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英国高等教育问责制及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
问责制是政府部门及社会机构或个人监督公立高校的一项重要手段,它在英国当前高等教育中发挥着重要作用。本文从三个方面对其解析:一是英国高校的利益相关者及其利益诉求;二是问责为高校带来的积极和消极影响;三是为克服其消极影响,PA管理咨询公司提出有效问责的四个原则及其实施效果。最后本文探讨了英国问责制对我国高等教育的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

教育质量问责在我国高等教育质量管理中的实现具有现实意义。高等教育性质决定高等教育质量的利益相关者,而利益相关者正是问责主体;高校质量责任的承担者是高校的管理者、教育行为的实施者以及接受者。从这些维度出发来确定高等教育质量责任、责任追究和问责救济,从而初步设计符合高等教育质量管理特点的问责制度。  相似文献   

公共高等教育的绩效问责探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共高等教育依赖于社会公共财政,行使着社会公共权力,但其绩效问题长期以来缺乏有效的监管。绩效问责是指公共权力者对绩效的回应能力,它通过汇报、解释、证明等方式,来确保政府部门、社会机构或个人对高等学校的资源使用及效果进行监督与评价。绩效问责不仅可以有效维护利益相关者的实际利益,也有助于加强高校与社会的联系,提升公共高等教育的质量与效益,是我国当前高等教育质量建设的关键所在。  相似文献   

我国高校问责制之现实困境及其治理路径   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文立足于高校对利益相关者的问责回应,以制度安排为视点,着重审视高校问责的困境并寻求问责制的出路.  相似文献   

<正>刘淑华,陈雪纯在《外国教育研究》2019年第2期中撰文指出:印度目前的公立高等教育问责体系呈现以下几个特点:第一,问责主体多元化,不仅限于传统的政府,还包括市场、社会、高校等方面的利益相关者,随着利益相关者主体的增加,印度高等教育问责不再仅限于政府主导的教育行政部门针对公立高校的同体问责,而是包括政府、市场、社会、高校在内等多元主体对公立高校的异体问责。第二,问责内容广泛  相似文献   

高等教育质量的利益相关者动态分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育机构是一个利益相关者组织:政府、教师、学生、学生家长、用人单位等都是高等学校的利益相关者.随着社会环境的变化、市场经济的发展和高等教育规模的扩大,其中的利益格局发生了深刻的变化.根据米切尔的利益相关者动态分类模型,分析探讨各利益相关者在高等教育质量的改进过程中,角色类型的转换及其利益诉求的改变,以此为高等学校的管理者回应各利益主体不同的教育质量要求提供策略性建议.  相似文献   

自愿问责制度是美国高校在面对外界不断增加的问责压力下,由被动回应转向主动应对的结果。目前美国高校主要采用两种自愿问责方式:一是公立高校的自愿问责系统,它通过开发"大学肖像"模板,使利益相关者能够查询和比较高校绩效;二是由学生学习与问责新领导联盟开发的高校自我评估工具,它以学生学习结果的改进为抓手,重点关注高校内在评估和管理机制的审核与完善。其启示如下:第一,高校的自愿问责可通过不同方式实现;第二,问责与改善两个目标可以有机结合;第三,高校可通过自愿问责逐步实现自我规制。  相似文献   

美国高等教育领域的问责起源于基础教育的质量问责,其目的是增强高校办学透明度、发现存在的问题和确定需要改进的领域,最终提升自身治理效能和院校绩效。院校研究为强化美国高校回应公众问责发挥了巨大作用,其主要做法包括:为全国性信息公开化平台提供数据、编撰所在高校的问责报告、开发所在高校的信息公开化平台以及为媒体和相关利益人开展问责提供数据。加州大学院校研究回应公众问责是其决策服务功能的重要组成部分,核心价值是从回应外部质疑的“被动问责”转向“主动问责”,也就是通过常态化的自评,定期将结果向社会公布。这种转型不仅是高等教育问责态度的转型,更是高校办学质量主体角色的彰显,反映出高校具备接受社会监督的意愿、承担办学责任的勇气和改进质量的决心。以此为借鉴,助力高校实现“主动问责”,中国需制定信息公开化的法律;高校须完善数据管理制度,塑造质量责任主体意识以及通过院校研究呈现办学绩效数据、提升回应公众问责效能的环境,开发整合型的数据系统。  相似文献   

学习效果评估:美国高等教育评估发展的趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着利益相关者的介入,政府外在问责与高校内在质量改进的要求,促使美国高等教育评估发生了转变,更注重以学生学习效果作为重要维度。高等教育认证机构、质量评估机构纷纷推动学习效果评估的实施,建构了评估框架与标准体系,从而提升高等教育质量。在实施过程中,体现出学生全面发展的理念,政府加强介入,评估活动更加专业化,注重在全国范围内实施的特点。  相似文献   

在高等教育质量保障体系中,社会问责是高等教育质量外部监控的重要手段。对高等教育质量进行社会问责是公民或社会组织以直接或间接的方式对高校内部管理制度及运行状况进行评估,促使高校努力提高教育质量,建立完善的高等教育质量保障体系。对高等教育质量进行社会问责必须解决问责的衡量标准、问责主体的法律权限(地位)、建立高校信息披露机制和问责回应机制等问题。  相似文献   

Present higher education reforms in the Nordic countries diminish the role and influence of the state on the governance of higher education institutions. While still providing a framework for the management of higher education, in general, the state supervises rather than controls higher education institutions (HEIs). The rhetoric of change stipulates HEIs to respond to environmental needs, and the external stakeholders often assume greater prominence relative to the internal ones. This development is explained by a paradigmatic shift in the concept of good governance. Furthermore, the Stakeholder Society perspective is used to investigate the changing position and meaning of stakeholders in Nordic higher education.  相似文献   

