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Beginning from the argument that the sociology of educational knowledge remains a sociology without a theory of knowledge, this paper illustrates the significance of the structuring of knowledge for the development of intellectual fields through a study of cultural studies in British higher education. The paper presents a means of bridging the divide between analyses of 'relations to' and 'relations within' education (Basil Bernstein) by conceiving educational knowledge as legitimation, i.e. as both positioned strategies within a field of struggles and potentially legitimate truth claims. First, the institutional trajectory of and claims made for cultural studies by its proponents are outlined. Analysis of the underlying principles of this language of legitimation is developed into a generative conceptualisation of modes of legitimation, and cultural studies is defined as a knower mode, where knowledge is reduced to the knower and epistemology replaced by sociology. Using this framework, cultural studies is then analysed in terms of: (i) relations to its institutional trajectory (developing Pierre Bourdieu's 'field' approach); and (ii) relations within its mode of legitimation, focusing on their ramifications for the field's structure. It is argued that legitimation embraces the insights of both approaches, thereby contributing to a cumulative and epistemological sociology of educational knowledge.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern that governmental calls for parental involvement in children's school mathematics learning have not been underpinned by research. In this article the authors aim to offer a contribution to this debate. Links between children's home and school mathematical practices have been researched in sociocultural studies, but the origins of differences within the same cultural group are not well understood. The authors have explored the notion that parents' representations of school mathematics and associated practices at home may play a part in the development of these differences. This article reports an analysis of interviews with parents of 24 children of Pakistani and White origin enrolled in primary schools in England, including high and low achievers in school mathematics. The extent to which the parents represented their own school mathematics and their child's school mathematics as the ‘same’ or ‘different’ are examined. In addition, ways in which these representations influenced how they tried to support their children's learning of school mathematics are examined. The article concludes with reflections on the implications of the study for education policy.  相似文献   

This paper argues that teachers' recognition of children's cultural practices is an important positive step in helping socio‐economically disadvantaged children engage with school literacies. Based on 21 longitudinal case studies of children's literacy development over a 3‐year period, the authors demonstrate that when children's knowledges and practices assembled in home and community spheres are treated as valuable material for school learning, children are more likely to invest in the work of acquiring school literacies. However, they also show that while some children benefit greatly from being allowed to draw on their knowledge of popular culture, sports and the outdoors, other children's interests may be ignored or excluded. Some differences in teachers' valuing of home and community cultures appeared to relate to gender dimensions.  相似文献   

Children's art work has often been the subject of study by researchers seeking to gain insight into the role of art making in children's learning and development. However, rarely are children's own explanations of their art making used to inform these studies. Children's perceptions of their own art making are important for research and practice in art education, because their artistic experiences and motivations determine how they will engage in and respond to art making activities. This study used ethnographic methods to learn about the art making that took place over the course of one year in an elementary school art room, and to gain insight into the students' experiences and perceptions of art‐making activity. Data were analysed using a socio‐cultural framework. By asking children why they made art and exploring children's own explanations of their art making, this study reveals some of the important intentions that children bring to their artistic activity, and some of the ways that children make meaning through art making.  相似文献   

关于教育、文化和阶层分化的研究中,最典型的是以布尔迪厄为代表的文化再生产理论,其暗含教育作为一种符号暴力,正在帮助中上阶层实现文化再生产,从而成为社会分化和阶层固化的隐形手段。在布尔迪厄理论思想发展和盛行的过程中,也引起了迪马乔、伯纳德、科尔曼等人的对话和论争,这种论争试图打破文化再生产理论的绝对性色彩,将社会客观事实之外个体的文化流动性、交互性、能动性等纳入考量范围。在文化再生产理论发展的时代对话和理论对垒中,对当代文化再生产可能性的探究将为教育与阶层流动的适切性、本土性和发展性等提供重要依据。  相似文献   

唐山市具有四千多年文明史,是中国"近代工业的摇篮",有着丰富的文化资源。在全国大力发展文化产业的大背景下,唐山市文化产业还存在着资金不足、人才匮乏、科技含量低、品牌意识欠缺等问题。系统梳理唐山市文化资源和特色文化产业,探究促进文化产业发展的战略决策,对提升唐山市文化竞争力、推进唐山市可持续健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the long-term relations between children's early spatial skills and their later mathematical abilities. In the current study, we investigated children's developmental trajectories of spatial skills across four waves from age 3–7 years and their association with children's later mathematical understanding. We assessed children's development in a large, heterogeneous sample of children (N = 586) from diverse cultural backgrounds and mostly low-income homes. Spatial and mathematical skills were measured using standardized assessments. Children's starting points and rate of growth in spatial skills were investigated using latent growth curve models. We explored the influence of various covariates on spatial skill development and found that socioeconomic status, language skills, and sex, but not migration background predicted children's spatial development. Furthermore, our findings showed that children's initial spatial skills––but not their rate of growth––predicted later mathematical understanding, indicating that early spatial reasoning may play a crucial role for learning mathematics.  相似文献   


