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<正>推动国家的法制建设,需要公民具备良好的政治素养。政治素养是指一个公民表现出来的政治理想、政治信念、政治态度和政治立场,还要有一定的参政议政能力,即对政治、经济、文化和社会生活中的重要问题以及人民群众普遍关心的问题,开展调查研究,反映社情民意,进行协商讨论的能力。一个有社会责任感的公民理应关注国家大事,对国家的决策能够发表自己的看法,对国家的建设建言献策。中学生是国家未来的建设者,  相似文献   

公民素养是社会群体精神面貌与价值理念的综合表现,是维系社会发展的意识层面的关键组件。青年大学生是国家公民的优质群体,也是社会主义社会科学发展的接班人与生力军,尤其需要强化锻炼其优秀公民素养的培养塑造。准确把握优秀公民素养的内涵特征,针对创设具备切实科学的提升对策,从而全面实现青年大学生的优秀公民素养的锻炼打造与社会进步的融合双赢。  相似文献   

班主任工作在中小学教育中是一项极为重要的工作。一个孩子在自己的小学阶段遇到一位优秀的班主任,他所受到的不仅仅是良好的知识教育,而应当包含优秀的品质教育,和谐有序的班级生活工作熏陶,还应当有独立的学习意识,自我约束能力的培养。而这些对于孩子将来步入社会,做一个有素养的公民是非常重要的。  相似文献   

国家认同是一种重要的国民意识,人们只有确认了自己的国民身份并将自己归属于国家,才会关心国家利益,才会对国家发展自愿地负起责任。当今中国,各种内外综合因素影响了公民国家认同感的形成,应该注意却没有引起注意的诚信因素是影响公民国家认同的重要因素,包括政务诚信影响公民对国家政治的认同、商务诚信影响公民对国家经济的认同、社会诚信影响公民对国家社会的认同以及司法诚信影响公民对国家法律的认同。只有我们充分认识到诚信对公民国家认同的影响,才能采取相应措施提升公民的国家认同感,从而增强国家的团结稳定和和谐发展。  相似文献   

宗尧 《家教指南》2004,(8):20-20
人类的历史证明:母亲的素质决定孩子的未来,强盛的民族依靠无数优秀的母亲。正如列宁夫人柯鲁普斯卡娅所说:“如果你在家教育儿子,就是在教育公民;如果你在家教育女儿,就是在培养整个民族。”可见,母亲与人类的文明、进步和社会的发展是息息相关的。目前,我国面临的人口素质危机,在很大程度上与母亲的素质不高是有一定关系的。当中华民族已经迈入新世纪的今天,我们究竟需要什么样的母亲呢?我们了解孩子们心目中理想母亲的形象吗?据一份权威部门的调查资料显示:孩子们所希望、崇敬的母亲形象,不是传统的“慈母”,他们需要的是“现代母亲”—…  相似文献   

儿童的教育是我们一生中最重要的部分。我们的子女,这是我们国家未来的公民。他们将要创造历史。我们的子女——这是未来的父亲和母亲,他们也将是自己子女的教育者。我们的子女应长成为优秀的公民,好的父亲和母亲。但这还未包括一切.我们的子女——就是我们的晚景。正确的教育——就是我们幸运的晚景,不好的教育,就是我们未来的悲哀,就是我们自己的眼泪,就是我们对于他人,对于全国的罪过。——A·C·马卡连柯[编者按]  相似文献   

学前教育是塑造"未来合格公民"的启蒙教育,良好的社会性品质是"未来合格公民"必备的素养.儿童的社会化发展更多发生在与不同年龄个体的直接互动中,因此混龄教育有利于幼儿社会性品质的发展.大连市实验幼儿园以从娃娃开始、塑造"未来合格公民"的教育愿景,对全日制混龄编班模式下的3?6岁幼儿社会性品质培养进行了探索研究.全混龄教育...  相似文献   

宪法关系主要调整国家与公民之间的关系.公民素养的提高对于国家迈向政治文明至关重要.从宪法的角度讲,就是基于宪法对公民权利的规定,需要培育适格的公民.具体而言,就是通过公民教育培育人民主权观念、宪法监督意识、参政意识,路径是通过民主与法治的意识培育,确立正当、合法的权利观.实现和巩固公民在宪法关系中的地位,逐步走向公民社会.  相似文献   

