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英国当代少年文学女作家安-卡西迪的获奖小说《寻找JJ》和中国当代女作家迟子建的成长小说《岸上的美奴》都是涉及少女“弑”母的叙事。女儿的过激行为与其对母亲的女性身份的认同危机休戚相关,而其背后均有一个冷面“杀手”,即他者或公众的权力压迫。这两个关于“严肃主题”的文本属于反乌托邦性质的成长叙事,但都指向“温暖和爱意”,着眼于呈现女儿内心世界的叙事方法等也都表现出作者同情兼批判的写作立场。本文通过对中英两个文本主题的深层解析和叙事比较,指出《岸上的美奴》此类深度反映少年成长困境的中国成人文学中的文本,可以和获得英国“值得信赖的少年文学奖”的小说《寻找JJ》一样,放入急需“智力挑战”的少年读者的阅读范畴,并以此来促进中国儿童文学中尚不发达的少年小说类型的发展。  相似文献   

从莱恩思想和多丽丝·莱辛小说《幸存者回忆录》的契合点入手,集中探讨小说中两个女性人物形象艾米丽和叙述者“我”身上所体现的存在性不安和存在关注,旨在提供一种莱恩思想观照下的莱辛小说阅读新视角。  相似文献   

麦卡勒斯作品的孤独主题一直占据评论界的中心,其引申出的女性主义、诗性特征以及文化背景内涵在近几年都得到了充分的拓展;然而。鲜有对其作品的叙事策略方面的研究。圭卡勒斯的天才不仅仅体现在其敏锐深刻的洞察力上,也体现在其独特精致的叙事技巧上。文章借助熟奈特及申丹的叙事理论,以视角为切入点,对其作品《心是孤独的猎手》中独特的叙事策略进行尝试性研究。  相似文献   

In this article, we explore some alternate ways of approaching childhood and learning by taking three short forays into what Donna Haraway calls a ‘post-human landscape’. This exploration takes us beyond the horizons of orthodox educational approaches, in which the individual child is typically seen to be developing and learning within his/her (exclusively human) sociocultural context. The post-human landscape relocates childhood within a world that is much bigger than us (humans) and about more than our (human) concerns. It allows us to reconsider the ways in which children are both constituted by and learn within this more-than-human world. Adopting Haraway's feminist narrative strategy, we offer three very different ‘bag lady’ stories that consider the ethics and politics of child/non-human animal cross-species encounters. Each of these stories gestures towards the ways in which we can learn to live with ‘companion species’ rather than only ever learn about them.  相似文献   

The piece that follows had its first hearing as part of a symposium at the 1990 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Boston. Sigrun Gudmundsdottir and Grace Grant were at the podium, presenting their two narrative accounts of one schoolteacher’s practice. The schoolteacher was present as well, through the medium of a 10‐minute video presentation of her perspective as a research participant. My task as discussant was to bring the three different accounts of one teacher’s practice together, partially reconcile their differences, and thereby teach us all something about the possibilities and limitations of qualitative research on teaching.

At this early point in her academic career, Sigrun Gudmundsdottir showed a good deal of professional courage. She invited us to re‐examine critically her doctoral research project, something that few of her peers would have agreed to do. Her stance, it seemed to me, was ‘Let’s see what more we can learn about good teaching through a critical, public examination of this work’. Sigrun’s stance remains a worthy model for all of us today.  相似文献   

This essay argues that Coleridge’s ‘Kubla Khan’ is a poem about narrative and specifically focuses on the narrative construction of possible worlds, or even utopian worlds. It notes two pairs of narratives. In pair one the utopian narrative of the monarch’s decree which seeks to build a space of pure pleasure is in opposition to the narrative of a prophesy of war. In the second pair the Abyssinian maid’s lyric is undermined by the narrative of amnesia where the speaker is unable to recall the lyric. The poem concludes, the essay suggests, with the idea that a possible world can be created only if we can recall the narrative foundations of this world.  相似文献   

