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“One is one,two is two”直译过来就是“一是一,二是二”。“一是一,二是二”在汉语中常常用来形容人对待事情认真负责,一丝不苟,也就是说根据事情本来的情况,该怎样就是怎样。然而英语中的one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten十个表示数字的单词用在习语中,就  相似文献   

Time Is Money     
A s w e all know,tim e is m oney,but I think tim e is m ore valuablethan m oney.W hy?W hen the m oney is spent,w e can earn it back.H ow ever when tim e is spent,itw illnever return.W e can not keep“yes-terday”back.O ne s life is lim ited,so one m ust not waste his tim e.Itis apity that som e people can t realize the im portance of tim e.They don tm ake full use of their tim e.So they often spend their tim e sm oking,drinking,playing com puter gam es,and so on.In fact,wasting tim e is was…  相似文献   

This Is Me     
我是一个中国女孩,名字叫曹瑜,我的英文名字叫苏珊。我很聪明,今年11岁。我没有姐妹和兄弟。但我有堂(表)兄妹。我们在群星私立学校上学。我的爸爸和妈妈都爱我。他们经常说我很聪明。我很爱他们。  相似文献   

Tom:Ourteacherdoesn'tknowwhatahorseis.Father:Whydoyouthinkso?Tom:Youknow,Idrewahorseandourteacheraskedmewhatitwas.老师无知汤姆:我们的老师连马都不认识。父亲:你为什么这样想呢?汤姆:你看,我画了一匹马,但老师却问我这是什么。Teacher Is Ignorant@林秋华  相似文献   

Winter Is Coming     
一、故事内容 It is cold and the wind is blowing heavily. Little Cat stays at home and looks out of the window.[第一段]  相似文献   

Life Is Beauty     
Life is beauty,adm ire it.Life is bliss,taste it.Life is a dream ,realize it.Life is a challenge,m eetit.Life is a duty,com plete it.Life is a gam e,play it.Life is a prom ise,fulfill it.Life is sorrow ,overcom e it.Life is a song,sing it.Life is a struggle,acceptit.Life is a tragedy,confrontit.Life is an adventure,dare it.Life is luck,m ake it.Life is too precious,do notdestroy it.Life is life,fight for it.Life Is Beauty!河南@杨阳…  相似文献   

Spring Is Coming     
一、小辣椒走迷宫南方的春天,是多雨的季节。小辣椒要走过迷宫,找到自己的雨伞,你来帮帮她吧!请按照提示要求走。It'sraining.Chilicannotfindherumbrella(雨伞).Pleasehelpchilifindherumbrella.Pointout(提示):sunnycloudyrainy二、小辣椒画了一个天气变化图,你来填填天气名称。sunnycloudyrainywindythunderbolt①________②________③________④________⑤________三、笑一笑Arealmouse?真是老鼠吗?Canyoudoit?你能做到吗?①②③⑤④Spring Is Coming@赵玉兰…  相似文献   

Beliel Is Style     
吴颖  王亦焕  余莹  王巍  黄栋 《音乐世界》2007,(10):78-83
坚定的人身上总有一股力量,B.i.Z 也是。专辑的成功,给他们带来了自信,可是他们知道未来的路还遥远。全国的宣传,Fans 的热情和贴心,让他们的每一站留下感动。但是,有的、没的、好的、坏的,也接踵而来。不过,他们相信自己,也相信 B.i.Z。因为信仰早已成为他们的一种生活。  相似文献   

A lot of students think it very diffcult to learn English well.  相似文献   

It Is Unfair     
Mother:Getup,Kate.It'sseveno'clock.Thesunisupandyouarestillinbed.Kate:Yes,Mum.ButthesungoestobedbeforesixandIgotobedafternine.不公平妈妈:起床了,凯特。7点了,太阳都升起来了,你还躺在床上。凯特:是的,妈妈。但是太阳6点没到就上床睡觉了,而我却是9点钟后才睡的。It Is Unfair@林秋华$浙江省玉环县坎门一中  相似文献   

Time Is Precious     
Jack finished school and became a writer.His sister Mary was very proud of him. One day Mary met her aunt in the street.They stood in front of a bookshop and talked  相似文献   

This Is Me     
我的名字叫李思瑶,是一个12岁的漂亮女孩。我的家乡在哈尔滨,是一个美丽的冰城。在我心中它是世界上最美丽的地方。我有一个幸福的家:我妈妈、我爸爸和我,他们都很爱我。  相似文献   

Today more and more people want to get more money. Many people think if they have a lot of money, they can buy whatever they want to and even do whatever they want to. They also think only money can make people happy. Some people even do something wrong i…  相似文献   

What Is Success?     
What Is Success? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; to lea…  相似文献   

What Is Shyness?     
People often talk as if shyness is a disease or mental condition that can be cured. I prefer to think of it as an emotional disability. It's something we are born with and something we carry with us in our entire life. There are too many people, however, …  相似文献   

Life Is a Sport     
英语习作有一定的套路和程序。首先要进行写作前思考和观点的初步表述,然后将这些简单表述进行扩展。具体可参见贺云老师的讲解。  相似文献   

One afternoon when I was passing thecakeshop, I rem em bered that m y greatm other’ sbirthday was com ing … Lastyearm y fatherwas badly hurtin a trafficaccident. Afterthat, m y m otherhad to work fromm orning tillnightto supportthe whole fam ily.Ev鄄ery m orning she got up very early, and cookedbreakfastform e. Then she wentto the hills to cutsom e firewood orworked in the fields.She did thesam e thing day after day, year after year, butshenever uttered a word ofcom plaint. Atni…  相似文献   

Where Is God?     
A couple had two little boys,aged 8and 10,who were very naughty1.The twowere always getting into trouble and theirparents could be assured2 that if anymischief3 happened in their town their twosons were in some way involved4.  相似文献   

Jane Hutton was eighteen and lived with her parents.She was theyoungest of three children,and her married sister lived in another part ofthe country.Her brother worked for a large international companyand lived abroad.Jane was in her final year at school and had todecide on her future.She was clever enoguh to go to university.Shehad passed all her examinations with high marks.Her best subjectswere English and History,but her favourite one was Art.  相似文献   

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