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纵观毛泽东的全部诗词 ,我们可以发现三大中心意象 ,即山岳意象、江河意象和梅花意象。本文对毛泽东诗词中的这三大中心意象及其意蕴试作探析  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of worked example and problem‐solving approaches in individual or group work settings on learning to solve geometry problems. One hundred and one seventh graders from Indonesia were randomly allocated to four experimental groups using a 2 (problem‐solving vs. worked examples) × 2 (individual vs. group study) design. Performance measures on numeric and reasoning abilities using both similar and transfer tasks were collected. The results indicated a significant superiority of the worked example approach in both the individual and group work settings. Supporting data revealed that students could understand the material more easily using worked examples than when solving problems. The experiment provided evidence that the advantage of using worked examples over solving problems extends to a group work context.  相似文献   

河流在作家贾平凹的眼中既是生儿育女、繁衍后代的生育形象,又是纯洁美丽、通情达理的女神形象,更是贾平凹先生走在城市他乡的精神家园。在贾平凹先生小说中出现了很多河流意象,这些河流意象或起着承载生命的作用;或与人物形象相互映衬;又或起着转折故事情节的作用,了解其存在的意义,可为探索作者的创作思想提供线索。  相似文献   

基于内容自动扩展的多示例查询图像检索技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了缩短基于内容图像检索存在的"语义鸿沟",提出了一种自动扩展的多示例查询技术.该技术将传统检索使用的单一查询图像自动扩展为多个查询示例,从而包含了更多的与语义相关的图像特征.对这些查询示例进行检索,并融合检索结果,可以获得更多相关图像.扩展主要利用了一般检索算法的查准率-查全率曲线特点,对原始查询结果的图像特征距离应用K-均值聚类算法,确定多个查询示例图像.实验结果表明该方法可以显著提高原有检索算法的查全率和查准率.  相似文献   

《庄子》艺术运用了大量的生态意象,这些意象反映了《庄子》的生态智慧与人生哲学.如鹏鸟、埳井之(青)、河海意象反映的是大小之辩,山木、意怠鸟意象反映的是材与不材之间.这些思想都对过去、现在,也必将对将来人类的思想产生重要影响.  相似文献   

张豪若 《海外英语》2014,(18):209-213
In the history of detective stories, Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple remain as two of the most prominent figures. Focusing on the two detectives’ images, personality traits, detective strategies as well as settings of the stories, this study examines the grounds that magnetize readers.The purpose of this research is to inquire into readers’ orientations to Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple, and to investigate the causes for their views. To fulfill that purpose, a questionnaire was designed and distributed. Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple prove themselves to be successful detectives. Both of them have distinct images and personality traits as well as plausible detective strategies. The settings, combining reality with imagination, also play a dispensable role. Besides, reasons given by students who disbelieve that they are real persons fail to convince.  相似文献   

浙江省大多数流域防御洪涝灾害的工程性措施未能得到全面实施.以及还有众多的小流域尚无防洪工程性措施,经过对钱塘江流域二个案例的分析,从工程性和非工程性措施建设的两个方面来研究具体实施流域性洪灾防范及应急处置。  相似文献   

南宁市坚持绿色发展、和谐发展的主题,积极打造生态宜居城市,"中国绿城"建设的脚步还未停歇,近年来又在着力打造另一个城市形象——"中国水城"。"中国水城"和"中国绿城"的双城定位是基于其生态共通性的,强调的都是绿色环保意识和生态文明理念,两者并行不悖。对于南宁城市形象建设和传播,一方面应强调在"绿城"里做好水文章,充分尊重自然,保护自然,顺应城市地理环境,保护和利用已有水资源,挖掘和创造增量水环境,进行科学和创新的双城形象传播。另一方面,应强调在"水城"里打好绿色牌,着力打造"水畅、水清、岸绿、景美"的绿色效果,水绿相宜,水绿相映,水绿和谐。  相似文献   

With the increase in the number of students with disabilities receiving the majority of their instruction in inclusionary settings, middle school teachers are seeking effective methods that support all learners. Cue cards are a flexible instructional tool that middle school teachers can use to differentiate instruction. This article describes cue cards and provides examples based on middle-level common core state standards.  相似文献   


The current leadership literature includes the concepts of visionary leadership, transformational leadership, situational leadership, breakthrough leadership, and shared leadership. This article relates the literature to specific distance education settings and presents cases in higher education that reflect relevant leadership issues and dimensions of leadership. The article includes theory‐ and practice‐based applications to assist leaders in higher education in the implementation of distance education initiatives. Case examples from outside the United States illustrate important leadership variables in exporting distance education to new settings. The significance of networking and collaboration as leadership strategies is explored as a major theme of the article.  相似文献   