我们在幼儿园、中小学调查发现,有相当一部分孩子只要求父母关心、爱护、理解自己,而不想也不会去关心和爱护自己的父母。这是个令父母伤心、让社会担忧的问题。 把一个孩子抚育成人是件很不容易的事情。母亲要把自身之物给予正在体内成长的胚胎,之后是营养、乳汁、体温、关怀……对于孩子来说,母亲就是温暖,就是食物,就是安全和愉悦。孩子的弱小无助和母亲全身心的照顾和保护,使孩子感受到的几乎全是“我被爱”、“我被照顾”。随着孩子一天天成长,许多父母和孩子都  相似文献   

刘强 《家庭与家教》2003,(10):24-25
父亲的教育方式与母亲全然两样。比如考试,每次考试后,母亲关心的往往是分数,是孩子在班里的名次;父亲关心的则是孩子的考试水平,有没有受到紧张心理的影响。孩子考得不理想时,母亲的常见反应是要孩子缩减游戏活动时间,将精力更多地投入到功课上;父亲则  相似文献   

杨琦 《幼儿教育》2012,(18):39-41,52
以上海市不同社会经济地位城市家庭大班幼儿为被试所进行的读写能力比较研究发现,来自不同社会经济地位家庭的幼儿在读写能力的总体水平以及词汇、文字认读能力等方面存在显著差异,而在书写技能上无显著差异;低社会经济地位家庭幼儿的读写能力发展不理想;与家庭经济收入和父亲职业相比,母亲的学历更能有效预测幼儿的读写能力发展状况。  相似文献   

数学素养是现代社会公民应具备的基本素养,对于个体的终身发展具有重要的意义,应从幼儿园教育阶段就开始培养幼儿的数学素养。让幼儿体验到数学的重要性是促进幼儿数学素养发展的起点。由于幼儿尚不具备抽象思维能力,所以他们通常并不能自发体验到数学的重要性,而需要幼儿园教师的适当引导。教师应遵循兴趣激发原则、基本概念原则、自然引导原则,在幼儿园一日生活、区域游戏、集体教学中让幼儿充分感知和体验数学的重要性。只有引导幼儿体验到数学很重要,才能激发幼儿学习数学的信心与热情,提高幼儿对数学活动的兴趣与参与度,帮助幼儿开启真正愿意学习数学的过程,为幼儿数学素养的终生发展打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study assessed the literacy development of native Arabic-speaking children from kindergarten to the end of first grade, focusing on the role of home literacy activities (mother–child shared book reading and joint writing). The contribution of these activities in kindergarten to children’s reading and writing at the end of first grade were evaluated, controlling for family SES and children’s early skills (vocabulary and letter naming). Eighty-eight Arabic-speaking children and their mothers participated in the study. Results revealed that family SES, children’s early skills and home literacy activities in kindergarten correlated with children’s achievements at the end of first grade. Joint writing contributed significantly to children’s literacy in first grade and the contribution of shared reading was almost significant. Joint writing was found to contribute to children’s literacy achievements in first grade beyond book reading. The study extends our knowledge on literacy acquisition in Arabic, highlighting the significance of early parent–child literacy activities as a predictor of Arabic-speaking children’s literacy achievements in school.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which learning readiness, prior‐to‐school experiences, and child and family characteristics influence children’s literacy and numeracy achievement across the first year of primary school. A sample of 104 kindergarten children was recruited from 16 classrooms and followed from the beginning to the end of their first year of primary school. At the start of school, parents provided information on children’s prior‐to‐school experiences and their preparedness for school; teachers provided ratings of children’s self‐directedness and cooperative participation; and children’s cognitive ability was assessed using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test – III. Classroom quality was observed and rated mid‐year. Children’s literacy and numeracy achievement was assessed at the end of the school year, using the Who Am I? (WAI?). Regression analyses indicated that WAI? scores were predicted by child age, gender, cognitive ability and teacher‐rated learning readiness at the start of school. Discussion focuses on the importance of the ‘ready child’ for early academic success.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation among mothers' literacy-related beliefs, the home literacy environment, the quality of mother–child book-reading interactions, and children's development of early literacy skills. The participants of this study were 60 mothers and their 4-year-old children. After controlling for mothers' educational attainment, mothers' literacy beliefs were positively related to the quality of home literacy environments and the instructional and affective quality of joint book-reading interactions. The quality of children's home literacy environments and mother–child joint book-reading interactions was related to children's development of early literacy skills. Findings are discussed in relation to the importance of understanding the connection between parents' literacy beliefs and behaviors in designing effective literacy interventions and creating school and family literacy connections.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study aimed at examining the relationship between children's task persistence, mothers' academic help, and the development of children’s literacy skills (reading and spelling) at the beginning of primary school. The participants were 870 children, 682 mothers, and 53 class teachers. Data were collected three times – at the beginning and the end of Grade 1 and at the end of Grade 2. Better literacy skills predicted higher persistence in completing school tasks and, correspondingly, higher persistence was related to better subsequent skills. Also, lower task persistence at the end of Grade 1 corresponded to more frequent academic help from mothers in Grade 2. Moreover, children’s literacy skills predicted mother’s later academic help via task persistence: the lower the children’s literacy skills were, the less task persistence children exhibited, and the more mothers engaged in academic help later on.  相似文献   

