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网络教学平台是在线学习的技术基础,对MOOCs(大规模开放在线课程)也不例外,平台的发展从一个侧面反映MOOCs发展的动态和趋势。首先从三个方面综述了MOOC平台的发展态势,从三大典型MOOC平台认识到自身不足而加速研发,各个国家积极推进自身MOOC平台的建设,以及网络教学平台的主流研发机构为顺应MOOC潮流而推出新平台:进而从技术创新、市场竞争、平台运营权和本土化教育教学需要四个方面探讨了MOOC平台多元化和本土化创新发展的内在动力;最后分析了MOOC平台多元化和本土化创新发展将给高等教育和远程教育带来的影响,体现在支持高校混合教学改革、学习分析技术的应用促进数字化学习的研究与实践、促进开放与远程教育的进一步发展。  相似文献   

基于MOOC理念的网络信息安全系列课程教学改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大规模开放在线课程MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)近年来受到国际教育界的高度关注,在线学习、随时学习、互动学习、翻转学习、社会化学习等一系列新理念吸引全球众多名校加入到这一波教育改革浪潮中.开放式MOOC平台将优质教学资源发布到全社会,对高等教育正在产生着丰富而深远的影响.经过多年的建设,我们在网络信息安全系列课程教学上积累了丰富的教学资源,如何因应全新的MOOC教学理念为广大学生乃至部队官兵提供更加优质教学资源值得我们深思和努力.本文试图以MOOC理念梳理网络信息安全系列课程,探讨优化教学、扩大培养规模、提高教育效益的手段和方法.  相似文献   

MOOC(MassivelyOpenOnlineCourse)即大规模开放在线课程,译为“慕课”。MOOC以其名校的优质资源,吸引成千上万的学习者“慕”名而“课”,在短时间内受到了极大追捧。以在线学习者的身份参与Coursera多门课程进行体验学习,结合国内传统教学的形式和特点,分析了MOOC的特点和MOOC相比于传统大学课堂的优势,提出了几点思考和启示,并对MOOC学习者和高等教育者提出一些建议,以期能够促进学习者更加有效地学习。  相似文献   

大规模在线开放课程作为一个新兴的教育模式,已经在世界范围内引起了一场教育革命。而实践教学是培养学生综合应用能力、创新实践能力的最重要的途径,因此实践教学也成为MOOC的重要一环,云计算技术和大数据为MOOC实施实践教学提供了可能。在对MOOC进行系统分析的基础上,从技术角度看MOOC的特点,以云学习环境为切入点,阐述了MOOC实践教学平台所需的技术支撑、平台架构及运营模式,设计并实现了基于云计算技术的MOOC模式下的实践教学平台,并将该实验教学平台应用到学校计算机课程实验教学中,证明了该平台的有效性。  相似文献   

MOOC(Massively Open Online Course)即大规模开放在线课程,译为“慕课”。MOOC以其名校的优质资源,吸引成千上万的学习者“慕”名而“课”,在短时间内受到了极大追捧。以在线学习者的身份参与Coursera多门课程进行体验学习,结合国内传统教学的形式和特点,分析了MOOC的特点和MOOC相比于传统大学课堂的优势,提出了几点思考和启示,并对M OOC学习者和高等教育者提出一些建议,以期能够促进学习者更加有效地学习。  相似文献   

大规模在线开放课程MOOC近年来对全球高等教育产生了重大和深远的影响,极大地改变了现有的高等教育模式。文章深入分析了MOOC所体现的三大教学特征:以知识点为单位高效组织和共享教学内容,以群体化手段进行多样化的教学互动,以开放方式来汇聚海量和多样化教学资源。结合这三大特征,探讨了MOOC给英语教学改革的若干启示,提出了开展大学英语教学改革的四点建议。  相似文献   

