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论文透过现代诗的教学经验,了解学生对诗的喜好,并由此思考什么是"好诗"。依据学生对白灵主编《九十一年诗选》的讨论稿以及本人"现代女诗人作品选"的课程响应,可知学生喜爱的作品有四个特点:一,文字浅显可读,简洁顺畅,较易吸引学生阅读;二,题材、主题可亲近,较易引起经验上的共鸣;三,以抒情为主,表达亲情或爱情的作品,学生最易进入诗境;四,具有象征性、思考性的诗,可以让不喜风花雪月的学生,从知性的角度去欣赏诗。  相似文献   

影响人数、影响途径对大学生道德信念改变的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以30名大学生为被试,分为6组,分别通过4种途径进行道德信念的观念攻击实验,研究大学生道德信念受到观念攻击时的变化情况和特点.实验结果表明,当主体受到6人以上攻击时,73.4%大学生倾向于修改或放弃原来的道德信念,对于虚假的攻击信息,23.3%的被试作出真实性质疑,40%的被试作出合理性质疑,30%的被试能够利用事实、数据和名言策略防御道德信念受到的攻击.  相似文献   

家庭社会资本对大学生就业选择的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷法对南昌大学2009届毕业生进行分层抽样调查。使用二项分布方法进行样本到总体的推断。以家庭社会资本为自变量,大学生去西部、去农村因变量,使用针对二分类变量的Binary Logistic回归方法进行分析。结果显示家庭社会资本资本越高,大学生越不愿意到西部和农村就业。女生和男生比更不愿去西部和农村就业。城镇和农村大学生相比更不愿到西部和农村就业。  相似文献   

Community colleges utilize open-door admission policies to provide educational opportunities for all students, including those who are academically under-prepared in one or more areas. Current approaches to assisting under-prepared students include the targeted delivery of remedial courses in math, English, and reading. This approach typically relies on the use of standardized placement tests to determine whether students have remedial needs. Based on those placement test scores, students may have a remedial need in only one of the core academic areas (e.g., math, English, or reading). In such cases, students may concurrently enroll in required remedial courses and college-level courses unrelated to the area in which they are considered to be academically under-prepared. The research reported in this article evaluated the assumption that a student's under-preparedness is limited to a specific area by assessing the college-level performance of students concurrently enrolled in remedial and college-level courses. The results show that college-level pass rates are much lower among students concurrently enrolled in remedial courses who do not successfully complete one or more of these remedial courses. These students under-perform irrespective of the type of college-level course. In contrast, students who pass their remedial courses are generally successful in their college-level courses. Policy implications in regard to developmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 34 deaf undergraduate college students at Gallaudet University and 46 hearing undergraduate college students at the University of Maryland Baltimore County completed a questionnaire that asked about their knowledge and sources of information concerning the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). The deaf students had significantly lower scores on an "HIV/AIDS Knowledge Index" than the hearing students. This difference could not be explained by the deaf students' gender, class standing, family structure, or father's or mother's education level. The deaf students obtained more of their information about HIV/AIDS from family and friends than the hearing students, who relied to a greater extent on teachers, television, and reading material. The interpersonal sources used by the deaf students are more prone to factual errors than formal sources. Deaf students need methods of educating themselves about HIV/AIDS that are more accurate and that recognize the importance of sources as well as the content of information.  相似文献   

Abstract This article reviews empirical evidence related to college students classified as learning disabled (LD) and foreign language (FL) learning by examining whether there are differences between: (a) students classified and not classified as LD enrolled in FL courses; (b) LD students with and without IQ‐achievement discrepancies and FL aptitude, proficiency, and achievement; and (c) students classified as LD who pass FL courses or receive course substitutions. Findings show that there are no cognitive and achievement differences between students classified as LD and non‐LD students enrolled in FL courses or between students classified as LD who pass FL courses or receive course substitutions. Findings have shown that there are no differences in FL outcomes between students classified as LD with and without discrepancies. Research findings over several years show that classification as LD is unimportant for determining whether or not a student will exhibit FL learning problems or fail FL courses.  相似文献   


In recent years many public colleges have attempted to attract and enroll high-achieving and diverse out-of-state students. Understanding why admitted out-of-state students choose to accept or decline their offers of admission has become an important part of these institutions’ efforts to achieve their enrollment goals. In this study, out-of-state students admitted to a public research university over a period of 5 years are tracked using the National Student Clearinghouse database to establish their destination institutions. The dependent variable reflects the type of institution chosen by these students, i.e. private or public, in-state or out-of-state, 4-year or 2-year. The baseline group is composed of those out-of-state students who chose to enroll at the study institution. Mixed multinomial models are estimated using the R mlogit package. Findings indicate that the type of institution these students choose is associated with their high school performance and their parents’ educational attainment and income, as well as with the financial aid they were offered by the study institution.


