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翻阮p笼口。r困论七到沁.及J 1.根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。1 .Myp—are both teaehe巧in our sehool·2·Mr Green has a lovelr(可爱的)d_. She’5 ten years old. 3 .Jim 15 my good圭二一一·4 .Luey and Uly are twins.They are twins一. 5.There are仁一一一members(成员)in my fanlily. They are my father,my mother,my brother and 1. 11.用所给单词的正确形式坟空。1 .That 15_伪e)sister. 2.How_you_(s Pell) this wold? 3._(D aunt has a son and a daughter. 4 .My_(dietion脚)are on the desk. 5._(that) are …  相似文献   

Now the word“O.K.”is widely used all over the world,not only in theEnglish—speaking countries but also in the non-English-speaking countries.Some people believe that “O.K.”derives from the American presidentAndrew Jackson’s misspelling of“all correct”(“oll kurrect”).As a matter  相似文献   

"钢琴诗人"肖邦作为浪漫主义时期杰出的音乐家,他的音乐创作主要围绕着钢琴展开,这首夜曲是肖邦创作成熟期的一首作品,本文试图通过对这首作品和声进行和曲式结构的分析,进一步了解肖邦所赋予夜曲这一题材的深厚内涵,同时也为我们更进一步的了解肖邦的音乐提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

“做”与“作”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“做”与“作”在使用中容易混淆。下面从几个方面来辨析一下。1.读音“做”是单音字,读 zuò。“作”是多音字,除读 zuò外,还可读 zuō,如:作弄、作坊、作死、作揖等,还可读 zuó,如:作践、作料、作兴等。2.词性“做”只能用做动词。“作”主要是动词,还可以是名词,  相似文献   

B.O.P——Business Orientation Program(商业导向课程)是由香港培华教育基金会(Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation)赞助并由香港美国商会(Amcham——The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong)主办的一项商业研讨活动。1985年创办,每年在香港举办一次,为期15天。参加人员为分别来自港、澳、台、大陆及美国大专院校的工商管理类专业的大学生,共计37名(大陆每年派出10名)。活动期间,要参观美国商会会员公司,这些公司范围广泛,包括工业、商业及金融等各部门中有成就的机构,还包括香港的政  相似文献   

Juventus F.C.     
In November 1897: A bench in Re Umberto Avenue finds a group of young students from Liceo D'Azeglio in Turin in need of something to do. They decide to start a sports club with the aim of playing football, a sport started in Great Britain, but developing fast in  相似文献   

贝多芬以其三十二首钢琴奏鸣曲所著名,其中以第十四首奏鸣曲Op.27 Nr.2为代表作之一,又被称为《月光奏鸣曲》。贝多芬在创作《月光奏鸣曲》的过程中将自己独特的个性融入其中,从而创造了其非凡的艺术风格及魅力。文章首先对《月光奏鸣曲》的音乐特点进行了分析,在此基础上进根据本人实践进一步分析了《月光奏鸣曲》的演奏技巧。  相似文献   

门薇薇 《海外英语》2012,(18):196-197
Alice Walker is one of the prominent American writers in American women’ s literature and black literature in 1950s-1960s.The short story Everyday Use was published early in her writing career.She displays the differences in the behav iors and minds of the mother and her two daughters during the process of seeking the self-consciousness of black woman from the point of view of " womanism".This paper attempts to explore the awakening of their heritage and self-consciousness in or der to deepen the understanding and thoughts on the theme of the text.  相似文献   

钻字是个多音字,有两个读音。一是zuān,二是zuàn。在识记这两个读音的时候,如果能将读音和意思相结合,就会收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

周慧 《海外英语》2012,(10):266-268
Linguistic forms used by male and female contrast to different degrees in all speech communities.This heated and controversial topic of language and gender has evoked a considerable amount of research and discussions from various perspectives.Thus,this paper pro vides comprehensive definitions around gender in sociolinguistics.It also summarizes and synthesizes the relevant research considering gen der differences in language use.Lastly,it investigates the connection between gender studies and ESL classroom teaching and puts forward several practical and feasible recommendations on the applications of this concept to the professional teaching in TESOL classroom.  相似文献   

请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后的表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。Americans invest for the future in mutual funds.A mutual fund is a collection of different financial securi- ties.These include stocks and debt-based investments.Stock in a company gives the buyer a financial share in that business.The shareh01der may receive a small payment from time to time for each share owned.But the value of stocks can change greatIy in a short time.  相似文献   

一、总体情况德国招聘志愿人员出国工作的机构主要有两家:德国学术交流中心(DeutscherAkademischer Austauscher Dienst,简称 DAAD)和国际迁移与发展中心(Cenrum fuer interna-tionale Migration und Entwicklung,简称 CIM)。DAAD 是德国高校自愿结盟且自我管理的一个组织,在法人地位上虽属“非政府机构”,是依  相似文献   

在"zuò贡献""zuò准备"和"zuò决定"等短语中,"作"与"做"在日常使用中经常发生混用。目前学界无具体的区分标准,同时,不同版本的《现代汉语词典》对此也反复不定。通过BCC语料库,本文对以上三组的不同搭配进行历时与共时调查。结果显示,在上述短语中,"作/做"互为变体,而且这种趋势可能将长期并存。  相似文献   

提tí示shì:爸bà爸b,在zài做zuò什shén么me?儿ér子zi在zài做zuò什shén么me?请qǐn$你nǐ把bǎ他tā们men的de语yǔ言yán、动dòn$作zuò、神shén情qín$描miáo绘huì下xià来lái。明mín$明min$的de爸bà爸b,是shì工$ōn$程chén$师shī,工$ōn$作zuò可kě忙má  相似文献   

提tí示shì:图tú上sh n,人rén物wù的de表biǎo情qín、动dòn作zuò和hé心xīn理lǐ活huó动dòn是shì怎zěn样yàn的de?周zhōu三sān上shàn学xué,我wǒ像xiàn往wǎn常chán一yí样yàn坐zuò上shàn6路lù车chē,找zhǎo了le个è座zuò位wèi坐zuò下xià来lái。当  相似文献   

弗雷德里克·弗朗西斯克·肖邦的波兰舞曲Op.26 Nr.1反映了他对武装起义失败的愤恨和对自己祖国的思念之情,而且充分体现了民族主义的色彩感。本文通过对波兰舞曲的研究来感受这首作品所蕴含的情感,并通过对它的曲式结构以及演奏技法的分析来表达肖邦的赤子之心,同时也进一步感受他当时的心理情感。  相似文献   

A wise old owl Sitting in an oak. The more he hears, The less he speaks .The less he speaks , The more he hears. Why aren't we all Like that wise old bird? 聪 cōn$ 明 min$ 的 de 猫 māo 头 tóu 鹰 yīn$ 坐 zuò 在 zài 橡 xiàn$ 树 shù 上 shàn$ 。 他 t  相似文献   

在zài德Dé国’uó的de周zhōu末mò我wǒ从cón’来lái不bú做zuò作zuò业yè——没méi有you作zuò业yè,也yě从cón’来lái不bú看kàn电diàn视shì,只zhǐ要yào有yǒu可kě能nén’,就jiù去qù参cān加jiā各’è种zhǒn’活huó动dòn’。最zuì让ràn’我wǒ感’  相似文献   

1 Attention to details is something everyone can and should do—especially in a tight job marker. Bob Crossly, a human-resourcese xpert notices this in the job applications that come across his desk every day.“ It’s amazing how many candidated eliminate…  相似文献   

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