The functions of curriculum development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The inadequacies of “top-down” technological strategies of curriculum development, and of local user-based curriculum development, result from a confusion of the ends, starting points, methodologies, and functions of external and user development. The function of external development is to elaborate theoretical conceptions of society, knowledge, teacher, and learner, and to translate these conceptions into coherent curriculum materials, each of which serves as a clear-cut alternative available to teachers. The function of user development is to construct images of particular instructional settings by matching a variety of theoretical conceptions with the exigencies of these settings, and to translate these images into a curriculum-in-classroom use. The harmonious realization of these functions would yield a measure of progressive improvement in school curriculum practices.  相似文献   

This paper describes a participant observation approach to exploring choice making by people with an intellectual disability in three different home settings‐‐a private family home, a community group home and an independent living situation. It identifies some of the factors which affect choice making, including experience at making choices, routines, the role of support people, and communication. The paper illustrates these factors with examples from the different settings. Finally, it provides practical suggestions for service providers to increase the involvement of people with an intellectual disability in choice making situations.  相似文献   

Although it is sometimes recommended that performance improvement (PI) professionals include experimental research designs in their repertoire of PI tools and methods, it has been long understood that experimental designs can be difficult to implement due to impediments resulting from the complex nature of the organizational settings. However, the utilization of case study research has proven to be an effective alternative to aid in the identification of strengths and opportunities for the improvement of organizational procedures, policies, processes, or programs. Case study research helps managers and practitioners make sense of real world problems. This article presents a summary of steps in the design of case study research and provides examples of how these methods have been used within organizational settings. Implications for PI practitioners are provided.  相似文献   

翻译的任务必须包括忠实地再现原作的化意象,只有实现化意象对接和信息连通的翻译,才是有效的翻译。译的化态度和双语化知识在成功的翻译中起着决定性的作用。语言的转换只是表层,而化意象的传递才是翻译的实质。  相似文献   

As the age of electronic images began, rapid social change and the proliferation of new technologies immediately affected almost all aspects of our lives. Especially in the art world, computers are making new and unique aesthetic experiences possible and changing the way in which art is conceived, created, and perceived. A new world has opened for artists, educators, and their students. Technology development seems to require the teaching profession to make changes at an unprecedented rate. However, despite the predictions made by enthusiastic technologists in the early 1980s, computer technology has not revolutionised education. With limited examples of how computer technologies are currently used in American K‐12 art classrooms, art teachers at times were unfairly blamed for not embracing new technology. This paper challenges the assumption that teachers are reluctant to change or to embrace the new possibilities of integrating computers in art teaching and learning. It calls for more and better research that is grounded in real art classroom settings. By providing experiences of four Ohio K‐12 art educators, this paper aims to offer contextual information and useful insights on strategies for the productive integration of computers into art teaching in contrast to the body of literature that speculates upon how computers should or might be useful in teaching art.  相似文献   

在海子的诗歌中,“大地”、“麦地”、“麦子”、“村庄”、“太阳”、“远方”、“河流”等一系列意象豁人耳目,形成一个自足的意象系统。这个意象系统有着相对稳定的内涵,可以归纳为三个系列,即:家园系列、远方系列、太阳系列。这三个系列构成了诗人一个完整意义上的生命象征,成为生命的蕴涵及其承载。  相似文献   

Educators of international students are frequently challenged by a clashing diversity of cultures in a global classroom. This study examines the sorts of themes and images that might resonate across nationalities and cultures, and could then be used to ease the way for students and educators in international classes. The analysis indicates that applied themes and images, including babies and children, animals, relationships, sports, life cycles, and self image, may help evoke a positive transcultural resonance that draws on a common base of shared experience. The findings are used to consider instructional applications for more effective learning in international classroom settings, and to identify the hazards of misapplying transcultural tools.  相似文献   

This paper draws on examples from New Zealand early childhood settings to illustrate a dynamic approach to learning dispositions. It sets out three dimensions along which a ‘learning curriculum’ can strengthen valued responses to learning opportunities: increasing their frequency and robustness, widening their domain, and deepening their complexity and competence. It is suggested that learning environments can be variously affording, inviting or potentiating (powerful) and that in potentiating learning environments teachers explain, orchestrate, commentate on, model and reify learning responses, and frequently the families and children participate in these processes as well. Although the question of ‘what’ learning dispositions is set aside, the paper argues that it is better for teachers in early childhood settings and classrooms to be explicit about valued responses and their trajectories than to leave them implicit, and therefore often unacknowledged and unattended.  相似文献   

诗人雷平阳以云南风物为母体,创作了大量敬畏生命、感怀乡野、回归自然、思索时光流逝的作品,抒写了现代工业文明进程中诗意的凋敝和善良人性的丧失.在他的诗歌中,故乡、亲人、生命、河流、时光等成为他诗歌的主角,仔细审视可以发现他的诗歌中充满了浓郁的乡土情怀和丰富的生态意象.  相似文献   

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