文章采用共词可视化的技术方法,以CNKI(中国知网)的中国学术期刊网络出版总库2012—2014年间发表的MOOC(大规模在线开放课程)相关中文学术文献关键词为研究对象,对高频关键词进行共词聚类以及社会网络分析,揭示国内MOOC研究现状(包括国内MOOC研究主题的类别结构、国内MOOC领域的研究重点和研究薄弱点)以及国内MOOC领域的研究趋势,以期为今后我国MOOC领域的学术发展提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

随着大规模开放在线课程(MOOC)教学深入应用,由于缺乏课程对应的实验教学,学生缺乏实际认知环境,导致了工程实践类MOOC的理论教学与实验教学脱节,学生课程完成率低,参与度不高等问题。本文以生产管理MOOC实验教学为研究对象,在分析和梳理MOOC教学内涵和其对实验教学需求基础上,研发基于MOOC的生产管理实验教学系统原型。该系统通过实验课程知识网络、业务逻辑网络、协同过程网络的规范化设计,模拟企业实际的生产流程,让学生在虚拟的环境中实现和实践环节的对接,实现交互式知识单元的实验课程,支持MOOC实验教学的互动,通过个体与个体、个体与系统之间的交互式实验学习,有效解决MOOC课程缺乏实验教学系统支撑的问题,更好地培养学生分析和解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

网络教学平台是在线学习的技术基础,对MOOCs(大规模开放在线课程)也不例外,平台的发展从一个侧面反映MOOCs发展的动态和趋势。首先从三个方面综述了MOOC平台的发展态势,从三大典型MOOC平台认识到自身不足而加速研发,各个国家积极推进自身MOOC平台的建设,以及网络教学平台的主流研发机构为顺应MOOC潮流而推出新平台;进而从技术创新、市场竞争、平台运营权和本土化教育教学需要四个方面探讨了MOOC平台多元化和本土化创新发展的内在动力;最后分析了MOOC平台多元化和本土化创新发展将给高等教育和远程教育带来的影响,体现在支持高校混合教学改革、学习分析技术的应用促进数字化学习的研究与实践、促进开放与远程教育的进一步发展。  相似文献   

基于高职学生主体视角,通过问卷调查搜集数据,了解高职学生大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)的学习现状。根据调查数据分析存在的问题及原因,并对高职院校在线开放课程资源平台建设提出合理的建议。  相似文献   

The new pedagogical opportunities that massive open online course (MOOC) learning environments offer for the teaching of fee-paying students on university-accredited courses are of growing interest to educators. This paper presents a case study from a postgraduate-taught course at the Open University, UK, where a MOOC performed the dual role of a core teaching vehicle for fee-paying students and also as a “free-to-join” course for open learners. An analysis of survey data revealed differences between the two groups in respect to prior experience, knowledge, expectations and planned time commitment. The nature and experience of interaction was also examined. Fee-paying student feedback revealed four conditions in which MOOCs could be considered a pedagogic option for taught-course designers. These are: when there is a subject need; when used to achieve learning outcomes; when there is acknowledgement or compensation for the financial disparity; and when issues of transition and interaction are supported.  相似文献   

MOOC rampant     
In 2012–2013, the massive open online course (MOOC) approach has been accepted by universities around the world, and outsourcing companies have been launched to provide the infrastructure for it. Current press and blog coverage of the MOOC trend is examined and the range of reactions to it, most of them enthusiastic. MOOCs vary in their massiveness and openness, and in the extent to which they are courses; and a wide range of MOOCs is emerging under different names. These include xMOOCs, in which course content is defined by the course designers, and cMOOCs featuring information generated by the students. The origins of the MOOC are examined, and its implications for the educational institutions that have specialized in distance education previously.  相似文献   

This study describes the massive open online course (MOOC) experiences of three educational technology scholars assuming the roles of learners. Adapting Carroll’s model of school learning as a theoretical framework, the study employed an autoethnography method to collect empirical data in three different MOOCs. Data analysis from regularly recorded journals revealed commonalities and differences in learner experiences. Based on the results, a refined version of Carroll’s model was produced to provide a foundation for future research and development into MOOCs.  相似文献   

