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在校女大学生性与生殖健康认知的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:了解在校女大学生时性与生殖健康的认识,普及性与生殖健康知识.方法:采用问卷调查方法对813例在校女大学生进行调查.内容主要包括女大学生对性生理卫生知识的掌握情况、性观念和态度、对性病和艾滋病及其传播途径的认知情况、避孕知识的了解情况、获取性与生殖健康知识的来源和对性与生殖健康教育的需求情况.结果:女大学生对性与生殖健康知识缺乏全面、正确的理解;有半数以上的女生认为婚前应保持贞操,但有相当比例的女生认为婚前性行为和未婚同居可以接受,婚外性行为可以理解;对艾滋病有较高的认知度,其次是非淋菌性尿道炎,而对其他性病知晓率均在50%以下;在避孕知识方面,除对安全套有较高的认知外,对其他避孕措施缺乏了解;学校教育和父母教育并没有成为大学生获取性知识的主要途径;98%的学生认为在大学生中应该进行性教育.结论:必须对当代在校女大学生进行科学、系统的性与生殖健康安全教育.  相似文献   

目的 了解女大学生对性、生殖健康知识的掌握情况及时生殖健康服务的需求,探讨更好的方法,为她们提供相应的服务.方法对2741份高校女大学生放问卷调查进行统计分析.结果有性行为者2109例,占76.94%.首次性行为时不采用避孕措施的占65.88%,主要的避孕方法依次是安全套、避孕药物、安全期避孕等,占68.36%.有流产经历1658例,占60.48%,对婚外恋的看法82.37%赞同,12.63%不赞同.通常获得性与避孕知识及生殖健康保健服务知识的途径主要是电脑、看书、电视等,希望从专业人员那里得到相关的性与避孕知识及生殖健康保健服务知识.结论女大学生的性和生殖健康知识缺乏,学校应通过多种形式加强她们对性及生殖健康教育,使得她们获得必要的、系统的性与生殖健康知识及有效的避孕方法,提高自我保护意识和能力,维护她们的身心健康.  相似文献   

目的:了解少数民族大学生性与生殖健康状况,对比少数民族大学生与汉族大学生在性与生殖健康方面的差异,探讨引起差异的背景原因及相应的教育方式。方法:采用问卷法对中央民族大学955名大二学生就生殖健康及相关问题进行问卷测查。结果:(1)在性与生殖健康知识上存在显著的民族差异,在性态度上不存在显著的民族差异;(2)在性态度上存在显著的性别差异,在性与生殖健康知识上不存在显著的性别差异;(3)69.8%的大学生认为学校不够重视生殖健康教育;68.5%的大学生希望通过自己了解获取生殖健康方面的知识。结论:少数民族大学生需要性和生殖健康知识的普及,性态度并不决定于民族差别而取决于性别和成长的环境。  相似文献   

目的:为促进理工科大学生性生殖健康提供理论与实践依据。方法:以某院校2017、2018级理工科156名学生为观察对象,问卷调查理工科大学生性生殖相关知识认知状况及性态度,随机抽取30名作为干预组,干预前后问卷与访谈调查理工科大学生性生殖相关知识认知状况及性行为态度。结论:医学生同伴参与理工科大学生生殖健康教育能有效提高性生殖相关知识知晓度,纠正学生错误的行为认知,有效预防艾滋病病毒和性传播疾病,转变性态度,促进大学生生殖健康。  相似文献   

为了了解大学生婚前性行为现状及其态度与发展趋势、了解大学生对生殖健康的认识情况,为开展性健康教育和研究提供基础材料,并为失恋大学生思想政治教育对策提供前期资料准备。课题组采用网络无记名方式向大连在校大学生发放调查问卷,并统计近三年甘井子靠近大学周边地区三甲医院各年龄段人流情况。调查结果发现,男生较女生更赞成婚前性行为,大学生生理卫生知识多是在中学通过非正规网络影像中学习得到,对正确生殖健康知识比较缺乏,而家长及辅导员在生殖健康方面与大学生缺乏交流。因此,应加强高校性健康教育,同时父母及社会应对大学生予以正确的指引,减少婚前性行为的伤害。  相似文献   

大学生生殖健康与预防艾滋病的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解大学生生殖健康与预防艾滋病相关知、信、行水平及教育和服务需求情况,采用定量与定性研究的方法,以永州市人口和计划生育委员会编制问卷和访谈提纲调查湖南科技学院学生。结果显示:学生掌握一定的生殖健康知识,但不全面。对婚前性行为、恋爱持开放宽容的态度。14.71%的人表示有过性行为;94.12%的学生认为开展生殖健康和预防艾滋病相关知识教育很有必要。因此,加强对大学生性观念的正确引导、防止大学生成为新的艾滋病高发群体是高校健康教育的重要议题。  相似文献   

