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黑玉米色泽独到,营养丰富,粘香可口,最适于鲜食,也可制米。黑玉米鲜食期80—90天,成熟期110天。采用棚室育苗移栽,或地膜覆盖可提前上市。 黑米稻以丰富的营养成份和珍贵的药  相似文献   

白肋烟新品种达白2号在国内生产区适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
达白2号是四川省达州烟草科研所利用白肋烟雄性不育系MSVa509作母本,以高产、抗病品系达所26作父本选育而成的白肋烟雄性不育F1代杂交种,在原产地(达州)表现良好,优于对照鄂烟1号.经参与2003,2004,2006年的全国白肋烟新品种区试及生产示范,在各试验点栽培的达白2号都是植物学与农艺性状况优良,田间长势整齐清秀,抗黑胫病、根黑腐病、中抗根结线虫病,原烟颜色多为红黄色,组织细致,光泽鲜明,厚薄适中,结构疏松,弹性强,均匀一致性好.其烟碱含量适宜,内在化学成分协调,白肋烟香型风格较显著,余味舒适,符合卷烟工业的要求.其主要经济性状、烟叶外观质量、内存品质和抗病性等综合性能优于对照品种鄂烟1号或TN86,适宜在四川、重庆、云南白肋烟区种植.  相似文献   

让学生用蜡将火柴棒粘在铁棒上,每根火柴棒与加热点的距离各不相同(铁棒上粘4根火柴,分别为1~4号,1号离加热点最近,4号最远),观察火柴棒落地的先后顺序。设计的意图是离火焰近的1号火柴棒因最先受热,蜡最先熔化而最先掉落。紧接着2号和3号依次落下,4号最后掉落,据此说明热的传递。  相似文献   

钱淑文 《科学课》2008,(6):58-59
原实验操作让学生用蜡将火柴棒粘在铁棒上,每根火柴棒与加热点的距离各不相同(铁棒上粘4根火柴,分别为1~4号,1号离加热点最近,4号最远),观察火柴棒落地的先后顺序。设计的意图是离火焰近的1  相似文献   

做法:1.将各个零件沿轮廓线剪下。2.将零件2沿黑实线刻开,沿虚线外折,沿点划线内折。3.在零件2标有“粘零件1”、“粘A”处分别涂上胶水。将零件1、零件3分别粘到零件2的相应位置上,即成。小猴接电话@王立忠  相似文献   

超强抗寒冬油菜新品种陇油6号选育及推广应用 该项目以陈家咀X天油1号的后代群体进行轮回选择育成超强抗寒冬油菜新品种陇油6号。主要创新点是:  相似文献   

本项目系林木遗传育种学科研究领域。主要目的:培育出高产优质杨树新品种,为解决国家木材短缺做出贡献。主要内容:美洲黑杨基因资源收存及其遗传评价研究;杨树工业用材林高产新品种定向选育及推广。技术创新点:建立我国第一个黑杨派无性系基因库,为高效育种奠定基础;选育出了速生、优质、适宜我国不同气候区的4个杨树工业用材林新品种,  相似文献   

江西农业大学肖文俊教授在全国范围内率先采用航天诱变为主体的棉花综合改良技术体系,培育成功了品质优异、丰产性较好、抗萎病的陆地长绒棉新品种“赣棉12号”和“红鹤1号”。经江西省科技厅组织的专家鉴定,“赣棉12号”品种选育成果达到国际同类品种的先进水平,是我国第一个通过审定合格的陆地长绒绵新品种,填补了我国内防高支纱陆地长绒棉品种的空白。江西农业大学肖文俊教授育成棉花新品种@戴幼玲  相似文献   

新买来的白炽灯泡是无色透明的,看起来洁净清亮.可使用一段时间后,灯泡壁就变黑了,无论我们怎么擦,都擦不干净.原来,黑东西是粘在  相似文献   

以早粘黄玉米为对照(CK),通过田间试验比较了5个特用秋糯玉米品种的生物学特性。结果表明,7214×中糯6是综合表现最好的品种,黑玉米是表现最差的品种。  相似文献   

介绍一种适于植物材料的二维电泳方法,并对其中各有关步骤进行了讨论。该方法特別适于含干扰等电聚焦,及含使背景显色杂质的植物材料的全蛋白分离,并可获得较高分辨率及稳定的二维电泳图谱。文中还利用这种二维电泳技术,比较了籼型广亲和水稻、籼稻,粳型广亲和水稻、粳稻小穗的蛋白质差异。  相似文献   

Novel bacterial blight (BB) resistance gene(s) for rice was (were) introduced into a cultivated japonica rice variety Oryza sativa (cv. 8411), via somatic hybridization using the wild rice Oryza meyeriana as the donor of the resistance gene(s). Twenty-nine progenies of somatically hybridized plants were obtained. Seven somatically hybridized plants and their parents were used for AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) analysis using 8 primer pairs. Results confirmed that these plants were somatic hybrids containing the characteristic bands of both parents. The morphology of the regenerated rice showed characters of both O. sativa and O. meyeriana. Two somatic hybrids showed highest BB resistance and the other 8 plants showed moderate resistance. The new germplasms with highest resistance have been used in the rice breeding program for the improvement of bacterial blight resistance.  相似文献   

