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11月15日,中国足球队在客场以4:0大胜新加坡队,获得了世界杯亚洲区预选赛20强赛的第二场胜利,不过,到手的3分仍无法帮助中国队晋级下一阶段的十强赛。  相似文献   

中国足球队抢截技术运用质量的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对中国足球队在98世界杯亚洲区十强赛中防守时抢截技术运用状况的观察与分析表明,中国队与欧洲强队在防守质量上存在较大的差距,揭示出我国男足“防守能力差”问题的核心,对在训练与比赛中改进防守能力具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

中国足球的2000岁末,事情多多,头绪很乱,喜忧交杂,而且我们不知该为哪些欢喜哪些忧,或者,每一件事我们都是为他欢喜为他忧。我们有5个三段论又有5喜和5忧。第A幕中国足球队亚洲杯表现良好 中国队在亚洲杯上表现出来的勇敢自信团结和士气都是以前所没有的,在米卢的带领下国家队学会了控制比赛,学会了赢下该赢的比赛。对照上一次十强赛,其实中国队只要赢下该赢的比赛就能出线。第2前提:2002世界杯日本韩国直接出线 当前亚洲当之无愧的最强队日本队和中国队最头疼的对手韩国队已经通过东道主身份自动取得2002世界杯…  相似文献   

2001年,中国足球队在世界杯预选赛中以上佳的表现取得进军2002年世界杯的资格。这是自1957年中国足球队首次冲击世界杯以来第一次成功打入世界杯决赛圈,四十四年的辛酸历程就此结束。此次冲击成功不仅实现了中国几代足球人多年的夙愿,更填补了中国足球史上最大的一块空白。这是中国足球改革的一个标志性成果。中国足球队在十强赛中的表现可圈可点,无论身处顺境与逆境,他们都能冷静面对,泰然自若,从容应变,表现出前所未有的成熟心态,团结作风和拼搏精神。  相似文献   

随着中国足球队征战2002世界杯亚洲区预选赛大名单的水落石出,“十强赛”也正式进入倒计时乃至读秒阶段。 如果您是一位打算亲自到沈阳主场为中国队呐喊助威的球迷,请您务必带上本文,它能为您提供很多参考。  相似文献   

中国足球队守转攻发动质量的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对中国足球队参加亚洲十强赛A组比赛中防守获得球权后转入进攻发动阶段情况的观察与分析表明,中国足球队与欧洲强队在守转攻发动质量上存在较大的差距,揭示了中国队进攻乏力的有关原因、对其今后的训练有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

本次世界杯亚洲区十强赛是中国足球队本世纪末最后一次向世界杯冲击!在此之际,广东省中山现代电子厂生产的索华牌VCD机荣获“第十六届世界杯外围赛亚洲区决赛中国足球队指定产品”的称号,中国足协向广东省中山现代电子厂颁发了“第十六届世界杯外围赛亚洲  相似文献   

四川省阿坝县中学高二的岳斌同学:中国队在十强赛分组抽签中抽得一个上上签,真让我高兴。如果中国队在十强赛中没有低级错误的话,应该有很大的几率进入世界杯决赛圈。在此我想知道历届世界杯亚洲有哪些球队进入过决赛圈,成绩如何? 球博士:很高兴能回答你的问题。以下是亚洲球队在历届世界杯决赛阶段的成绩。  相似文献   

猎豹姚夏曾对记者说过,代表中国足球队冲进世界杯是他一生最大的夙愿,这同时也是他从事足球运动的动力所在,所以,对于今年的十强赛,正处于“爱与痛的边缘”的姚夏心里充满了渴望。 97年是我毕生的遗憾 说起今年的世界杯预选赛,姚夏坦言,国足大名单重新有了自己的名字,他觉得没自豪。而4年前的1997十强赛最终没有出线是自己一生的遗憾,当时任何人都认为中国队没戏唱了,但事实上,我们连续丧失了足足三次机会,如  相似文献   

