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成人学习障碍及对策探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成人作为成人教育的主体,在参与学习时虽然具有很大优势,但他们也存在着一定的学习障碍如生理机能障碍、意向、情感障碍、经验的负面影响、学习需求与动机障碍、多种社会因素干扰等。本文试图就成人学习者在学习时遇到的各种障碍进行分析,并探讨其应对措施,以期更加有效的提高成人学习的效率。  相似文献   

自我导向学习作为成人学习的主要方式,在成人学习中占有重要地位。成人处于一个开放、复杂的社会情境之中,因而他们的自我导向学习面临着诸多障碍,如动机障碍、意志障碍、学习策略障碍、情感障碍和情境障碍等。通过激发成人学习的内部动机,加强自我导向学习策略指导,关注成人心理健康教育,加大对成人自我导向学习的支持力度等策略,不仅可以帮助成人克服自我导向学习障碍,而且可以有效提高成人自我导向学习的能力。  相似文献   

我国成人学习障碍研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人学习障碍研究对于促进成人参与教育活动及提高学习成效具有重要意义。从概念界定、研究方法、障碍类型、相关因素及应对策略等方面对我国成人学习障碍研究的基本现状做出梳理和总结,进而提出存在的问题及研究的展望,以期促进我国成人学习障碍研究的发展。  相似文献   

成人学习的压力大,困难多,他们的求学之路布满各种障碍,往往会轻易放弃学习.因此,了解成人学习的特点,以及采用相应的导学策略帮助他们学习,就成为我们应该加以关注,加以研究的问题.本文结合作者的实践经验,指出成人学习的动机、成人学习的特点以及相应的导学策略.希望本文能抛砖引玉,也期望更多的同仁在这一领域做更多有价值的探讨.  相似文献   

成人学习的压力大,困难多,他们的求学之路布满各种障碍,往往会轻易放弃学习。因此,了解成人学习的特点,以及采用相应的导学策略帮助他们学习,就成为我们应该加以关注,加以研究的问题。本文结合作者的实践经验,指出成人学习的动机、成人学习的特点以及相应的导学策略。希望本文能抛砖引玉,也期望更多的同仁在这一领域做更多有价值的探讨。  相似文献   

成人自主学习的障碍因素分析及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李淑丽 《成人教育》2009,29(8):39-40
自主学习是世界教育领域迅速发展起来的一种新型的学习方式。成人在自主学习的过程中存在着情境的障碍、意向的障碍和学习策略的障碍等。要突破这些障碍,使成人能积极地自主学习,可以采取以下应对策略:营造成人自主学习的氛围、提高成人自主学习的意识、改善成人自主学习的策略。  相似文献   

对学习障碍的研究始终是教育研究领域的一个重点,在大力倡导终身教育的理念下,成人学习障碍的研究开始受到国内外学者的关注。将国内外关于学习障碍的概念研究进行对比分析,并对成人学习障碍的内涵进行界定;通过比较研究,总结和归纳出在成人学习障碍方面的共性特征;提出调控和解决成人学习障碍的合理建议和对策。  相似文献   

心理学家认为,语言学习模式是从浅层发展到深层。成人的认知特点决定了他们善于进行空间思维和抽象推理,然后做出假设,最后在实践中来证明这些假设,因此他们在学习中多采用深层次的方法。因为成人学习外语时头脑中已有母语先入了,母语的形式和结构都会来“指导”目的语的学习,因此,成人在外语学习中必然碰到一些障碍。  相似文献   

成人学习障碍归因及调控策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于成人的学习处于一个较为开放和复杂的情境中,加上进入成年期其身心出现一些变化,成人学员在参与学习时存在着一定的障碍,如生理障碍、意向障碍、情感障碍、经验的负面影响等。本文试图就对成人学习障碍的成因进行分析,并探讨其相应的调控策略,以期提高成人学员学习的效率和质量。  相似文献   

成人网络学习者学习障碍的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
网络教育不同于传统课堂教育方式,它更加丰富了教育的内涵。但这种新型的教育方式依然会给成人网络学习者带来许多学习障碍。本研究在以往学者对成人网络学习者学习障碍研究的基础上,以调查研究方法进一步探究影响成人网络学习者的主要障碍,并提出减少主要学习障碍的相关策略,包括加强成人网络教师的指导、构建网络学习小组和培养成人网络学习者自我学习能力等。  相似文献   

随着我国社会多元化和民主化发展,利益集团在公共政策制定过程中的积极意义越来越受到人们关注。但是受"政府中心论"等惯性思维影响,利益集团参与政策制定仍面临着种种困境。拟从《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例条例》制定研究出发,提出完善利益表达机制、规范政策制定程序、均衡利益集团的发展等策略以更好地促进益集团参与公共政策制定。  相似文献   

