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1 .j nere__Water In tne glaSS. There milk in the bottle.4.丁he陀行Sh On the tab!e. There__ehie晚n in the州dge.黔叠2 .The陀b陀日d in the kitChen. ThGFe riCe in the bowl.5 .The陀 FOOnl. The阳__boys in the elass-9 ids in the elassroom.3 .The陀 S日ndwiCh. The阳Cheese in the6 .The陀b00ks on the Shelf. There__Pens in the desk.me日t in the bFead.滁人uo4,uoJ仑‘a山05 eJ仑’9巴人u它4,uaje‘。山05创e’Ss!‘夕了人u它4,us!‘日山055!’仁亡Aue斗,us!‘。山055!’Z巴人u仑4,us!‘。山05人u仑4,us!‘a…  相似文献   

一谬 「一份 .布井 快来参加今天的聚会! 爆打开。 邺桌习 打开收音机! -- 快来参加今天的聚会! 片一一-- 感 舞! 你 跳舞! 的脚! 喝的! 来点吃的! _一崛关划赔机’ 拾桌子! 上灯。 谢今天的聚会! 藻 }已k!KnOCk! enthe dOOF! 汀】e in!Come in! o汀leto the Party today! TUr们1 on thelight! Set几the tsble! Turnon theradio! C。汀1已totheparty today! 睿。an。创一。an。司 Mov息you_rfeet! 鬃 日avesomething Havesomething to d Fi nk! to est! rn Off the旧dio ear the tab!e rnoff the Iight 声nksfor the pa『ty tod赶通…  相似文献   

A .Don’t Stand On the Chair.B .COmeb日Ck.C .Oon’t tOUCh.D,Don’t fight.E .Oon’tt日Ik in ClaSS.F .Make the bed.G .HeIP!1 ean’t swim.H .Wash the disheS.39」0刁Vg一1:s人。洲看图选择合适的句子@严建英  相似文献   

赵振宇 《海外英语》2013,(23):182-185
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a world-famous masterpiece in children’s literature.The adventure stories in the novel deeply attract the child readers in different countries in the world.The use of puns in the work adds to its aesthetic value.In China,many scholars have translated it.The research topic is the application of Nida’s theory of functional equivalence in the pun translation in children’s literature work Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the degree of equivalence in Wu Juntao’s translation.The person who does the research has read the original work and the translator Wu Juntao’s translation of this book,analyzed the translation of puns in the book,read the relevant journal articles on the theory of functional equivalence and thought about the academic views in them.On the basis of text reading,translation analysis and reference analysis,the following conclusion has been made:According to the basic points in the theory,in the work,Wu Juntao’s translation of the puns has basically achieved the equivalence between the original text and the target text in readers’responses,language style and language meaning.  相似文献   

王玲 《海外英语》2014,(20):220-222
In people’s daily communication,people use many techniques to polish their utterances. So the conversation becomes more complicated. But utterances in people’s communication play a very important role in people’s life. And this thesis is going to analyze the strategies of successful conversations through the analysis of Yao Mulan’s utterances in Moment in Peking under Grice’s Cooperative Principle.Lin Yutang likes Yao Mulan mostly in all the characters in Moment in Peking. With the skillful strategies in Yao Mulan’s utterances,we can see her good characteristics. That’s the excellent communication strategies that make Yao Mulan the most charming character in the novel. Many scholars do the research of the novel and the heroine Yao Mulan. But most of the scholars study these topics from the perspective of translation,philosophy and so forth. They are rarely from the perspective of pragmatics. This thesis analyzes Yao Mulan’s charming characteristics from the perspective of Quantity maxim of Cooperative Principle.From the analysis of Yao Mulan’s talent in conversation,readers can see her charming characteristics.What’s more,people can learn some successful communication strategies. Grasping one skillful conversation strategy is important to people in their life,work and study.  相似文献   