As the number of participants in online distance learning courses increases, peer assessment is becoming a popular strategy for evaluating open assignments and for breaking the social isolation surrounding distance education. Yet, the quality and characteristics of peer assessment in massive online courses has received little attention. Hence, this study was set to examine peer feedback quality and grading accuracy in a project-based course. The study applied a sequential exploratory mixed methods design. It included 339 participants who studied the same engineering course, but in three different modes: on-campus (n = 77), small private online course (n = 110), and massive open online course (MOOC) (n = 152). Content analysis of feedback comments identified four categories: reinforcement, statement, verification and elaboration, arranged in an ascending scale of cognitive ability. The findings indicated that the MOOC participants provided more feedback comments and volunteered to assess more projects than their counterparts did. However, the on-campus students provided higher quality feedback and their peer grading was better correlated with the grades assigned by the teaching assistants.  相似文献   

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are designed as stand‐alone courses which can be accessed by any learner around the globe with only an internet‐enabled electronic device required. Although much research has focused on the enrolment and demographics of MOOCs, their impact on undergraduate campus‐based students is still unclear. This article explores the impact of integrating an anatomy MOOC in to the anatomy curriculum of a year 1 medical degree program at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom. The course did not replace any teaching that was already being delivered, and was used to supplement this teaching to support the students' consolidation and revision. Analysis of student feedback indicates a high level of usage, with evidence to suggest that female learners may have approached the course in a more personalized manner. Although the video based resources and quizzes were greatly appreciated as learning tools, significant evidence suggests the students did not engage, or were inclined to engage, with the discussion fora. Furthermore, a significant majority of students did not want the MOOC to replace the existing teaching they received. Given the feedback provided, this research suggests that although the student population believe there to be value in having access to MOOC material, their role as replacements to campus‐based teaching is not supported. Details regarding the enrolment and engagement of the general public with the MOOC during the two runs are also documented, with the suggestion that graduates employed in the healthcare sector were the primary users of the course. Anat Sci Educ 10: 53–67. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

在线教育的发展由来已久,作为线下教育的补充方式,在线教育一直扮演着不温不火的辅助角色,但在2012年出现了重大突破,MOOC(Masssive open online courses)犹如一场海啸,风靡高校,它不但免费提供优质的大学教育,修满学分并通过考核后还授予国家承认的高等教育学历,这种颠覆传统教育模式的在线教育彻底冲击了传统教育行业,一定程度上刺激了传统教育行业对教育方式的创新。  相似文献   

The techniques used in massive open online courses (MOOCs) are compared with supersizing in the fast food industry. Similarities include the profit motives, marketing techniques, criticisms, industry defences, and evolution of the two controversies. While fast food restaurants strategically increase the size of their meal courses and consumer base, MOOC providers increase the size of their student enrolments and the amounts of online course material they provide for the students to consume. In the two contexts, franchise owners and educational administrators deliver the supersized courses to their customers with apparent disregard for their widening negative effects. Educational institutions are encouraged to consider the ethics of these practices in order to prevent the unmonitored spread of junk education.  相似文献   

论“慕课”本质、内涵与价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着互联网技术和知识经济的飞速发展,世界范围内的资源开放运动的流行,大规模开放在线课程"慕课"开始兴起,并逐渐引起教育界学者从不同角度去探索和思考。为了更明确理解"慕课"是什么、能做什么、改变了什么、产生了哪些影响等一系列问题,从技术与教育的关系中追问"慕课"的存在,从其发展过程中探寻"慕课"的本质,重点探讨了"慕课"的本质就是在线教育,其核心是大规模、开放、在线、课程四要素。在此基础上,从"四因说"视角阐述"慕课"形成的原因以及从技术负荷教育的预测机制、决策机制、激励机制和调节机制的"四机制"系统论述"慕课"的价值问题,从而深入地探讨了"慕课"对教育的影响。  相似文献   

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