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只有民族的,才是世界的。古城西安以她的存在向世人诠释着这则名言的精辟。随便问起一个西安之外的人对西安的了解,可能都会说出一连串的名词:兵马俑,大雁塔;秦汉故都,大唐宫阙……这些使西安城享誉世界,成为世界四大古都之一。可是,将这些荣耀的冠冕加在今人的头上,总会觉着一丝惶恐与不安,因为这些毕竟是萦绕在先人头上的光环。而在我的印象中,若将黄土高原上的长安城与北京、上海、广州这些东部大都市相比,总觉得她的身上或多或少带着几分土气和一丝暮气。  相似文献   

小鸭子去买菜,摇摇摆摆走不快。“的咯,的咯”,小马跑来了。小马说:“小鸭子,我带你去吧。”“谢谢,谢谢!”小马背上小鸭子,“的咯,的咯”向前走。小乌龟背着很大一袋米,慢慢吞吞走不快。“的咯,的咯”,小马跑来了。小马说:“小乌龟,我带你去吧。”“谢谢,谢谢!”小马背上小乌龟,“的咯,的咯”向前走。  相似文献   

如果你有小弟弟或者小妹妹,那就看看这本《彼得的椅子》吧,可能会有一些似曾相识的心情哦。  相似文献   

住宿生是典型高中生的标本,我对高中的印象也主要源于宿舍。我的宿舍实在“别致”,红校园里矗然一幢有如脏面包发霉的灰楼,初见本以为是校建仓库,后来却一记晴天霹雳——我得在这“仓库”里住上三年。  相似文献   

杭州有位小学校长,名字叫王崧州。作为小学校长的王崧州,他并不被很多人所了解;但是,作为小学语文教师的王崧州却好生了得:在全国小学语文界,他的名字响彻大江南北,他领衔的“诗意语文”流派,把经常为人们所指责的语文课堂教学演绎得诗意盎然;他无论到哪里上课,总能刮起一股王氏旋风,受到孩子们的喜欢和无数老师的追捧。  相似文献   

朋友就读于一所师范学校,毕业后在父亲的努力下,去了县城的中心小学,日子过的平平淡淡,倒也有滋有味。可是,朋友渐渐对那种平淡的生活失去了兴趣,他想过得更加激情,更加精彩,于是就在一个青年志愿者协会发起的支援西部的活动中报了名,置亲朋好友的劝告于不顾,要求到西部支教。朋友被安置到甘肃西部的一个小山村里。第二天就正式讲课了,三、四、五年级在一起上课,讲得匆匆忙忙的,不久朋友就来信说,那里条件很苦,工作也累,似乎想知难而退。  相似文献   

正站在自家的院子里就可以看到徐缓的山坡上一大片的芦苇正在迎着来风。一个人对于居住的选择,有时是游移在具体的房屋之外的,面积、质量、形制这些可以测量的部分被忽略了,而感觉、视觉站出来说话——以前我买临水的房子,是由于水际一株品相周正的大榕树,它的雍容圆满体现了良好的生态。而今我看上这套山居,正是因为在一个蜻蜓乱飞的黄昏,我与满山坡的芦苇相遇。它们在夕阳下闪动着银子般的光泽,使人下定决心不再犹豫。  相似文献   

《科比的宝藏》是一款复古风格的益智消除类游戏。游戏中,玩家需要帮助可爱的小海马Sally潜入深海,运用匹配消除的方式去收集所有的海洋珍宝。游戏共有3种模式:经典闯关模式、挑战模式和具备了75个关卡的解谜模式。  相似文献   

我能忽大忽小?听上去确实有点荒诞。不过,告诉你,这是真的!什么?你说我在开玩笑?!那我给你说说看吧!我能忽大忽小,主要归功于我的那些亲戚们。端午节的时候,我的姨奶奶带着表姑和表叔出乎意料地来我家拜访了!我兴奋极了,像打了鸡血似的上蹿下跳,热情地为他们介绍每个房间,把我们家里里外外介绍得清清楚楚,还把自己藏的好吃的好喝的一股脑儿搬出来招  相似文献   