在当前素质教育下,如何实现对当代女大学生体育教学与健康教育的有效结合成为一个不容回避的课题。本文通过采用文献法、数理统计法以及逻辑分析法等积极探索了空竹教学在大学生素质教育中的理论依据,结合当代大学的实际情况,探索了空竹运动教学对女大学生的体质健康水平的影响程度,为提高女大学生的素质教育的效果和改善女大学生的心理素质等提供了一些有用的教学建议,使针对女大学的体育教学同健康教育有效的结合在一起。  相似文献   

当代大学生是一个承栽社会、家长、亲友高期望值的特殊的知识群体.本文分析了当代大学生在心理上易于显露出的一些矛盾和冲突.客观地阐明了健康和心理健康的概念与内涵,并提出了大学生心理健康的标准及对大学生进行心理健康教育的必要性.  相似文献   

对我省高职院校学生健康教育现状、大学生对健康知识的掌握和需求态度,以及学习途径进行调查分析,并结合当代大学生获取知识的特点和现代教育技术的发展趋势,提出了在校高职院校学生健康教育真中应采用网络化教学模式等措施。  相似文献   

黄冬梅  覃剑 《教师》2014,(11):52-53
生殖健康知识是青少年健康成长必须具备的基础知识。目前我国高职院校女生生殖健康知识普及率低,获取途径不够系统和规范。学校和政府教育部门应加强生殖健康的教育和服务机制建设,通过生殖健康咨询室、同伴教育、网络服务等有效措施,提高高职院校女生生殖健康知识普及率以及生殖健康问题的应对能力。  相似文献   

In several countries, despite considerable opposition to sex and HIV/AIDS education programs, school-based reproductive and sexual health education is gradually gaining ground. It has expanded to include adolescent and sexual health. There exist positive trends and evident changes in the delivery of school-based reproductive and sexual health education. Among these are the following: 1) systemic and deliberate incorporation of adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues in the school curriculum in countries that have UN Population Fund population programs; 2) inclusion of reproductive and sexual health issues in different subjects, which paves the way for their incorporation into the curriculum; 3) continuous improvement in the delivery, content, methodologies and activities of population education, particularly the inclusion of topics concerned with reproductive and sexual health and greater emphasis on the behavioral and skills development; and 4) the growing nongovernmental organization involvement in the provision of reproductive and sexual health education and training. Numerous factors ensure the success of the programs; they are the use of social learning and cognitive behavioral theory and clear mission statements, communication and negotiation practical exercises, values formation, interactive strategy development, effective training, behavior change--particularly with regard to risk-taking behavior, and provision of a supportive environment.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a survey evaluating the adolescent reproductive health program by the Vietnamese Government. Conducted by the Population Research Consultants, survey findings revealed several setbacks of the adolescent reproductive health program; these included the following: 1) adolescents favor radio, television and newspapers as sources of reproductive health (RH) information; 2) adolescents have no knowledge of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS prevention; 3) the demand for RH information varies according to the sociodemographic characteristics of respondents; 4) while the majority of adolescents do not favor premarital sex and premarital pregnancy, their choice is to keep and deliver the baby in case of a premarital pregnancy; 5) adolescents give a poor rating to the quality of RH/family planning services at the centers; 6) adolescents need to further understand RH but not knowing its meaning, they cannot tell what type of information they require; 6) adolescents have poor knowledge of adolescent reproductive health; 7) friendship and love are often discussed among adolescents, but sexuality rarely is; and 8) adolescents have poor knowledge of RH and poor interest in RH/family planning service facilities.  相似文献   

民法上的生育权是一种独立的人格权,其权能主要包含生育决定权,生育知情权,生育健康权。我国民事立法对生育权的规定不足,导致受害人无法得到全面的民事救济。只有在实体法上建立健全生育权侵害的民事救济制度,方可真正实现对其充分保护。  相似文献   

This article discusses the Development and Family Life Education for the Youth (DAFLEY) Project in Davao City, Philippines. The DAFLEY aimed to make the youth enlightened citizens of the future by educating them on reproductive health care services, gender equality, and responsible parenthood. It was established by the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines and is being carried out through the Davao Teen Centre (DTC), which provides reproductive and sexual health care services through counseling, face-to-face or by telephone. In an effort to reach out to more teenagers in Mindanao, the DTC introduced radio programs offering on-the-air advice to adolescents with problems ranging from boy-girl relationships and unplanned pregnancies to more complex and serious problems. Public response to the programs has been enthusiastic. The youth that have benefited from the DTC counseling refute a conservative belief that sex education leads to promiscuity and sexual experimentation. They state the respect they have for their bodies and their sense of responsibility as proof of the value of the reproductive health education and services that they have received.  相似文献   

