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德国是世界上成人教育发展较为成熟的国家之一,德国成人教育的主要特点是:从国家、企业到个人都十分重视成人教育,终身教育成为社会风尚;国家、政党、企业界、教会等参与办成人教育,教育投资主体多元化;注重依法管理和发展成人教育。然而,德国成人教育也存在不公平的问题。  相似文献   

本文全面阐述了成人教育与终身教育相互关系,终身教育思想推动成人教育的发展和成人教育是终身教育理论产生的基础;明确了成人教育是发展终身教育主要形式,成人教育是终身教育体系的主体。发展成人教育是构建终身教育体系主体目标。  相似文献   

论德国成人教育的特点及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘畅  黄梅 《成人教育》2008,(5):91-92
德国是世界上成人教育发展较为成熟的国家之一,成人教育在德国有着举足轻重的地位,其主要特点有:办学主体多元化,办学形式多元化,专业、课程丰富多彩,注重依法治教,管理方式灵活等。通过研究德国成人教育的特点,将会给中国成人教育的发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文全面阐述了现代成人教育与现代终身教育相互关系,现代终身教育思想推动现代成人教育的发展和现代成人教育是现代终身教育理论产生的基础;明确了现代成人教育是现代终身教育主要形式,现代成人教育是现代终身教育体系的主体,发展成人教育是构建终身教育体系主体目标。  相似文献   

一、社区成人教育的发展功能 社区成人教育的发展功能包括提高成人素质和促进社区发展两方面。其中,提高成人素质是社区成人教育的直接功能,促进社区发展是社区成人教育的间接功能。 1.提高社区成人素质 社区成人教育对成人素质的提高具体表现为提高成人的身体素质、道德素质、文化素质和心理素质等方面。其中,成人的身体素质又包括身体健康水平和体能素质等方面;成人的道德素质包括成人的政治思想品德、社会公德和职业道德等方面;成人的文化素质主要分为成人普通文化素质、专业理论文化素质和专业技能三个方面;成人的心理素质亦即…  相似文献   

终身教育体系下成人教育的发展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
在新世纪,建立终身教育体系,形成学习化社会,已日益成为国际社会教育改革和发展的方向。弄清终身教育体系的概念、原理、构架及其要素、基本特征及最高目标等基本理论问题是十分必要的;成人教育是终身教育体系的主体部分,在终身教育体系的构建中具有重要的作用;在构建终身教育体育的“三大突破口”和“一大网络”中发展成人教育,是一次新的尝试。  相似文献   

李建攀  孙玫璐 《成人教育》2019,39(11):83-87
成人教育中心在德国成人教育发展中不可或缺,是践行“终身学习”理念的领头羊。德国成人教育中心的发展特点主要体现在四个方面:一是教育活动扎根社区;二是教育对象面向社会;三是教育内容包罗万象;四是教育机构多元主体。借鉴德国成人教育中心的发展经验,我国社区学校可从社区成人教育的定位、功能、内容和主体等方面做出努力。  相似文献   

关于德国成人教育的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国历来十分重视成人教育工作,采取了多项有效措施束发展成人教育。试从成人教育协会、行业联合会的成人教育工作和工会的工人继续教育诸方面对德国的成人教育予以探讨。  相似文献   

21世纪初我国成人教育发展走向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪初我国成人教育面临新的挑战和发展契机将呈现出新的发展走向:从发展定位来看,我国成人教育将更突出服务意识;从发展重点来看,农村成人教育将是我国成人教育重心所在;从教育性质来看,非学历教育将是我国成人教育主旋律;从发展途径来看,网络教育将是我国成人教育的主要途径;从发展模式来看,内涵式发展将是我国成人教育的必然选择。  相似文献   

德国的成人教育与高等教育、普通教育和职业教育具有平等的地位,被列入教育体系之中。德国社会对成人教育高度重视,个人不论背景、民族、收入状况、教育经历等都可以接受成人教育。德国的成人教育在法律政策、国家管理模式、办学体制、专业设置、教育经费筹集等方面独具特色,这不仅符合德国的发展实际和需求,同时也为我国成人教育的发展提供一定的启示。  相似文献   

Although sex education is often provided to young people, there is a lack of spaces where adults can go to learn more about sex from experts in a free and welcoming environment. One place that provides an opportunity for adult sex education is adult sexual retail stores. While these stores aim to be commercially successful, they also fulfil a role of educating adults about sex and sexuality. This study explains how Good Vibrations (GV), a sex-positive adult sexual retail store company in the USA, disseminates sexuality education for adults. Using qualitative methods including observations, interviews and textual analysis, I show how GV serves as a coach to its patrons. The coaching framework described here promotes shared responsibility through inclusive and accessible education, highlighting communication and focusing on pleasure and positivity. This paper provides one of the first evidence-based accounts of how an adult sexual retailer educates its customers and provides a model for sexuality educators for all ages.  相似文献   

