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你们的孩子,都不是你们的孩子,乃是"生命"为自己所渴望的儿女。他们是借你们而来,却不是从你们而来,他们虽和你们同在,却不属于你们。你们可以给他们以爱,却不可给他们以思想,因为他们有自己的思想。你们可以荫庇他们的身体,却不能荫庇他们的灵魂,因为他们的灵魂,是住在"明日"的宅  相似文献   

你们的孩子,都不是你们的孩子乃是生命为自己所渴望的女儿。他们是凭借你们而来,却不是从你们而来他们虽和你们同在,却不属于你们。你们可以给他们爱,却不可以给他们思想。因为他们有自己的思想。你们可以荫庇他们的身体,却不能荫蔽他们的灵魂。  相似文献   

你们的孩子,都不是你们的孩子。乃是“生命”为自己所渴望的儿女。他们是凭借你们而来,却不是从你们而来,他们虽和你们同在,却不属于你们。你们可以给他们以爱,却不可给他们以思想。因为他们有自己的思想。你们可以荫庇他们的身体,却不能荫庇他们的灵魂。因为他们的灵魂,是住在明日的宅中,那是你们在梦中也不能想见的。  相似文献   

外面的世界五光十色,他们却在单调的环境中默默耕耘;外面的世界变幻万千,他们却守着一方图书几十年如一日,不知疲倦。岁月夺去了容颜,白发悄悄地爬上双鬓,他们却痴心不改。耗去  相似文献   

他们也许穿着很平常的衣服,却总是看起来和路人不同;他们也上班,却通常只在夜间工作;他们也会翻杂志,却只盯着图片看;他们也喜欢美女,但更喜欢美女带来的灵感。为什么?因为他们是设计师。  相似文献   

正现实生活中存在一些特殊的孩子,他们让人觉得很心疼。由于种种原因,他们总是把自己封闭在自我的空间里,不肯出来,也不让别人进入,在重重保护层下过着自己的生活。有人说,他们是星星的孩子,本应住在遥远的仙境,只是不小心落入了人间。他们有着星光般清澈的眼睛,却从不向妈妈描述他们所看到的一切;他们有着天使般甜美的笑容,却很少告诉爸爸半点儿快乐或悲伤。不聋,却充耳不闻;不盲,却视而不见,更多的时候他们却总是独自静地坐在角落,一天不开口说话或  相似文献   

这是一群特殊的人,他们个个身怀绝技,眼明手快,但却从不轻易显山露水。他们不是什么政界要员,却每天都与国家元首如影相随。有人说他们是元首的“影子”,但他们却更喜欢人们称他们为“保镖”。自古以来,国家元首总是敌对势力  相似文献   

这是一个轰动前苏联,风靡全欧美,20世纪最具震撼 力的青春故事。他们酗酒,他们撒谎,他们作弊,他们早恋, 他们肆无忌惮。他们是高中生,却老谋深算;他们理想远 大,却难过考试关;他们是苏维埃青年,却让老师感到心寒 ……他们经历了极度的疯狂,然而最终--他们醒了,一 场过火的青春游戏,让正当年轻和曾经年轻的心--体味 青春。  相似文献   

我们有一个延伸到花园中间的池塘,他们却有一条没有尽头的小溪。晚上我们把灯笼放在花园里,而他们却拥有夜空中的星星。我们有仆人伺候,他们却服务于他人……  相似文献   

伍晓阳  朱峰 《成才之路》2010,(3):I0004-I0005
这是一个容易让人忽视的群体:他们受过高等教育,却多数从事推销、餐饮服务等临时性工作;他们拥有知识和理想,却在现实中徘徊迷惘;他们有着上百万的庞大规模,却“蜗居”在狭小的空间……他们的名字叫“蚁族”,即大学毕业生低收入聚居群体。  相似文献   

In this study, Dutch primary school children used a computer‐mediated discussion forum to discuss the concept of horror stories. In such discussion forums children often write their contributions individually. This paper presents an ongoing empirical study in which the contributions to an electronic discussion forum from children working individually were compared to contributions from children working in dyads. Preliminary results indicated that children working in dyads around the computer wrote more contributions to the computer‐mediated discussion and were more attentive to the collaborative process, than children who wrote their contributions individually.  相似文献   

