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1. Cool Baby: Hey!Ugly Girl: Wow!2. Ugly Girl: So frightened! What is this?Cool Baby: Aha-aha.3. Cool Baby: This is the monster "nian". It is said that it was very savage. 4. Cool Baby: The "nian" likes eating animals. In winter, it would break into the villages to eat cattle and sheep.5. Cool Baby: People wanted to scare it away. They fired firecrackers, hung lanterns etc.6. Cool Baby: People kept "nian" away like these year after year.Ugly Girl: Is this the history of year?Cool B…  相似文献   

1.丑小乖:看!妈妈昨天给我买了只狗。他叫小欧。酷贝贝:你好啊!2.酷贝贝:妈妈昨天给我买了个热狗。味道好极了。3.丑小乖:一个什么?酷贝贝:一个热狗。4.丑小乖:那是什么?酷贝贝:就是烤熟的狗。5.丑小乖:你怎么啦?小欧?酷贝贝:噢!我只是开个玩笑。A B aked D og1.U gly G irl:Look!M y m other boughta dog for m e yesterday.H is nam eis C oco.Cool Baby:H i!2.Cool Baby:M y m other boughta hotdog for m e yesterday.Its delicious.3.U gly G irl:A what?Cool Baby:A hotdog.4.U gly G irl:W hats that?Cool Baby:Its a ba…  相似文献   

(保留原题序号) He has been called the“missing link.” Half-man.half-beast.He issupposed to live in the highest mountain in the world-Mount Everest. He is known as the Abominable Snowman. The 36 of the Snowmanhas been around for 37 .Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词语运用。 A)根据句意及首字母完成单词。 1. The y____ shirt is thirty dollars. 2. I don!t like these socks. I like t____ socks. 3. This shirt is too long for me. I want a s____ one. 4. Do you want to play with the dog n____? 5. The clothes in Mr Cool!s  相似文献   

Dear Cool Kid. My name is Huang Xiaoquan.I'm twelve.I'm in Grade Six. I'm from Guangdong.My English is not so good.Please give me some advice on learning English.Thanks!! 广东省潮州市绵德小学602班黄晓铨Cool Kid:There's a saying:Practice makes perfect(熟能生巧).I suggest you practise more.Read,write,listen,and speak every day.Good luck!  相似文献   

Welcome to the Crazy Clever,Cool issue of August's Crazy English:Teens.As always this month we are bringing you the craziest stories,the cooleststars and the cleverest way to learn English!  相似文献   

<正>“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its traditional meaning is used to show a temperature that is fairly cold. As the world has changed, however, the word has expanded to take on many different meanings.“Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.When you see a brand-new car in the street, maybe you can't help say-ing,“It's cool.” You might think,“He's so cool,” if you see your favourite football player.  相似文献   

Making Friends     
Hello!My name is YanMing.I'm eleven years old.I'm good at English.English is my favourite subject.IlikeEnglish Cool Kids very much.  相似文献   

Making Friends     
施子洋:Hello, everybody! My name is Shi Ziyang. I'm from Zhejiang, China. I'm a boy. I like reading English Cool Kids very much.  相似文献   

Calm and Cool平静与冷酷 Blue is calming. It can be strong and steadfast or light and friendly. Almost everyone likes some shade of the color blue. Nature of Blue蓝色的本性 A natural color, from the blue of the sky, blue is a universal color. The cool, calming effect of blue makes time pass more quickly and it can help you sleep. Blue  相似文献   

开始谈话▼A:A lovely day,isn't it? 天气真不错,不是吗? B:Yes,It is.Spring is always pleasant.The air is warm and everythinq looks fresh and green. 是很好。春天总是很宜人。天气温暖,万物呈现一片生机A:I particularly love the sound of the birds and the flowers when they are just beginning to bloom.They are so inspiring! 我尤其喜欢啁啾的鸟鸣和含苞欲放的花儿。它们是多么令人鼓舞啊!  相似文献   

One day, a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿。He looks in the well and shouts: 它往井里一瞧,高喊道: "Oh! My God! The moon has fallen into the well! " "噢! 我的天!月亮掉到井里头啦! "  相似文献   

查理叔叔:大家好!我要开始下一步旅程了! 我要乘坐神奇的飞行器游遍全世界。Charlie:Hello!This is my next trip.This time l've decided to go around the world, in my magic flying machine.  相似文献   

Fritz:Wow,that is amazing! 哇,太棒了!Fritz:Godfather Drosselmeyer,make the soldiers come out of the side door instead of the drawbridge. 卓索玛耶教父,让士兵们走边门,而不是走吊桥。Godfather Drosselmeyer:Sorry.I can’t do that,Fritz. 抱歉!我做不到,费兹。Fritz:Well,how about making the children inside come out  相似文献   

Mom and Dad:Thank you for every- thing this holiday season!爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢你们所给予的一切! I'll be home to enjoy the holidays with you.我将回家与你们共度佳节。A present from me is on the way.  相似文献   

1.It's cool! Cool是最流行的词了,意思是可以接受的好事。所以可以说:That's cool.(真棒)/He is cool.(他真不错!)That's a coolT-shirt.(那是件好看的T恤。)He is a cool person.(他是个文雅的人。)但是说“are you cool?”就是指“你冷吗?”,千万不要误用哦!  相似文献   

1.我比花还美吧!I'm more beautiful than flower!2.危险啊!It's dangerous!3.谁比我更"奥运"?Who is more "Olympic" than me?4.戒烟从"头"开始。Giving up smoking is from the "head".  相似文献   

谚语A year!s plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春。An hour is the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不能二用。A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。放学了,噢,真开心!功课做完了,我们开始玩。谁跑得最快?是我,还是你?谁笑得最响?我们比比看!School is over,oh,what fun!Lesson!s finished,play begun!Who!ll run fastest,you or I?Who!ll laugh loudest?Let!s try!诗歌放学了英语口语1.I can!t make it(…  相似文献   

A:Let me help you to some sweet and sour fish. B:Sweet and sour fish? A:Yes,the fish is first fried,and then a sauce made of vinegar and sugar is poured over it. B:This chicken is really tender.It melts in your mouth.How is it cooked?我津津有味地欣赏着广播中的美食节目in English.既能练听力,又能满足小子我画饼充饥的独特食欲,不愧是只有我才想得出的一石二鸟之计啊!  相似文献   

Atong:Mum,look at the apple!Onehalf is red,another half is green.Why?Mother:Don't you know?The placethat the sun shines is red.The place thatthe sun doesn’t shine is green.  相似文献   

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