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通过创设真实、具体的社会热点情境、科学史情境、小组探究情境、问题串等情境激发学生的学习兴趣和科学思维,用科学思维解决真实问题,使知识学习具体化、情境化,从而引发、活跃、深化、拓展训练学生的科学思维,促进科学思维的提升。  相似文献   

<正>新课改要求各学科不断打磨教学方法,并在创新教学方法的过程中,全方位提升学生的核心素养,实现该学科独特的育人价值。初中科学学科具有综合性的特点。教师在初中科学教学中开展项目化教学进程时,以一个“大任务”来组织学生的学习单元,基于真实的情境,学生在这个教学情境中运用科学学科的概念、思维、工具进行思考,来解决真实的问题。在此过程中,学生主动获取知识,是一个真实的探究过程,有利于培养学生的核心素养。本文在简要阐述项目化学习基本内涵后,进一步阐述初中科学开展项目化学习的必要性,最后结合项目化学习理论和教学实际经验,探索出初中科学项目化学习的有效策略。  相似文献   

高中生物学新教材注重培养学生的科学思维,而问题驱动是发展学生科学思维的一种有效途径。用好教材,通过教材“思考·讨论”栏目中的问题发展科学思维;尊重历史,依托生物科学史设计问题发展科学思维;尊重事实,利用真实情境创设问题发展科学思维。问题设计应遵循指向教学目标、问题有层次性、问题情境真实和科学、科学处理问题预设与生成的原则。  相似文献   

以生物的变异为例,以培养学生的生物学学科核心素养中的科学思维和科学探究为基点,利用教材真实情境和高考试题真实情境设置问题串,激发学生深入思考,帮助学生搭建知识框架,通过解决真实情境的问题实现学生生物学学科核心素养的提升,有效推进一轮复习。  相似文献   

在初中生物学“血管”教学中,创设真实进阶情境问题或任务,实施“基于科学史建构模型形成主张、基于真实进阶情境多维度论证、运用科学推理提出创造性见解、运用科学解释解决生物学问题”等教学策略,让学生主动经历科学论证和科学解释的过程,培养科学思维能力,发展学生核心素养。  相似文献   

本文主要针对初中数学教学中问题情境的设计和实施进行分析,在设计初中数学教学中的问题情境时要考虑以下几点:注重情境的启发性,学生学习的积极性;问题情境的设计要具有操作性,注重学生对知识点学习的深刻性,帮助学生解决难题;从实际问题出发设计问题情境,引导学生学以致用;设计试误型问题情境,提升学生思维的严谨性。  相似文献   

在学生的生活中相对运动的体验并不深刻,一方面是这样的情境不多,另一方面缺乏相对运动的前概念,即使遇到这样的情境学生极少能够自觉地从物理学视角进行观察和思考.因此,相对运动问题成了高中物理初学者面临的一个难题.对于这类问题,实践表明在教师的引导下,师生一起创设真实物理情境不断发现问题,构建、运用和修正模型,能够切实提高学生科学思维品质,促进问题解决能力的提升,实现初中物理学习向高中物理学习的有效过渡.  相似文献   

科学思维是科学学科核心素养的重要组成部分,与问题解决的过程相联系。因此,小学科学课应当在探究活动中聚焦科学思维的培养,促进学生深度学习:一是情境创设聚焦认知冲突;二是问题设计聚焦挑战性任务;三是表达交流聚焦科学论证;四是低阶认知聚集思维跃迁。  相似文献   

范希尔理论较好地刻画了学生的几何思维水平,以该理论为依据比较美国《发现几何》和我国新教材《数学?初中二年级(八年级)(下)》中“相似形”一章,部分地揭示了中美几何内容的思维水平.两国都注重以直观几何为学习起点,但美国所包含的内容更广、更深,其主要的策略是构筑较为系统的问题情境,使学生的学习总处于由问题组织而成的情境脉络之中.我国教材注重通过正、反例进行辨析,以达到巩固中求发展的目的;也有通过问题提升学生思维水平的努力,但因缺乏相应的情境而显得突兀.  相似文献   

问题解决是初中数学教学中的一个重要概念,问题解决指向学生的思维品质,能够促进学生有效地解决问题.在实际教学中,教师要对问题解决有科学的理解,并通过创设恰当的情境,提升学生的问题解决品质.通过有效的评价来引导学生反思,可以让学生在解决问题之后更好地生成问题解决思维,然后反过来实现有效地解决问题.  相似文献   

为了探讨汉、回、维吾尔族学龄儿童在自我意识及其各因子上的差异性特点,采用Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表对808名汉、回、维吾尔族学龄儿童进行施测。结果表明:在自我意识总分及行为、智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性、合群因子上女生显著高于男生;维吾尔族学龄儿童在自我意识总分及行为、智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性、焦虑、幸福与满足因子上显著高于回族学龄儿童,在自我意识总分及智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性因子上显著高于汉族学龄儿童;五年级和六年级学龄儿童自我意识总分及智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性、合群、幸福与满足因子上显著高于四年级儿童,四年级学龄儿童在合群因子上显著低于六年级儿童,在幸福与满足因子上显著低于五年级儿童。  相似文献   