电视上四个印第安人在跳舞, 吉伯特半躺在沙发上出神地看着。 展滁洲逻 tyPeS country l… 多种多样的舞蹈 每个国家毛犯 恤︸即乳胆服吩! 夔署告伯特拿着遥控器转换频凰 ThGrG 15 the CanC8n in FrsnCe the Ssmba in GFGGCe. in Brazil,and the Zorba 在法国有坎坎舞,在巴西有桑巴 舞,在希腊有佐巴舞。 积泞产醉恻徐俪一__ 」叫秘蕊l罐墨耀靴l袋簧髓鬓髦琳髓鬓潺(黝麟}黝黝瞥~~幽~~一 3过亩epeop【e 1 ove d aneeand they live for it,for examPle,my siste「 Altho。宜:斤宕he该一住nglish,she IOVeS the ConcenChark,a RuSSi…  相似文献   

杨晶晶 《海外英语》2011,(2):281-282,288
Under the setting of globalization, in the late 1970s, China began to carry out ’the reform and opening-up policy’. During 30 years reform process, Chinese economy has a great growth. The ’market mechanism’ and its effectiveness were adopted by Chinese people. With the deep reform of health system, Chinese government delegates more decision-making power to the hospitals, thus ’in employment terms, as two of largest industries (health and education) in every country’ (Meadmore P. 1999 p.91), the reform of education has become a hot topic in social debate. In other words, in the field of education in China today, marketization of education is highly focused, causing concerns of various social classes: What are the reforms? What are the results reforms bring about? On exploring the effects of globalization on Chinese education in modernity and presenting advantages and disadvantages in the process of the ’market mechanism’ working in and through education to reconsider a market education system creates an external competition for public schools.  相似文献   

一、找对子。young粤俞old呀︸粤6‘裔习蕊蕊而习一韦丽几11仑4’g词。 P仑s’日6uno人’乙In要!In仑eq’9人dd仑目’粉po以s’C Plo‘己入I6n’L:孝易二、猜猜看,在空格里填上适当的形容to d Fink SOmeW日teF.1 .Ben 15 .He WantS toe日ta C日ke.2 .TOm 15_.Heean take the big tab}e to the neXt FOOm.3 .Sally 15_.She ean’t get the book on the toP of the bookease.4 .We日re .We Want to haVe日rest.5 .They are_.They ean‘t find their Pet.6 .BIll 15_.He ean Piek the aPPIes in the tFee.7 .It 15 .We need …  相似文献   

吴学进  符章琼 《海外英语》2012,(3):214-215,222
Charlotte Bronte’s masterpiece Jane Eyre creates a bright figure in the world’s literature, attracting readers of generations all through the globe with her character of both unconvention and convention, which is a unity of contradictions. In this paper, the author presents the analysis in two parts: Jane Eyre’s childhood in Gateshead, and Jane Eyre’s schooldays in Lowood, drawing a conclusion finally that the two aspects of Jane Eyre’s nature-unconvention and convention are indispensable for portraying the heroine.  相似文献   

喻敏 《海外英语》2011,(10):300-301,309
Said’s Orientalism points out that the Occident is the interpreter and the Orient is the interpreted. The Occident has the privilege to interpret at will the history, culture, character and tradition of the Orient, in which the Occident finds its legitimate excuse in dominating and seizing the Orient. The paper presents an analysis of Coleridge’s Kubla Khan in which China has been constructed as the ’Other’. In addition, it also demonstrates that cultural hegemony participates in the process of colonizing the world.  相似文献   

朱晓媛  陈燕 《海外英语》2013,(13):216-217
"Ambivalence" is a word which entered the language only in this century,the feminism reflected in Pride and Prejudice is ambivalent.Not only was Jane Austen’s novel composed almost 200 years ago,but in it she seems to attack love-as-attraction,a notion presupposed in the idea of emotional ambivalence,which is reflected from Austen’ subconciousness,from the main themes of the novel,from the characters’ modelling and from four marriages in the novel,which also boasts the significance of studying ambivalent feminism in literature.In addition,it manifests the limitations and awakening of feminist consciousness.The thesis also applies the influence of Jane Austen’s ambivalent feminism in the field of literature.  相似文献   

