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绩效管理原是工商业界的一种管理模式,是对影响员工工作绩效的各要素与各个环节进行系统管理。它以绩效的改进与提高为宗旨,旨在用更有效的管理系统替代单一的绩效评估,从制定绩效计划到对绩效进行指导和评估,整个绩效管理系统强调了基于绩效目标的员工行为管理和组织的可持续发展。这种管理模式取得的巨大成效使得其他行业纷纷效仿,如美国开始实施政府绩效管理,而英国的中小学也开始实施学校绩效管理。本文将以英国Kingsford社区学校为案例,介绍英国学校在实施绩效管理方面的些有效经验。  相似文献   

绩效管理原是工商业界的一种管理模式,是对影响员工工作绩效的各要素与各个环节进行系统管理。它以绩效的改进与提高为宗旨,旨在用更有效的管理系统替代单一的绩效评估,从制定绩效计划到对绩效进行指导和评估,整个绩效管理系统强调了基于绩效目标的员工行为管理和组织的可持续发展。这种管理模式取得的巨大成效使得其他行业纷纷效仿,如美国开始实施政府绩效管理,而英国的中小学也开始实施学校绩效管理。本将以英国Kingsford社区学校为案例,介绍英国学校在实施绩效管理方面的一些有效经验。[第一段]  相似文献   

学校教育的质量归根到底是通过教师的工作绩效得以体现的。因此,对教师的工作绩效如何评估、如何改善和提高一直以来在学校管理中备受关注。人力资源理论将教师绩效管理视为一个闭环系统,主要包含四个环节:即绩效计划制定、绩效执行、绩效评估与绩效改善。文章着重从操作层面阐述四个环节的管理要点。  相似文献   

目前我国中小学新课改推进的"信息技术与课程整合"存在着诸多问题,笔者借鉴企业绩效管理来思考解决信息技术与课程整合中存在的问题,以期能改进和提高教师整合绩效和实现学校目标。本文将绩效管理的各个环节整合在人类绩效技术模型中,结合当前"整合"现状,提出了"整合"的绩效改进模型,并剖析了模型中的五个环节:绩效分析、原因分析、干预措施的选择、干预措施的实施和评价。  相似文献   

科学、合理地评估教师教学工作绩效是学校教学管理工作的核心.传统的教师教学工作绩效评估方式收集信息不全、评估结果不够客观.借鉴企事业人力资源管理绩效评估中常用的多源反馈评估方式,有利于改进教师教学工作绩效评估工作.教师教学工作绩效的多源评估,采用评估问卷,能够由主管上级、同行教师、学生、被评估教师本人等多个评定者对其提供多个维度的反馈信息,获得量化评定结果,从而能够帮助教师提高自我认识能力,提高自身素质,改进教学工作,提高绩效水平.  相似文献   

科学、合理地评估教师教学工作绩效是学校教学管理工作的核心。传统的教师教学工作绩效评估方式收集信息不全、评估结果不够客观。借鉴企事业人力资源管理绩效评估中常用的多源反馈评估方式,有利于改进教师教学工作绩效评估工作。教师教学工作绩效的多源评估,采用评估问卷,能够由主管上级、同行教师、学生、被评估教师本人等多个评定者对其提供多个维度的反馈信息,获得量化评定结果,从而能够帮助教师提高自我认识能力,提高自身素质,改进教学工作,提高绩效水平。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了高校教师绩效评估反馈策略,主要涉及到组织专家对评估结果进行分析,形成分析报告;此报告既要反馈给教师,又要上报学校的高层管理者。教师在获得自己的评估信息和分析报告的基础上,思考自己的工作问题和为高层管理者提供的建议,为在反馈会议上形成绩效改进计划作好准备。高层管理者在分析报告的基础上,综合考虑教职工对绩效反馈的建议,为在反馈会议上制定下一年度的绩效目标作好准备。  相似文献   

绩效评估又称为绩效评价、绩效考核,是学校对教职工工作绩效进行管理的主要手段,同时也是学校行为合理化的重要环节。学校管理绩效评估的内容包括对教师的工作完成、工作效率和工作效益等各方面情况的综合反映,它对教师工作态度、工作纪律、工作效率、工作量和工作效果进行全面考核与评定。学校通过绩效评估这根指挥棒,调控管理全校教师,优化组织内部管理,  相似文献   

教师绩效评估是高校人力资源管理的重要组成部分,文章在阐明高校教师绩效评估的内涵与现实意义基础上,对目前我国教学型高校教师绩效评估现状、存在的主要问题及原因进行了深入分析,探讨了如何结合教学型高校自身特点,构建教师教学工作绩效评估方案,旨在进一步完善我国高校教师绩效评估工作。  相似文献   

高校教师绩效管理:问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前我国高校实施教师绩效管理存在以下问题:目标和定位上存在偏差;"自上而下"单方面的管理,忽略了沟通的重要性;侧重于绩效考核,忽视了绩效管理的其他环节;注重绩效评价的奖惩功能,忽视教师队伍及其个人的发展等.本文提出了解决问题的基本对策和途径:认真做好教师岗位工作分析,明确绩效管理目标,制定合理可行的绩效计划;进行持续的绩效辅导与绩效沟通,做好绩效信息的收集与记录;实施全面可行的绩效评估,切实反映出教师的能力水平;注重绩效评估结果的应用与绩效反馈,促进教师职业发展.  相似文献   