Kindergarten and first-grade children were trained against their initial dimensional preference in a 2-dimensional simultaneous discrimination learning task. One third of the children received pretraining in using a sequential hypothesis-testing strategy, one third received pretraining in which they experienced solutions to tasks of the same type, and one third received no pretraining. Half of the children received introtact probes prior to each trial in the criterion task. Introtact probes had no effect on the performance of kindergarten children but facilitated the performance of first-grade children who received pretraining. Performance was generally better in the pretraining conditions than in the control condition and was generally better for first graders than for kindergarten children. Indices of the use of the sequential hypothesis-testing strategy were obtained from the responses to introtact probes. 75% of the first graders who received pretraining in hypothesis testing showed high proficiency in using the strategy, whereas only 38% of the kindergarten children did so. A strong tendency to become fixated on the irrelevant dimension was evident at both age levels.  相似文献   

本文通过对巴州中小学教师的教育科研现状的调查,分析了中小学教师的科研能力、科研需求,结合继续教育对教师专业素养的提升作用,阐述了小课题研究是适合中小学教师进行校本研修的有效形式。  相似文献   

通过对C省10所乡村学校中小学生学习现状调查研究发现,乡村地区中小学生学习现状总体处于中等水平,其中:学习观和学习态度较好,学习方法有待提升,学习管理需要加强。同时,由于受性别、年级、父母关注情况等因素的影响,学生学习情况表现出不同的差异和特点。因此,需要重新认识乡村教育的价值,重塑积极的学习观;加强学生学习的科学性,优化学习方法;建立学生的自我学习管理机制,提高学习管理水平;强化留守儿童教育,改善留守儿童学习现状。  相似文献   

Young Children's Differentiation of Hypothetical Beliefs from Evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The claim that preadolescent children fail to differentiate between hypothetical beliefs and evidence is investigated in 2 studies. First-and second-grade children were presented with 2 conflicting hypotheses and asked to choose an empirical test to decide between them. In Study 1, the majority of first graders and almost all second graders correctly chose a conclusive test. They elaborated the logic of such a test and distinguished it from an inconclusive test. There was no evidence that children of this age misinterpret the task of hypothesis testing as one of generating a desirable effect. Study 2 replicated and extended these findings; in a task that posed a genuine scientific problem, first and second graders spontaneously generated empirical procedures for gathering indirect evidence to decide between alternative hypotheses. Our results indicate that young elementary school children distinguish between the notions of "hypothetical belief" and "evidence." These findings are discussed in light of their failure on other scientific thinking tasks.  相似文献   

文章主要探讨了小学阶段儿童心理理论发展的特点。采用失言和白谎两种心理理论任务对小学2、4、6年级90名儿童进行测量,考察心理理论水平的年级差异和性别差异。结果发现(1)小学儿童心理理论能力总体上有明显发展,但儿童对失言和白谎的理解在不同阶段呈现出不同的发展特点;(2)小学阶段儿童的心理理论能力存在显著的性别差异,女孩的心理理论成绩显著地好于男孩。男孩和女孩在心理理论发展速度上存在一定差异。  相似文献   

7-8岁数学学习困难与正常儿童加法策略比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取二、三年级数学学习正常和学习困难的儿童各 30名 ,共 12 0名被试。采用实验法、观察法和口语报告法相结合的方式 ,考察了两类儿童在加法任务中 ,策略选择和执行的差异及特点。研究表明 :小学低年级儿童的策略选择具有多样性、适应性和简约性的特点。从策略选择上看 ,出声、竖式、分解、对位和提取策略是小学 2— 3年级两类儿童的主选策略 ;数学学习困难儿童较多使用手指、数数、放弃和猜测等策略 ;数学学习正常儿童则较多使用提取、分解、凑数、换位和乘法策略。从策略执行上看 ,小学低年级数学学习困难儿童比正常儿童策略执行的正确率低 ,反应时长 ,有效性差  相似文献   

There has been growing criticism over the aims, methods, and contents of practical work in school science, particularly concerning their tendency to oversimplify the scientific practice with focus on the hypothesis-testing function of experiments. In this article, we offer a reading of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s scientific writings—particularly his works on color as an exquisite articulation of his ideas about experimentation—through the lens of practical school science. While avoiding the hasty conclusions made from isolated experiments and observations, Goethe sought in his experiments the interconnection among diverse natural phenomena and rejected the dualistic epistemology about the relation of humans and nature. Based on a close examination of his color theory and its underlying epistemology, we suggest three potential contributions that Goethe’s conception of scientific experimentation can make to practical work in school science.  相似文献   

This research means to put the emphasis on the personal cognitive interest drawn by a second grade primary school tutor (CE1) as to the help might be provided to a first grade primary school pupil (CP) who would have to achieve tasks involving space transformations. 36 children (12 6-to-7-year-old CP pupils and 24 7-to-8-year-old CE1 pupils) were distributed as follows: 12 CE1 pupils did individual work whereas the experimental group was formed by 12 dyades, each of them composed of a CE1 tutor and a CP one who was to receive some help. In the dyadic process the tutor’s part is to help the other one to manage with the exercises, without doing the other one’s task and without directly guiding his fellow worker’s way of acting. The results prove that significant progress are noticed among children set in a tutorship position with regard to children set in individual situations. Various indications as to the tutors’ ways of acting allow us to call these achieved progress by the name of tutor-effect and to consider them as the consequence of a situation in which an individual interacting with somebody else (sociocognitive) in order to explain to him or her what to do (metacognitive) will logically regard the assigned task in a different way (cognitive).  相似文献   

在教育信息化背景下,加强和提高中小学教师信息素养是一项紧迫而重要的任务。进一步明确中小学教师信息素养的内涵,积极构建中小学教师信息素养的科学体系,通过有效途径和方法大力提高中小学教师的信息素养,对提升中小学教师队伍的整体素质,提高中小学教师实施素质教育的能力,促进中小学教师专业化发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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