2001年5月27日晚,随着中国足球队打完2002世界杯亚洲区预选赛小组赛的最后一场比赛,“十强决战”已正式进入倒计时。自从上赛季沈阳海狮队打完甲A联赛最后一个主场,即将承办“十强赛”中国足球队主场的沈阳市五里河体育场便关闭。据悉,没有争到“十强赛”主办权的上海人对此一直耿耿于怀,他们多次派人到沈阳试图进入五里河探个究竟,但都无功而返。不光上海人,就连欲采访的记者以及参观的球迷都被毫不留情地拒之门外。 沈阳市五里河体育场究竟能否按时完工、顺利承办“十强赛”中国队的主场比赛,现在改建工作的进度如何,谁也无法得知。五里河体育场为何禁止一切外人观看,里边有何鲜为人知的事情?记者冒着“生命危险”神出鬼没地溜进体育场,看到了一个真实的五里河……  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of statistical analysis of the top career performances by men in a range of well-known sports. The analytical techniques applied are commonly used in engineering hydrology for the analysis of extreme rainfalls, floods and droughts. Initially, the raw data sets were assumed to be normally distributed but because the data sets were often highly skewed, the results from logarithmically transformed data sets were preferred in most instances. For each activity analyzed in each sport studied the main results were the Z-score and performance ratio of the rank 1 performer. These parameters are both dimensionless, and hence it was possible to use these parameters to directly compare the rank 1 performers in each of the sports studied. While for most data sets the very top performances were of similar standing from a statistical viewpoint there were several notable exceptions, which appeared to be classical statistical outliers. These suspected outliers were the performances of Don Bradman, an Australian cricketer; Jack Nicklaus, an American golfer; David Campese, an Australian rugby union player; and Wayne Gretzky, a Canadian and American ice hockey player. Longevity, as a top sportsman, was an important factor in the great performances of Nicklaus and Campese and, to a lesser degree, Gretzky. However, longevity was not an important factor in Bradman's career. Hence it was concluded that Bradman's performances were more extraordinary than any other sportsman and that it can be strongly argued that he, was the greatest ever sportsman.  相似文献   

论运动竞赛表演的知识产权保护   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
张厚福 《体育科学》2001,21(2):18-22,33
把运动竞赛表演列入知识产权保护范围,有助于体育的发展。研究通过查阅国内外的有关法律和研究动态,将现代运动竞赛同过去比较,同法律的规范性及排除性对照,论证其创造性智力劳动成果的属性。研究结果:现代运动竞赛表演是智力成果,具有思想性、技术性和固定性,有竞赛表演、电视转播、会微等客体,符合知识产权保护的基本原则。结论:运动员可以作为表演者,运动竞赛表演可以作为作品,列入知识产权保护范围。  相似文献   

为了检验体育院校大学生诚信现状,以558名体育院校大学生为实验对象,检验和比较了不同年级、性别和学业成绩学生之间考试诚信水平的差异。研究结果表明:不同年级大学生之间存在诚信水平的显著差异;大学男生诚信水平要显著低于女生;学科学生诚信水平显著高于术科学生;学业成绩优秀学生诚信水平显著高于学业成绩差的学生。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify those mechanical determinants or their trends that distinguished a gymnast's best performance of the double back salto dismount on parallel bars from those judged to be inferior. Dismounts, in the tucked position, by nine Canadian gymnasts were analysed. Unique to this study was the inclusive analysis of multiple performances of the same skill by these athletes. It was felt that within-subject comparisons would reveal the kinematic variables on which the gymnast may focus in order to achieve their best performances. A non-parametric median sign test was used to compare mechanical variables, within subjects, between the dismount judged the best and those dismounts awarded a lower score. Three judges judged each dismount. In comparison to poorer performances of the dismount, statistical analyses revealed that athlete's best performances were characterised by (1) a higher release point, more vertical velocity yet with less angular momentum at take-off, (2) greater height, with a tighter and earlier tuck position during the flight phase, and (3) a greater range of motion and a more compact squat position at landing (all p's < .06).  相似文献   

