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为了揭示爱情的概念系统,本文翔实地调查了大量的英法文爱情隐喻,经过分析比较发现,英法文爱情隐喻具有共同的概念系统,两者都通过“旅途”、“植物”、“火”、“战争”等概念系统来理解爱情。通过大量英法文爱情隐喻对比进一步证实了当代隐喻理论,印抽象概念主要是通过隐喻来形成理解的,而概念隐喻,至少是爱情概念隐喻存在着认知普遍性.这项研究在一定程度上对语言教学、语言互译起到指导作用。  相似文献   

隐喻是人类认知的工具,抽象的“爱情”情感概念更需要借助隐喻来表达。对英汉中“爱情是旅程,是火焰,是战争,是植物。”等概念隐喻进行对比研究,从认知、心理和文化的角度分析了英汉相同和不同的“爱情”概念隐喻产生的原因。  相似文献   

隐喻是一种结合了人的思维、行为、经验和表达等的思维方式,它深刻丰富地表达着人类对爱情的诉求.运用莱考夫和约翰逊的概念隐喻的理论,分析莎剧《暴风雨》爱情情景中的爱情隐喻及其特点,用对比分析的方法对方平译本和梁实秋译本进行比较,归纳出两译本在爱情隐喻上不同翻译策略并试图找出其不同的内在原因.  相似文献   

隐喻研究从修辞学转向认知语言学。该文以《红楼梦》霍克思译本为依托,从认知语言学角度出发对书中爱情隐喻的翻译进行描述性分析研究,研究发现霍克思在爱情隐喻的英译过程中运用多种翻译策略,部分实现原文中隐喻的认知功能,证明隐喻在人类理解抽象事物、认识抽象世界的过程中起关键作用,文化差异、语境等因素影响爱情隐喻在语言翻译中的构建,在语言中探究文化和认知模式的作用。  相似文献   

仓央嘉措的诗歌用了大量隐喻,其中与爱情相关的隐喻最多。以认知隐喻理论为基础,通过分析仓央嘉措诗歌中的隐喻,可以看到仓央嘉措诗歌反映了既追求爱情、又清醒随缘的态度。或许,六世达赖就是要以吟咏爱情的方式度化为情所困的众生。  相似文献   

与传统修辞学不同,认知语言学认为隐喻不仅仅是一种语言现象,而且是一种思维方式。爱情是人类永恒的话题,爱情概念本身很抽象,因此人们往往借助于隐喻来表达。文章主要从认知语言学中概念隐喻的角度,对英汉语言中的爱情隐喻进行了对比分析,爱情概念隐喻不胜枚举,但却有同有异。  相似文献   

现代隐喻理论认为,隐喻不仅跟语言有关,同时也跟思维和判断推理有关。以英汉爱情歌曲中的歌词为对象,重点探究其中出现的对于"爱情"的相关隐喻,可以窥见中西方对于"爱情"这一概念隐喻的异同及其原因。  相似文献   

中外学者公认,物理相似性或心理认知创造出来的相似性在隐喻构建中是不可或缺的,相似性是隐喻的本质。对隐喻中相似性的探讨是隐喻研究的重点。通过对英汉爱情隐喻异同对比的讨论,可发现英汉爱情隐喻在相似性程度上存在重叠、平行、空缺和对立四种情形。  相似文献   

爱情是人类最厚重久远的感情之一,在人类繁衍生息的漫长历史进程中,留下了无数有关爱情的不朽诗篇与经典美文,它们中存在大量丰富的爱情隐喻,即用隐喻诠释爱情。这不仅符合人类认知模式的基本要求,也反映了不同地区、不同文化对爱情相同的认知本质。同时,由于民族生存环境和道德文化的差异,爱情的隐喻又并非处处一样。  相似文献   

隐喻不仅仅是一种语言现象,它其实还是人类思维的一种方式。爱情是一种及其普遍和丰富的情感。要使爱情这一种抽象概念得到充分的阐释,就必须借助隐喻。本文浅析了英汉“爱情”隐喻的相同点以及不同点,最后得出英汉“爱情”隐喻的并同是由人类的物质经验以及文化差异所决定的。  相似文献   

文章例选英国不同历史时期的三首著名爱情诗歌——文艺复兴时期约翰·多恩的诗歌《跳蚤》、浪漫主义时期雪莱的诗歌《爱的哲学》以及现代主义时期叶芝的诗歌《当你老了》,比较分析诗人们对人类永恒的爱情主题在不同时期不同背景下的体味与理解,以此体现英国诗歌爱情主题的演变。  相似文献   

安妮宝贝最擅长描写是绝望却深刻的宿命爱情,笔下的人物在对爱情的追求中都难逃某种宿命。每个作品的女性主人公在她的笔下呈现出微妙而复杂的情感,和抑郁冷淡的内心世界。她揭示着爱情在现实社会中赤裸本质,让读者看到那些有着空洞眼神、寂寞手势,在后现代的水泥森林中浮动,迎接宿命的女性,内心是怎样的流离失所。这种爱情描写,使得她的作品化作一把刺入读者心灵的匕首,迫使他们和女性一起疼痛,在引发读者共鸣和审美的同时,流露出对人生、命运和灵魂的深刻思考。  相似文献   

试论元杂剧中书生形象的阴柔倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元杂剧中的书生形象大都存在着一种阴柔倾向。这不仅表现在其外在形体动作上的阴柔特征,更重要的表现在他们为人处世的行为方式及其心理意识之中。他们的阴柔特征行为极大地伤害了女性们的真挚爱情和切身命运,也与他们本人敏感的自尊形成鲜明对比。这种现象有其深刻的社会历史根源。以文人书生为代表的男性的弱化昭示了元代特殊的文人地位,也从反面证明了女性的觉醒、进步和解放。  相似文献   