This article establishes the importance of “context”, a concept that underpins the academic contributions that John Falk and Lynn Dierking have made in building the field of informal/free-choice learning in science education. I consider, in turn, the individual contributions made by each of them prior to their seminal co-authored work, entitled The Museum Experience. I then document their joint contributions to the field, pointing out that although their interests and skills overlap in complementary ways to produce their jointly authored works, both have continued to make their individual contributions; Falk in his work on identity and impact, and Dierking in her work on community, youth, family and equity. Finally I come to the present, describing how they each continue their research and publication in lifelong, life-wide, and life-deep learning, with a particular focus on free-choice learning and the role it can play in addressing critical issues in the world.  相似文献   

财经类院校学报之间因受办学规模、专业设置、教学科研水平以及地域等不同因素的影响 ,其体现出的专业特色、栏目设置以及来稿的数量和质量等方面均有差别 ,形成了有些学报稿源充足 ,办刊质量相对较高 ,而有些学报则因稿源不足 ,办刊质量相对较低的局面 ,这对于财经类学报乃至高校学报的整体发展都是极为不利的。因此 ,建立财经类学报稿件调剂中心是十分必要的。  相似文献   

科研政策的偏面导向,学报论文对评职称的用处有限,“核心期刊”的冲击,导致学校学报优质稿件外流。因此要制定咨理的有利于学报发展的政策,吸收校内作者的高质量稿件。提高外稿刊用比例,调整栏目设置,努力办出学报特色,以吸引优质稿件的回流。  相似文献   

The authors describe the significant contributions of Robert Ebel to educational measurement theory and its applications. A biographical sketch details Ebel's roots and professional résumé. His influence on classroom assessment views and procedures are explored. Classic publications associated with validity, reliability, and score interpretation are described in terms of their contributions to the field and their relevance to current practice. An analysis of the diversity of Ebel's contributions over his career projects a model of "psychometric statesman" for contemporary measurement specialists to emulate.  相似文献   

私营企业主的社会属性辨析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
私营企业主参加劳动,创造了财富,对社会作出了贡献,是社会主义的建设者,其财富,有其劳动所得,但主要来自于剥削所得,所以又是剥削者。私营企业主对社会的贡献应该肯定,但贡献只能说明其一般社会属性,确定其特殊社会属性,要从他们在社会分工中的地位,对生产资料的占有关系、收入的来源和分配状况去判断。  相似文献   

陈金平 《海外英语》2014,(8):182-184
Chinese immigrants lived a hard life in the United States before 1949.Based on the analysis of their remarkable contributions to the American progress in its economy,society,culture,science,and many other fields,the indication is given that the United States should thank the Chinese for their contributions and take active steps to develop friendly relations with China.  相似文献   

认知心理学把人的认知过程作为主要研究对象,运用信息加工的观点研究认知活动。编辑的审稿过程,就是一种认知过程。在审稿时如能以这种理论作为心理指导,可以使编辑尽快地读懂稿件,为恰当地修改稿件带来便利;长此以往,则能全面提高编辑的业务素质。  相似文献   

Participatory assessment is increasingly employed in higher education worldwide as a formative mechanism to support students’ active learning. But do students in an increasingly relationally diverse environment perceive that peer assessment of individuals’ contributions to group-work tasks enhances their learning? Recognising the impact of students’ conceptions on the quality of their learning, this study considers students’ perspectives of peer assessment of group-work contributions at a South African university. Questionnaires elicited students’ perspectives of and general attitudes towards assessment of and by their peers. A growing measure of discontent with the process of assessing peer contributions to group tasks emerged, including actual and perceived racial and gender stereotyping, and related rejection-sensitivity. These initial findings were checked against the students’ experiences in a report-and-respond process that enabled probing discussions of the interpretations. This paper examines and explores the implications of such identifications and receptions for learning engagement and group-work curriculum development in the context of a rapidly transforming higher education sector.  相似文献   

Jayant V. Narlikar 《Resonance》2010,15(10):875-904
This article recalls some of the seminal contributions to astronomy made by Fred Hoyle. His ideas were thought to be unrealistic at the time they were proposed, but have now been assimilated into mainstream science. A general comment that emerges from such examples is that highly creative individuals who are far ahead of their times do not get the recognition they deserve once their ideas are rediscovered and accepted as standard: for, by the time this happens, they and their contributions are forgotten.  相似文献   

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