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政府教育投入指政府直接用于教育的费用,整个教育系统可以分为初、中、高三级教育教育结构。一般来说,各国教育投入在不同的教育结构中的比例的变化是与教育发展水平相适应的。本文针对各国政府教育投入再分配的情况,用SPSS软件中的聚类分析方法,将教育发展水平进行了分类,通过三级教育投入的合理性与教育发展水平关系来进行比较分析,进而为我国政府教育投入再分配更趋于合理和教育发展水平的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

经济发展的动力在于科学技术的不断创新 ,教育的投入直接影响到科学技术水平 ,经济发展转而为教育的投入奠定物质基础。教育投入回报的滞后性和地理偏差 ,制约了地方财政对教育的投入 ,但教育投入的高回报仍昭然处世。科技的发展又使知识更新进程加速 ,使得终生教育变得紧迫 ,加大教育投入成为有远见的战略选择 ,但占GDP的比重反而下降 ,区位和矿产资源状况决定了南平社会经济的发展将主要依赖科教的大量投入  相似文献   

江苏省南京市委、市政府近日出台从学前教育到成人教育的一揽子改革计划与发展目标,将加快学前教育普惠优质发展,实行学前一年免费教育,对困难家庭将增发幼儿助学券。据介绍,南京今后将推进学前教育投入机制改革创新,逐步提高财政性学前教育投入在同级财政性教育投入中所占比例。从2014年开始。  相似文献   

本刊:锦江区政府高度重视教育的投入,到2010年,投入到学校建设经费将达到8亿以上,并将拿出一定的经费投入到对"星级教师"的奖励中,这无疑能有效地促进区域教育发展、教师发展和教育质量的提升.  相似文献   

国家财政性经费投入是高等职业教育经费来源的一个重要渠道。随着高等职业教育的发展,高等职业教育经费不足的问题越发显现,高等职业教育所需要的成本也将会越来越高,而高等职业教育的国家财政性教育经费投入却少于普通本科教育和中等职业教育。因此,国家应加大对高等职业教育的财政性教育经费投入力度,立法保障对高等职业教育的财政性教育经费投入。  相似文献   

冀业  张烁 《教师》2011,(9):8-8
近日,记者从三亚2011教育工作会议中获悉,三亚将在经济社会发展规划,财政资金投入,用地指标,公共资源等方面优秀满足教育需要,争取实现教育投入达到GDP的4%。  相似文献   

李汝 《教育与职业》2007,(33):13-15
文章建立了财政性中等职业教育投入的卢卡斯教育资源外溢效应模型。实证研究表明,政府财政性中等职业教育投入以及人力资源投入对经济增长外溢的作用非常显著。因此,将中等职业教育纳入国家义务教育范畴,建立多元化教育投入体系,加大财政对中等职业教育的投入力度等措施,是促进经济增长、保持国家经济社会又好又快发展的重要手段。  相似文献   

教育部农村义务教育将全部免费在教育部召开的新闻发布会上,副部长张保庆透露“,十一五”期间,农村义务教育将全部免费。他表示,政府应该是各级各类教育发展中的主要投入单位,教育决不能“市场化”。教育收费应是政府投入的补充,但绝对不能代替政府对教育正常投入。“我认为,当前影响中国教育持续健康发展有几个很重要的因素,其中一个因素就是政府对教育的投入,严重滞后于教育的改革和发展。”张保庆表示,目前中国许多地方以收费代替政府对教育的投入,这是造成教育乱收费问题的症结。治理乱收费的根本问题是标本兼治,政府该拿的钱一定要拿足…  相似文献   

文章试从"二维"属性对教育投入进行识读。从要素上,教育投入是"物力"与"人力"的总和;从形态上,教育投入可分为"硬投入"和"软投入";从影响因素上,教育投入是显性与隐性因素共同作用的结果。教育投入的"二维"属性表明它是物质性投入和精神性投入的统一体,两者并不是孤立地在教育活动中发挥作用,只有将它们很好地融合起来,才能真正促进教育事业的发展。这种诠释,在当今全球教育财政普遍紧缩的背景下,对解决我国教育实践中诸多问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,教育对经济增长的贡献越来越大,一个国家的综合实力和国际竞争力将越来越取决于教育发展、科技进步和知识创新水平的高低。我国对教育经费投入的力度逐年增加,教育经费总规模呈现出较大幅度的增长。但从相对数和平均数来看,我国教育投入不足的问题还十分严重,教育投入不足始终是制约我国教育事业发展的“瓶颈”。本文从政府教育投资的视角对此问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

