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A Kind Hunter     
There once lived a famous hunter in a mountain village.
One night someone saw a tiger come into the village and steal two sheep away. The next night the tiger came again. The villagers were so frightened that they asked the hunter to catch it so that they could live a safe life.  相似文献   

一、故事内容 One night, a monkey looks down a well. The water in it looks like a mirror. The monkey sees the moon in the water.  相似文献   

展开多情的画布引发缱绻的思绪峰回路转任溪水流淌着爱的絮语大山里的老师们我诗歌中巍峨的主题耕耘在白云深处大山之麓门前的白杨树路边的九月菊摇着七彩的旋律不平静的是校园内的那池秋水琅琅书声乍起吹皱层层涟漪日月星辰如散落在苍穹的标点符号连绵群山留下老师们施展才艺的印迹看桃李缤纷跳动金秋的音符沿着山风的足迹细语山区写意@张士锋  相似文献   

1.One night my Papa asks me to help him put some gourds (葫芦)for the martins at my house in the hack yard (后院).  相似文献   

开动脑筋,看谁先想出正确答案A The first letter is in men but not in hen. The second letter is in big but in bag The third letter is in light but not in night. The fourth letter is in like and also in book. (打一食品)B One head, one foot; one body, four leg  相似文献   

There are many animals in the for-est——cobra,owl,fox,rabbit and bird,etc,Theowl is a police.One night,he is goingto catch voles.He puts on a pair of glassesand goes out.  相似文献   

墙角的花幽幽地绽放成一抹淡紫的霞墙头悠然垂下的柳枝像极了你肩头飘逸的长发你默然影子被光线拉成暗色的墨迹像是诗人不小心留下多情的一笔我站在远处观望视线放大成一张网捕捉了你秀丽的背影还有那小巷深处安静的夏日背影  相似文献   

1.同义短语:come/be from来自;pass sth.tosb./pass sb.sth.把……传给;arrive in/at=get to到达;at night/in the night在夜间;be good at/dowell in  相似文献   

1.In the Ming Dynasty,therewas a merchant who earned a lot ofmoney by doing business.Now hewas going back to his native vil-lage. One day late in the after-noon,he got to an inn and stayedthere for the night with a bag ofgold he had earned.  相似文献   

One evening,a British warship dropped anchor①nearMaldive.In the depth of the night,the sea was terriblycalm.Around four o’dock in the morning,Satalki,a seaman,was on duty.He was walking on the deck②when an idea came  相似文献   

(A) Nasreddin had ashed(棚屋)behind his house.It had no lights in it.One night he went out to the shed to get his ladder,and lost his ring there.He left the ladder.went out into the street and began to look around.  相似文献   

我立在春的尽头,任淅沥细雨缠裹三月的天袤;心的深处,却盼望着夏的狂雨。在狂雨中,我会深悟自然的博大、个人的渺小;在大雨中,一切烦恼都将显得苍白无力,爱的心声越发真醇——我期盼的原是一场淋漓尽致的大雨! 细雨只能算是自然的女儿,温柔、多情而又过于娇柔,我期望的是大雨、狂雨,它们才是大自然的儿子——刚勇而又智慧,那雨后霞光初露的一瞬更显出它的聪敏,这比女子的多情更让我觉得深刻有力和隽永脱俗。  相似文献   

(A) Nasreddin had a shed (棚屋) behind his house. It had no lights in it. One night he went out to the shed to get his ladder, and lost his ring there. He left the ladder, went out into the street and began to look around.  相似文献   

1.M r Brown lived in the country.H e was poor.Buthe was happy andhum orous.布朗先生住在乡下。他很穷,但他快乐而幽默。2.One night,a thiefbroke into his houseand looked for m oney in the desk.Buthefound nothing.一天晚上,一个小偷摸到他的屋里想找些钱,但他什么也没找到。4“.Ican’tfind m oney atdaytim e,do youthink you can find som e at night?”Thethiefran away atonce“.我白天都找不到钱,你想你在晚上能找到吗?”小偷听后马上跑开了。3.Suddenly he heard a loud laughfrom behind him.“W hat do youlaugh at…  相似文献   

一叶妩媚的彩云轻轻飘来又轻轻飘去不希望你洒下多情的泪滴只企盼你织就晚霞的美丽一朵甜甜的昙花悄悄开放又悄悄凋去不屑于百花丛中争奇斗艳却把馨香沁入跋涉者梦里一只婀娜的凤蝶盈盈飞来又盈盈飞去消失的是美的化身留下的是永恒的记忆无题@齐鲁~~  相似文献   

<正> MeaningSleep well.Origin'Sleep tight' is a very well-used phrase in manyparts of the English-speaking world. It's common atbedtime in the form of the rhyme "good night, sleeptight, don't let the bedbugs bite".There are many meanings of the word 'tight' and,unsurprisingly, there are several theories going therounds as to the origin of'sleep tight'. One is that thephrase dates from the days when mattresses were  相似文献   

我深深地爱着你,这片多情的土地。我踏过的路径上,  相似文献   

One thief stole a hen,and then pulled up itsfeathers on the bank of riv-er.Apoliceman passed by,so he threw it in the river ina hurry and explained:"That hen is swimming.Iam just looking after herclothes forher."小偷偷了只鸡,在河边拔毛。警察经过,小偷忙将鸡扔进河,并向警察解释:“这只鸡在游泳,我帮他看衣服。”At night of cold winter,Iam into you in the quiet streetcorner.Seeing your solitarysilhouette and blue expres-sion in your eyes,I can't helprushing up to draw yourhands,asked with concern:"…  相似文献   

1.同义短语:come/be from来自;pass sth.to sb./pass sb.sth.把……传给;arrive in/at=get to到达;at night/in the night在夜间;be goodat/do wellin擅长;as soon as possible=as soon as onecan尽可能快地。例如:  相似文献   

1. A man lives in a little house. He always cooks his own meal. One night he comes home and feels hungry. So he makes a big meal. 有个人住在一所小房子里。他总是自己做饭。一天晚上,他回到家,感觉很饿,于是做了一顿丰盛的晚餐。  相似文献   

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