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This article presents an exploration of the methodology of action research. It is a reflection on a study where an action research methodology used by the researcher to research and develop theory, became part of the model of professional development. In this way, the action research methodology permeated into the culture of the way people worked together. This article describes how a researcher can not only use action research methods to gather data on a development, but can also lead a group of action researchers towards a greater awareness of their own practice in their own institutions. A greater awareness of the bigger issues in education is also an outcome achieved by facilitating critical discussion on key issues. There can be action research for research purposes, action research for action purposes and action research communities that can lead to emancipatory practices in education. These are concurrent strands within action research communities.  相似文献   

礼仪道德是由意识、行为和习惯所形成的系统.礼仪意识是人们对礼仪的认识及有关礼仪的思想观念;礼仪行为是表现礼仪观念的个体的、群体的和社会的行为;礼仪习惯是在礼仪意识的沉淀和行为的固化的基础上形成的秩序.三者相互作用和影响,形成了礼仪从观念到行为,从个体行为到群体行为,从一时到永久的过程.  相似文献   

股东诉讼制度包括股东直接诉讼和股东派生诉讼.在制度设计上,我国法律对股东直接诉讼制度的规定很不完善,对股东派生诉讼存在制度性缺失,股东诉讼缺乏可操作性.我们应当通过创设股东派生诉讼制度、修正股东直接诉讼制度、提升民事责任体系的地位、健全侵权责任的承担方式、合理分配举证责任等方式,完善股东诉讼制度.  相似文献   

"以慢致快""以静制动"是太极拳的基本要点,如何"以慢致快",如何理解"以慢致块"是习武初学者理解太极拳理论的关键。本文从拉长攻击过程、动作自动化和"入道"等三个方面分别论述了太极拳"以慢致快"的含义。以期为广大太极拳爱好者提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

Complexity theory is essentially a formal attempt to question how coherent and purposive wholes emerge from the interactions of simple and sometimes non-purposive components. Explicit recognition of complexity can provide a fresh and enlightening perspective on action research. Through an expository discussion of the foundational postulates of complexity theory this article demonstrates the theoretical and methodological connections between complexity and action research, with particular emphasis on the relevance of complexity in educational and workplace contexts. Complexity is an emerging theoretical perspective, which presents possibilities for revolutionizing approaches to action research, as well as strengthening arguments promoting the value of action research in a wide range of contexts. Complexity, it is argued, can provide a valuable theoretical underpinning for action research. Furthermore, action research provides a valid methodological approach to the study of complexity. This article is primarily theoretical and attempts to demonstrate the application of complexity to a specific action research project will be left to future publication(s). Rather, this article explores the general applicability of complexity as both theory and metaphor in action research. The article begins with a brief exploration of the theory, particularly focusing on its application in the social sciences. The theoretical and methodological connections between complexity and action research are discussed through several of the foundational postulates of complexity, how these manifest in action research and how they add to our understanding of action research itself.  相似文献   

The creation of action research cycles is a fundamental part of action research projects. The aim of this article is to present the methodological challenge that is inherent in designing action research cycles. The article reports on my lived experience as I conceptualised and implemented a structured and systematic way of ordering and reporting the cycles within cycles in a mentoring self-study action research project. The paper discusses the journey that led to structure, and recognises the messiness that preluded this achievement within the action research process. I suggest that messiness is an inherent part of creating action research cycles. The path towards ordered structure is assisted through critical reflective practice and structured mentoring conversations. Of value to both emerging and more experienced action researchers, this article contributes to the practice of doing action research.  相似文献   

Action learning is based on the premise that action and learning are inextricably entwined and it is this potential, to enable action, which has contributed to the growth of action learning within education and management development programmes. However has this growth in action learning lead to an evolution or a dilution of Revan's classical Principles (RCP)? We illustrate, using examples from a case study organisation, how action learning enabled action but also how action learning supported some participants in avoiding conflict. We argue that key decision makers in the organisation are, often unacknowledged, part of the action learning process and that while the action learning sets enabled participants to practice questioning taken-for-granted-assumptions, this questioning needed to be extended and supported within wider communities. We also argue that critical theory can enhance action learning by enabling better questioning and we refocus attention on the need for ‘organizing insight’ (Vince, 2004). Finally we reemphasise the social aspect of critically reflective practice and in the spirit of engaging and extending the community of reflective practice we offer our reflections; opening a space for others to question and reflect extending further theory which illuminates the idea of action learning.  相似文献   