Most research on gestures (especially in the field of Mathematics Education) has focused on gestures in communication with others. In contrast, here, we focus on gestures which are not directed at others, but which we assume accompany inner speech or embodied thought, such as the gesticulation one makes by touching one??s fingers whilst silently counting; that is, whilst thinking, or communicating with oneself. Typically, these gestures are accompanied by eye gaze, which is detached from others who are present and turned either inwards or towards relevant artefacts present. Additionally, these gestures??whilst structurally similar??are much smaller than ??normal?? gestures used in interpersonal communication, suggesting an attenuation parallel to that found in inner speech. These physical gestures are in effect objectifications for oneself, which we can interpret as a not-quite-yet ??underground?? part of embodied thought. We suggest that they might be particularly vital for understanding the imagistic, visuospatial dimension of mathematics in general and fractions in particular.  相似文献   

Tomasello, Carpenter, and Liszkowski (2007) have argued that pointing gestures do much more than single out objects in the world. Pointing gestures function as part of a system of shared intentionality even at early stages of development. As such, pointing gestures form the platform on which linguistic communication rests, paving the way for later language learning. This commentary provides evidence that pointing gestures do establish a foundation for learning a language and, moreover, set the stage for creating a language.  相似文献   

象似性手势是指在形式和表达方式上与其所伴随的言语的语义内容密切相关的手势。儿童通常在18~24个月产生象似性手势,到3岁时能准确理解象似性手势的含义。象似性手势的产生和理解与儿童年龄呈正相关,且受文化等社会因素的影响较大。象似性手势能够揭示儿童的象征发展水平,解释并再现言语组织过程,补充言语中未表达的信息,促进多通道表征,提高词汇加工效率,因而有助于儿童的词汇理解、记忆和泛化。未来相关研究应进一步扩大象似性手势的研究对象,考察象似性手势与具身认知的关系及其对儿童词汇学习的多方面影响,这将有助于提高未来研究成果对教育实践的指导作用。  相似文献   

Explanations are typically accompanied by hand gestures. While research has shown that gestures can help learners understand a particular concept, different learning effects in different types of gesture have been less understood. To address the issues above, the current study focused on whether different types of gestures lead to different levels of improvement in understanding. Two types of gestures were investigated, and thus, three instructional videos (two gesture videos plus a no gesture control) of the subject of mitosis—all identical except for the types of gesture used—were created. After watching one of the three videos, participants were tested on their level of understanding of mitosis. The results showed that (1) differences in comprehension were obtained across the three groups, and (2) representational (semantic) gestures led to a deeper level of comprehension than both beat gestures and the no gesture control. Finally, a language proficiency effect is discussed as a moderator that may affect understanding of a concept. Our findings suggest that a teacher is encouraged to use representational gestures even to adult learners, but more work is needed to prove the benefit of using gestures for adult learners in many subject areas.  相似文献   

Daily activities of forty‐eight 8‐ to 15‐month‐olds and their interlocutors were observed to test for the presence and frequency of triadic joint actions and deictic gestures across three different cultures: Yucatec‐Mayans (Mexico), Dutch (Netherlands), and Shanghai‐Chinese (China). The amount of joint action and deictic gestures to which infants were exposed differed systematically across settings, allowing testing for the role of social–interactional input in the ontogeny of prelinguistic gestures. Infants gestured more and at an earlier age depending on the amount of joint action and gestures infants were exposed to, revealing early prelinguistic sociocultural differences. The study shows that the emergence of basic prelinguistic gestures is socially mediated, suggesting that others' actions structure the ontogeny of human communication from early on.  相似文献   

Advances in cognitive science and educational research indicate that a significant part of spatial cognition is facilitated by gesture (e.g. giving directions, or describing objects or landscape features). We aligned the analysis of gestures with conceptual metaphor theory to probe the use of mental image schemas as a source of concept representations for students' learning of sedimentary processes. A hermeneutical approach enabled us to access student meaning-making from students' verbal reports and gestures about four core geological ideas that involve sea-level change and sediment deposition. The study included 25 students from three US universities. Participants were enrolled in upper-level undergraduate courses on sedimentology and stratigraphy. We used semi-structured interviews for data collection. Our gesture coding focused on three types of gestures: deictic, iconic, and metaphoric. From analysis of video recorded interviews, we interpreted image schemas in gestures and verbal reports. Results suggested that students attempted to make more iconic and metaphoric gestures when dealing with abstract concepts, such as relative sea level, base level, and unconformities. Based on the analysis of gestures that recreated certain patterns including time, strata, and sea-level fluctuations, we reasoned that proper representational gestures may indicate completeness in conceptual understanding. We concluded that students rely on image schemas to develop ideas about complex sedimentary systems. Our research also supports the hypothesis that gestures provide an independent and non-linguistic indicator of image schemas that shape conceptual development, and also play a role in the construction and communication of complex spatial and temporal concepts in the geosciences.  相似文献   

It is well established that observing and producing gesture by a learner can enhance comprehension of verbal messages, including narratives. What is less well understood, however, is under which conditions gestures benefit comprehension most. This study examined the role of gesture observation and production in adult narrative comprehension, through investigating whether gesture production moderates the effect of gesture observation. Crucially, observing typical gestures, but not atypical gestures, significantly benefited narrative comprehension. Furthermore, no significant benefit of producing gestures was found, and there was no evidence that gesture production moderated the differential effects of observing typical and atypical gestures on narrative comprehension. Overall, the current study not only provides evidence that iconic gestures can benefit adult narrative comprehension, but also highlights under which conditions gestures are likely to be of benefit.  相似文献   

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