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长期以来,作文教学在应试教育的影响下走入了很多误区,如何提高学生的作文水平一直是个难题。本文立足于现行的作文教育现状,紧贴课改新理念,在建构主义理论、多元智能理论的指导下探索Blog应用于中学写作教学的功能、策略及存在问题。  相似文献   

一、作文批改必须坚持的原则1.作文评价应突出"激励性、改进性和探究性"功能。长期以来,中小学作文评价一直过于关注作文结果,关注高分作文、满分作文,忽视了通过作文评价对学生写作动机的激发、写作兴趣的培养以及写作情感的熏陶,也忽视了通过学习作文进一步习得探究的能力。这样既挫伤了学生的作文兴趣,又扼杀了许多学生的作文禀赋;既忽视了学生探究能力的培养,又忽视了通过作文实现学生人文  相似文献   

反思当今的想象作文写作,发现一些问题:认为想象作文等于鬼马行空,模式化的作文教学挤占想象的空间,应试取向的作文评价束缚了学生的想象,等等。为了更好地落实想象作文写作,教师要树立正确的写作观,重新看待想象作文;结合学生生活实际,合理引发学生想象;建立多样的评价标准,鼓励学生大胆想象。  相似文献   

冯鳝云 《文教资料》2010,(25):83-84
激发学生的写作兴趣,让学生乐于写作,是提高作文教学质量的关键。为此,教师可利用教材,通过语文活动来培养学生对作文的兴趣;培养学生的口语交际能力,激发其想说的愿望;结合现实生活,让生活成为学生写作的源泉;改革传统的评价方法,让学生参与评价活动,等等,充分调动学生写作的积极性和热情,逐步提高作文训练的实效。  相似文献   

作文教学中要突出人本理念,在作文教学中要注重激发学生写作兴趣,尊重写作主体;创设教学情境,引导学生表达自己的真情实感;优化作文评价方式,让学生体验作文成功的快乐。  相似文献   

"写作评价要根据各学段的目标,综合考查学生作文水平的发展状况;应重视对写作的过程与方法、情感与态度的评价",这全新的作文评价理念,为我们今后的作文评价指明了方向。一、作文评价的兼异性作文评价的兼异性,就是指在进行作文评价时,不统一  相似文献   

写作评价要根据各学段的目标,综合考查学生作文水平的发展状况;应重视对写作的过程与方法、情感与态度的评价,这全新的作文评价理念,为我们今后的作文评价指明了方向。一、作文评价的兼异性作文评价的兼异性,就是指在进行作文评价时,不统一  相似文献   

新课程标准对作文评价提出更高要求,探索多元化作文评价策略已成为当前作文教学的热点。要激发学生写作热情,提高作文教学效果,教师在评价上应从这样几方面入手:及时评价学生的习作,努力做到面批;作文略批少改,注重分层评价;尝试学生互改互评,拓宽途径;作文评语多元化,激发学生热情。  相似文献   

激发学生的写作兴趣,让学生乐于写作,是提高作文教学质量的关键.为此,教师可利用教材,通过语文活动来培养学生对作文的兴趣;培养学生的口语交际能力,激发其想说的愿望;结合现实生活,让生活成为学生写作的源泉;改革传统的评价方法,让学生参与评价活动,等等,充分调动学生写作的积极性和热情,逐步提高作文训练的实效.  相似文献   

新课标启示我们在作文教学中要淡化程式化的指导,创设情境,激发学生写作的兴趣;为学生创作写作素材,充实学生的作文内容;摒弃成人化的眼光,作文评价注重学生参与.  相似文献   

This New Zealand‐based article reports on an analysis of data gathered over two years from upper primary school students on their attitudes to writing and writing instruction and their beliefs about their self‐efficacy as developing writers. Responses from 449 students in five diverse schools are included. Through an online survey administered at the beginning and end of each of the two years, students responded to a range of mostly closed questions. Conclusions (including student comments) were made about students' likes, dislikes and preferences as developing writers. Levels of association between their attitudes and gender and between their attitudes and proficiency levels were explored. Conclusions were also made about how student attitudes affect teacher practice.  相似文献   

基于元认知理论框架的英文写作元认知知识由个体知识、 任务知识、 策略知识三个变量构成,当这三个变量共同作用于个体认知活动中的某项具体写作行为时, 促使写作行为发生的学习模式会对学习者的英文写作过程产生影响。本文基于一项同伴互评学习模式下的英文书面评语写作活动的实证个案研究,探讨了同伴互评学习模式与英文写作元认知因素的关联及学生的英文书面评语的话语倾向对写作元认知知识构建的影响因素。  相似文献   

从学习者角度出发对广西民族大学06级与07级英语专业学生进行的问卷调查,从教材、教师、题目体裁、反馈方式以及授课方式等方面研究目前英语专业写作课的开设情况及其效用。调查结果表明:学生对于自身及教师的认识与写作课实际做法具有明显偏差;目前英语专业写作课普遍存在拘泥于课本或不能充分利用课本、中国教师与外国教师合作不够、题目或死板或随意、评改简单不当、教法单调呆板等现象;中国教师与外国教师联手、指定课本与课外内容结合、题目精挑细选、评改恰当灵活、教法高效多样等做法较受学生欢迎。  相似文献   