Action research in graduate management research programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how action research may be applied to graduate management research programs. After distinguishing action research from traditional research and establishing that the former is more appropriate for developing managerial competencies than the latter, the paper discusses issues of conducting action research within a graduate management research program. These issues centre on the key concept of distinguishing between action research project and a thesis action research project. Distinctions between action research projects at Masters and PhD levels are noted. It is argued that ideally the core action research project has to be part of the PhD candidate's full-time work. Future difficulties are canvassed.  相似文献   

实行行为是刑法分则规定的各种犯罪的定型性行为类型,它具有定型性、侵害性、有意性、有责性等特征。在规定某一种犯罪的条文中可能包含另一种犯罪的实行行为,区分的关键在于看行为具有哪种犯罪的实行性。同一种实行行为既能包括既遂、未遂、中止等多种构成行为,亦可成为构成行为的一种。  相似文献   

The article contributes to the theory of action research by focusing upon kinds of action an individual may undertake in relation to their research endeavour. The article explores action as illusion, as occurring at different speeds according to context, as ‘cure’, as repair to maintain a system, as system improvement, as border skirmishes, as deconstruction and as stealth action. Each of these kinds of action has implications for the action researcher seeking to bring about change. The article explores the ways in which the action researcher can challenge the status quo and bring about creative, educative, democratic frameworks for living in society.  相似文献   

试论异化刑事侦查行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区分和认定刑事侦查行为与具体行政行为,仍然是当前审理公安行政案件面临的一个非常重要的问题。在学术上有不同的理论观点,在实践中各地的认识和做法也一不致。作者在总结以往理论和实践成果的基础上,试图从一个新的视角,用一个统一的标准以区分和认定刑事侦查行为与具体行政行为,作者简要分析了学术上区分和认定刑事侦查行为与具体行政行为的不同理论观点,提出了异化刑事侦查行为概念,特征,探讨了构筑异化刑事侦查行为理论的价值取向,建立了异化刑事侦查行为的逻辑起点,明确了异化刑事侦查行为范围,指出了异化刑事侦查行为理论在司法实践中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Whilst educational action research is not unknown in Croatia, its use is not widespread. In part, this might be because action research assumes a high level of autonomy for practitioner–researchers, and a constructivist view of knowledge, neither of which are traditional characteristics of the Croatian system. This article reports on a capacity building programme in which 18 senior advisers from the Education and Teacher Training Agency developed action research projects in Croatian schools. The article outlines the context of the programme, describes the programme itself, and presents an analysis of the advisers’ action research projects. This shows that action research was used by advisers, supporting teachers, to effect change in schools. The principles of action research were generally understood, and produced evidence of practical change, collaboration and mutual understanding. Although action research is generally understood as a ‘grassroots movement’ this article suggests that action research can lead to desirable change, even when imported from elsewhere. Thus action research holds one answer to the question, how to promote beneficial life‐long learning among education professionals.  相似文献   

As the number of organizations implementing action learning increases, both successful and failed cases also increase in action learning practice in South Korea. Existing studies on action learning have listed key success factors of action learning at the program level or at the team level but have not paid sufficient attention to the program design process itself. The purpose of this study was to show how to develop a design model of action learning that incorporates a step-by-step decision-making process and that provides design principles necessary along the way. This design model will present the importance of contextualizing the action learning process by asking ‘highly required’ questions and help raise the level of successful implementation of action learning programs.  相似文献   

采用问卷法调查了400名“90后”大学生,运用回归分析法研究了家庭支持、同伴支持与大学生社会责任感的关系以及自我效能感在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)“90后”大学生社会责任感水平较高,社会责任感包括自我责任行动、他人责任行动与社会责任行动3个结构维度;(2)家庭支持与自我效能感、自我责任行动、他人责任行动与社会责任行动均显著正相关,同伴支持与自我效能感、社会责任行动均显著正相关;(3)自我效能感在家庭支持与自我责任行动、他人责任行动、社会责任行动间均起到部分中介作用,在同伴支持与社会责任行动间起到完全中介作用。  相似文献   