Diversity in its many guises is strongly championed in the adult education literature. To conceive a future for adult education that is not diverse and does not try to address the needs of diverse learners seems absurd. Yet, diversity is not a unitary concept, having many definitions and paradoxical effects. Questions arise about its future in a globalizing world. It is not obvious that all facets of diversity in adult education can thrive into the future. This paper attempts to explore the future of diversity in adult education. It applies two methodologies used in futures research to do so. One, causal layered analysis (CLA), enables the present to be analysed critically in order to explore possible futures. In this paper CLA is used to identify possible effects of globalization on diversity in adult education. The other methodology used is visioning. The adult education literature is examined for its visions of diversity. Four different visions are identified. Each theorizes diversity differently. One aims for individual personal development within an accommodating, non‐critical context. A second emphasizes personal development but within a context that is critical, striving for a more just society. A third envisions social learning facilitating change towards a critical, more just society. A fourth focuses on social learning but within an accommodating, non‐critical context. CLA and visioning enable some tentative statements to be made about the future of diversity in adult education. Chief among them is that diversity, when valued in the market place, will prosper, while diversity that is intended to act as an agent for social change will not.  相似文献   

美国成人教育起步于独立战争以后,但发展速度很快。美国成人教育的快速发展既与建国后的经济文化环境优越有密切联系,又与美国国民有重视成人教育的传统,美国联邦政府注意运用立法与拨款相结合的方式对各州成人教育的发展进行宏观调控,充分利用学校教育机构和社会各界的力量,引导各地成人教育自主发展密不可分。我国成人教育改革与发展的过程中,应当借鉴美国发展成人教育的历史经验,完善我国成人教育立法工作,促使我国成人教育健康快速地可持续发展。  相似文献   

续润华  张玲 《邯郸学院学报》2007,17(2):62-67,77
美国成人教育起步于独立战争以后,但发展速度很快.美国成人教育的快速发展既与建国后的经济文化环境优越有密切联系,又与美国国民有重视成人教育的传统,美国联邦政府注意运用立法与拨款相结合的方式对各州成人教育的发展进行宏观调控,充分利用学校教育机构和社会各界的力量,引导各地成人教育自主发展密不可分.我国成人教育改革与发展的过程中,应当借鉴美国发展成人教育的历史经验,完善我国成人教育立法工作,促使我国成人教育健康快速地可持续发展.  相似文献   

高校感恩教育要不同学科、专业的特征结合,才能更有亲和力和效率。经济学视角下智力投资“感恩”教育注重智力投资及其教育的经济性和生产力的推动性;管理学视角下智力投资“感恩”教育更突出人本管理的新思想;社会学视角下智力投资“感恩”教育更突出教育的社会效应;其他学科视角下智力投资“感恩”教育更突出教育的创新效应。  相似文献   

One of the Millennium Development Goals declared by the United Nations in 2000 was to reduce by half the population of people living in extreme poverty, by 2015. Adult education can and should contribute significantly to this development goal. Nevertheless it has hardly been explored so far in the national Poverty Reduction Strategies Papers. In as far as attention has been given to the contribution of adult education to the reduction of poverty, the trend has been to focus on literacy or basic education. Nevertheless, adult education is potentially much more than literacy or basic education. Successful contribution of adult education to poverty reduction programmes includes also agricultural extension, vocational education, community development and training for active citizenship. In this introduction of the special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education, we will sketch the state of the art for each of these branches of adult education. Moreover, our central argument will be that developing countries do not only need a more extended system for adult education, but also a more flexible and more targeted system than the rather traditional practices in most developing countries.  相似文献   

The article outlines a theoretical framework for conceptualising adult education – and more broadly, lifelong learning – as a common good. It argues that the extent to which adult education as a common good is accomplished in a given society/country reflects its accessibility, availability, affordability and the social commitment to its functioning and that it depends on a country’s specific institutional arrangements. Building on this conceptualisation and using data from the Adult Education Survey (AES), the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and the Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS) for 24 European countries, the authors develop a composite index, based on these four dimensions, which measures the extent to which adult education as a common good is practiced in a given country. This index can be used to assess the effectiveness of national policies in the sphere of adult education across Europe. The results indicate substantial cross-country differences, with North European states and Luxembourg scoring best and Romania scoring worst. Finally, applying cluster analysis, the article identifies six distinctive clusters of countries with regard to the extent of adult education as a common good; the authors designate these cluster categories as reality, feasible, ambiguous, problematic, possible and invisible.  相似文献   

成人教育生源问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
近几年成人教育生源遇到了巨大的挑战,若想求得自身的生存与发展,在新形势下继续发挥其培养人才的作用,本认为成人教育必须从以下几个方面抓起:努力提高办学信誉,增强毕业生的适应市场能力,从而广泛吸收生源;狠抓教学管理,保证教学质量,扬长避短,努力办出特色和优势,提高竞争力;重视招生工作,广拓生源,探寻新的发展空间。  相似文献   

深圳要发展成为区域性的国际化城市和科技自主创新型城市,就必须大力发展教育,尤其要不失时机地深化成人教育改革,加快发展成人教育。首先,要进一步加深对成教事业的认识,比如完善成人教育政策体系;强化成人教育的作用与地位;以及转变成人教育办学理念。其次,要采取切实的思路与对策促进成人教育改革发展,包括作好预测和规划;增强教育市场观念,深化体制改革;依托高校优势,促进成人教育发展;构建终身教育,创办学习型城市。  相似文献   

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