开栏语:纯洁现代中文,一直是余光中、冯骥才、季羡林等一批现代文化名人的萦心之念。他们作为站得高、看得远、想得深的中国文人,时刻关注着中国语言随时代发展逐步演化的每一个细节,不断给恶性西化的现代中文把脉开方。但这都绝对出于对祖国语言的挚爱,而非刻意吹毛求疵,他们无法忍受对中文的任何污染,哪怕来自大作家,哪怕只有一小点。长,自不可掩;短,亦不可护。这应该是每一个国人对待母语的一种态度。余光中先生说:“白话文所以噜苏而软弱,虚字太多是一大弊端;而用词最滥的虚字正是‘的’。一碰到形容词,就不假思索,交给‘的’去组织,正是流行的白话……”正是基于这样一种反思,他写下了《论的的不休》一文。本期我们选了其中的片段。  相似文献   

诠释学作为一门指导文本理解和解释的学科,在以前类似于修辞学、语法学、逻辑学,从属于语文学。到了20世纪,诠释学由一种理解和解释的方法论发展成为一种哲学理论。诠释学的哲学转向与世界意义的多元化转向并行。随着古典诠释学向现代哲学诠释学的转换,诠释学不再仅是对经典文本的诠释而具有多元化的意义,从而为自己找到广阔的诠释空间,因此在诠释学的视野下比较诗学也具有更加开放的被诠释可能。以诠释学为背景,进一步探讨比较诗学在学理意义上的可能性和可行性,便会发现:比较诗学之“比较”不是工具论意义上的一种手段而是存在论意义上的一种思维方式,从而为比较诗学学科研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

Teaching practitioners in all education sectors commonly face expectations to engage in ‘learner-focused’ teaching, although the term is defined and interpreted in a myriad of ways. In higher education, some studies have examined links between learner-focused teaching and academic disciplines. This article reports on a study which investigates the ways in which practitioners in different discipline areas conceive of, and report, different approaches to teaching. For 344 lecturers in a polytechnic in Singapore, data from the Approaches to Teaching Inventory indicated that these lecturers, as a group, reported paying more attention to teacher-focused approaches to teaching. Further, lecturers teaching a subject in a ‘hard’ discipline were more likely to report a teacher-focused approach to teaching for that subject. Conversely, those lecturers teaching a subject in a ‘soft’ discipline were more likely to report a learner-focused approach. The implications of this for staff development will be discussed.  相似文献   

Could anyone reasonably oppose the idea that quality and excellence are essential to the university? However unlikely it seems, that is exactly what we would like to do in this article: we would like to reject the demand for quality and excellence in the university. We would like to arrive at a point at where the need for quality is no longer necessary. In this article, such a refusal will direct us to a proposal for using the spaces offered by the university and its teaching and research in a different way; in a way that transforms the university into a world university. This paper will argue that a world university is concentrated around attentive pools of worldly study. It is a university that has to invent new languages in order to answer the question “How can we live together?” In order to answer this question, and to be “present in the present,” we will clarify our argument that both acceptance and attention are needed in the world university. This position implies a kind of curiosity that is not driven by the “will to know” but by a caring attitude to what is happening now.  相似文献   

A resurgence of national and international interest in citizenship education, citizenship and social cohesion has been coupled with an apparent emergence of a language of crisis (Sears & Hyslop-Margison, 2006). Given this background, how can or should one consider a subjective sense of membership in a single political community? What this article hopes to show is that confining the subject of citizenship or patriotism to a national framework is inadequate in as much as there are grounds to argue for a more expansive and, at the same time, integrated outlook. Patriotism, like Citizenship, is still open to interpretation and potentially in danger of falling short of a richer conception. Education, therefore, needs to incorporate inclusive practices and encourage an integrative mindset in order to accommodate: increasingly complex identities, associations, experiences and continuing changes in the political landscape. In this article, the author argues for the importance of learning ways in which to value and respect diversity while working towards a principle of unity in diversity. Cultivating a subjective sense of membership in a single world polity is vital in matters pertaining to sustainability and justice.
In response to considering possible ways of sharing a subjective sense of membership in a single community and some implications for Citizenship, Patriotism and Citizenship Education, this article looks to three areas: ways in which to understand the notion of citizenship and patriotism, cultural crises and the notion of a cosmopolitan nation and, finally, the personal dimension to education for world citizenship.  相似文献   

