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当今世界正在进入后现代时代,经济、科技的发展使得物质文化的供给产生了爆发性的增长,人们不断膨胀、占有、消费、享受的欲望得到了前所未有的满足,然而此时与人享受高质量生命生活相关的精神文化的社会传播供给远落后于同时期的经济和科学技术的发展。社会经济的发展、物质生活水平的提高和电视、网络现代媒体的普及为审美传播和普及创造了良好的基础、提供了全新的机遇。通过分析影片中对美术的运用,发现着实研究美术于影视传媒的作用尤为重要,重视强化美术理念思维及培养影视传媒美术人才尤为重要。  相似文献   

邹冰洋 《今日科苑》2021,(10):41-47,58
"融媒体"是当今传媒行业的发展趋势,科技传播也要顺应时代潮流,与时俱进,积极变革.但在享受"融媒体"红利的同时,也应始终坚持科技传播的核心和本质是内容,权威、专业的信源始终是传播受众的刚性需求.本文通过对融媒体传播模式的简要解读,分析了传统媒体、新媒体和融媒体的优劣势,探讨科技传播在融媒体时代如何提升自我,获得更好的传播效果.  相似文献   

随着互联网的兴起,大众传播开始走向后现代时期.作为传统电视文化代表之一的春节晚会在这一浪潮中呈现出了怎样的生存状况?本文将从后现代的主要特征--文化中心的消散和传播主权的消解入手,探讨春节晚会的昨天、今天和明天.  相似文献   

自媒体作为互联网的新兴平台,以其低门槛传播广的特点已成为舆情形成和传播的重要平台。通过舆情在自媒体上的起源、传播模式、传播规律这几个方面,探究舆情在自媒体环境中的传播机制。具体研究了舆情的起源,剖析了意见领袖的作用,解读了"核心扩散"这一传播模式,并借鉴了元胞自动机数学模型来拟合,分析了传播中的"蝴蝶效应"和"群体极化"规律。对传播机制的研究为进一步维护良好的网络舆论环境提供借鉴和理论指导。  相似文献   

禅宗思想凝聚了东方的美学智慧,对后现代服装设计美学产生了极大的影响。本文通过"空"、"悟"、"戏"、"境"的禅宗思想,分别结合后现代服装审美中的"超越自我与创造自由"、"不确定与模糊表达"、"游戏状态中的设计"、"设计表达的和谐观"等方面,富有创造性地延拓了传统美学的艺术神韵,在东、西方文化相互碰撞、熔铸和锤炼的态势下,进一步挖掘本民族文化的精华,寻绎后现代服装审美中新的设计潮流。  相似文献   

阐述了电视媒体对人们的思想观念、价值取向和行为方式产生的社会影响,这种影响决定了电视节目必须实现人文关怀,并结合实际,从传播理念、传播过程、受众分析、媒体自身文化建设四个方面,深入分析电视这一强势媒体实施人文关怀的途径和方法。  相似文献   

当前,微博已成为了不可忽视的信息传播渠道,其庞大的信息量正日益影响甚至改变着现实生活。为了规范信息文本传播,最大限度地遏制微博谣言的产生,必须健全微博监督机制,加大辟谣力度;强化媒体"把关人"作用,引导正确舆论走向;提高受众自身素质,增强谣言免疫能力;完善立法,加大微博谣言传播惩罚力度。溯本清源、规范引导,是促进微博文化传播健康发展的重中之重。  相似文献   

手机媒体发展方兴未艾,与人们的生活密不可分.手机媒体的迅猛发展不仅会对新闻传播学界的发展产生影响,还从政治、经济、文化、社会等各各方面深刻地影响甚至改变人们的生活.  相似文献   

随着我国媒介产业化的不断推进,煤体之间的竞争也日趋激烈.这种竞争不但包括媒体产品和销售网络的竞争,还包括媒体品牌形象力的竞争.而媒体形象广告语便是媒体形象的"点晴之笔".本文结合了我国当今媒体形象语的创作实践,分析了不同的定位角度和叙述角度对媒体形象广告语传播效果的影响,以期引起业界和学界的重视和讨论.  相似文献   