女大学生在排球学习中的心理障碍分析与克服   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女大学生在学习排球过程中,由于受身心发展特征所制,经常会遇到这样或那样的困难,使她们的心理情绪发生变化而产生心理障碍,严重地影响学习效果,对她们在学习排球过程中所产生心理障碍的起因进行分析,并研究预防与克服的有效办法,为她们学习和掌握排球技术动作提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

情绪智力是决定人生事业成功的重要因素。由于当代大学生面临着高额教育费用以及学习竞争和就业分配的压力,所以,部分学生对人生价值取向和目标持否定态度。造成大学生情绪智力障碍的原因,既有家庭因素,也有教育因素,还有社会环境因素。为此,应营造有利于开发情绪智力的育人环境,培养大学生的健康心理。  相似文献   

Employing in‐depth interviews, observations and involving a sample of 58 people (40 participants, 18 officials) over a period of 6 months, the study focused on one urban and one rural community to understand causes of uneven participation in literacy programmes. The findings were that men were shy about exposing their illiteracy, they were affected by patriarchal attitudes, felt proud about exposing their illiteracy, and feared making mistakes. Cultural barriers such as sex taboos, family relationships and perception of literacy as a female activity and leadership conflicts also constrained participation.  相似文献   

高校自考生的学习挫折成因及教育应对   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于受多种因素的影响,高校自考生在实现学习目标的过程中,极易产生学习挫折.学习挫折的产生不仅影响自考生的学习,而且还严重影响其心理健康.探讨自考生学习挫折产生的原因,采取适当的教育应对,提高他们抗挫折的能力,是高校自考教学工作的迫切要求.  相似文献   

This study explored Turkish teachers’ attributional reasoning regarding the barriers they face when they attempted to undertake learner-centred teaching, which is a core requirement of educational reform-based initiations in Turkey. To achieve this aim, a naturalistic inquiry was conducted in order to capture the clarifications of the barriers and related attributional reasoning of 31 teachers. The teachers defined 12 teaching barriers for the initial trials of learner-centred teaching and made several attributions to the faced barriers. The study showed that the teachers made pervasively externalised attributions when explicating the reasons for the barriers they faced. They were the usual suspects of making fundamental attribution error due to the excessive externality of their attributions. The teachers’ barrier clarifications and accompanied attributional reasoning typologies in terms of learner-centred teaching have confirmed that the teachers in this study are only in the early stages in regard to being competent implementers of reform-based initiatives in Turkey.  相似文献   


Adolescents are sexual beings, and many are sexually active. They are very often able to develop the knowledge and skills required to protect their sexual health, and to take the action required for doing so. Unfortunately, many experience barriers to accessing information through school-based sexual health education. The research outlined here represents an effort to better understand the origins of barriers which prevent young women from receiving maximally effective sexual health education in their schools in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada. Building upon research which the authors carried out in the context of a community development project aimed at enhancing the sexual health of young people in Amherst, the article presents the lived experiences of young women in that community as they have attempted to acquire knowledge related to this very important aspect of their lives. The research examines barriers to learning about sexual health at the levels of the curriculum, teachers, and students themselves, leading to a better understanding of the potential for positive change in these domains.  相似文献   

Though initially proposed as a means of overcoming common barriers to higher education, MOOCs often exacerbate the very issues of accessibility and exclusivity that they were designed to avoid. Students from developing countries in particular face considerable obstacles that hinder or outright prevent their enrollment in and completion of MOOCs. This study finds that, for these students, participation in MOOCs is often complicated by language barriers, limited technological resources, and prevailing Americentric or Eurocentric designs and mindsets, among other issues. These findings were determined and reinforced by a study of Turkish college students from a large state-sponsored metropolitan university, who indicated different levels of knowledge regarding MOOCs as well as various issues, concerns, and complaints. These issues of accessibility and exclusivity must be addressed before MOOCs will truly be able to democratize access to high-quality university-level education, and the best solutions are those that acknowledge the multicultural nature of their user communities.  相似文献   

Korean general and special educators (n = 229) and American general and special educators (n = 348) were surveyed to explore (a) their perceptions of the importance of self-determination for students with disabilities, (b) how frequently they teach it, (c) the relationship between their perception of the importance of teaching self-determination and how often they teach it, and (d) the barriers they perceive that inhibit them from teaching it. American general and special educators attached higher importance to self-determination instruction than their Korean counterparts, but Korean educators taught self-determination skills to their students with disabilities more often than American educators did. There was greater incongruence between the value American educators placed on promoting self-determination and the time they devoted to teaching it than there was for Korean educators. Educators of both countries shared some perceived barriers to promoting self-determination (e.g., communication difficulty, students were too young, and other more urgent instructional needs), but each group cited barriers the other did not (e.g., teacher lacked sufficient skill, difficult to empathize with student, and no instructional latitude). Limitations and implications are discussed along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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