为探讨大学生自尊与主观幸福感的关系,我们采用《自尊量表》与《国际大学调查》对河南师范大学300名大学生进行调查,研究结果表明:(1)大学生自尊在文、理科学生之间,城、乡学生之间差异均不显著;在性别、是否班级干部之间差异显著。主观幸福感在文、理科学生之间,在性别、城乡、是否班干部之间差异显著。(2)大学生自尊与主观幸福感、总体满意度、具体满意度、积极情感呈显著的正相关,与消极情感呈显著的负相关。(3)主观幸福感中的具体满意度、消极情感以及人口统计学变量中是否班干部三个变量对自尊的预测作用最大,可联合解释自尊的22.6%。  相似文献   

Peer relations are of great importance during adolescence. Belonging to a group and feelings of acceptance or rejection by other members are paramount. The article explores the attitudes of 792 hearing students from 10 to 20 years of age in 22 different schools in Spain toward the classroom mainstreaming of deaf students. In general terms, the results, obtained from a scale similar to the Likert and consisting of 19 questions, show that the deaf student is well received socially by hearing classmates. Hearing students in general felt that deaf students might be better looked after at a special school and that deaf students did not work as hard as hearing students. Young female hearing students reported the strongest support for mainstreaming of deaf students. Teachers were perceived as dedicated and patient.  相似文献   

问卷调查表明孝感职院、孝感学院的学生“恋网”与“网恋”现象均较为严重。虽也有利用网络进 行学习的,但多数“恋网”者是因为精神空虚,孤寂,借助上网聊天、交友以缓解压力,发泄情绪;多数“网恋”者则性格内向、意志不坚强、自我调控力差,希望在网络虚拟的世界里寻求感情寄托。我们应该加强校园网的管理,广泛宣传正确、文明的上网作风,大力开展丰富多彩的课余活动,注意对学生进行心理健康教育,使其身心朝着正确的方向发展。  相似文献   

通过进行关于西方考试模式是否为留学生接受的调查,其目的是研究留学生如何看待这种风格的考试,是否能够适应与接受西式学习方式。主要调查表明,大多数留学生对于西方考试模式考试感到陌生和困难,接受起来也存在一些问题。作者最后提供了一些建议,以期对他们的学习能起到一定的帮助作用。  相似文献   

The relationship between spatial ability and performance in organic chemistry was studied in four organic chemistry courses designed for students with a variety of majors including agriculture, biology, health sciences, pre-med, pre-vet, pharmacy, medicinal chemistry, chemistry, and chemical engineering. Students with high spatial scores did significantly better on questions which required problem solving skills, such as completing a reaction or outlining a multi-step synthesis, and questions which required students to mentally manipulate two-dimensional representations of a molecule. Spatial ability was not significant, however, for questions which could be answered by rote memory or by the application of simple algorithms. Students who drew preliminary figures or extra figures when answering questions were more likely to get the correct answer. High spatial ability students were more likely to draw preliminary figures, even for questions that did not explicitly require these drawings. When questions required preliminary or extra figures, low spatial ability students were more likely to draw figures that were incorrect. Low spatial ability students were also more likely to draw structures that were lopsided, ill-proportioned, and nonsymmetric. The results of this study are interpreted in terms of a model which argues that high spatial ability students are better at the early stages of problem solving described as “understanding” the problem. A model is also discussed which explains why students who draw preliminary or extra figures for questions are more likely to get correct answers.  相似文献   

对当前云南边境少数民族地区高校女大学生信仰中出现的问题,如,庸俗化、"审丑"化等价值观念的不良影响,以及女大学生自我认知与心理的"贫困"等因素的影响,而导致女大学生群体信仰多元化、信念异化、理想信念模糊和摇摆不定乃至缺失等现象,进行了剖析。在此基础上提出了相应的建议,认为加强女性信仰教育研究,创新女性信仰教育理论,强化女大学生理想信念教育,深化高校课程改革以及维护学生的合法利益是信仰教育建设的有效途径。  相似文献   

