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Hoskin M 《Endeavour》2005,29(1):22-27
Caroline Herschel was famous in her own time as the discoverer of eight comets, but of even greater significance was the help she gave her brother William in his exploration of 'the construction of the heavens'. She acted as his amanuensis during night watches, wrote up neat copies of their observing records and prepared his papers for publication. She also compiled an index to John Flamsteed's Star Catalogue, which was published by the Royal Society at its own expense, and after William's death she reorganized his catalogues of nebulae so that his son John could revise his father's work. Yet Caroline's was a hard and largely loveless life, for which she found the recognition that came her way a scant consolation.  相似文献   

Ellen Gleditsch (1879-1968) became Norway's first authority on radioactivity and the country's second female full professor. From her many years abroad--in Marie Curie's laboratory in Paris and at Yale University in New Haven with Bertram Boltram--she became internationally acknowledged and developed an extensive personal and scientific network. In the Norwegian scientific community she was, however, less appreciated, and her appointment as a professor in 1929 caused controversy. Despite the recommendation of the expert committee, her predecessor and his allies spread the view that Gleditsch was a diligent but outdated researcher with little scientific promise-a view that apparently persists in the Norwegian chemical community today. In addition to her scientific work, Gleditsch acquired political influence by joining the International Federation of University Women in 1920; she later became the president of both the Norwegian section and the worldwide organization. She worked in particular to establish scholarships enabling women to go abroad.  相似文献   

Margaret Cavendish (1623–1673) was the first woman to publish on scientific subjects in English. Gender limited Cavendish's membership in the emerging scientific community; to circumvent this restraint, Cavendish used patronage rituals to establish the legitimacy of her scientific role. Through gifts of her books, and acknowledgement of their traditional authority, Cavendish sought recognition of her status as a natural philosopher from Oxford and Cambridge. At the same time, she challenged the superiority of the new experimental philosophy. She hoped her critique of the modern thinkers would force them to acknowledge her as a peer. Cavendish's experience demonstrates the role of patronage in the scientific community, and how social conditions limited the role of women in science.  相似文献   

在广义相对论的历史上,弗洛因德里希扮演了一个特别的角色。他是第一个对广义相对论感兴趣并致力于为广义相对论寻找天文学证据的天文学家,也是长期以来一直给予广义相对论实际支持的唯一一位德国天文学家。然而,在多种因素的制约下,他早期检验广义相对论的种种努力并未有任何实质的收获。与德国一流天文学家的正面交锋也令他的科学事业一度陷入困境,检验广义相对论的工作直到威廉皇帝物理研究所的成立才逐渐恢复。1919年英国传来的好消息给爱因斯坦塔的建立提供了契机,这个新天文台成为验证广义相对论的新阵地。本文一方面着重呈现弗洛因德里希在1911-1920年间为检验广义相对论所做的工作,另一方面借助他的检验工作及事业发展来揭示德国天文学界早期对广义相对论的态度。  相似文献   

Marie E. Zakrzewska (1829-1902) is known among historians of women and medicine for her advocacy of the natural sciences at a time when most women physicians preferred to emphasize their nurturing qualities. This article suggests that Zakrzewska's views have been poorly understood because scholars have tried to position them along a fault line that divides femininity and sympathy from masculinity and science. It suggests instead that feminist scholarship on the "situatedness of gender" offers a more promising conceptual framework for understanding the diverse strategies women (and men) have utilized in trying to achieve their goals. Zakrzewska, unlike many of her colleagues, did not seek to empower feminine virtues as a way of justifying women's entry into the medical profession. Instead, she tried to reappropriate science for women and to use it as a weapon against the barriers designed to keep women out of the public sphere. She was fighting her own battle against the gendering of science.  相似文献   

H.B.D. Kettlewell is famous for several investigations conducted in the early 1950s on the phenomenon of industrial melanism, which are widely regarded as the classic demonstration of natural selection. In a recent (2002) book-length popularization of this episode in the history of the science, science writer Judith Hooper draws attention to what she interprets as discrepancies in the results reported by Kettlewell in his first scientific papers on the subject. On the basis of correspondence among Kettlewell and his associates, a survey of scientific publications that mention outstanding questions surrounding the phenomenon, as well as interviews with his son, surviving colleagues, and scientists who have worked on industrial melanims, Hooper all but explicitly concludes that Kettlewell committed fraud. The following essay critically examines her evidence in support of this allegation, including her discussion of his character, the alleged motives, and whether fraud was even committed. None of Hooper's arguments is found to withstand careful scrutiny. The concluding section draws several conclusions about how history of science should be depicted to the public.  相似文献   

德性知识论发展至今,已涌现出一批具有创新精神的知识论哲学家,扎格泽博斯基更是个中翘楚。她将“德性”作为知识论的核心,对德性知识论进行发展,并提出范例主义德性理论。她试图解决德性知识论中存在的问题,尤其是来自怀疑主义对德性知识论整体的挑战,以便为知识寻找更为稳固的基础。尽管她并没有有效解决知识论的主要难题,但仍然不失为通向知识的希望之路做出新的探索。  相似文献   