This paper defines how out-of-school adolescents from Masaka District in rural southwest Uganda currently receive sexual and reproductive health information and how they would prefer to receive that information. Information adolescents feel they lack falls into three broad categories: sexual and reproductive health issues, the negotiation of sex and sexual relationships, and making the transition to adulthood. The preferred source for information depends on the type of information to be delivered, the overriding principle being that the source must be authoritative in that type of information. Current information sources including family, peers and media are perceived as either flawed or insufficient. Preferable sources fall into three categories based on the type of information provided: accurate sexual and reproductive health information should come from trained community and media-based rather than clinic-based health educators; information about negotiation of good relationships and the negotiation of sex and condom use within relationships should come from an up-skilled traditional source, ssenga (paternal aunt), particularly for young women; and social information about becoming a good adult should come from parents, grandparents, church and community leaders. All information should be positively framed and non-judgemental. Centrally coordinated community health promotions delivered by trained community-based health educators, ssenga and parents, guided and supported by existing radio and print media, are required.  相似文献   


Early messages about reproductive and sexual health influence personal identities, health behaviors, and ongoing perceptions of sex and sexuality. Women are often socialized with negatively-valenced messages toward understanding their reproductive and sexual health. However, scholarship emphasizes a communicative approach for socializing intimate health behaviors and needs. The present study addresses the communication that prompts a shift in perception from early, harmful memorable messages to a more comprehensive perspective on sexuality. To do so, we qualitatively analyze open-ended survey responses from 191 women. Findings reinforce previous memorable message literature by revealing messages of shame, sex, abortion, childbearing, and fears of infertility. In addition, we extend the memorable messages construct by exploring how more positively valenced messages and individual moments of intervention redirect women in how they understand their intimate health and sexuality.  相似文献   


Social determinants of health are the key to understanding and addressing persistent disparities in adolescent pregnancy in the United States. However, there is little guidance on what concrete steps organizations can take to work at the intersection of social determinants of health (SDoH) and sexual and reproductive health (SH). Two community-based organizations completed a case study using a structured interview guide to illustrate their transition working at this intersection. The Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy and Identity, Inc. arrived at the intersection of SDoH and SH from opposite ends of the road. Despite clear differences in their trajectory, their experiences share four key elements that marked their success in expanding their core work: (a) both organizations enjoyed ample community and political support, (b) they used data to drive strategic decisions, (c) they used funding opportunities to move toward the intersection of sexual health and social determinants, and (d) they leveraged existing programs to sustain their efforts. Organizations working at the intersection must continuously leverage community, political, and financial capital to pursue partners, expand services, and change policies that sustain a holistic approach to youth health and well-being.  相似文献   


Most people in Bangladesh are rural, poor and underprivileged. The incidence of sexual disease has increased, but little has been done to educate rural people about sexual and reproductive health. In 1997, a sexual and reproductive health project was initiated within a collaborative research agreement between the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (ICDDR,B) and the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), an indigenous non-governmental organization which pursues integrated rural development strategies. Qualitative in-depth interviews with 65 different women, men, boys and girls revealed significant sexual health problems and a lack of knowledge of sexual and reproductive health. The interviews were transformed into composite problem-solving picture stories and information about sexual and reproductive health. Stories mirrored respondents' interpretations of sexual behavior. Those who had achieved or ascribed legitimacy to talk about sex, e.g. traditional health providers, were trained to utilize the methods and materials. Qualitative evaluations revealed important changes in health providers' self-confidence, business and personal interactions as well as changes in clients' behavior. This project found that sexual and reproductive health education can be integrated into indigenous health activities if the sociocultural context in which sex, relationships, risks, diseases and communication occur is reflected in a program's content and methods. Unquestionably, there is a great need for sex education in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Children conceived via assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are nowadays a substantial proportion of the population. It is important to follow up these children and evaluate whether they have elevated health risks compared to naturally conceived (NC) children. In recent years there has been a lot of work in this field. This review will summarize what is known about the health of ART-conceived children, encompassing neonatal outcomes, birth defects, growth and gonadal developments, physical health, neurological and neurodevelopmental outcomes, psychosocial developments, risk for cancer, and epigenetic abnormalities. Most of the children conceived after ART are normal. However, there is increasing evidence that ART-conceived children are at higher risk of poor perinatal outcome, birth defects, and epigenetic disorders, and the mechanism(s) leading to these changes have not been elucidated. Continuous follow-up of children after ART is of great importance as they progress through adolescence into adulthood, and new ART techniques are constantly being introduced.  相似文献   

This article presents the Sexual Health Initiatives through Networking and Education (SHINE), an 18-month project on reproductive health for young adults 13-25 years old by CARE/Philippines. SHINE targets the two most likely places to effectively reach large numbers of youth: the school and the workplace. Completed in December 1999, the project has made significant achievements in increasing the youth's knowledge of important reproductive health issues and enabling them to make informed decisions about their reproductive life. In addition, it has established a referral network of service providers to ensure sustainable access to quality reproductive health services. During its implementation, it addresses cultural constraints in promoting adolescent reproductive health in the Philippines. The SHINE Project encourages the involvement of the youth, school and community through the parents and other concerned organizations/agencies. It enables the youth to increase their knowledge and to focus on values that would guide them in making the right decisions about their reproductive life. Moreover, it provides supporting structures for the young, including youth-friendly medical facilities that offer counseling and medical services.  相似文献   

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