"黑白合同"现象在建设工程领域普遍存在,其产生根源既有市场原因,亦有体制因素。目前,我国的法律法规并未明确指出"黑白合同"的效力应如何取舍,司法实践亦未有明确的标准,造成建设工程领域法律适用的不确定性"。黑白合同"往往规避相关法律法规,应针对"黑白合同"规避的规范性质,区分效力性规定与取缔性规定,具体分析"黑合同"与"白合同"的效力。应结合合同无效相关理论与《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第21条的规定来具体认定。针对"黑白合同"的效力问题,不能采取"一刀切"的方式,建议最高人民法院以案例指导的方式,针对实践中各种形式的"黑白合同"纠纷,具体认定合同效力,形成统一的法律适用标准。  相似文献   

太空育种是一项高科技、高投入、高产出的技术,发展和运用太空育种技术有利于人类进行空间探索和提高人们的物质生活水平。该项技术不只局限于培育某些农作物的优势品种,还涉及到生态环境、自然发展规律、社会经济及人文理念等领域,这必然引起人们对太空育种伦理及其相关群体性伦理的思考。在发展这项技术的同时既要最大化地获取经济利益又要经得起太空育种伦理的考量,这样才能正确有效地运用这项技术。  相似文献   

本文研究了氮肥用量对生菜产量的影响 ,结果表明 :生菜产量 (Y ,Kg)与氮肥用量 (X ,Kg)之间呈二次曲线相关 ,相关方程为Y =1916 .311+ 72 .489X - 2 .46 7X2 (r =0 .96 8) ;理论上氮肥用量为 14.76Kg(纯N)时 ,生菜可获得最高产量 2 45 4.1Kg ,在此试验基础上 ,提出了生菜配方专用肥方案 ,其N P2 O5 K2 O含量为 2 9 4 11。  相似文献   

水稻多顺反子质体表达载体的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据发表的水稻叶绿体基因组序列,对比烟草高频同源重组目标区(NCBI编号:X15901)设计引物,用PCR的方法克隆到一段3.939kb叶绿体DNA片段,命名为crDNA.以其作为外源基因定点整合的同源重组片段,以来自烟草叶绿体的强启动子Prm、甘露聚糖酶man、绿荧光蛋白gfp、氨基糖苷3’-腺苷酰基转移酶基因aadA和终止子psbA3’,构建水稻质体多顺反子表达载体pLM3(-psbCPrm—SD-man—SD-gfp-SD-aa-dA—psbA3’-tmm-).并在大肠杆菌中通过平板定性对所构建载体上的表达盒进行了功能鉴定,结果表明:在大肠杆菌中,多顺反子盒式表达结构中的三个基因(man,gfp,aadA)均得到了表达.  相似文献   

Rice straw is always regarded as a by-product of rice production, but it could be a significant energy source for ruminant animals. Knowledge of the genetic variation and genetic architecture of cell wall traits will facilitate rice breeders by improving relevant traits through selective breeding and genetic engineering. The common wild rice, Oryza rufipogon Griff., which is considered to be the progenitor of Oryza sativa, has been widely utilized for the identification of genes of agronomic importance for rice genetic improvement. In the present study, the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), and ADL/NDF ratio was carried out in two environments using a backcrossed inbred line (BIL) population derived from a cross between the recurrent parent Xieqingzao B (XB) and an accession of Dongxiang wild rice (DWR). The results indicated that all four traits tested were continuously distributed among the BILs, but many BILs showed transgressive segregation. A total of 16 QTLs were identified for the four traits, but no QTLs were in common in two environments, suggesting that environment has dramatic effects on fiber and lignin syntheses. Compared to the QTL positions for grain yield-related traits, there were no unfavorable correlations between grain yield components and cell wall traits in this population. The QTLs identified in this study are useful for the development of dual-purpose rice varieties that are high in grain yield and are also high in straw quality.  相似文献   

对于大数据量的"可数性"数据,给出了一种快速排序方法,时间复杂度为O(3.5n).  相似文献   

Potential growth of two widely-grown hybrid rice varieties in the Jinhua district of Zhejiang Province, Shanyou63 for mid-rice and Xieyou46 for late rice, was simulated using a crop growth model of WOFOST. Parameters of the rice growth in WOFOST were calibrated through field experiments from 1999 to 2002 in Jinhua. The potential yield simulated with WOFOST was about 12 t/ha for Shanyou63 and 10 t/ha for Xieyou46, which are in good agreement with the highest recorded yield obtained in this area. Under farmers practice, current yield is about 7.5 t/ha for Shanyou63 and 6.5 t/ha for Xieyou46. There is a gap between the actual rice yield and the potential yield for these two hybrid rice varieties grown in this area. The attainable target yields were set to 70% to 75% of their potential yields for the two varieties. A recently developed software "Nutrient Decision Support System (NuDSS)" for irrigated rice was used to optimize nutrient management for these two rice varieties. According to NuDSS, the optimal fertilizer N requirement for the target yields was about 150 kg/ha for Shanyou63 and about 120 kg/ha for Xieyou46, which were only about 70% of the fertilizer N application under current farmers' practice. Comparing with farmers' practice, there is great potential to increase actual rice yields and to reduce fertilizer N use rates by improving rice crop management practice in Jinhua.  相似文献   

Motivation: It was found that high accuracy splicing-site recognition of rice (Oryza sativa L.) DNA sequence is especially difficult. We described a new method for the splicing-site recognition of rice DNA sequences. Method: Based on the intron in eukaryotic organisms conforming to the principle of GT-AG, we used support vector machines (SVM) to predict the splicing sites. By machine learning, we built a model and used it to test the effect of the test data set of true and pseudo splicing sites. Results: The prediction accuracy we obtained was 87.53% at the true 5' end splicing site and 87.37% at the true 3' end splicing sites. The results suggested that the SVM approach could achieve higher accuracy than the previous approaches.  相似文献   

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