The present study explored Kohlberg's theory of moral development in relation to Korean and British children. A total of 128 Korean and British children aged 7-16 years were interviewed individually using Kohlberg's moral dilemmas, Form A. It was thought that the children in both cultural groups would develop moral stages at a similar rate. However, they showed cultural differences in the use of moral orientations. In addition, it was not possible to match some of the responses from the Korean children to Kohlberg's manual, implying that there are some Korean traditional concepts which affect Korean children's moral reasoning that Kohlberg was not aware of. Thus, Kohlberg's system could be used to examine children's general moral stage but was insufficient to understand fully Korean children's moral reasoning. The present study suggests that the interpretation of children's moral reasoning should be made based on consideration of cultural influence.  相似文献   

Although current interpretations of Vygotsky's theory largely assume that instruction pushes development, the issue of how this occurs has yet to be clarified. For example, the notion of “zone of proximal development” has aroused strong disagreement, and the common conceptualization of the notion of “nonspontaneous concept” has been widely recognized as unsatisfactory. This article proposes a new interpretation of Vygotsky's theory of cultural development, closely based on Vygotsky's writings, that clarifies why and how instruction pushes development and resignifies the notions of zone of proximal development and nonspontaneous concept. The article introduces important nuances into the widely held interpretations of Vygotsky's theory and discusses some of the implications of these nuances for research and practice in educational psychology.  相似文献   

Daoist (Taoist) philosophical rhetoric is an integral part of China's magnificent cultural heritage, and analysis of Daoist rhetoric offers the potential to enhance understanding of human communication and inform rhetorical theory and practice. While studies of Daoist rhetoric are increasing, a masterpiece of Daoist thought, Sun‐zi's (Sun‐tzu's) Art of War, has not been examined for its rhetorical implications. This study suggests that war is a useful metaphor for rhetoric, and that Art of War provides a comprehensive, insightful, and unique rhetorical theory based on parsimony: extreme economy in the expenditure of resources.  相似文献   

Do traditional, agrarian values put minority culture children at a disadvantage in North American schools? The available results are mixed. In this chapter we attempt to “unpack” some of the effects of traditional Latino family values on their children's early school adaptation and achievement. Our research suggests that agrarian-origin values, which differ from academic-occupational orientation of school personnel, do not necessarily work to the disadvantage of students. On the contrary, under certain conditions, these values may be complementary to those of the school and in fact serve to support educational adaptation and achievement. A key to our findings and analyses is the concept of educación beliefs among the parents in our sample. Not all strongly endorsed cultural beliefs are instantiated in ways that impact children's experiences and development. Some cultural beliefs lead to instantiation into everyday routines of families, while others seem to be readily available, expressed, and endorsed but not reliably acted on (D'Andrade & Strauss, 1992). Those beliefs that are instantiated into the daily routine are more likely to produce detectable effects on children's development, a conclusion supported by cross cultural evidence (Weisner, 1984).  相似文献   

This paper argues that there is no meaningful distinction between care and education for young children so that the early childhood field should be renamed early childhood educare. The predominant theoretical framework for early childhood philosophy and curriculum has been Piaget's theory. Piaget's theory describes development as determining current cognitive competence and influencing what children are capable of learning. Children are seen as natural scientists who investigate the world and thereby broaden their understanding. Teachers are expected to stand back and provide resources for children's autonomous learning but not to interfere with it. The paper argues that Vygotsky's theory as applied to the responsive social contexts provided in early childhood educare should be given more consideration because it gives more attention to the importance of the social and cultural context on children's thinking than Piaget. Vygotsky saw learning as driving development and the development of thinking as a shared process rather than an individual one. Children are capable of far more competent performance when they have assistance from adults in their zone of proximal development so adults take a reactive and participatory role. The paper discusses the role of language, the internalisation of interpersonal processes, the importance of intersubjectivity, the need for scaffolding in the zone of proximal development, and the role of both adult and peer tutors according to the author's interpretation of Vygotsky's theory.  相似文献   


Most British universities now have equal opportunities policies but the extent to which these policies have brought about real change in university departments is not clear. Management theory suggests that when trying to implement change in an organisation it is important to understand that organisation's culture. Opportunity 2000, a business initiative to try to increase the number of women (especially managers) in the British workforce stresses the importance of cultural change. However, there has been little attempt to 'measure' culture in relation to gender in university departments. This article explores the findings from an attempt to use Johnson & Scholes's cultural web to 'measure' the culture in a business studies department in an 'old' British university  相似文献   