基于利益相关者理论视角对我国高校若干支出行为的解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从利益相关者理论的视角出发,尝试建立一个利益均衡模型来描述和解释我国高校支出特征及其影响机制。高校支出行为受到包括高校管理者在内的各类利益相关者的影响,利益相关者在一定的制度环境下形成特定的利益结构,利益结构影响学校的行动选择,从而形成学校支出特征。进一步说,我国高校支出行为的改进应该从调整高校所面临的利益结构开始,使各利益相关者更为关注高校的全面健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

Wang  Qingfang 《Higher Education》2021,81(6):1273-1291

This study examines the experiences of business development centers in higher education institutions (HEIs) to promote entrepreneurship in underserved communities. It draws experiences and perspectives from multiple stakeholders to examine the contribution of HEIs toward equitable economic development and social renewal. Based on extensive qualitative data analyses, this study highlights the role of HEIs as anchor institutions and intermediary enablers of economic development in bridging traditionally split efforts between different university missions. The findings contribute to research and practice on entrepreneurship education and universities’ engagement in fostering inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems and equitable growth through entrepreneurship.


This paper reports the results of preliminary research into how Portuguese academics and employers perceive the responsibility of different higher education stakeholders—students, teaching staff, higher education institutions, employers, and policy-makers—for developing graduate employability. The study was conducted 8 years after the implementation of the Bologna Process, the reform that placed employability firmly on the agenda of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Portugal. This paper aims to assess the extent to which higher education is held responsible for developing employability, and to characterize the activities undertaken by the two actors to achieve that end. In particular, with respect to academics, we characterize curricular and other changes to study programmes, and, with respect to employers, their participation in activities undertaken by HEIs meant to ease the transition of students to the labour market. The data comes from a survey responded to by 684 Portuguese academics and 64 employers. Academics and employers alike were found to attribute high responsibility for developing employability to higher education, suggesting that the political message of the Bologna Process regarding the relation between higher education and the labour market has been assimilated. However, the activities reported by both types of respondents indicate only an average commitment to developing employability. Here, the low participation of employers in internal institutional activities is noteworthy, suggesting that the recognition of employers as stakeholders in higher education, as advocated by policy-makers, has yet to happen in Portugal.  相似文献   

扩招十年来中国普通高校经费收入的变化及解释   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1998年以来,中国普通高校的筹资模式发生了巨大变革.中央高校生均总收入稳步上升,地方高校增长停滞,生均财政拨款趋于下降,两者之间的差异逐步扩大.地方高校已由"政府投入为主"的模式在现实中演变成"政府和个人投入两为主"的模式.将这种特征置于地区财政能力、公共资源竞争、居民收入以及国际比较的背景下,既可以看到客观、合理的一面,又可以看到不合理的一面.在稳定学费水平的政策规定下,地方高校未来收入的增长空间将主要、也只能依赖财政投入的增加.  相似文献   

Diversity has been an important topic of research for some time in higher education, though the purposes underlying this attention have varied across national and regional contexts. In many parts of the world, the term diversity has been emphasized with regard to variety among the programs or services provided by academic institutions, and differences among the types of institutions themselves. It is particularly important to discuss whether different dimensions of diversity may influence the degree of effectiveness of higher education (HE) in fulfilling its contribution and relevance to economic and social development. We are particularly interested in analyzing whether unitary or binary systems present significant differences in different dimensions of diversity that may be relevant to enhance higher education institutions’ (HEIs) contribution to territorial cohesion, notably by enhancing the local stock of human capital and contributing to the social and cultural development of their regions. Therefore, we propose the following research questions: *Are there relevant patterns regarding different dimensions of diversity between unitary and binary HE systems? *In the case of binary systems, is it possible to find relevant differences in different dimensions of diversity between universities and more vocational HEIs? By looking at these questions, we aim at contributing both to the literature on HE institutional diversity and to the study of the role played by HEIs on regional development.  相似文献   

Considering students as the key stakeholders in higher education institutions (HEIs), the present study identifies service quality (SQ) indicators from their perspectives and proposes a more comprehensive instrument for measuring SQ exclusively in HEIs. HEISQUAL covers the operational as well as technical aspects of SQ by following a holistic approach, which has largely been ignored in previous studies. The proposed instrument was subjected to different scale development tests where outcomes fully complied with the benchmark values and proposed seven SQ themes, namely teachers’ profile, curriculum, infrastructure and facilities, management and support staff, employment quality, safety and security, and students’ skills development.  相似文献   

Performance indicators and performance‐based funding are becoming integral components of higher education (HE) policy around the globe. We explore some of the implications of this type of policy on Norwegian HE. We believe the case will be of significant interest to policy‐makers, stakeholders and academics alike, not least because our empirical analysis indicates that competition for students is relatively stable and not particularly aggressive across groups of higher education institutions (HEIs) and over time. Despite this fact, a few HEIs have improved their share of applications, while others have fallen behind in the competition for students. The paper is based on a unique data set drawn from the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service during the period 2003–2009.  相似文献   

This article researches higher education (HE) managers’ perception of graduate professional success and higher education institutions’ (HEI) activity aimed at enhancing graduate employability. The issue is worth examining not only because of growing relative unemployment rates among HE graduates but also because it is a part of a heated discussion on the contemporary evolution of HEIs. We analysed 36 semi-structured interviews with representatives of HEIs offering studies in the field of science in six countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Turkey). Our analysis showed that there are three approaches observed, depending to a large extent on the balance between different HE stakeholders within subdomains (triple-helix theory). Our results support the hypothesis of diversification of HEIs’ models varying from the traditional ivory-tower-type university (with a dominating role of academic oligarchy) to the market-oriented educational enterprise (where the business sector is a key driver of change).  相似文献   

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