根据热拉尔.热奈特有关小说的叙事视角的三种基本类型理论,研究戴厚英小说的叙事视角,认为戴厚英小说的叙事视角主要有零聚焦型和内聚焦型,且经历了从单一叙事视角到多元叙事视角的转化,这正好与新时期小说叙事视角的转化相契合,其创作对新时期小说写作技巧的丰富与变化具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

"女孩形象"是严歌苓小说中经常出现的一类人物,这与中国现代小说中的儿童形象有一定程度的重合。严歌苓笔下的女孩形象一方面折射了作家的创伤性童年经验,另一方面体现出作家细腻而又活泼的女性叙事视角。严歌苓塑造的女孩形象可以分为"文革"与"成长"两大类型,她们均体现出了女性特有的心灵世界和真实丰富的人性内涵。  相似文献   

张丽秀 《海外英语》2012,(17):212-213,221
The"She-devils"or"wicked women"in Fay Weldon’s fictions are frequently discussed among many readers and critics.Some pluralistic narrative strategies including parody,anti-genre and non-linear and so on are employed to refract her pluralistic feminist ideas.Her new novel Kehua!:A Ghost Story is a metaficiton which indeed breaks the traditional linear structure of a novel.She gives us ample room and encouragement in this novel as we contemplate the future of women,which surely can be of our own making.  相似文献   

In this paper I explore how women’s thinking subjectivity is structured by a need to negotiate between identifying with and repudiating our mothers. Oriented by Melanie Klein’s theory of matricide which posits that an infant’s capacity to think for herself originates in her need to separate from her mother, I consider the implications of this structure for women’s gendered experiences of intellectualism. To examine how this dilemma of matricide animates women’s thinking lives I read Helen M. Buss’s criticism of Carolyn Kay Steedman’s memoir Landscape for a Good Woman. I argue that Buss’s criticism of Steedman is symptomatic of her ambivalent relation to the problem of identification and repudiation that drives her own intellectual labour. I then turn to a scene in Buss’s memoir, Memoirs from Away, to examine how the matricidal dilemma resonates through her work of reading other women’s memoirs and of writing her own.  相似文献   

吴迎春 《海外英语》2012,(3):216-218
《宠儿》是美国当代著名黑人女作家托妮·莫里森的代表作之一。该书为莫里森获得1993年度诺贝尔文学奖起了决定性的作用。该文重点分析了莫里森独特的奴隶叙述方式及其在整个黑人文学中的文学地位。莫里森以奴隶尤其是女性奴隶的角度描写了奴隶的真实内部生活,改写了黑人女性在传统的奴隶叙述及主流文学中的刻板形象,揭示了掩盖黑人真正历史的沉重黑幕!填补了以往奴隶叙述的空白,为重建黑奴文学做出了贡献。  相似文献   

小说家刁斗在其长篇小说《我哥刁北年表》中通过对一个处在社会边缘的小人物刁北的50年人生轨迹的展示,侧面揭示了当代中国社会半个世纪以来的历史变迁。小说进而由此对人和体制之间千丝万缕的联系进行了较有意义的彰显和挖掘,揭秘了严肃表象下面的荒诞和滑稽,最终拷问的是整个人类生活和人类社会。小说的形式也富有意味,以"碎片"式的呈现和拼贴的方式在挑战了既有的完整式小说的同时,也刷新和校正了人们对小说观念、功能和使命的认识,充分展现了刁斗小说的先锋性。刁斗对人、人性、世界的洞察力要远比余华更为深邃、透彻和先锋。这是一部作者自己与自己进行精神对话、展开思想交锋的作品,在这里,作者对沧桑世事的纷繁思绪、对真实人性的敏锐洞察,借由不同人的口中道出,不同的腔调、复杂的声音相互交织碰撞,带给我们新异的感受。  相似文献   