侯琳 《成人教育》2012,32(6):52-53
文章通过对我国公民科学素质水平和对社区科普教育活动的分析,探究社区科普教育对培养公民科学素质的意义和作用,并在此基础上提出促进社区科普教育发展的建议和策略,希望能对广大社区科普教育工作者有些许帮助。  相似文献   

读写素养是儿童认知和学习的基础。数字时代的儿童读写素养面临儿童阅读兴趣不足的挑战。游戏化思维在儿童教学中具有重要影响,能够激发儿童学习动机,增加学习兴趣。为提升儿童数字读写素养,文章提出基于游戏化学习的儿童数字读写素养培养项目设计,开发了游戏化阅读平台--"阅读大挑战",在香港小学生中推广使用,并对使用效果进行了实证分析,讨论该项目中游戏化学习策略与项目运行要素;借此构建基于游戏化学习的儿童数字读写素养培养模式,研究结果可为数字时代下的儿童读写能力培养设计提供启示。  相似文献   

Literacy instruction is a powerful determinant of children’s academic and school outcomes. Teachers’ training for literacy instruction is therefore critical for children’s reading learning. The present study examined the contents of 130 courses related to literacy instruction from a representative national sample of primary teachers’ undergraduate programs (N = 81), to address the following issues: which courses, related to literacy instruction, are included in the curriculum of undergraduate training programs? Which is the weight of the courses in undergraduate programs? What are the contents of the courses? The results show that most critical features of literacy instruction are included in the course contents of most programs (e.g. phonics, theory of literature). Still, some other critical features are underrepresented (reading/writing comprehension skills) or apparently missing (assessment and intervention in reading/writing problems). Moreover, the time allocated to literacy instruction seems to be scarce. Still, wide differences across university programs and courses were found.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined the association between interactive book reading quality and prekindergarten children’s gains in language and literacy skills over the course of an academic year for 96 teachers and 417 children across multiple locations in the United States. Two moderators were examined, namely, children’s initial skill level and teachers’ classroom organization during an interactive read-aloud session. In keeping with prior research, interactive book reading quality, measured by examination of teachers’ extratextual talk, was positively and significantly related to children’s development of both language and literacy skills. Interactive book reading quality was not significantly moderated by children’s initial skills, with the exception that interactive book reading quality appeared most beneficial to children’s print knowledge for children entering prekindergarten with relatively low skill. The unique contribution of this study is that the association between interactive book reading quality and children’s expressive vocabulary was dependent on an organized classroom during the book reading session. Practice or Policy: The quality of teachers’ talk during interactive book reading may matter for children’s vocabulary development only when reading sessions are characterized by relatively high classroom organization. Classroom organization should be an important consideration while planning for interactive book reading sessions.  相似文献   

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