当前,我国正处在社会转型和新消费文化形成的关键时期,特别是全球化浪潮裹挟着西方现代、后现代思潮及其消费主义文化,对人们的价值观念和生活方式造成了前所未有的冲击.于是,从本世纪初以来,关于消费文化与消费主义的问题就成为包括经济学、社会学、文化学、文学以及新闻传播学等诸多学科的学者们关注的热点研究领域.这期间,学者们主要围绕消费文化理论的基本范畴展开了探讨和研究,但是就目前的研究状况来看,学者们尚未形成共识,对于这些基本范畴和概念的理解和界定仍然比较混乱,已经成为制约消费文化研究取得突破性进展的瓶颈.为此,本文选择了《中国社会科学》、《社会学研究》、《哲学研究》、《文化研究》、《消费经济》等13种国内主要开展消费文化讨论的核心期刊,对20年中所刊载的关于消费文化的213篇论文进行了内容分析,以期厘清消费文化研究的基本理论范畴,呈现消费文化研究的基本取向,澄清当前研究中存在的主要问题,并试图结合本人的相关研究作出中肯的分析和评论.  相似文献   

The concept of acculturation has been based on the assumption of an adaptation process, whereby immigrants lose aspects of their heritage cultures in favour of aspects of a host culture (i.e. assimilation). Past research has shown that acculturation preferences result in various possibilities and influence consumption behaviour. However, the impact of social media on consumer acculturation is underexplored, although the social purpose and information sharing online is utilized for a variety of social purposes. Recent studies have shown the transformation from an offline to an online context, in which social networks play an integral part in immigrants’ communications, relationships and connections. This study merges the views from a number of leading contributors to highlight significant opportunities and challenges for future consumer acculturation research influenced by social media. The research provides insights into the impact of social media on consumer acculturation.  相似文献   

基于异质性偏好的中国城镇居民消费结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对消费者行为的传统研究是建立在"代表者行为"假设基础上的。它的一个明显特征是消费者偏好是同质的。但这与现实不符。为了能更准确地刻画不同特征的消费者偏好,本研究根据 Jorgenson(1982)的异质性消费加总理论,建立了中国的异质性偏好消费模型,并在此基础上深入研究了不同人口特征的中国城镇居民的消费结构。  相似文献   

本文在介绍跨文化传播的内涵基础上,分析了新媒体与我国跨文化传播的融合与发展,主要体现在新媒体对跨文化传播产生的助推力、新媒体与跨文化传播融合与发展现状(存在的发展性问题)以及完善新媒体与跨文化传播融合与发展现状的有效措施,期望本文的分析阐述能够为我国新媒体与跨文化传播融合与发展事业提供一定的参考与指导。  相似文献   

跨国公司在华青年员工是改革开放和中西方文化交流产生的新兴群体.在总结以往调查研究基础上利用Super的工作价值观理论对该群体价值取向及其影响因素进行分析.研究结果认为,该群体价值取向由基于工作的内在价值取向、基于工作的外在价值取向以及基于生活的消费价值取向构成,影响因素包括教育经历、西方价值观与中国社会现实、经济收入、交际手段以及企业管理模式等,这为引导该群体形成健康价值取向提供参考.  相似文献   

Twenty-first century's advancement in information technologies and the emergence of online communities have considerably influenced the online communication channels between patients and health service providers. Online health communities are now popular venues for health information sharing, yet little is known about the benefits in developing countries such as Iran. The aim of this case is to investigate on online health communities in Iran and to have a better understanding of consumer's behaviour using health services. The case integrates social support theory and social media concepts with traditional consumer behaviour theory, notably satisfaction. Using a content analysis of three online health communities indicates the value of social media in developing service quality in health industry.  相似文献   