在“中国式”分权背景下,地方政府对本地教育财政投入激励不足。如何发挥地方人大的预决算审查监督职能、构建有效约束机制来提高地方政府教育支出水平,对我国教育事业长远发展具有重大意义。本文以我国各地区推动预算监督法制化为制度背景,以1999—2017年间各省份预算审查监督条例立法作为准自然实验,使用双重差分法研究通过立法加强地方人大预算监督如何影响地方政府教育支出。研究发现:(1)省级预算监督条例立法能够显著增加地方政府的教育财政支出,使教育支出在财政预算支出中的比重平均上升约一个百分点,使地方教育支出占GDP的比重显著提高;(2)异质性分析显示预算监督条例立法对地方政府教育投入的促进作用主要体现在基础教育和中等教育层面,并且在财政分权程度更高或地方主政官员缺乏中央工作经历的地区更加显著。本文的研究表明,推动财政监督法制化是构建现代教育财政治理体系的重要制度基础,强化地方人大预算监督是确保地方教育支出持续稳定增长的有效制度保障。  相似文献   

Higher education in many countries has been influenced by major factors of change due to globalization and reinforced by the development of internationalization, competition, new and different social demands, strategic importance of higher education as a business, etc. As a result of a tremendous growth in the number of students, higher education is moving towards 'mass studies'; in many cases, this is not coupled with proportional increases in expenditure on education, thus lowering the quality of education. Many countries are trying to solve this problem by developing two sectors of higher education, which may be called 'university sector' and 'vocational/non-university sector'. While the mission of the university sector is to educate intellectual élites, higher vocational education schools should, in principle, offer mass education at the undergraduate/first-stage level. Both types of higher education institutions are needed, and thus one could not speak of any subordination of one sector to another. In 1997 the Polish Parliament passed the Act on Vocational Higher Schools. The Act served as the basis for the establishment of the Accreditation Commission for Vocational Higher Schools, which has the task of laying down educational standards and defined conditions which should be met in order to establish and provide courses in specific vocational specialization as well as staff requirements for such specialization. Furthermore, standards were introduced for teaching facilities and curriculum contents. During the 3 years since the introduction of the Act, 16 public higher vocational education schools and 44 non-public higher vocational schools have been established.  相似文献   

高校体育经费严重不足,长期以来一直影响着高校体育工作的深化和发展。高校体育实现产业化不仅为自身创造了较大的经济效益,弥补了体育经费的不足,同时也创造了更大的社会效益。转变观念,加强对社会主义市场经济条件下高校体育运作的理论研究;积极探索商业型体育运作的方式;加强高校经营活动的管理,确立合理的分配制度是高校体育市场化应采取的主要措施。  相似文献   

本文运用2005年各省市1399所地方高校的教育经费统计基层报表数据,首先对各地方高等院校预算内教育经费收入各项指标与预算内教育支出的各项指标进行多元方差分析,显示各地区高校财政状况存在显著差异。然后选取有地区差异和代表性的教育预算内经费拨款、预算内教育事业费支出、预算内公用经费支出3个指标与地方经济发展水平指标进行典型相关分析,研究发现第三产业的构成比、人均GDP、城镇居民消费支出、城镇居民可支配收入4个指标最能反映地方经济发展水平,并与地方高校预算内教育经费有较强相关关系,而通常所认为的GDP总量、财政收入和支出与各地预算内高校经费没有显著相关。研究还认为,地方高等教育财政状况与该地区的居民实际富裕程度有关。  相似文献   

