type of popular "mobile" scientific knowledge making that emerged in the last decades of the nineteenth century: the educational cruise. In particular, it considers a series of voyages d'etude organized by the French scientific periodical Revue Générale des Sciences Pures et Appliquées between 1897 and 1914 that were open to the general public. It examines both the ways and the spaces in which knowledge was produced and the type of knowledge that was produced.  相似文献   

科学博客作为科学工作者的知识管理系统,为加强科学家同行之间的交流,拉近科学家与公众的距离,促进公众科学的建构,提高公民的科学素养搭建了平台。解读科学博客的传播模式,探讨科学博客传播中的问题,对于科学博客的健康发展将起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

Recruitment into the scientific community is one oft-stated goal of science education--in the post-Sputnik United States, for example--but this obscures the fact that science textbooks are often read by people who will never be scientists. It cannot be presupposed that science textbooks for younger audiences, students in primary and secondary schools, function in this way. For this reason, precollegiate-level science textbooks are sometimes discussed as a subset of literature popularizing science. The high school science classroom and the textbook are forums for exposing the public to science. The role of governments and educational institutions in regulating the consumption of these texts not only determines which books are used; it influences how they are written, read, and deemed authoritative. Therefore such science textbooks should not be seen as (at best) the disjunction of texts-for-training and books-for-popularization. A changing sense of what "textbooks" are compels a different understanding of their use in the history of science.  相似文献   

Stephen Forbes's "The Lake as a Microcosm" is one of the founding documents of the science of ecology in the United States. By tracing the connections between scientists and local fishermen underlying the research on floodplain lakes presented in "The Lake as a Microcosm," this essay shows how the birth of ecology was tied to local knowledge and the local politics of environmental transformation. Forbes and the other scientists of the Illinois Natural History Survey relied on fishermen for manual labor, expertise in catching fish, and knowledge of the natural history of the fishes. As Forbes and his colleagues worked in close contact with fishermen, they also adopted many of their political concerns over the privatization of the floodplain and became politically active in supporting their interests. The close connection between scientists and local knowledge forced the ecologists to reframe the boundaries of ecology as objective or political, pure or applied, local or scientific.  相似文献   

基于对专业知识的强烈需求,公共决策越来越需要熟悉科技发展趋势、懂得科技运行规律的科学家提供专家咨询,科学家和科技智库得以广泛而深入地介入决策过程。在系统梳理国内外关于科学与政治的关系、科学家和科技智库在公共决策中的角色与作用、科学家和科技智库开展决策咨询的制度和程序研究的基础上,提出推动科学家及科技智库有效开展决策咨询工作的建议:保持科学家及科技智库的独立性以提升决策咨询质量,增加科学家及科技智库与公众的互动以提升决策咨询水平,完善科技智库运行管理机制以提升决策咨询能力。  相似文献   

This essay argues for the relevance of the history of family life to the history of science, taking the example of the Exners of Vienna. The Exners were an influential case of the nineteenth-century European phenomenon of the "scientific dynasty". The focus here is on their collaborative research on color theory at the turn of the twentieth century. At first glance, this project looks like a reactionary strike against aesthetic innovation, a symptom of what historians assume was an unbridgeable gulf between scientific reason and artistic modernism. We can better understand the Exners' motivations by situating this research at the intersection of the family's public and private lives. The domestic context sheds light on their use of such scientific terms as "subjective", "normal", and "universal", providing a more nuanced sense of what rationality really meant in fin-de-siècle Vienna.  相似文献   

The Danish amateur scholar Christian Jürgensen Thomsen has often been described as a founder of modern "scientific" archaeology. Thomsen's innovation, this essay argues, reflects developments within neighboring fields, such as philology and history. He reacted against historians who limited themselves to histories of texts and therefore abandoned the earliest human history. Instead, he proposed a new history of objects, which included the entire history of humankind. Thomsen's work as director of the Royal Museum of Nordic Antiquities in Copenhagen was especially important for this renewal. The arrangement of artifacts not only helped him formulate his theories, but also allowed him to present his arguments in a language of objects. At the same time, Thomsen's definition of archaeology as a museum science placed his branch of archaeology in a closer relationship with other museum sciences, such as geology and comparative anatomy. From the 1840s, Thomsen's museum became a model for how the study of human artifacts could deliver scientific insights into human nature and the laws of human development.  相似文献   

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