Our aims were to improve our understanding of human performance before 1850 and to put nineteenth- and twentieth-century performances into a broader historical context. Consequently, 536 foot-races performed in Britain in the 'long' eighteenth century were identified, 53 of which were analysed in detail. The best performances at the end of the eighteenth century were compared with those at the end of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The data for the nineteenth century were marginally better than those for the eighteenth century up to 20 nm, but beyond that Thomas Carlisle's time, set in about 1740, of 2 hours for 21 miles was outstanding. Current records are shown to be better than earlier records at all distances from 5 km up to the marathon, the superiority being most pronounced from 15 km upwards.  相似文献   

我国大型运动会开幕式表演的特点及其对社会的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
中国团体操具有自己的民族特色和体育风格。第九届全运会开幕式仪式表演的创新,为今后国内外大型运动会开幕式仪式表演的进一步改革创新提供了新的理念;第七届广东省中学生运动会和广东省大学生田径锦标赛开幕式仪式表演的改革,为全国单项运动会或省级以下运动会开幕式开辟了一条较为省时、省力,但仍保持较热烈场面的表演设计新途径;第八届全国大学生田径锦标赛开幕式团体操的成功,为我国运动会开幕式团体操的创新提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

Talent identification at a young age is deemed essential for many national sporting organisations to increase the chances of success for their players on the international stage. Talent identification methods can be imprecise and national tennis associations and coaches often identify talent based on performances at youth tournaments and junior rankings. However, not much is known about the relationship between the international competition performances of young tennis players and later success. This relationship is explored in this study using comparisons based on: (a) the results of 3521 players at U14 youth tournaments; (b) the rankings of 377 junior players (U18) by the International Tennis Federation; (c) the rankings of 727 professional male players by the Association of Tennis Professionals; and (d) the rankings of 779 professional players by the Women's Tennis Association. Junior performances (U18) and performances at youth tournaments (U14) appear to have a low success rate in predicting later success. No distinct age was found at which players should start to perform in order to be successful at the professional level. It is concluded that even though good performances at young ages increase athletes’ chances to become elite players, they are not a precondition for achieving later success. Therefore, this study informs talent scouts, sport development officers, coaches and high performance managers of the role that performances at international youth competitions may play in talent identification in tennis.  相似文献   

Our aims were to improve our understanding of human performance before 1850 and to put nineteenth- and twentieth-century performances into a broader historical context. Consequently, 536 foot-races performed in Britain in the 'long' eighteenth century were identified, 53 of which were analysed in detail. The best performances at the end of the eighteenth century were compared with those at the end of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The data for the nineteenth century were marginally better than those for the eighteenth century up to 20 km, but beyond that Thomas Carlisle's time, set in about 1740, of 2 hours for 21 miles was outstanding. Current records are shown to be better than earlier records at all distances from 5 km up to the marathon, the superiority being most pronounced from 15 km upwards.  相似文献   

文章针对移动靶运动员平时训练成绩与比赛成绩存在一定的差距的问题,进行了针对性的训练。即注意培养运动员的自信心;根据运动员的特点确定打法。强化打法,建立正确的心理定向;实践证明,通过以上训练,运动员比赛成绩提高了、取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

我国男子400m跑成绩与世界水平的差距及其对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从能量类供应的特点来看,400m跑属于糖酵解代谢类型。由于认识的偏差,曾认为400m跑属于体能类中耐力性中跑项目,导致训练以速度耐力为主,速度为辅,影响了我国男子400m成绩的进一步提高。笔者认为400m训练应把速度和速度耐力放在同等重要地位,同时加强步幅训练的比重,重视力量素质及腰、腹肌力量的训练。这是我国男子400m缩短与世界先进水平差距的有效措施。  相似文献   

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