Sociocultural research and activity theory (SCRAT) are developments of the work of Vygotsky, which aim to capture how minds and actions are shaped by, and shape the opportunities for thinking and action available. SCRAT requires a rethinking of commonly held interpretations of relationships between culture and mind, and knowledge and action, so that attention is paid to how learners interpret and respond to the opportunities available to them. Like action research, SCRAT emphasises the development of a capacity to make informed interpretations of cultural contexts and the importance of collaborative or systemic responses to those interpretations. It adds to these concerns, a focus on the historical construction of possible interpretations and responses, and so offers a potentially useful way of mapping the developments being made by action researchers in their institutional settings. It is not suggested, however, that SCRAT is a substitute for action research, but that it may illuminate explorations of informed action and institutional change in action research  相似文献   

This account relates my experiences as facilitator of an action learning set on a DBA cohort comprising international students and myself. It outlines the reasons for my selection as facilitator and describes my initial expectations and assumptions of action learning. I chart the difficulty in separating the ‘what’ of my own research from the ‘how/why’ of the action learning set. The account discusses my experiences as a new facilitator and my attempts to engage fellow students in the set in order to gain a collective benefit. I reflect on the challenges encountered in progressing the action learning set caused by a lack of common understanding within the set of the expectations and potential benefits of an action learning approach, and also the feasibility of maintaining a successful action learning set separated by geography, time zones, and language. The account also discusses the practical, technology-supported approaches to facilitating the action learning set.  相似文献   

This conceptual paper reviews the extant literature on action research/teacher led inquiry and answers the question: How and in what circumstances can action research improve teachers’ classroom practice and therefore what might be the implications for school improvement? A critical analysis of the nature and purpose of action research as a mechanism for school improvement is explored via close examination of definitions, the characteristics of action research and models of action research. From the literature reviewed, it is noted that action research, whether conducted individually or collaboratively, has been found to contribute to teachers’ ability to investigate their practice with a view to improving students’ outcomes and for school improvement. Nevertheless, the success of action research is predicated on a number of conditions such as motivation, trust, mutual respect, and resources, particularly time spent within the situational context. Additionally, in educational contexts, action research is generally externally mandated, and tends to take place as a fulfillment for programs of higher education which are targeted at improving practice in settings such as schools and classrooms. Under these circumstances action research does lead to school and classroom improvement. Still, these circumstances can be called ideal and as such the question of institutionalizing action research as part of the routine of schools globally remains a challenge. Still, however, action research has the potential for improvement at both the individual and institutional level once the conditions are right.  相似文献   

滥用市场支配地位行为的法律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从法律的角度分析,滥用市场支配地位行为是指具有市场支配地位的企业利用其市场支配力危害竞争、损害公共利益与私人利益因而应当承担法律责任的行为。它具有四个方面的重要法律特征:行为主体是拥有市场支配地位的企业,行为的主观目的是获取垄断利润,行为的客观方面表现为一系列“不当”或“不公平”的经营方式,行为的后果具有反竞争性。其法律责任集中表现为承担相应的刑事责任、民事责任和行政责任。  相似文献   

理论界抑或实务领域对无权处分行为效力的评价一直颇有争议。认定无权处分行为的效力应以处分行为的界定为前提,而物权变动模式的不同又决定了处分行为性质的不同。我国采取债权形式主义,因而处分行为应指以变动物权为合意的债权行为,该行为并不直接导致物权的变动。为保护交易安全,体现无权处分行为与权利瑕疵担保、善意取得制度的结合,应认定无权处分行为有效。  相似文献   

教师行动研究是教师针对具体教学情况进行的研究,是一个从行动到反思再到行动的循环反复的过程.探讨行动研究的方法在大学英语听力网络教学中的具体应用,旨在用此种研究方法提高英语教师的教学能力并最终服务于英语教学.实践证明,行动研究能够促进教学理论与实践的结合,使英语教师顺应英语教学改革并提高自身教学研究水平.  相似文献   

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