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Research on management in higher education predominantly investigates senior staff such as Deans or Pro-Vice-Chancellors. Relatively little attention is focused on the department level, middle management roles, such as Associate Heads of Schools (AHoS). This case study, based on anecdotal scoping data, utilized a mixed-methods approach through an email survey and face-to-face interview of past and present AHoS at Massey University, New Zealand to investigate participants’ perceptions about the role and the factors that influence it. Results show that a majority of participants did not envisage undertaking higher management within the University after holding the AHoS position, predominantly because the time commitments for the position disadvantaged their teaching and research, and therefore opportunity for academic promotion. Consideration of how AHoS roles may be supported and acknowledging the value of undertaking the role could aid in recognition for promotion and encourage the undertaking of the middle management positions within academia and universities.  相似文献   

微博思想政治教育的核心是进行自主教育。微博思想政治教育实践亟需回答关于自主教育行为规律的追问。在对微博运行机制及其与大学生特征契合度研究的基础上,构建自主教育实体要素的互动模型,并进而构建微博自主教育工作机制,最终回答关于自主教育行为规律的追问,以期实现微博思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

开展思想政治理论课研究性学习既是高校深化思想政治理论课教学改革的客观要求,也是教学方式的一场深刻革命。解决思想政治理论课研究性学习的原则问题、学习过程的关系问题以及学习效果的评价标准问题,是研究性学习活动向纵深推进,增强思想政治理论课感染力和吸引力必须首先思考和回答的理论问题。  相似文献   

试论思想政治工作精细化管理的向度与着力点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治工作精细化管理是应时而需的一种管理方式,是值得思想政治教育工作者深入研究的课题。研究这一课题需要把握思想政治工作精细化管理的内涵及特点这两个基本面;深入探究思想政治工作精细化管理能否达到应有的水平,需要在具体实施的过程中把握好三个向度;而要真正提升思想政治工作精细化管理水平,需要从创新管理方式、研究主客体的现实需求、盘活工作载体三方面着力。  相似文献   

Although Darwinism has gained a foothold in the social sciences, in the humanities, with a few exceptions, it is still largely rejected—not, as some would claim, because humanists are all radical poststructuralists who deny that material reality exists, but rather because, with notable exceptions, Darwinists who work within the humanities have adopted a trenchant “us against them,” in-group/out-group mentality that has done a good deal more harm than good. In order for evolution to be effectively taught as part of a humanistic approach to literature and art, a more productive, truly “two way” approach is necessary, and must do more than impose the scientific method on the humanities. When this kind of imposition occurs, the humanities are treated only as subject matter, thereby discounting historical and interpretive research that is invaluable to scientists and claims they might make in these areas. This paper claims that for evolution to function as a paradigm with true explanatory power across disciplines, scientifically oriented evolutionists need training in humanistic methodologies just as much as humanistically oriented evolutionists need training in the scientific method. Evolution, in this context, becomes not the paradigm that can explain everything from a scientific point of view but rather the beginnings of a conversation about lower and upper level questions, and how these questions might inform and enrich each other’s research.  相似文献   

护理专业学生思想政治教育工作模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈静  李伟 《高教论坛》2009,(10):17-20
随着我国政治、经济体制的不断变革和发展,我国高校护理专业学生的思想政治工作面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,结合新时期护理专业学生的生理、心理特点,通过剖析现阶段护理专业思想政治教育中存在的问题,对新形势下高校护理专业学生思想政治教育工作模式进行了深入的探讨,以求探索新的适合高校护理专业思想政治工作的新模式.  相似文献   

Governance is a means for realising institutional goals and in an ideal world should enable the institution to respond to the demands of the political environment by regulating its internal affairs accordingly. In the case of universities, not only is that environment increasingly differentiated but so also is the ability of universities to access it. Changes in state funding arrangements, accountability mechanisms, the contribution of the private sector, and the public definition of university education have placed numerous and varied pressures on institutions. Yet there is a studied reluctance by institutions to accept that their ability to respond to these pressures is equally variable, that they should tailor their ambitions to their capacities, and that their internal governance should be adapted using the principle of fitness for purpose. In the main, this is because the dominant ideological themes of higher education do not support the idea of distinct university functions of equal status. Rather, they encourage the erroneous belief that all universities are homogeneous in their functions – or, at least, that all have the potential to be homogeneous.  相似文献   

The marketisation of higher education (HE) has created a number of tensions and ideological dilemmas that may influence how academics see their roles and teaching practices. This paper explores how academics in the discipline of social work (who were also in leadership roles) perceive their roles and identities and manage the tensions and dilemmas that arise for them as teachers in the current HE environment. Unless the tensions and dilemmas are articulated, it is not possible to understand and manage their impact on academics. This may lead to the loss of quality learning experiences for students and lower workplace satisfaction. This paper addresses the research question: were there ideological dilemmas experienced by social work academics in the current environment and if so, what subject positions did they adopt in response to these? A discursive psychology approach was used to answer this question. Data showed a range of ideological dilemmas represented by each of the different subject positions adopted. The paper concludes with questions for readers to consider, generating ideas for transferring understanding of these ideological dilemmas into positive action within the workplace.  相似文献   

High school students of various ability levels were presented lessons concerning economics concepts. The lessons were varied according to their organization or structure. Students then were tested over their understanding of the concepts. The test questions ranged from simple recall of information (low level) to application of economics principles (high level). Students scored generally higher when they were presented highly structured lessons. Scores were higher on the low level questions than on the high level questions. Significant interactions occurred between student ability level and lesson structure, as well as between cognitive level of questions and lesson structure. These results are discussed in terms of previous research on lesson structure.  相似文献   