“快乐写作”,就是写作主体用自己的心灵观照事物和表现事物,是一种充满快乐的个体行为,写作主体因快乐而写作,因写作而快乐。文章从培养学生兴趣,引导学生观察生活、积累素材,培养发散思维能力和创新批改等方面,对在高中作文教学过程中如何让学生快乐写作进行阐述,论述让学生快乐写作的途径和方法。  相似文献   

With a starting point in the tradition of geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik, this article presents a challenge to inclusive education research to engage a Continental perspective on educational research. The motivation is to entice inclusive education researchers to begin to ask educational questions of inclusion, as opposed to inclusive questions of education. Recent years has seen a call to re-think inclusive education research and this paper attempts to answer this call by turning to a Continental perspective and the emphasis on an at least relative autonomy for the theory and practice of education. The article explores the relationship between Continental and Anglo-American educational theory, and why they seem to have developed in such distinct directions. Beginning with the Anglo-American perspective, it is outlined how pedagogy and the so-called educational interest became replaced by the scientific standards dominant in other academic disciplines. This is countered by a look at the continued endeavours in the Continental spheres to formulate specifically educational criteria for educational processes. This leads to a negative aim in the form of arguing against neo-liberal policy and the politicisation of inclusive education, and a positive aim in the form of an argument for a move towards constructing a pedagogical ideal of inclusion.  相似文献   

There has recently been a growth in interest in the use of video technology in the practice of educational psychologists. This research explores the effects of a video self-modelling (VSM) intervention on the behaviours of a child in mainstream education using a single case study design set within a behaviourist paradigm. VSM is a behavioural intervention that requires the participant, in this instance a six year old boy, to view a short video of himself engaging in target behaviours. Baseline and post-intervention data were collected through classroom-based observations by the researcher in order to monitor the frequencies of the target behaviours and to evaluate the effectiveness of the VSM intervention. The participant demonstrated higher frequencies of target behaviours following the intervention. The results suggest that VSM is a promising method for educational psychologists to use as a proactive approach with pupils in educational settings to improve target behaviours.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in reported test-taking motivation from a low-stakes to a high-stakes test and if there are differences in reported test-taking motivation between school classes. A questionnaire including scales assessing reported effort, expectancies, perceived importance, interest, and test anxiety was administered to a sample of pupils (n?=?375) in 9th grade in direct connection to a national test field trial and then again to the same sample in connection to the regular national test in science. Two-level second-order latent growth modelling was used to analyse data. In summary, the results show a significant increase in reported test-taking motivation from the field trial to the regular test and a significant variability in test-taking motivation between classes.  相似文献   

The aim of the study presented in this paper was to explore factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences in the process of (a) solving a problem, (b) explaining it to a peer, (c) liking it, and (d) teaching it. About 170 mathematics teachers took part in the different stages of the study. A special mathematical activity was designed to examine factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences and to develop teachers' preferences concerning whether to use symmetry when solving the problems. It was implemented and explored in an in-service program for professional development of high-school mathematics teachers. As a result, three interrelated factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences were identified: (i) Two patterns in teachers' problem-solving behavior, i.e., teachers' tendency to apply a stereotypical solution to a problem and teachers' tendency to act according to problem-solving beliefs, (ii) the way in which teachers characterize a problem-solving strategy, (iii) teachers' familiarity with a particular problem-solving strategy and a mathematical topic to which the problem belongs. Findings were related to teachers' developing thinking in solving problems and using them with their students. The activity examined in this paper may serve as a model for professional development of mathematic teachers and be useful for different professional development programs.  相似文献   

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