The study investigated the relation between district culture, student achievement, and student attitudes about their schools. Perceptions of students as expressed in more than 2,000 essays written about their schools were explored. Seven cultural categories were examined for differences across grade levels and districts. Statistical differences were found for 3 categories (Social/People, Education/Curriculum, and Extra-curricular Activities) for writing achievement, for whether the district culture were rated as positive or negative, and for whether student's comments revealed a positive or negative view of their schools. This study suggests that district culture has a noticeable effect on school culture and on student achievement.  相似文献   

Since writing ability has been found to be a key indicator of school success and successful participation in the workplace, it is important for preservice teachers to receive effective preparation in the area of writing. Reflecting on personal writing experiences allows preservice teachers to examine their own attitudes and beliefs about writing and the effects their attitudes and beliefs may have on their pedagogical decisions in the future. This article describes the findings from two focus groups conducted with preschool and elementary preservice teachers during which participants examined their attitudes towards writing that have developed over time and their plans for future writing instruction. The following three broad themes emerged related to key influences in the development of positive and negative attitudes towards writing: (a) having writing published or showcased increases positive attitudes towards writing, (b) creative opportunities and process-oriented teaching strategies provide the most meaningful writing experiences, and (c) negative feedback from teachers adversely impacts self-confidence in writing skills and leads to negative attitudes towards writing. Three themes related to views of writing instruction and pedagogical decisions for the future also emerged from the focus groups. These were: (a) embedding writing opportunities throughout the day helps provide quality writing instruction, (b) preservice teachers who struggle with writing mechanics are hesitant about teaching these skills to their future students, and (c) preservice teachers do not agree on one specific methodology for teaching writing or the amount of time that they will teach writing in the future.  相似文献   

近年来,教育研究者开始关注WiKi这种面向社群的协作式网络写作平台的特点及其应用。文章首先简要阐明WiKi在写作教学方面的优势;在此基础上,作者设计了一种基于WiKi的大学英语写作自主教学模式并进行了一学期的实践研究。实验后的问卷调查结果表明大部分学生对该写作教学模式给予了肯定评价,他们的写作兴趣有显著的提高;作文评价结果也表明该写作教学模式使学生的作文质量有了显著的提高。本研究对大学的英语写作教学具有积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

Research indicates that affective attitudes such as liking of a subject and confidence in one’s ability within a subject predict academic performance. Generally, immigrant minority students have positive attitudes and often have low academic performance. This study examines the self-efficacy and liking of subjects of New Zealand students and analyses the relationship of those attitudes towards academic performance in mathematics, writing, and reading by self-reported ethnicity. Data were obtained from the norming samples from the Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning project in New Zealand. Of special interest are the relationships between attitude and performance for Pasifika and Tongan students in New Zealand. Tongan and Pasifika students had positive attitudes, but their mean scores were not significantly different to other ethnic groups except in writing for Tongan students. Tongan and Pasifika students did have lower academic performance than majority and Asian immigrant students in all three subjects. The correlation between liking and self-efficacy was fundamentally zero for Tongan and Pasifika students, while it was weakly positive for majority and Asian immigrant students. Together these results question the power of self-efficacy and liking attitudes to predict academic performance for immigrant students from agrarian or traditional societies. Further, the data suggest that ‘school effects’ are most likely explanations for this relationship, rather than lack of attachment, opposition, or deficiency theories.  相似文献   

本研究以45名学生为研究对象,对比研究教师给出评语、同学互相给出评语和英语专业高年级学生给出评语对二语写作的影响。实验结果表明三种语语对提高学生语法的应用能力和内容写作水平无积极作用。原因为这三种方法各有利弊;传统的“一次性”写作不要求学生重写作文,导致学生对评语不重视;同时,这三种评语对学生注意并未产生较大影响。本研究提出了给出评语的新模式。  相似文献   

This study reported how ten Taiwanese Master’s students perceived their experiences of receiving feedback given by their peers and writing consultants to revise a shortened version of their thesis proposals. Collected over the course of one semester, data included students’ writing portfolios and interviews with them. Analysis of the data revealed three major themes: (1) The participants felt quite positive about providing and receiving peer feedback, although they seemed cautious toward language-related peer comments; (2) they generally had positive experience with the writing consultants, although the perceived usefulness of the consultants’ feedback varied with individual consultants and (3) the two types of comments served different functions for students, and questions arose from the peer editing process could serve as prompts for writing consultation sessions. Possible future research directions as well as pedagogical implication are outlined to conclude the paper.  相似文献   

高职英语写作课堂中运用合作学习模式,有助于减轻学生的写作焦虑感,激发学生的写作兴趣,提高学生的英语写作成绩;但对三种不同水平层次的学生的作用不同:对中等水平和低水平学生效果显著,而对高水平学生作用不大。学生对小组合作写作的态度总体是积极的。  相似文献   

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