The effects of ninth graders' culture-specific schemata on their responses to multicultural literature were investigated. Data collected from students (N = 76) in 4 ninth-grade English honors classes included written responses to prompts on participants' (a) self-identified culture(s), (b) self-selected level of cultural development, and (c) responses to 3 multicultural stories. J. A. Banks's (1981, 1997) Typology of Ethnic Identity was adapted for use as a response measure. Findings revealed that students' self-ratings of cultural awareness were often accurate, that their awareness of their own cultural backgrounds sometimes aided in entering a literary text and sometimes did not, and that the students benefited from using typologies to analyze their own development and their responses to literature.  相似文献   

基于皮埃尔·布尔迪厄的场域理论,以"冀东三枝花"为例,研究了非物质文化遗产在新媒介、公共文化及旅游场域下的发展现状,分析了非物质文化遗产在传承与发展过程中所面临的挑战,提出了场域理论下非物质文化遗产创造性转化、创新性发展的可行性路径。  相似文献   

This article employs the concept of cultural capital to examine the ways in which social difference in terms of gender are played out in parental involvement in children's schooling and higher education choice. The intention has been to provide an in-depth analysis of the ways in which Chinese mothers and fathers are involved in the process. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 47 secondary school students and 50 parents in Beijing. This article reveals that the transmission of cultural capital is gendered. Mothers have a different and more direct relationship to the generation of cultural capital than fathers. This article reveals that patriarchal relationships are common among Chinese families, with fathers having a controlling role and mothers having a servicing one. I suggest that the traditional cultural norms, such as that based on Confucian patriarchy, have had influences on gender relationships in the transmission of cultural capital to children's educational achievement.  相似文献   

目前我国的网络文化建设与管理还存在诸如信息安全、网络文化主体等方面的问题。因此,我们应该培养各类专业技术人才,加快大数据技术的研发与应用,创新知识产权保护,政府、网站、企业多方合作,加大对文化产业的投入力度,同时建立健全各种法律法规,探索一套适合中国国情的、又兼具中华文化特色的网络文化建设和管理模式。  相似文献   

[Original in English]: In the author's opinion, the stereotypical female role in education, guided by traditional patriarchal concepts, has led to a low level of development among women. The role concept has been complicated by the blending of traditional and modern cultures and the mingling of planned and market economies; to promote a new style of education's role, education that exhibits equality between the sexes and their equal development as the guiding concept, one must start by educating small children, improve women's cultural quality, and readjust traditional role expectations.  相似文献   

In the past four decades Taiwan was marked not only by rapid economic growth, but also by wide-ranging social, political, and cultural changes. In this fast-paced period, occupational division of work has become narrower and some functions of the family have gradually been taken over by the school. The function of the school has thus expanded. Generally, in traditional society, the school teacher's role was primarily that of guardian of cultural assets and disseminator of existing knowledge. In modem-day society, when values are becoming increasingly pluralistic, the school teacher is no longer facing a static and homogeneous state, but a swiftly changing and highly heterogeneous social environment. In this environment, the spread of knowledge is so fast that educational reform and change have become inevitable. The role of the school teacher has fundamentally changedno longer are they mere disseminators of traditional culture or existing knowledge, but communicators of social, economic, and cultural development. The work of the teacher not only affects educational function and achievement but, through molding the very values of students, is changing and consolidating social values and accelerating the speed of social progress. Based on this premise, this article studies the occupational prestige and professional image of teachers in Taiwan from the perspective of the teacher's changing role. On the one hand, through a collection of data, it provides concrete reference material for policymaking pertaining to the professional status of teachers of higher education, and, on the other, it makes a comparison with findings in our previous two surveys (1971 and 1979) to illustrate changes in the teacher's occupational prestige and professional image, thus providing reference material for raising the level of teachers and improving teacher education in the future.  相似文献   

An increasing number of scholars, especially those whose work has focused on ethnic studies, curriculum reform, and multicultural education, will be called on to share their observations and recommendations with colleagues whose universities are engaged in the formative stages of expanding the cultural boundaries of their curriculum. The work they will be called on to do as 'cultural consultants' will place them at the center of an ideological and pedagogical debate that has now transcended the educational arena. The political nature of this debate will necessarily cast the consultant in the role of advocate in a struggle that dates back to the controversial beginnings of ethnic studies in the American university. I examine the current discourse-its pedagogical, political, and cultural aspects-and link these to considerations for the consultant who enters into a collaborative relationship with change agents (consultees) in the university of the 1990s. I examine the persistent issues and challenges encountered in my visits to a variety of campuses where the spoken agenda may have been multiculturalism but where an implied strategy may be heralding a more profound level of structural change in the culture of American higher education. The intent is to chart a kind of 'topographical road map' for those who plan to embark on similar journeys. I speak from experience as a consultant, guest speaker, lecturer, evaluator, and observer.  相似文献   

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