美国当代著名心理学家萨宾是"叙事心理学"的创始人,叙事隐喻思想是从整体上理解并把握萨宾学术思想的关键所在。萨宾叙事隐喻思想的基本内容主要包含两个方面:语境论的世界假设、叙事作为人类行为之深层组织原则及结构。基于此,萨宾的叙事隐喻思想对学校道德教育的启示主要表征为两个层面:一是学校德育必须充分关注人类道德行为发生的深层叙事隐喻,发掘人类道德行为的深层道德语法;二是学校道德教育必须关注叙事隐喻对于德育生命境界的提升及引领功能。萨宾的叙事隐喻思想为深化学校德育理论研究及实践探索提供了新的更深层的分析视域。  相似文献   

迟子建一直是中国当代文坛的独特存在。读迟子建的小说,总有一种胶着纠结的氛围萦绕:善与恶相互交融,苦难与温情彼此互融,相互融合中构成迟子建的独特艺术世界。然而她的这份独特与其独特的地域文化滋养密不可分,其中亲近大自然的童年生活,围炉夜话中的神话传说皆为滋养迟子建小说的地域因素。  相似文献   

父权制思想千百年来伤害着女性,男人以此压迫和剥削女人.莱辛的作品《野草在唱歌》《天黑前的夏天》《幸存者回忆录》中反应了这一问题,这在以往学者的研究中已有所呈现,但莱辛关注女人的同时也关注男人.从全新的视角解读莱辛的作品,分析此三部小说中的男性的悲剧命运,指出女性受到父权制思想毒害的同时,男性也是该思想的牺牲品.  相似文献   

从《爱,是不能忘记的》到《无字》,张洁的婚爱小说给我们展示了一个女性主义的画卷,这幅画卷主要包括对纯真爱情的执著追求、对世俗婚姻的解脱、对两性之爱的超脱和对爱情的解构等几个方面.作者用自己独特的笔调揭示了女性丰富的内心世界,展示了她们内心的创伤和痛苦,从而鲜明地传送了张洁婚爱小说中的女性悲剧意识.  相似文献   

贝娄的《离别黄屋》、《如烟往事》、《莫斯比的回忆》这三部短篇小说,通过主要人物一生的种种经历,探讨了人生的价值和生活的意义。作者让叙述者进入主人公的心灵世界,以轻松风趣的笔调叙述其如何心平气和地面对过去:对历历往事的难以释怀、对亲情友情的魂牵梦萦、对是非成败的慨然评断。主人公深情的回忆以及叙述者从容的叙述使主人公人生的价值与生活的意义得以构建与阐释,同时,作者的价值取向与情感态度也得以逐渐呈现。通过对叙事对象的选择、提炼与把握,作者积极的、乐观的人文主义叙事伦理得到了完美的宣示。  相似文献   

《妇女闲聊录》是林白从女性隐秘的个人化写作走向底层民间书写的转型之作。在文本中,林白自动隐去"作者"的身份,而以"记录体"的形式,将农妇木珍的闲聊内容原原本本呈现在广大读者面前。粗糙与鲜活的乡野话语,既充分还原了底层民间世界的存在真相,又让我们得以反思既定的"男权叙事策略"与"主流文化认同"中存在的缺失。  相似文献   

美国作家赛珍珠一生关注妇女问题,对女性的命运与遭遇始终保持敏感。不寻常的童年经历和在华生活的记忆奠定了她为中国女性写作的基础。在《东风·西风》中,赛珍珠以其特有的双重文化背景和宗教立场,对时代变迁中的中国女性命运做了深刻而细腻的分析。作家通过批判旧礼教下妇女的"无我"婚姻,构建中西融合的新式婚姻,集中表达了自己鲜明的女性主义立场。对赛珍珠女性主义意识的分析有助于我们更全面而客观地评价作家的人道主义思想和文化融合观;有助于我们反省现代女性在社会中受到的不公正待遇,更好地聆听她们内心的真实需求。  相似文献   

日本艺妓,作为一种衰落的文化形式,已经逐渐淡出人们的视野,可是随着好莱坞大片《艺妓回忆录》上映,它又重新回到公众人眼中。但人们所津津乐道的只是主人公的曲折的人生历程以及主人公的具有神秘色彩的职业,从而曲解艺妓的真正内涵。  相似文献   

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