在女性主义关于身体研究的转向中,有两股重要潮流:一种是作为分析主体的身体;一种是作为主观体验的身体。唐娜.哈拉维是前一种潮流的代表人物。她将身体作为一种符号和隐喻,来为她的技科学思想奠基。哈拉维将可见的谦卑的见证者看做技科学的主体,将改变了的身体作为女性主义者编码的自我,以此来形象化地表达重新界定科学技术的边界问题。哈拉维的身体隐喻解构了自然和文化的对立,对技术与政治关系进行了再思考,并强调差异、衍射与批判性思维,具有重要的理论和实践意义;但是,哈拉维的身体理论抽空了身体的主观体验的意义,并且含有西方中心论的预设,因而也存在一定的局限性。  相似文献   

皮克林从高能物理学史个案研究,提出科学发展中的"共生"与"机会主义"两个重要概念:宏观上看,实验传统与理论传统呈现相互加强、共同促进的"共生"现象;微观上看,个体科学家处于特定的历史情景中——特有的文化资源、熟悉的研究传统、偶然出现的新生长点等。他(她)若能抓住机遇,利用自身特有的资源投入到新的研究传统中,则能实现认识的转换。范式的转换并不像库恩的"格式塔"式的神秘性,也没有危机与混乱,而是自然平滑地实现。  相似文献   

王晓华 《科教文汇》2014,(32):70-71
黛西是菲茨杰拉德小说《了不起的盖茨比》中的女主人公,她既是盖茨比念念不忘的恋人,又是粗鲁的富人阶级代表汤姆·布坎南的妻子。从其个人行为、声音音调和他人评价上可将之归属于负面形象序列,从社会、男权思维等角度深入分析其性格形成原因,她又是一个令人同情的牺牲品;这一人物既是作者悲剧人生观的体现,又是美国社会的缩影。为我们以文学的视窗观察社会、反思人生提供了样本。  相似文献   

赛珍珠一生都生活在中西两个世界的冲突之中,她一辈子向两个世界的人们传播着跨文化理解,加强了中西之间的友好交流。  相似文献   

This essay is intended to explore some of the elements which bring about the tragic destiny of thc heroine,Eustacia.She is a beautiful and romantic woman with violent passions. In her dark beauty, Hardy has painted one of his most memorable portrairts This essay attempts to deal with the topic question primarily from two aspects, the inner world of Eustacia herself and the external world around her.In Hardy's work,human existence is usually depicted as a tragedy determined by powers beyond the individual's command--the external pressures of society and the internal compulsions of character.  相似文献   

在《她在美中行》这首诗中,通过运用无声的大自然的明净和深沉的意象的对比,拜伦将原本抽象的美写得栩栩如生,从而使“美”体现出强烈的动态特征,这既给读者展示了一幅“她”漫步于“美”中的生动画面,又描绘了“她”的出现在他心灵中引起的美的感受。  相似文献   

Chih-chen Wang is a distinguished biochemist and molecular biologist, and an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). From 2008 to 2013, she was a vice chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People''s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). As a young researcher, Wang participated in research on insulin. Since the 1990s, she has been focusing on the study of protein folding, and has initiated a new research area of isomerase and molecular chaperones in China.In this interview, Chih-chen Wang elaborates on the social responsibility of scientists by drawing on both her scientific research and CPPCC experience. In Wang''s view, what China really needs are intellectuals with independent thinking and strong social responsibility, who are able to provide the government valuable advice and communicate with the public to increase society''s scientific literacy. She also hopes that female scientists can be more confident and gain greater attention and support from society.  相似文献   

车雷 《科教文汇》2014,(22):138-138
伍尔夫在《一间自己的房间》当中提出了雌雄同体的观点。她认为雌雄同体的头脑是创作的源泉,也是作家最为理想的状态。但是在《奥兰多》这部小说中,具有雌雄同体特征的奥兰多却并未表现出最佳创作状态。反而这种特征让他经历了身份危机以致最后疯癫。本人将对比这两本著作,分析伍尔夫雌雄同体理论和实践中的差别并分析该理论的模棱两可的表现。  相似文献   

费小西 《科教文汇》2011,(23):160-161
本文针对高中英语教材知识含量大、覆盖面广等特点,试图在教学中让学生学会自主学习,达到既"偷懒"又能提高教学质量效果的可供实际操作的方法。  相似文献   

This interview seeks to reframe the traditional perspective on organisations. Verna Allee's work gives meaning to how the networked organisation can be understood in a very practical way. She changes the lens from hierarchy to network, from process to people, from structure to relationship. Her innovative thinking strips away traditional business thinking to reveal the new patterns of management practice essential for success in a more complex and dynamic business environment. With her systems diagramming tools, which map knowledge exchanges in the context of relationships, she provides a profound understanding of how value is created in organisations. Her approach demonstrates how and why making visible the intangible dimensions of relationships and knowledge exchanges significantly contributes to value creation and business self-organisation.  相似文献   

Fara P 《Endeavour》2004,28(3):101-103
Marie Curie challenged many conventions when she left Poland, became a world-famous French scientist and took X-ray machinery to the front line in World War I. Although she was the first person to win two Nobel prizes, many critics found it hard to believe that she could simultaneously be a caring mother and a brilliant researcher. As mythological accounts of Curie's success grew, photographs and caricatures of her reinforced traditional stereotypes of male and female roles in science.  相似文献   

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