1.in front of在……(外)的前面VS in the front of 在……(内)的前面There’s a garden in front of the classroom.教室(外)的前面有一个花园。There’s a blackboard in the front of the classroom.教室(内)的前方有块黑板。2.in charge of掌管,负责VS in the charge of在……负责之下An experienced worker is in charge of the project.一位经验丰富的工人负责这个项目。The project is in the charge of an experienced worker.这个项目由一位经验丰富的工人来负责。  相似文献   

项谊 《海外英语》2013,(15):206-207
Scarlett who was the heroine in the world famous book Gone with the Wind,is regarded as one of the most impressive images in the world literature.Her charm lies in her perverse personality of independence and her spirit of freedom.This essay analyzes the characters of the heroine through highlighting women’s social status in the South during the age of Scarlett’s time.It could be safely concluded that Scarlett’s characters and her courage to face the difficulties during the war reveal the awakening of women’s self-consciousness and the realization of feminine value.  相似文献   

席红梅  赵快 《海外英语》2015,(4):133-134
Code-switching between English and Chinese usually occurs in students’ talk when they are involved in taking communicative language activities in college English class. This paper studies the situations in which students are likely to use codeswitching and analyzes it from the perspective of the mental world in Verscheren’s Adaptation Theory. It shows that inadequate mastery of English language, cultural differences and the improper adjustment to context may lead to students’ using of codeswitching. It also shows that the use of code-switching in students’ talk adapts to students’ cognitive elements and emotive elements as well.  相似文献   

许景城 《海外英语》2011,(5):213-217
Among the sundry studies in China on John Donne’s The Flea,there has been none done from the perspective of Reader-Oriented Theory to probe into the readers’ roles in the construction of meaning.The present article under Wolfgang Iser’s theories,in a further pursuit of the expansion of the gestalt of such studies on the poem,aims at exploring the readers’ active roles in complementing,completing and recreating the textual meaning,and differentiating the implied reader and the actual reader through the poem as well as attempting to fulfill the construction of the reading cognitive model through the interpretation of the conceit the flea.  相似文献   

Listening Par(t听力部分)一、Listen and match.AmyChuckLucyBob二、Listen and circle the correct words.1.What’s in the kitchen?()A.stove B.bathtub C.bed D.TV2.What’s in the bathroom?()A.toilet B.dishes C.couch D.dresser3.What’s in the bedroom?()A.sink B.b  相似文献   

樊文娟 《海外英语》2014,(15):49-51
The previous studies show that the major problems faced by the students in writing can be classified into two categories, that is, they don’t know"what to write"and"how to write". The researchers found that the specific problems existing in their writings are identified as poor content, incomplete generic structure and misuse of cohesive devices. Therefore, on the basis of the previous studies, this study attempts to use Martin’s genre theory to resolve the existed problems of the Professional College English major’s students in writing and enhance students’ discourse writing ability. Meanwhile, this study tries to answer the following questions:(1) Compared with the traditional writing teaching methods, whether the genre-based writing method has a significant effect to improve students’ writing skills;(2) Whether the genre-based writing method is possible to increase students’ interest in writing. The experimental result and the questionnaire show that genre-based approach in ESL writing teaching really can improve students’ writing achievement and enhance students’ interest in English writing.  相似文献   

周丽云 《海外英语》2015,(6):203-205,207
This paper explores Laura’s inner world, applying Freud’s theory of the unconscious and the structure of the mind,Jung’s idea of archetypes, and Lacan’s concepts of the three orders. The story in The Garden Party depicts, in the movement toward adulthood, how Laura feels, thinks and acts under the drive of the id, and the adjustment of the ego and the superego. Laura’s psychological development indicates Laura has a healthy personality. She can confront her imperfection in her growth.  相似文献   

以下谜语请各猜我国一城市名 1.Everyone is laughing at you. 2.It’s like spring all the yearround(整年). 3.It’s safe in the west. 4.There is no noise in the  相似文献   

贾琳琳 《海外英语》2011,(1):204-205
There thought to be a great weakness in the construction of Angel in Tess for Angel’s illogically changeable character.The author holds,however,that Angel’s character is reasonable as he is a man in the Victorian Age.This article tries to interpret the male subject deconstruction with post-modern theory to demonstrate the concern to the female in Hardy’s work.  相似文献   

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