莫小农  杨军 《高教论坛》2014,(1):104-106
"2+3"形式五年制高职教育的中高职教育衔接,是摆在高职学校面前的一个新的课题。衔接中出现的问题是目前中高职教育管理体制、事业发展程度、教学目标、人才培养目标等因素共同作用的产物。只有针对性地采用相应的措施,构建与专业背景匹配的中高职教育衔接模式,才能实现"2+3"形式的中高职教育的真正对接。  相似文献   

"同课异构"是一种基于问题的研究,基于教师合作的研究,基于尊重学生的主体地位,从而营造良好师生互动与交流空间的有效的行动教学研究。笔者基于高中政治"同课异构"教学实践,从教学目标、教材处理、教学方法和课堂生成等方面进行了评述,结合具体实例阐述了开展"同课异构"教学模式高效生成的原则,并提出了"同课异构"教学模式的构想。  相似文献   

高校勤工助学应明确勤工助学的内容,积极整合校内外资源,努力实现勤工助学管理的自主化、岗位培训的专业化、职位的多元化、工作内容的多样化和助学过程的社会化,引导家庭经济困难学生利用学校和社会提供的优越条件,在岗位工作中进行自我管理、自我教育、自我锻炼、自我提高,全面提升综合素质。  相似文献   

Educational reform in Australia recognizes the need for an effective teacher evaluation system but has fallen short of actually prescribing one. Current practice does not align to policy intent, with teacher evaluation largely an exercise in compliance around performance management as opposed to a process that promotes evaluative thinking, continuous improvement and connection to student outcomes. The recent introduction of the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching has gone some way to providing a common language and the idea of a nationally acceptable pathway for teacher development and performance. Nonetheless, two things are missing in the Australian context: the privileging of developing evaluative mindsets in teachers and school leaders and the tools and methods that provide the ‘how’ of evaluation and support this thinking. Situated against a period of reform in Australia’s diverse federal and multi-sectoral education system, this article first provides an analytical review of the Australian approach to teacher evaluation. It then presents two innovative approaches that support the process of evaluation and the broader information needs of an evaluation system while developing teachers’ and school leaders’ evaluative thinking which engages evidence-informed change and ultimately more sustainable outcomes for the education system.  相似文献   

高职院校教师绩效考核存在的问题及其对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高职院校教师绩效考核存在考核定位不准确、岗位职责不清晰、考核标准不科学等问题,影响了绩效考核效果和功能的发挥。绩效考核是一个全方位的动态管理过程,改进绩效考核,须树立科学的绩效管理思想,将考核与教师未来职业发展结合起来,还要做好岗位分析,制定科学的考核指标体系,及时进行考核结果的反馈,将考核与其他人事管理环节挂钩,推进教师绩效的提升。  相似文献   

While vision-based leadership, frequently referred to as transformational leadership in the education literature, is widely regarded as critical to successful organization transformation, little research has been conducted into the relationship between vision-based leadership and public school performance in Thailand. Derived from substantial literature, a model is proposed to investigate if vision attributes (brevity, clarity, future orientation, stability, challenge, abstractness, and desirability or ability to inspire) and content (relating to teacher and student satisfaction, and efficiency) are associated with higher public school performance, while taking into account Principal, Teacher, & Organizational Factors. Future research directions and managerial implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

What are the similarities and differences between instructional systems design, organization development, and human performance technology/improvement (HPT/HPI)? This article defines these fields and highlights how they contribute to the performance improvement domain. With Rossett's view of HPT as a “perspective, or habit of mind, that inclines us towards data, analysis, systems, alignment and partnerships” (A. Rossett, personal communication, October 28, 2012), HPT/HPI will be presented as the overarching framework for selecting and measuring instructional systems design or organization development interventions.  相似文献   

论提高教师培训有效性的途径和方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促进中小学教师的专业发展是开展教师培训的核心工作。教师培训应从培训理论、培训目标、培训内容、培训模式与方式、考核与评价、组织与管理等方面进行深入研究和实践,大力构建具有科学性、针对性、实效性和前瞻性的有效教师培训体系,为提高中小学教师整体素质和专业发展服务,办学员满意的培训。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As organizations respond to competitive environments and strive to enhance performance, knowledge management (KM) has increasingly become a strategic activity. A KM strategy entails consciously helping people share and put knowledge into action. A key challenge is how to develop and implement KM solutions that provide performance support to knowledge workers and seamlessly integrate KM into business processes. We propose that human performance technology (HPT) provides a systematic framework to help guide KM initiatives. Specifically, HPT provides a holistic view of a knowledge worker's performance environment by considering the complex interdependencies between the organizational context, business processes, and individual performers. Via a case study, we describe and illustrate how HPT guided one organization in its journey to identify the content and structure to best support performance and manage knowledge in a core business process. Based on the case study, we offer lessons for other firms on how HPT can be used to guide KM initiatives.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify school effects on student performance for tertiary entrance in Australia, taking into account student-level predictors using longitudinal data from the 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study. It finds that aspects of schooling, such as positive attitudes to school and disciplinary climate, affect student performance at the student level but not generally at the school level. The socioeconomic context of schools has no effect on student performance when taking into account schools' academic context. Apart from academic context, teacher shortage, academic press, and teacher efficacy were the only school factors that had positive significant effects on student performance. The policy implications are that school-based policies are unlikely to improve performance or promote equity, but, instead, policies should focus more on students falling behind, who are found across the school system, not limited to a small proportion of schools with particular characteristics.  相似文献   

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