Central to socialization is the growth of commitment to values and moral rules and the formation of beliefs about society as a moral order. To what extent does schooling influence these processes? In what ways? How might it influence them? Answers to these questions have been rhetorical for the most part because so little is known about the ways that schooling fosters and constrains students' commitments and beliefs. Analyses of schooling as social control and as structured activity should increase this knowledge significantly.  相似文献   

思想政治教育规律是一个由若干具体规律构成的理论体系,思想政治教育外部规律的基本内容为:宏观层面,为我国现代国家的建构及发展提供观念基础;中观层面,思想政治教育效果与政治系统的政治合法性成正相关关系;微观层面,思想政治教育的成功进行离不开所在组织的社会资本支持。思想政治教育外部规律的研究,在理论上拓展研究视野,丰富思想政治教育规律体系内容;在实践上,为具体的思想政治教育工作的高效运行提供理论指导。  相似文献   

This paper examines research into teaching, learning and assessment (TLA) in higher education in terms of structure and agency. It argues that although issues of structure and agency are seen as crucial in social theory, they are very little discussed in research into TLA in higher education and that a consideration of structure and agency raises some important questions about this research and the quality of the explanations that it generates. It is therefore time to reconsider this research from the standpoint of structure and agency so that more sophisticated approaches to researching, and generating explanations of, teaching, learning and assessment in higher education can be developed.  相似文献   

农民工是我国城市化过程中出现的新的特殊群体,他们在为我国经济社会发展做出巨大贡献的同时,由于自身文化素质低,劳动技能缺乏,遭受着不公正的待遇,以致产生极为复杂的思想问题。通过对农民工思想政治问题的探析,旨在引起人们对农民工思想政治教育工作的重视,进一步提高农民工自身思想文化素质,解决农民工的实际问题,保障农民工的合法权益。  相似文献   

高职高专院校的思政课一直以来被认为是高职院校"老大难"课程,思政教育结果的实效性不强。如何探讨一个全新的教育模式来加强思政教育的效果,是目前亟待解决的问题。本文分析当前高职高专院校思政课教学存在的问题,提出"以生为本"的理念在思政教学模式中的应用。  相似文献   

问题是整个高等教育研究活动的逻辑起点,也是高等教育研究的灵魂,能够发现并提出有价值的研究问题是高等教育研究者的必备素质。问题的特点有三,第一,问题是在已经存在的理论和现实事物基础上产生的;第二,问题与主体(人)密切相关;第三,问题是不断发展的。高等教育的研究问题主要来源于高等教育实践和现有高等教育理论之间的矛盾,来源于高等教育理论内部以及高等教育和其他学科理论之间所产生的矛盾和问题。高等教育研究者在选择并确定研究问题时,要注意处理好真问题与假问题、热点问题与冷门问题、有重大价值的问题与自己能胜任的问题、他人的问题与自己的问题这四对关系,从而保证选好研究问题,使研究活动有一个好的开端。  相似文献   

期望激励理论是组织行为学中一个重要的研究课题,在不同领域中运用得当则可发挥重要作用.在高校思想政治教育领域中运用期望激励理论,主要是关注学生的个人需要,处理好个人努力、绩效、奖酬三者之间的关系,使期望激励与高校思想政治教育处于良性循环之中,将其合力发挥至最佳值.  相似文献   

高等几何命题对初等几何的指导作用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实例,分析,探讨高等几何命题对于初等几何的高观点指导作用。在更高层面上认识几何空间的基本特性、研究方法、内在联系,确认几何学的本质,从而发展几何空间的概念,以便更深入地认识和掌握初等几何,指导初等几何的教学与研究,居高临下地认识初等几何的内涵与外延。同时,进一步认识到高等几何不仅在提高观点方面具有独特作用,而且在论证方法,思考问题等方面具有独特的巧妙,灵活等特点。  相似文献   

思想政治理论课在充满情感基调的思想政治教育情境中教学,能激发教育对象高度关注与理解教育内容,让学生感悟、体验、践行,内化为良好思想政治素质和道德品质,使学生的思维方式和行为方式得到训练,最终使学生的人格和心灵达到完善。"大学生思想政治心理品德素质教育研练中心"是思想政治理论课情境化的教学场。  相似文献   


Photovoice, which falls under the methodological umbrella of participatory action research (PAR), is a method of inquiry used to visually document and honor the knowledge(s), voices, and experiences of community members about particular issues affecting their lives. By privileging these voices, photovoice seeks to investigate, disrupt, and ultimately improve structures and practices that often fail to fulfill the needs of diverse populations. In this piece, the authors come together in vulnerable reflection to examine tension points that emerged during a photovoice project with English Language Learners at a middle school in Virginia, USA. Analyzing themes from journal entries and interviews, and reflecting on specific scenarios in which questions of power were at play, we conclude that it is important to ground any participatory inquiry in an explicit commitment to the emancipatory epistemological commitments of PAR so that when questions of power arise, researchers can refer back to those commitments as a kind of guiding compass.  相似文献   

In recent years school effectiveness research (SER) has become increasingly criticised for being a socially and politically decontextualised body of literature which provides support for inequitable educational reforms. This article demonstrates that SER proponents have not responded much to these criticisms and suggests that this is primarily because they do not share the same epistemological commitments as their critics. Nevertheless it is argued that the concerns of critics should be taken seriously by SER proponents because they speak powerfully to a number of key problem areas within the SER field. Three such areas are discussed: the overclaiming of SER; the continued undertheorising of SER, and the inability of SER to control the political use of its findings. The article concludes by noting that some SER researchers are attempting to connect more with the sociological and political concerns of their critics and argues that this has to be the key SER agenda for the future.  相似文献   

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