The popularity of mobile devices has ushered in the prosperity of mobile commerce, yet research on mobile advertising and mobile marketing remains scant. Marketing ads possessing higher media richness generally have a positive effect on consumer decision-making, because rich media conveys more information, but mobile ads with richer media imply higher costs for both the marketer and the audience. The limitations of mobile devices have further highlighted the difficulty of mobile advertising and the issue of advertising costs. Selecting which media to deliver the appropriate information is the latest research trend, but few studies have applied the media richness theory to explain mobile ads’ effect on consumer behavior. This research thus explores the impact of media richness on consumer behavior at different AISAS (attention, interest, search, action, and share) stages, adopting experimental research, convenient sampling, and online questionnaire to collect data. From a total of 424 valid questionnaires, we find that media richness has a greater influence on the three early stages of AIS while having a lower impact on the later stages of AS. This research thus suggests that firms employing mobile ads should choose high richness media for those potential customers who are at the early stage of consumer behavior (AIS). For those who at the later stage (AS), it is good enough for marketers to utilize medium richness mobile ads. Following this suggestion, marketers can place mobile ads more precisely, thus improving the likelihood of a reduction in advertising costs for both the marketer and audience. As mobile ads with high media richness are more effective for high perceived risk products, firms need to use high richness media when they are promoting high perceived risk products even when potential consumers are at the later stage of AS. This research contributes to marketers dedicated to using a mobile advertisement strategy and helps refine both online consumer behavior and the media richness theory when including the context of mobile commerce.  相似文献   

李娇 《情报科学》2020,38(12):105-109
【Purpose/significance】In the era of mobile Internet, new media has become the main media for people to obtain information and communicate, as well as the new media for library knowledge dissemination and promotion.【Method/pro⁃ cess】In the process of using new media, the library realizes the content increment of information resources through content production,user feedback and user interaction, and optimizes the relationship with users by establishing, expanding, main⁃ taining and deepening the communication relationship.【Result/conclusion】The communication mode based on new media needs to strengthen the design and production of topical and interactive content, strengthen the construction and mainte⁃ nance of user relationship, and effectively integrate a variety of communication modes, so as to improve the effect of knowl⁃ edge communication in the new media environment of library.  相似文献   

刘石兰  郝斌 《科学学研究》2012,30(2):312-320
 有关消费者创新性与新产品采用行为的关系研究发现两者的结论并不一致,但这种不一致关系背后的原因探讨和每种关系存在的条件研究却明显不足。文章试图在消费者创新性结构的基础上探讨影响两者关系的调节机制。结论表明,只有认知创新性才与新产品的实际采用正向相关,而感知创新性只与新产品的创新性信息搜寻正向相关;创新性消费者的社会沟通与学习、对新产品的风险感知以及新产品的创新性属性对感知创新者和认知创新者的新产品创新性行为具有不同程度的调节作用。上述结论不仅在一定程度上弥补了以往研究的不足,进一步完善了现有的消费者创新性和新产品采用理论,而且还为新产品的营销实践提供新的理论支持。  相似文献   

梁磊  赖红波 《科研管理》2016,37(6):84-91
在转型升级和新媒体传播背景下,本研究提出了本土新奢侈品品牌的概念,构建了基于新媒体传播为调节变量的产品感知、品牌感知、传统广告与消费购买意向的影响模型。同时,针对近400位顾客搜集了333份有效问卷,进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,新媒体传播在本土新奢侈品产品感知、品牌感知、传统广告与消费购买意向中发挥调节效应,即新媒体传播能增强本土奢侈品产品感知和品牌感知和传统广告对购买意向的影响。与传统广告"一闪而过"的形式不一样,新媒体传播更重视消费者参与,从"一过"到行动和积累,逐步让受众感到愉悦和产生口碑,借助线上线下(O2O)互动和媒介融合来发挥新媒体传播的威力,及找到本土新奢侈品品牌培育绝佳的营销途径。该研究发现为新媒体传播背景下本土新奢侈品品牌培育与路径探索提供了理论参考和实践贡献。  相似文献   

Social commerce mediated by social media and social network platforms has led to the development of new business models in e-commerce and digitized the consumer decision journey. Social interaction is considered as a prerequisite for successful social commerce since consumers now expect an interactive and social experience while making purchase decisions. Drawing on word of mouth (WOM) and observational learning theories, we conceptualize social interactions in social commerce environments into two forms: WOM communication and observing other consumers’ purchases, and examine their impact on consumer purchase intention and actual purchase behavior. Analyzing primary data (n = 217) collected from surveyed active consumers within social commerce sites at two stages (pre-purchase and post-purchase), we found that positive and negative valence WOM, WOM content, and observing other consumers’ purchases significantly affect consumers’ intention to buy a product, thereby increasing the likelihood of actual buying and sharing product information with others on social commerce sites.  相似文献   

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