Fairness in education is an issue of great concern for China's development. At the same time, household education expenditure is a key factor and objective material embodiment of the educational resources and educational opportunities for Chinese children. Using the data of the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS2016), this study analyzes the mechanisms of action in household education expenditure affected by both the educational level and the social class identification of household heads. The empirical results indicate that the Chinese household heads' social class identification is affected positively by their educational level. After controlling for the potential endogeneity, the education expenditure tends to increase as the subjective social class identification of the household heads is promoted. Class identification plays a partial mediating role in the process of the household head's educational level, affecting the household education expenditure. The findings provide important insights for understanding the intergenerational transmission mechanism of cultural capital in China.  相似文献   


In Germany the tradition of university autonomy goes back to Humboldt's reform rather than the privileged corporations of the middle ages. Humboldt's concept of the university is still fertile as a model and a method for today's universities. The social significance of science in the modern world, increased expenditure on higher education, and the academisation of a growing number of professions seem to undermine the traditional legitimation of university autonomy. On the other hand good new reasons for autonomy can be derived precisely from scepticism with regard to a naive belief in the progress of science and to an all‐too‐narrow professionalisation of university education. The ever closer interconnection between ‘academic’ and ‘public’ functions of the universities has led to the replacement of the traditional ‘dualistic administrative structure’ by a ‘unified'one under a rector/president. The dualism of functions has, however, reappeared in the distinction between ‘legal’ and ‘more extended’ supervision by ministers. For the future a more precise distinction between global regulations legitimately claimed by the state and self‐government within the framework thus set should be aimed at.  相似文献   

This article analyzes patterns of expenditure on higher education in Jordan, explores the current system??s adequacy, efficiency, and equity, and identifies its strengths and weaknesses in light of current constraints and future challenges. Among the constraints are the relatively low public expenditure on higher education, leaving households to compensate through private expenditure. Moreover, despite more spending on university education, the quickly rising volume of students has required compromises in quality. Meanwhile, gradually falling subsidies have pressured public universities to reconsider their financing mechanisms and become more efficient. Cost-sharing mechanisms have been introduced through commercial private universities and ??parallel programmes?? at public universities. This generates much-needed income, but raises two critical issues. Students from poorer backgrounds find it even more difficult to enter university, and quality is constrained because universities must compromise on tasks that are essential but not profitable such as research and development. Among the suggested solutions are promoting the culture of charitable endowments, perhaps through a revision of the Islamic awqaf system, and developing innovative financial mechanisms to tap private savings without incurring the hazards of profit maximization.  相似文献   

独立学院是按新机制、新模式举办的实施本科学历教育的高等学校,经过十余年的发展,其教学工作取得了长足的进步,但科研工作还不尽如意,这种状况必然会影响到独立学院的长远发展。鉴于此,针对独立学院的科研状况,分析原因并提出对策。  相似文献   

In this paper, I advocate for enhancing critical thinking skill development in undergraduate education by taking advantage of the increased experiential maturity of today's students. I argue that many undergraduates are in fact ‘adults’, by virtue of their age or experiential maturity, and they should be educated as such. Undergraduates who have not yet transitioned into ‘adulthood’ would also benefit greatly from exposure to the adult education teaching techniques that emphasize critical thinking development. The demographics of higher education today demand a reexamination of outdated pedagogical practices. Considering college and university students to be the adults that most of them are, or soon will be, would more effectively educate all of today's undergraduate students.  相似文献   

In this paper, I aim to reconsider MacIntyre's notion of an educated public. In particular, I aim to do so in light of his recent elucidation of the role of philosophical education in rejecting, or at least challenging, predominant and shared cultural assumptions. I begin by outlining MacIntyre's original case for an educated public as found in The Idea of an Educated Public. I then briefly consider and respond to three prominent criticisms of MacIntyre's original explication of the notion. In responding to these criticisms, it will be made clear that subtle shifts in MacIntyre's subsequent treatments of the notion reduces the dependency of such a public's existence on the university. I conclude by arguing that the development in MacIntyre's articulation of the necessary conditions for an educated public when considered in conjunction with his recent defence of the conditions for an ‘adequate philosophical education’ provides his philosophy of education with the conceptual resources needed to break free of a final difficulty which MacIntyre himself has articulated. Specifically, I contend that the four stages of an adequate philosophical education MacIntyre outlines are such that they need not be restricted to implementation in formal educational institutions such as the university.  相似文献   

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