Final year projects are a showcase for engineering students’ creativity. All final year engineering students at Swinburne University of Technology are required to spend part of their final semester of studies developing and completing various aspects of a major project. The theme of the project work is defined either by industrial sponsors or academic supervisors or by both. In addition, project guidelines are provided by the university for the final submission and completion of the work. The project may be any combination of research, design or developmental work. Within the constraints required by these factors, students’ creativity in their approach and execution of the project work may be both limited and expanded to simulate conditions experienced in a work environment. The culmination of the project work is in a written, oral and visual presentation to a professional audience. It is the students’ own creativity which determines not only the format of all three forms of presentations, but also their assessment which is again limited or enhanced by constraints of time and resources. Examples of project work creativity are presented which highlight and emphasize the broad spectrum which such creativity can encompass.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning or queer (LGBTQ) students at evangelical Christian colleges are a population frequently overlooked in the literature on the spiritual lives of college students. The author used qualitative content analysis within a phenomenological tradition to examine blog posts by such students, who face multiple identity challenges and official sanctions on campuses. Findings indicate these students want to be recognized as both LGBTQ and evangelical Christian by their colleges. Included are implications for counseling professionals and college administrators.  相似文献   


A traditional way of assessing program effectiveness of academic programs has been by determining the percentage of students who complete programs and receive degrees or some other acknowledgment of completion. This method of assessment is particularly problematic for community colleges because only 4% of students who enroll in occupational-technical certificate programs do so with the intention of earning a certificate. These circumstances pose significant problems for certificate institutions as well as for those in coordinating/governing units at various levels who must assure that these programs are meeting the goals of the students and institutions in addition to the needs of a region or state. The purpose of this study was to investigate an alternative way of evaluating the effectiveness of occupational-technical programs to determine if they are meeting the goals of the students and institution by providing students with entry-level skills into the workforce or the ability to advance in their careers. Data were collected from the institution and from noncompleters in occupational-technical certificate programs at an urban community college. The study investigated when students choose to drop out and why. It concluded that these students are very pragmatic in terms of their education and that they enroll for specific reasons and drop out when they achieve their goals. This study not only confirmed that students meet their career goals, but also that the institution meets its goals as well since it is successful in preparing students for the workforce or in advancing them in existing jobs.  相似文献   


This study analyzes six seventh grade Israeli mathematics textbooks, examining (1) the extent to which students are required to justify and explain their mathematical work, and (2) whether students are asked to justify a mathematical claim that is stated by the textbook or a mathematical claim that they themselves generated when solving a problem. Two different units of analysis were used to analyze two central topics in the seventh grade curriculum as follows: (1) equation solving in algebra and (2) triangle properties in geometry. The findings indicate that all six textbooks had considerably larger percentages of geometric tasks than algebraic tasks, which required students to justify or explain their mathematical work. Moreover, considerable differences were found among the six textbooks regarding the percentages of tasks that required students to justify and explain in both topics, but more so with the algebraic topic. Analysis of whether the textbook tasks required students to justify a mathematical claim that is stated by the textbook or a mathematical claim that the students themselves generated also revealed substantial differences among the textbooks. These findings are discussed, as well as the research methods used, in light of relevant literature.


The appropriateness of innovative educational concepts for students from a low socioeconomic status (SES) or ethnic minority background is sometimes called into question. Disadvantaged students are supposed to benefit more from traditional approaches with Programmatic Instruction (PI). We examined Developmental Education (DE), an innovative approach, inspired by Vygotskian theory, in which reading skills are developed through meaningful reading of texts corresponding to students’ self-generated problems. The effectiveness of DE is compared to PI in terms of reading comprehension, strategy knowledge, and reading motivation of 4th-grade students; 170 students from ethnic minority or low SES background participated in a pretest-posttest natural 2-group design. Outcomes were similar in both approaches, with one exception: Students with an ethnic minority background in DE performed better on strategy knowledge than similar students in PI. These results are discussed in relation to previous studies on the appropriateness of innovative curricula for disadvantaged students.  相似文献   


We examined how university students made generalizations when making morphological observations of insects. Five groups of two or three students working together were audio recorded. The results were analysed by an approach based on the work of Wittgenstein and on a pragmatic and sociocultural perspective. Results showed that students rarely made generalizations in terms of universal statements and they did not use induction or produced hypotheses for testing in an analytic philosophical sense. The few generalizations they made of this kind were taken from zoological authorities like textbooks or lectures. However, students used induction when in more familiar contexts. Moreover, when generalizations were analysed in the sense of Dewey, it became evident that students are fully capable of making generalizations by transferring meaning from one experience to another. The implications of these results for using induction and hypotheses testing in instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

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